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1、高一英语代词技巧很有用及练习题及解析高一英语代词技巧(很有用)及练习题及解析一、单项选择代词1To their great surprise, they found _ in the meeting.Athey were not understanding Bthemselves not understoodCthey had not understood Dthemselves not understanding【答案】B【解析】B 考查语态。这里oneself和后面的动词是被动关系,所以应该用过去分词。find oneself done发现自己被,故选B。2I hate _ when pe

2、ople eat with their mouths full.Athat Bthese Cit Dthem【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查代词。句意:我讨厌人们吃东西时嘴里塞满东西。表示爱憎类的动词如:like/love/hate/dislike或appreciate, rely on和see to等其后加宾语从句时,此时一般先用it做其形式宾语,其后再接that/when等引导的宾语从句。故选C。【点睛】it作形式宾语一般有以下三种情况1. 谓语动词appreciate, dislike, like, hate, love, make (按时到达,成功)等后接由if或when 等引导的宾语从

3、句时,往往在前面加上形式宾语it。 I would appreciate it if you could come to my birthday party.2. 动词have(表明,坚持说),take(认为,猜想),hide(隐藏),publish(公布),put(表达,写出来)等后接由that引导的宾语从句时,往往在从句的前面加上形式宾语。I take it that you will be leaving Shanghai soon.我认为你不久就离开上海。We published it that we had finished the project ahead of time. 我宣

4、布我们已经提前完成了这项工程。 3.动词短语allow for(担保),count on(期待),depend on(依靠),insist on(坚持),see to(确保)等后接that引导的宾语从句时,必须冠以形式宾语it。如:I am counting on it that you will come.我们期待着你的到来。3Is there anything else I can do for you, Jeff?No. Thanks. I really appreciate _ when you lent all your notes to me before the exam.Aon

5、e BitCthat Dthis【答案】B【解析】考查it的用法。句意:还有什么我可以帮你的吗,杰夫?不,谢谢了。你在考试前将所有的笔记借给我让我真的很感激。appreciate,like,dislike,hate,enjoy后不能直接跟从句,如果其后有从句时,需用it作形式宾语,然后再接真正的宾语从句。4The manager was very angry, for he had sent his business partner two thousand machines yesterday, half of _ unqualified.Athem Bwhat Cwhich Dwhom【答

6、案】A【解析】本题考查独立主格结构。句意:经理很生气,因为昨天他给他的生意伙伴寄去了2000台机器,其中一半不合格。题中的unqualified为形容词。此题容易误选C。C项前缺少谓语动词。5The Belt and Road Initiative is viewed by many as a history-making project, applauded by the Chinese and those along the route as well.Aone Bone thatCthe one Dthe one that【答案】A【解析】考查代词one的用法。one做a history

7、-making project的同位语,是泛指一个创造历史的项目,故不用加the,排除C项,其后接过去分词短语作定语,而不是定语从句,因此B、D项错误。句意:一带一路的倡议被许多人看作是历史性的项目,受到不仅中国而且还有那些沿路国家的交口称赞。6Do you like _ here?Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is nice.Athis BtheseCthat Dit【答案】D【解析】Dit 指代后置,真正要说明的事物在后面。注意此功能其它选项都没有。7-Which of these two ties w

8、ill you take?-I dont like these. Do you have any_?Aone BotherCones Dothers【答案】D【解析】考查对不定代词的用法。-两个领带你想要哪一个?-都不喜欢,还有其他的吗?others=other+名词”,泛指“别的人或物,其他的人/物”,故选D。【名师点睛】不定代词one,ones , other 和others的区别。不定代词即不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词。1.不定代词one指代可数名词,既可指人,亦可指物,它可以代替上文中出现的单数可数 名词,指代复数名词时可以用ones。例如:I do not have a pe

9、n, can you lend me one? I like small cars better than large ones.2.other具有名词和形容词性质,既可指人,亦可指物。other常与定冠词the连用。other只作形容词或代词,表示“其他的,别的”,不可单独使用。 例如:Do you have any other questions? the other作形容词或代词,特指两者中或两部分的另一个或另一部分。3.others相当于“other+名词”,泛指“别的人或物”,只有名词性用法。 例如:Some are planting trees, others are wateri

10、ng them.8Of those who are married,in more than 80 percent of cases,the wives education background is equal or higher than of their husbands.Ait Bone Cthat Dthe one【答案】C【解析】考查代词。句意:在已婚者中,80%以上的妻子受教育程度等于或高于丈夫。此处是代词that代替“education background”,that代指同类但不是同一个的事物,即同类异物。it是替代前面提到的同一事物。one是泛指,代替单数可数名词;the

11、one是替代与前面提到的事物同一类的事物,代替单数可数名词,education background 是抽象名词,不能用the one替代。故选C。9On average, the footprints discovered are 14 to 18 inches long, 5-9 inches wide and much larger than _ of a human.Athat Bones Cthose Done【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:通常来说,被发现的长达14到18英寸,5到9英寸宽的脚印比人类的脚印要大得多。A. that特指代指前文的可数名词单数或是不可数名词, B.

