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1、专业英语土木工程路桥方向专业英语English article in Civil Engineering (土木工程专业英语课文) Lesson1 Careers in Civil Engineering Engineering is a profession, which means that an engineer must have a specialized university education. Many government jurisdictions also have licensing procedures which require engineering gradua

2、tes to pass an examination, similar to the bar examination for a lawyer, before they can actively start on their careers. specialized专门的, 专科的 jurisdiction管辖权,权限 license许可(证),执照 bar 律师业 土木工程是一个意味着工程师必须要经过 专门的大学教育的职业。许多政府管辖部门 还有(一套)认证程序,这一程序要求工科 毕业生在他们能积极地开始(从事)他们的 事业之前,通过(认证)考试, 这种考试类似 于律师职业里的律师考试一样。

3、 In the university, mathematics, physics, and chemistry are heavily emphasized throughout the engineering curriculum, but particularly in the first two or three years. Mathematics is very important in all branches of engineering, so it is greatly stressed. Today, mathematics includes courses in stat

4、istics, which deals with gathering, classifying, and using numerical data, or pieces of information. mathematics n.数学 curriculum n.课程 branch n. (学科)分科 stress 强调 courses n.课程,路线 statistics n. 统计学,统计 deal with涉及,处理 An important aspect of statistical mathematics is probability, which deals with what ma

5、y happen when there are different factors, or variables, that can change the results of a problem. Before the construction of a bridge is undertaken, for example, a statistical study is made of the amount of traffic (which) the bridge will be expected to handle. In the design of the bridge, variable

6、s such as water pressure on the foundation, impact, the effects of different wind forces, and many other factors must be considered handle undertake vt.承担 amount of traffic n.交通量 impact碰撞,冲击 Variable 变量 大学里, 工科课程中着重强调数学、物理, 和化学,尤其在开始的二到三年。在工科所有 分支中,数学非常重要, 因此它被着重地强调。 今天, 数学包括统计学中的课程主要涉及集合, 分类, 和使用数字

7、数据, 或信息。 统计数学的一个重要方面是概率, 它涉及当 有改变问题的结果的不同的因素, 或变量时, 可能会发生什么。例如,在承担桥梁的建设 之前, 运用统计研究来预计未来桥梁期望承受 的交通量. 在桥梁的设计中,(各种)变量如作 用在基础上的水压, 碰撞, 不同的风力的作用, 以及许多其它因素必须考虑。 Because a great deal of calculation is involved in solving these problems, computer programming is now included in almost all engineering curricu

8、la. Computers, of course, can solve many problems involving calculations with greater speed and accuracy than a human being can. But computer are useless unless they are given clear and accurate instructions and information-in other words, a good involved in涉及 program 编程序,电脑程 序 curricula

9、n.课程 instruction指令 由于在解决这些问题涉及大量的计算, 现 在几乎所有工科课程中都包括计算机编程。 当然,计算机能比人类以更快的速度和准确性 解决许多问题。但如果不给计算机清楚和准 确指令和信息,换句话说,一个好程序,它 也是无用的。 In spite of the heavy emphasis on technical subjects in the engineering curriculum, a current trend is to require students to take courses in the social science and the lang

10、uage arts. The relationship between engineering and society is getting closer; it is sufficient, therefore, to say again that the work performed by an engineer affects society in many different and important ways that he or she should be aware of. An engineer also needs a sufficient command of langu

11、age to be able to prepare reports that are clear and, in many cases, persuasive. An engineer engaged in research will need to be able to write up his or her finding for scientific publications. command 把握, 支配, 控制-翻译时需要引申 engage in v.使从事于, 参加 write up v.详细描写 scientific publication 科技出版物 虽然,在工科课程中,对技术

12、科目着重强 调,但当前的趋势还是要求学生学习社会科 学和语言艺术的课程。工程和社会间的关系 变得更加紧密; 因此,再一次充分说明, 工程师 负责(承担)的工程在许多不同和重要的方 面影响社会,这些方面是他们所知道的。并且, 工程师需要一种很肯定(自信)语言表达方 式来准备报告,这个报告要清楚明了,且在 多数情况下, 是令人信服的。参与研究的工程 师要能为科学出版物详细描述他们的发现。 The last two years of an engineering program include subjects within the students field of specialization.

