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1、李阳疯狂英语日常用语疯狂练之一李阳疯狂英语特别拿手好戏卡 1. Its up to you.【额外成就感】* It is up to you to carry out the plan.* Its up to us to help those in need.【特别解释】up在这里是“应由负责;由决定”的意思,当我们想授权某人做某事时,我们就可以用up to 这个词。 2. I envy you.【额外成就感】* She envied John for his success.* I envy you your health. 3. How can I get in touch with yo

2、u? How can I contact/reach you?【额外成就感】* Please contact me when you come home.* I must contact my lawyer before I make my final decision.* Newspapers keep us in contact with the events of the world. 4. Where can I wash my hands?【特别提醒】wash ones hands 通常都“洗手”的意思,比如我们吃饭前都会对小孩说:“Wash your hands clean. ”,

3、但当外国朋友说:“Where can I wash my hands?”时,这是他们委婉的说法,意思是“洗手间在哪里?”。下面再给你一个跟wash ones hands 相关的用法:wash ones hands of 意思是“不管了/洗手不干了”,如:I wash my hands of you and all your wild ideas!(我再也不管你和你那些荒唐的念头了。) 5. Whats the weather like today?【额外成就感】* Whats it like, being an actor?【意外收获】从这句话我们可以学到一个很重要的表达方式,Whats so

4、mething like? (是怎么样的?),当你想让某人对某事/某物/某人作出描述或说明时,请应用这个最地道的表达方式。 6. Where are you headed?【额外成就感】* He realized that he was heading in the wrong direction.* We headed out to school. 7. I wasnt born yesterday. 8. What do you do for relaxation.【额外成就感】* Its one of his favorite relaxations.* It is so necessa

5、ry for you to have some rest and relaxation. 9.Its a small world.【额外成就感】* The whole world knows that.* He is a big figure in the business world. 10. Its my treat this time.【额外成就感】* Its her birthday and she wants to give us all a treat.* This is to be my treat, so Ill pay for everything. 11. The soon

6、er the better. 12. When is the most convenient time for you?【额外成就感】* His house is in a convenient place, near the station.* Is it convenient to you if I come at 6 p.m.? 13. Take your time.【额外成就感】* How long will it take you to finish the work?* It took me an hour to walk there. 14. Im crazy about Bru

7、ce Lee. Im crazy about rock music.【额外成就感】* The girls all went crazy over him.* The boys are crazy about the singer. 15. What should I call you?【额外成就感】* He always called me as “my friend”.* He was always called as “genius”. 16. What was your name again? 17. Would you care for a cup of coffee?【额外成就感】*

8、 He didnt care for the taste of the drink.* I really care for the students in my class. 18. She turns me off.【额外成就感】* The music turns me off.* I turned off when they started talking about computers. 19. So far so good.【额外成就感】* So far I have been learning about China.* Ive been here for three weeks,

9、and so far Ive enjoyed it. 20. It drives me crazy.【额外成就感】* Continual failure drove him to suicide.* The failure drove him into despair.* Poverty and hunger drove them to steal.* Anger drove her mad.* drive sb. crazy / to insanity / out of his mind 21. She never showed up.【额外成就感】* Did everyone you in

10、vited show up?* It was eleven ocloch when he finally showed up. 22. Thats not like him. 23. I couldnt get through.【额外成就感】* I tried calling you several times yesterday but I couldnt get through ( to you ).* I tried to telephone you but I couldnt get through. 24. I got sick and tired of hotels.【额外成就感】

11、* Im sick and tired of your complaints; be quiet.* Im sick and tired of my monotonous life. 25. Be my guest. 26. Can you keep an eye on my bag?【额外成就感】* Can you keep an eye on the baby while I go shopping? 27. Lets keep in touch.【额外成就感】* Are you in touch with him now?* He is now out of touch with his

12、 old friends.* I try to keep in touch with current events by reading the newspapers. 28. Lets call it a day.【额外成就感】* After forty years teaching English he thinks its time to call it a day. 29. I couldnt help it.【额外成就感】* We couldnt help the accident.* Dont make it any worse than you can help. 30. Som

13、ethings come up.【额外成就感】* Ill let you know if anything comes up.* A chance may come up soon. 31. Lets get to the point.【额外成就感】* Im in a hurry, so get to the point.* The speaker kept wandering off / away from the point.* Lets sto discussing trivial details and come / get to the point. 32. Keep that in

14、 mind.【额外成就感】* We have no vacancies now, but well certainly bear your application in mind.* Are you clear in your own mind what you ought to do.* Itll soon go out of mind. 33. That was a close call.【额外成就感】* That was a close call! We nearly hit that car. 34. Ill be looking forward to it.【额外成就感】* We a

