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1、ZDLP电动单座调节阀上海高特 ZDLP电动单座调节阀ZDLP electric single-seated regulating valves产品概述:GeneralZDLP型电子式电动单座调节阀,是由直行程全电子式电动执行机构和顶导向式直通低流阻单座阀组成。具有结构紧凑、重量轻、动作灵敏、流体通道呈S流线型、压降损失小、阀容量大、流量特性精确,直接接受调节仪表输入的(4-20mA DC 0-10mA DC或1-5V DC)等控制信号及单相电源即可控制运转,实现对工艺管路流体介质的自动调节控制,广泛应用于精确控气体、液体、蒸汽等介质的工艺参数如压力、流量、温度、液位等参数保持在给定值。是符合

2、IEC标准的新一代通用调节阀产品。ZDLP electronic type electric single-seated regulating valves comprise liner full electronic type actuators and top guide, straight way, low flow resistance and single-seated valves. It features compact structure, low weight, flexible action, S-shaped flow channel, low pressure drop

3、 loss, large capacity, accurate flow characteristics. It can be operated with single-phase power and by directly receiving the control signals(4-20mA DC, 0-10mA DC or 1-5V DC) input from the regulating instrument to achieve automatic regulation control over the fluid medium in the process pipes. As

4、a new generation general regulating valves, its widely used for the accurate control of the gaseous, liquid and stream mediums to keep the process parameters including pressure, flow, temperature and fluid level at the given value.结构特点:Features1 ZDLP电子式电动单座调节阀是自动化控制系统中仪表的执行单元,以AC220V电源电压作动力,接受来自DCS、

5、PLC系统或调节仪表、操作器等输入的(4-20mA、0-10mA或1-5VDC)电流信号或电压信号,即可控制运转,全电子式电动执行器,采有机电一体化结构,具有机内伺服操作和开度信号位置反馈、位置指示、手动操作等功能,功能强、性能可靠、连线简单、调节精度高,以直行程输出的推力改变阀门开度位移,达到对流体介质的工艺参数精确调节控制 1. ZDLP electronic type electric single-seated regulating valves, the execution units for the instruments in an automatic control syste

6、m, can be operated with supply voltage AC220V and by receiving the current or voltage signals (4-20mA, 0-10mA or 1-5VDC)input from the DCS and PLC systems or regulating instruments and actuators. The full electronic actuator has a mechanical and electrical integration structure, with functions of bu

7、ilt-in servo operation and opening signal position feedback, position indication, manual operation. It features strong functions, reliable performance, simple connection and high regulating accuracy. It produces a thrust in a liner way to change the opening, so as to achieve an accurate regulation a

8、nd control of the process parameters of the fluid mediums2 ZDLP电子式电动单座调节阀按作用模式可分;正作用:电闭式-常开型(当电信号增大时阀位向下位移),B型 反作用:电开式-常闭型(当电信号增大时阀位向上位移),K型 2. According to the action type, ZDLP electronic type electric double-seated regulating valves are divided into:Positive action: Electric closing-NO type (The

9、valve position moves down with the electrical signal increase), B typeReverse action: Electric opening-NO type (The valve position moves up with the electrical signal increase), A type3 电动单座调节阀为直通单座铸造球形阀,单座柱塞型阀芯,适用于泄漏量要求严格,且阀前阀后压差不大及介质有一定粘度或含有纤维杂质的工况。3. The electric single-seated regulating valves a

10、re of straight-way, single-seated casting ball type and single-seated piston cores, and suitable for applications of low differential pressure, low allowable leakage and medium with a certain viscosity and foreign fibers. 4 直通低流阻单座为无底盖顶导向结构,它只有一个阀座和一个柱塞形阀芯具有密闭性能好、泄漏量小、动作灵敏、流体通道呈S流线型、压降损失小、 阀容量大、流量特性

11、精确、可调比大,阀芯导向部分的导向面积大,具有抗振性能强等特点,适用于对介质泄漏量及调节精度有严格要求的场合,但由于阀结构上的原因,阀杆上的不平衡力较大,尤其在公称通径大的工况下更为明显,因而该阀只适合于工作压差较小的场合。4. The straight-way, low flow resistance and single-seated valves have a bottomless top guide structure and only include one seat and one core. It features excellent seal property, low lea

12、kage, flexible action, S-shaped flow channel, low pressure drop loss, large capacity, accurate flow characteristics, large guide area of the core guide section and high vibration resistance. Its suitable for the applications where the low allowable leakage and high regulating accuracy are required.

13、However, due to the valve structure, the unbalance force on the spindle is high, especially in case of large nominal size, the valves are only suitable for application of low working differential pressure.5 通过改变阀芯形状的设计;不同的阀芯形状会得到不同流量特性值:等百分比(对数)性、直线性、快开特性。5. Different flow characteristics values: eq

14、ual percentage (Logarithm) and liner, can be obtained by changing the design of the core shape. 6 根据使用工况要求,阀芯可设计制做成;软质密封结构(适用于-20+120温度范围内要求严密闭性的酸碱类、气体类等介质)。 本系列产品广泛应用于化工、石油、冶金、电站、轻纺、造纸和制药等工业生产过程的自动化调节和远程控制。 有标准型、调节切断型、波纹管密封型、夹套保温型等品种。产品压力等级有PN1.6 4.0 6.4MPa;公称通径DN15300mm;最小阀芯DN6mm。适用流体温度有-60-+450;按

15、温度高低配用不同阀盖可分常温型、高温型和低温型。6. According to the application requirements, the valve core can be designed into resilient seal structure (For medium of acids, bases and gas which require a high seal property at the temperature range -20+120). This serials product is widely used for the automatic regulatio

16、n and remote control of the production process in the industries including chemistry, petroleum, metallurgy, power station, light industry, paper and medicines. The product includes standard, regulation and shutoff, bellow seal and jacket types, and covers the range of nominal pressure PN1.6, 4.0, 6.4 and 10MPa, nominal size DN15300 and minimum core DN6mm. It presents the applicable fluid temperature -60+450(Several levels a

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