13、 For the student who is preparing to become a civil engineer, these specialized courses may deal with such subjects as geodetic surveying, soil mechanics, or hydraulics. subject科目, 学科 geodetic surveying大地测量 soil mechanics n.土力学 hydraulics n.水力学 specialization 专业 最后两年的工科课程计划包括学生专业领域的学 科。为准备使学生成为一名土木工

14、程师, 这些专业 课程可能会涉及诸如大地测量、土力学,或水力学。 Active recruiting for engineers often begins before the students last year in the university. Many different corporation and government agencies have competed for the services of engineers in recent years. In the science-oriented society of today, people who have tec

15、hnical training are, of course, in demand. Young engineers may choose to go into environmental or sanitary engineering, for example, where environmental concerns have created many openings; or they may choose construction firms that specialize in highway work; or they may prefer to work with one of

16、the government agencies that deal with water resource. Indeed, the choice is large and varied.近年来,许多不同的公 司和政府机构为争夺工程师而竞争。在今天 这个重视科学技术的社会,受过技术训练的 人当然是受欢迎的。年轻工程师也许选择进 入环境或卫生工程领域工作, 例如, 在环境问 题方面创造的许多机会; 或他们也许选择专门 的高速公路工程的建筑公司; 或他们也许喜欢 与政府机构当中处理水资源的机构之一共事。 的确, 选择很多且多样。 When the young engineer has finall

17、y started actual practice, the theoretical knowledge acquired in the university must be applied, He or she will probably be assigned at the beginning to work with a team of engineers. Thus, on-the-job training can be acquired that will demonstrate his or her ability to translate theory into practice

18、 to the supervisors. assign分配, 指派 on-the-job adj.在职的,现场的 demonstrate证明,示范,论证supervisor主管人,管 理人 当年轻工程师最后开始了真正的实践, 必须要运用 到大学中学到的理论知识。最初,他或她可能会被 分配到与工程队合作。从而, 他们会得到在职的培 训,这个培训将向管理人员证明他们将理论转化为 实践的能力。 The civil engineer may work in research, design, construction supervision, maintenance, or even in sales

19、 or management. Each of these areas involves different duties, different emphases, and different uses of engineers knowledge and experience. civil engineer.土木工程师 construction supervision施工监督,施工管理 土木工程师可能在研究、设计、施工管理、 养护或者甚至销售或管理单位工作。每一个 工作领域都涉及不同的职责,不同的着重点 以及运用不同的工程理论和经验。 Research is one of the most

20、important aspects of scientific and engineering practice. A researcher usually works as a member of a team with other scientists and engineers. He or she is often employed in a laboratory that is financed by government or industry. Areas of research connected with civil engineering include soil mech

21、anics and soil stabilization techniques, and also the development and testing of new structural materials. soil mechanics n.土力学 finance vt.供给.经 费, 负担经费 soil stabilization土壤加固法,研究是科学和工程实践的当中最重要的一 个方面。研究员通常作为一个团队的成员与 其它科学家和工程师一起合作。他或她经常 受雇于政府或企业提供经费的实验室。与土 木工程相关的研究领域包括土力学和土壤加 固技术, 并且还包括新结构材料的开发和实验。 Ci

22、vil engineering projects are almost always unique; that is, each has its own problems and design feature. Therefore, careful study is given to each project even before design work begins. The study includes survey both of topography and subsoil features of the proposed site. It also includes a consi

23、deration of possible alternatives, such as a concrete gravity dam or an earth-fill embankment dam. The economic factors involved in each of the possible alternatives must also be weighed. Today, a study usually includes a considerations of the environmental impact of the project. Many engineers, usu