15、re looking forward to our vacation.* I look forward to receiving your reply. 35. Chances are slim.* Their chances of winning are slim. 36. Far from it.【额外成就感】* Far from being angry, hes delighted.* The problem is far from easy.* Your account is far from true / the truth. 37. Im behind in my work.【额外

16、成就感】* Hes behind the rest of the class in reading.* Britain is behind Japan in developing modern technology. 38. Its a pain in the neck.【额外成就感】* Shes such a pain in the neck.* Its a pain in the neck having to meet them at the airport. 39. Were in the same boat.【额外成就感】* We are in the same boat: we bo

17、th failed the exam.* If you lose your job Ill lose mine, so were in the same boat. 40. My mouth is watering.【额外成就感】* The sight of the food made my mouth water. 41. Wthat do you recommend?【额外成就感】* He recommended me for the post of principal.* I can recommend their pizza. 42. I ache all over.* The new

18、s spread all over the world. 43. I have a runny nose. 44. Its out of the question.【额外成就感】* She knew that a vocation this year out of the question.* Clearly their victory is out of the question. 45. Do you have any openings? 46. It doesnt make any difference.【额外成就感】* Flowers make no / a lot of differ

19、ence to a room.* It doesnt make much / any / the least difference to me what you do.*When youre learning to drive, having a good teacher makes all the defference.* A hot bath makes all the difference in the morning. 47. Im fed up with him.【额外成就感】* I wont wait any longer Im fed up.* She is very fed u

20、p about it. 48. You can count on us.【额外成就感】* You cant count on Tom being punctual.* She counted on us to help her. 49. It doesnt work.【额外成就感】* I dont know how to work the machine.* I think the teacher work us too hard .* Dont work your employees to death. 50. Its better than nothing.【额外成就感】* Theres

21、nothing like a cup of tea when youre thirsty.* Nothing gives me more pleasure than learning English.* Theres nothing interesting in the newspaper. 51.Think nothing of it. 52. Im not myself today. 53. I have a sweet tooth. 54. I cant express myself very well in English.【额外成就感】* Express your ideas cle

22、arly to me.* I cant express how happy I am that you have come. 55. For the time being.【额外成就感】* This will do for the time being.* Youll have your own office soon but for the time being youll have to share one.*Ill let you keep the book for the time being, but Ill want it back next week. 56. This milk

23、 has gone bad.【额外成就感】* This is a very bad performance.* The recent rain has had a effect on the crops.* He came at a bad time.* Bad habits are easily formed. 57. Dont beat around the bush.【额外成就感】* Tell me the truth, dont beat around the bush.* Stop beating around the bush and tell me who won. 58.Its

24、 up in the air.【额外成就感】* Change is in the air.* The question hung in the air. 59. Math is beyond me.【额外成就感】* What you said is beyond me.* He has gone far beyond me in learning.* How people design computer games is beyond me. 60. It slipped my mind.【额外成就感】* Her name has slipped from my mind.* Im sorry

25、 I forgot your birthday; iy completely slippped my mind. 61. You cant please everyone.【额外成就感】* Our main aim is to please the customers.* Hes a very hard / difficult man to please. 62. Im working on it.【额外成就感】* He is working on a book about the Vietman War. 63. You bet! 64. I cant come up with it.【额外

26、成就感】* Youve come up with a good idea.* He could always come up with a reason for them to linger another month. 64. Drop me a line.【额外成就感】* Just a short line to say thanks. 65. Are you pulling my leg?【额外成就感】* Dont take any notice of what he says hes pulling your leg. 66. Sooner or later. 67. Ill keep

27、 my ears open. 68. It isnt much. 69. Neck and neck.【额外成就感】* The two contestants are neck and neck with 20 points each. 70. Im feeling under the weather.【额外成就感】* Shes been a bit under the weather recently. 71. Dont get me wrong.【额外成就感】* Please dont get me wrong , Im not criticizing you. 72. Im under

28、a lot of pressure.【额外成就感】* The city is under financial pressure.* We put pressure on the government to change this law.* The pressure of work was too great for him. 73. Youre the boss.【额外成就感】* She is the boss in the house. 74. Whats this regarding?【额外成就感】* In regard to your request, no decision has

29、been made.* In that regard, at least, we agree. 75. Over my dead body.【额外成就感】* I told him that if he tried to remove the fence it would be over my dead body.* Youll come into this house over my dead body. 78. Can you give me a hand?【额外成就感】* We are short of hands now.* Many hands make light work. 79.

30、 We have thirty minutes to kill.【额外成就感】* I usually read a book to kill time.* While waiting for the train I killed by reading a book. 80. Whatever you say. 81. Itll come to me.【额外成就感】* A good idea came into my mind /came to me.* I am ready for whatever comes. 82. You name it.【额外成就感】* “How much will you sell me this for?” - “Name your own price.” 83.If I were in your shoes.【额外成就感】* Im glad Im not in his shoes!* Youll neve

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