12、ones泛指,代替前文出现的可数名词复数, C. those特指,代替前文出现的同一个可数名词复数, D. one泛指可数名词单数。这句话里those代指footprints。故选C。考点:考查代词的用法。10I prefer a flat in Inverness to _ in Perth, because I want to live near my Moms.Aone Bthat Cit Dthis【答案】A【解析】one作为代词时,经常替代有修饰成分的名词单数或前面有不定冠词的名词;that替代有后置定语且有定冠词的名词单数;it指代同一事物;this指代较近的事物。故本题选择A项。

13、11Whos that at the door? is the milkman.AHe BIt CThis DThat【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查代词的用法。句意:谁在门外?是送牛奶的。因为不知道门外的是什么人。故用it指代不清楚的人。故选B。【知识拓展】it 的用法it 词小本事大, 人称代词包括它; 不明身份和性别,模糊指代就用它;距离日期和时间,天气环境全靠它;形宾形主惯用法,强调句型它当家。1)指代姓别不明的人Look at the baby.Isnt it lovely?2)指天气、时间、距离、自然现象、环境等。Its twenty miles to the zoo.3)作形式主

14、语或形式宾语代替不定式、动名词、名词性从句。Its of great help to learn English well.I find it quite necessary to make some changes.4)特殊的形式宾语it。enjoy, like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, appreciate等表示“喜欢、恨”等心理方面的动词后接if 从句或when 从句,通常应先在动词后接it 作形式宾语。如:I will appreciate it if you can give me a hand.5)用于强调句中:It iswasthatwho。It

15、s from the sun that we get light and heat.考点:考查代词的用法。12 I prefer a flat in Inverness to _ in Perth, as I want to live near my mums.Ait BoneCthat Dwhich【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查代词辨析。本句中使用one指代单数可数名词a flat,表示泛指。it指代上文出现的同一事物,that表示特指,which引导非限制性定语从句。句意:我更喜欢在因弗内斯的一个公寓而不是珀斯的公寓,因为我们想生活得离我妈妈家近点的地方。故B正确。考点:考查代词辨析13

16、Dont _ that all those who get good grades in the entrance examination will prove to be most successful.Atake as granted Btake this for grantedCtake that for granted Dtake it for granted【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考查固定搭配和it用法。动词短语take sth for granted认为.理所当然;排除A项。在英语中只有it可以作为形式宾语,本句中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的从句that all thos

17、e who get good grades in the entrance examination will prove to be most successful.句意:不要想当然地认为入学考试成绩好的那些人就会是最成功的。故D正确。考点:考查固定搭配和it用法14 You seem busy these days. Yes. Im writing a story. You know, its really not easy to write _ with attractive plots.Athis Bit Cone Dthat【答案】C【解析】句意:你近些天看起来很忙。是的,我在写故事,

18、你知道,写一个有吸引力的情节的故事不容易。.itone that三者均可用作代词,指代前面提到的名词.一般说来,it指代同名同物; one与that则指代同名异物.one与that虽可用来指代同名异物,但one为泛指,相当于aan名词; that为特指,相当于the 名词.所以one所指代的名词的修饰语一般为 aan some any; that所指代的名词的修饰语往往是the this that。前面提到是a story,故选择C。考点:考查it,one,that用法区别15-Will $ 1,000 _ the cost of the trip? -Im afraid not. Perha

19、ps I need _ $500.Apay; another Bcharge; more Ccover; another Dafford; more【答案】C【解析】句意“1000美元够旅行的费用吗?”“恐怕不够,也许还需要500美元。”charge“收费”;cover“包括”;afford“买得起”。根据句意可知,用cover;在原来的基础上再多一些用“another+数词”或“数词+more”表示,这里用another。故选C。16There is still a copy of the book in the libraryWill you go and borrow _?NoId ra

20、ther buy _ in the bookstoreAone; one Bone; it Cit; one Dit; it【答案】C【解析】指代物体时,one指代同名异物,it指代同名同物,根据题意选C。你要去买它吗?不,我宁愿去书店买一个。17I agree with most of what you said,but I dont agree with _.Aeverything BanythingCsomething Dnothing【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查不定代词的用法。not everything意为“不是所有的”。句意“我同意你说的大部分,但不是所有的。”故选A。考点:考