24、ally working as a team that includes surveyors, specialists in soil mechanics, and experts in design and construction, are involved in making these feasibility studies. Weighed 的翻译-斟酌 topography n. 地形,地形学 subsoil天然地基,下层土,底土 concrete gravity dam 混凝土重力式坝 embankment dam n.填筑坝,土石坝 specialist 专家 feasibil

25、ity study可行性研究 土木工程项目几乎是唯一(独一)的; 就是 说,每个工程有它自己的难题和设计特点。 所以, 在设计工作开始以前,要仔细的研究每 个项目。研究包括勘测工程位置的地形和地 基特点。它还包括考虑可能的比选方案, 譬如 一个混凝土重力式坝或填土的土石坝。经济 因素与在每个可能的比选方案有关,也必须 斟酌。今天, 研究通常包括项目的环境影响的 考虑。许多工程师, 通常在一起工作组成一个 团队,这个团队包括测量员、土力学方面的 专家和设计施工方面的专家,来参与制定这 些可行性研究。 Many civil engineers, among them the top people

26、in the field, work in design. As we have seen, civil engineers work on many different kinds of structures, so it is normal practice for an engineer to specialize in just one kind. In designing buildings, engineers often work as consultants to architectural or construction firms. Dams, bridges, water

27、 supply systems, and other large projects ordinarily employ several engineers whose work is coordinated by a system engineer who is in charge of the entire project. In many cases, engineers from other disciplines are involved. In a dam project, for example, electrical and mechanical engineers work o

28、n the design of the Powerhouse and its equipment. In other cases, civil engineers are assigned to work on a project in another field; in the space program, for instance, civil engineers were necessary in the design and construction of such structures as launching pads and rocket storage facilities.

29、consultant n.顾问, 商议者, 咨询者 water supply system 给水系统 coordinate 协同 system engineer n.系统工程师 discipline学科 powerhouse n.发电站 launching pad n.导弹或火箭发射场, 发射台 storage facility贮存设备 许多土木工程师在设计领域工作,他们中的许多人 是这个行业的佼佼者。正如我们所见,土木工程师 研究许多不同的结构, 因此工程师专门研究一类结 构是通常的做法(一般的惯例)。在建筑设计中, 工程师经常作为建筑或结构公司的顾问。水坝、桥 梁、给水系统, 和其它大项目

30、通常;聘用几位系统 工程师(总工程师) ,他们的工作是协助负责整个 项目。在许多情况下, 也需要(涉及)其它学科的 工程师。例如,在水坝项目中, 电子和机械工程师负 责发电站及其设备的设计。在其它情况下, 土木工 程师被分配到其它领域的项目上工作; 例如,在空间 项目中, 需要土木工程师设计和施工诸如发射台和 火箭存贮设施这样的结构。Construction is a complicated process on almost all engineering projects. It involves scheduling the work and utilizing the equipmen

31、t and the materials so that costs are kept as low as possible. Safety factors must also be taken into account, since construction can be very dangerous. Many civil engineers therefore specialize in the construction phase. Scheduling n 行程安排, 进度安排 utilize 利 用,使用 take into account 考虑,重视 civil engineer

32、n.土木工程师 specialize in vt.专攻, 专门研究construction phase 施工阶段 在几乎所有土木工程项目中,施工是复杂的 过程。它包括项目的进度安排和设备的使用 以及材料,以便使得造价尽可能降低。必须 考虑安全因素,因为施工很危险。许多土木 工程师因此专门研究施工阶段。 Lesson2Modern Buildings and Structural Materials 现代建筑及结构材料 Many great buildings (that are) built in the earlier ages are still in existence and in u

33、se. Among them are the Pantheon and the Colosseum in Rome, Hagia Sophia in Istanbul; the Gothic churches of France and England, and the Renaissance cathedrals, with their great domes, like the Duomo in Florence and St. Peters in Rome. They are massive structures with thick stone walls that counteract the thrust of the

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