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1、英语长一点的课文小学英语长一点的课文小学Reach the goals -山姆沃尔顿My life has been a trade-offIf I wanted to reach the goals I set for myself, I had to get at it and stay at it everydayI had to think about it all the time .I had to get up everyday with my mind set on improving something.I was driven by a desire to always b

2、e on the top of the heap.Mean Something-威尔史密斯I want to do good .I want the world to be better because I was hereI want my life ,my work ,and my family to mean somethingIf you are not making someone elses life better then you are wasting your time .Your life will become better by making other lives b

3、etterI want to represent an ideaI want to represent possibilitiesI want to represent an idea that you really can make what you want.Protect your dream -当幸福来敲门Dont ever let someone tell you that you cant do somethingNot even meYou got a dream ,you gotta protect itWhen people cant do something themsel

4、ves, they are gonna tell you that you cant do it.You want something ,go get itPeriod.注释:明确你自己想要的到底是什么, 然后去得到它。这就是你所需要做的事情。优秀者模仿,伟大者剽窃-乔布斯How do you know what is the right directionUltimately it comes down to tasteIt comes down to tasteIt is a matter of trying to expose yourself to the best things th

5、at humans have doneAnd then try to bring those things into what you are doing .Picasso had a saying : Good artists copy ,great artists stealWe have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.注释:蒙头瞎干只会越干越差,只有不断接触牛人,避过他们走过的坑,让自己每天都能进步,这才是核心所在一次又一次的失败-乔丹Ive missed more than 9000 shots in my caree

6、rIve lost almost 300 games26 times Ive been trusted to take the game winning shot and missedIve failed over and over and over again in my lifeAnd that is why I succeed注释:在错误中成长,否则,一味的犯错却又麻木没有进步。Pushing through the pain-大卫布莱恩As a magician , I try to create images that make people stop and thinkI also

7、 try to challenge myself to do things that doctors say are not possibleAs a magician ,I try to show things to people that seem impossibleAnd I think magic ,whether I am holding my breath or shuffling a deck of cards, is pretty simpleIts practice, its training.And it s practice, it s training and exp

8、erimenting ,while pushing through the pain to be the best that I can beAnd thats what magic is to me, so ,thank you. (Applause)注释:除了行动之外,没有别的希望,你只有去亲身实践,才能打破脑中的幻想,开始做事。要想达到效果,必然要经历痛苦,你需要做的就是承受住这些痛苦,并且在痛苦中不断改进,做到自己所能做到的最好,只有这样你才有可能达成目的.Nasty place-洛奇6Then the time come for you to be your own man and

9、take on the world and you didBut somewhere along the line you changedYou stopped being you ,You let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you are no goodAnd when things got hard ,you started looking for something to blame like a big shadow.Let me tell you something you already knowThe worl

10、d aint all sunshine and rainbowsIt s a very mean and nasty place ,and I don t care how tough you areIt will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let itHit-洛奇You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as lifeBut it ain t about how hard you hitIts about how hard you can get hit an

11、d keep moving forwardHow much you can take and keep moving forwardThats how winning is doneIf you know what you are worth ,go and get what you are worthBut you gotta be willing to take the hits ,and not pointing fingers saying you aint where you wanna be because of him or her or anybody .Coward do t

12、hat ,and that aint youYou are better than that注释:这里又提到了,成功的关键在于你能承受多大的打击,并且依然奋力前行。就事论事,不断改进,不断进步。你如果知道你值得获得什么,那么就去得到你想要的东西,但要想得到东西,就必须付出相应的代价,承受相应的痛苦,否则一切免谈。Fight or Flee?-勇敢的心I am William WallaceAnd I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyrannyYouve come to fight as free menAnd fr

13、ee men you areWhat will you do with that freedomWill you fight?Fight ,and you may die ,Run ,and you”ll live at least a whileAnd dying in your beds many years from now.Would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to thatFor one chance ,just for one chanceTo come back here and tell our ene

14、mies that they may take our livesBut theyll never take our freedom注释:敢于跳出舒适区的人,尽管有可能会摔的很惨,但是总好过当个活死人Never-surrender-丘吉尔We shall not flag or failWe shall go on to the endWe shall fight in FranceWe shall fight on the seas and oceansWe shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air

15、We shall defend our island whatever the cost may beWe shall fight on the beachesWe shall fight on the landing groundsWe shall fight in the fields and in the streetsWe shall fight in the hillsWe shall never surrender注释:在你面对战争的时候,你必须用尽你可以用到的一切途径,无所不用其极地去得到胜利。正如丘吉尔所说的在各个可以战斗的地方作战,永不投降一样,我们在生活中能够战斗的地方多了

16、去了,有许多我们能把握住的事情,所以我们要做的就是把这些能把握住的事竭尽全力变成百分之百的把握住就好了。Without victory,there is no survival-丘吉尔I would say to the House as I said to those who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood ,toil ,tears and sweatWe have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kindWe have before many, m

17、any long months of struggle and of suffering ,You ask ,what is our policyI will say ,it is to wage war, by sea ,land and air, with all our might ,with all the strength that god has given us, to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark ,and lamentable catalogue of human crime

18、That is our policyYou ask what is our aim?I can answer in one word ,victoryVictory at all costs , victory in spite of all terror, victory ,however long and hard the road may beFor without victory there is no survival注释:完成目标的路程必然是有许多痛苦的,只能迎难而上,边做边学,又是无所不用其极的将目标完成。强者自救,圣者渡人-肖申克的救赎These walls are funny

19、First you hate them ,then you get used to them ,Enough time passes ,you depend on themThat is institutionalizedI guess it comes down to a simple choice , get busy living or get busy dyingIn 1966, Andy Dufresne escaped from Shawshank Prison .All they found of him was a muddy set of prison clothes, a

20、bar of soap ,and an old rock-hammer damn near worn down to the nub.I remember thinking it would take a man six hundred years to tunnel through the wallOld Andy did it in less than twenty.注释:被体制化了,就是没有进步,没有进步的人生不就等同于白活了么所以才说,人生只有两种选择,要么忙着生,要么忙着死,你每天都在进步,就是在生,你每天都在保持原样,甚至退步,就是死。如果一个人只剩下了动物的吃喝拉撒,那人活着还有

21、什么意义Lay this brick perfectly-威尔史密斯One summer his dad tore down a brick wall in the front of his business and told 12-year-old Will and his 9-year-old brother to rebuild itA job they said was impossibleIt took them a year and a half, but they did itAnd he said : now dont you ever tell me theres somet

22、hing that you cant doYou dont set out to build a wallYou dont say: I am going to build the biggest ,baddest greatest wall thats ever been builtYou dont start thereYou say Im going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laidYou do that every single dayAnd soon you have a wall注释:图难于其易,为大于其细,

23、天下难事必作于易,天下大事必作于细。只有将一点一滴都做到所能达到的最好,才能得到累积起来后的结果。否则,万丈高楼从何处平地而起呢?这是自然规律,你要做的就是按照自然规律去行动。威尔史密斯I have a great time with my life and I want to share itI love livingI think thats infectious , its something you cant fakeGreatness is not this wonderful ,esoteric elusive God-like features that only special

24、 people possesses .Its something that truly exists within all of us .Its very simpleThis is what I believe , and I am willing to die for itPeriodIts that simple .I know who I am ,I know what I believe ,and that is all I need to know.From there you do what you need to do .You know.I think what happens is we make the situation more complex.

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