21、查不定代词的用法18We have many summer camps for your holidays. You can choose _ based on your own interest.Athem BeachCone Dit【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查代词。句意:我们有许多暑期夏令营,你可以根据自己的兴趣选择一个。A. them它们;B. each每一个;C. one一个,为泛指,泛指同类事物或人中的某一个;D. it为特指,特指上文提到的某人或者某事物。根据语境可知,此处应是表示泛指的某一个,在此泛指上句提到的many summer camps中的某一个,故选C。19Is th

22、is school _ we visited 3 years ago?Athat Bwhere Cwhich Dthe one【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查定语从句。句意:这所学校是我们三年前参观的那所吗?分析句子可知,主句中缺少表语the school,故应用the one来代指。故选D。20_ is believed that heavy smokers are more likely to develop serious illness.AAs BIt CWhich DWhat【答案】B【解析】【详解】本题考查it用法。解题步骤:1.确定各选项用法:空格的位置是主语,A. As引导非限制

23、性定语从句;B. It可以作形式主语;C. Which引导主语从句;D. What引导主语从句;2.确定答案:根据believed后面的that可知,这是主语从句后置,前面用形式主语it代替。如果选A,应将that改为逗号,C/D项的话,that前应添加动词。句意:人们认为,烟瘾大的人更容易患重病。故选B。21As the busiest woman in Norton, she made _ her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.Athis Bit Cthat Done【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查

24、固定用法。句意:作为诺顿最忙碌的女人,她有责任处理镇上所有其他人的事务。此处为动词+形式宾语+宾语补足语+不定式结构,四项中只有it能作形式宾语,故B项正确。22Astronomers have discovered that three planets have sizes and temperatures similar to _ of Earth.Athem BtheseCthose Dones【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查代词的指代。句意:天文学家发现了三个在大小和温度方面与地球相似的星球。根据句意可知此处是三个星球的大小和温度与地球的大小和温度相似, 因此空白处应该是代指复数名词si

25、zes and temperatures。those代指上文中的可数名词复数。故选C。【点睛】one, ones, that, those与it的区分1.one指代上文提到的单数人的人或物,指“同一类中的一个”,表示泛指意义:即:a/an十单数可数名词;ones则代指可数名词,表泛指意义。The population problem may be the greatest one of the world today.(one=a problem)2.that指上文出现的名词,表示同类的东西,一般不指人,既可指代可数名词单数,又可指代不可数名词,常要求有后置定语修饰,表特指。The weath

26、er of this week is worse than that of last week.(that=the weather)3.those 用来代替复数可数名词,常要求有后置定语,表示特指,即the+复数可数名词。The students in Class one are more than those in Class Two.(those=the students) 指上文提到的同一事物,与前面名词是同一物。Is this book yours, I want to use it.(it=your book)在本题中,此处是三个星球的大小和温度与地球的大小和温度相似,代指的

27、内容为复数名词sizes and temperatures,且表特指地球上大小和温度,故应用those。23If the product is significantly different from _ described in the ad, you have every right to complain to the local authority.Aone BonesCthat Dthose【答案】C【解析】考察指示代词用法。当上文的名词被第二次提到,通常用指示代词that(代指单数名词和不可数名词)或those(代指复数名词)来替代,本句中,用that代指前面提到的the prod

28、uct,为特指,故选C。24Normally, a forest fire and the damage _ causes can be very extensive, especially when you consider the financial and physical lossesAwhich BthatCwhat Dit【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查代词。句意:通常,森林大火和其引起的破坏可能是巨大的,特别是当你考虑到经济和物质损失时。the damage it causes 其中it causes是定语从句,先行词是damage,在定语从句中做宾语,此处的it代替的是the f

29、orest fire。故D选项正确。25Heading out on the waters in search of whales is a routine he does, and _ that, as he hopes, wont be lost if whale-watching goes the way of so many mass tourism attractions.Awhich Bone Cit Dthat【答案】B【解析】考查代词。句意:在水中搜寻鲸鱼是他所做的一件日常工作,一个他希望不会丢失的日常工作,如果鲸鱼观察走的是这么多大众旅游景点的老路的话。此处代指他从事的在水中

30、搜寻鲸鱼的工作,故选B.26Behind this shop lies a nonprofit organization, _helping survivors of drug and alcohol addiction, violence and other horrible experiences.Aone Bthe one Cthat Dwhich【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查代词。句意:这家店的背后是一个非营利性组织,一个帮助吸毒、酗酒、暴力和其他可怕经历的幸存者的组织。后文中没有谓语动词,故不属于定语从句,不能选择C或者D选项。且设空处做organization的同位语,表泛指,故不加冠词the,排除B选项。故综上选A。27The river was once with fishes, but now we find as a result of pollution.Aalive, none Blively, nothing Clive, none Dliving, nothing【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查形容词和代词。句意:这条河中曾经生长着各种各样的鱼,但是现在,由于污染,我们一条鱼也看不到了。第一个空用be alive wit

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