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外研版学年外研版英语选修6Module 3Section Ⅲ.docx

1、外研版学年外研版英语选修6Module 3Section Section Integrating Skills根据所给词性和汉语提示写出下列单词1 v 面对(危险、困难)2 v. 数;重要3 prep. 在下面4 adj. 活泼的,有生气的5 v&n. 吵架6 v. 后悔,悔恨7 adj. 相像的,相似的8 v. 背叛9 adj. 体贴的,考虑周到的10 v. 原谅,宽恕11 n. 损失12 v. 责备,申斥13 adj. 细小的,细微的,微小的14 v. 成熟15 n. 收获16 v. 滑,滑行,滑落17 v. 滑倒;失足18 v. 擦伤,划伤19 v. 撕破,撕裂20 adj. 完美的21

2、 n. 权利,特权22 v. 预言,预测23 v. 低声说,喃喃道24 v. 逃跑,逃走25 v. 提到,涉及【答案】1.confront2.count3.underneath 4lively5.quarrel6.regret7.alike8.betray9.considerate10.forgive11.loss12.scold 13tiny14.ripen15.harvest16.slide17.slip 18scratch19.tear20.perfect21.privilege22.predict23.murmur24.flee25.mention根据提示补全下列短语1on phone

3、 在通电话2make 和好,和解3keep touch 保持联系4(be) blessed 享有的福气5(be) good terms with 与某人关系很好6all once 突然,忽然7bring. mind 使想起8 return 反过来,作为交换9belong 属于10 the bottom of ones heart 真心诚意地,发自内心地【答案】 7to8.in9.to10.from根据提示补全下列教材原句1I was blessed with a happy childhood, most people would want

4、 to have.我非常幸运地拥有一个幸福的童年,一段大多数人都希望拥有的时光。2You love the roses 你喜欢玫瑰我也如此。3It impossible to find my daughter without the help of Friends Reunited.要是没有老友重聚站的帮助,我就不可能找到我的女儿。【答案】 do I3.would have been阅读P3637教材原文,从四个选项中选择最佳答案 【导学:38300019】1The writer and Danny did the following things together

5、 EXCEPT Adig up worms for fishing Bgrow walnut treesCgo to the sea Dbuild a tree house2Why COULDNT the writer forgive Danny for going to London?ABecause Danny was his only friend.BBecause Danny was not his friend any more.CBecause the writer felt the loss of his friend so strongly.DBecause the write

6、r was ashamed of his own feeling.【答案】12BC阅读P39四首诗,从四个选项中选择最佳答案1“.take down this book,And slowly read.”What book do you think this might be?AA novel. BA magazine.CA diary or a journal. DA textbook.2The second poem mainly describes Asomeone in loveBunhappy loveCfriendshipDsomeone falling out of love3I

7、n“Whereas letters are fixed”,the underlined word can be replaced by“ ”Afastened BpreparedCrepaired Ddetermined【答案】13CDA confront vt.(使某人)面对(危险、困难);(指困难等)临到(教材P32)When did the writer decide to confront Roy?作者决定什么时候面对罗伊?confront sb./oneself with 使某人面对某事be confronted withbe faced with 面对Only when the p

8、olice confronted her with evidence did she admit stealing the money.只有在警方让她面对证据时,她才承认偷了钱。When confronted(confront) with the evidence of her guilt,she confessed.她面对罪证供认不讳。 count v数;有价值,有重要意义;认为,看作(教材P32)Having counted the money,Mr. White put it in the box.怀特老师数了钱后,就把它放到盒子里了。(1) 把看作count in 把

9、考虑在内(2)count on/upon 指望,依靠,依赖count on do/doing sth. 指望某人做某事We count her as one of our closest friends.我们把她看作我们最亲密的朋友之一。The team was counting on/upon me to win the race.运动队指望我赢这场赛跑。 (教材P33)They have quarrelled seriously three times but each time they have made up and bee best friends again.她们有三

10、次吵得很厉害,但每次她们都言归于好又成了最好的朋友。(1)quarrel v&n.吵架;争吵It takes two to make a quarrel.谚语一个巴掌拍不响。(1)quarrel(with sb.)(about/over sth.) (因某事)(与某人)争吵(2)have a quarrel(with sb.)(about/over sth.) (因某事)(与某人)争吵She had a quarrel/quarrelled with her brother about the terms of their fathers will.她和哥哥就父亲遗嘱条款一事争吵起来。(2)m

11、ake up和解,和好;构成;组成;编造;虚构;弥补;补偿;化妆be made up of 由组成,由构成 make up for 补偿,弥补 make up ones mind 下决心,决定I have a lot of faults to make up for.我有许多缺点需要弥补。The mittee is made up of six women.委员会由六位妇女组成。 regret v&n.后悔,悔恨;遗憾(教材P33)Liao Mei really regrets these quarrels.廖梅真的对这些争吵很后悔。regret doing/having done sth.

12、后悔做了某事regret to do. 很遗憾地要做某事with regret 遗憾地;抱歉地;后悔地to ones regret 很抱歉的是I regret to say I havent given you enough help.很抱歉,我不能给你更多的帮助。I regret not pleting(plete) the inventory on time.我很后悔没有按时填好库存单。Much to my regret,I am unable to accept your invitation.很抱歉,我不能接受你的邀请。 keep in touch保持联系(教材P33)Even whe

13、n the two girls went to different colleges at the age of 18,they kept in touch through email and still stayed best friends.甚至当这两个女孩在18岁去了不同的大学时,她们还通过电子邮件保持联系,仍然是最好的朋友。(1)lose touch with 与失去联系get in touch with 和取得联系(2)be in touch with 和有联系be out of touch with 和失去联系Weve been out of touch with Roger fo

14、r years now.我们至今已有数年没有与罗杰联系了。How many friends has Liao Mei lost(lose) touch with?廖梅和多少朋友失去了联系?Ill get in touch with him right away.我马上同他联系。 forgive vt.原谅,宽恕,饶恕(教材P37).I couldnt forgive Danny for leaving me.我不能够原谅丹尼离开我。(1)forgive sb. for(doing)sth. 原谅(某人)做了(某件错事)(2)forgiveness n. 宽恕;宽仁之心Its best to f

15、orgive and forget.最好还是不计前嫌。Ill never forgive you for what you said to me last night.我绝不会原谅你昨晚对我所说的话。He begged (her) for forgiveness(forgive)他请求(她)原谅。 (be)on good terms with sb.与某人关系很好(相当于get along/on well with sb.)(教材P36)We were on good terms with everyone in the village,and we even gave a salute to

16、 the local policeman as he passed on his bicycle.我们跟村里的每个人都相处得很好。连当地的警察骑着自行车经过时,我们都会向他敬礼。be on bad terms with sb. 与某人交情不好in the long/short term 从长远/短期来看in terms of 谈及;就而言;在方面e to terms with sb. 与某人妥协;与某人和好He is on bad terms with everyone,so he feels lonely.他与每个人的关系都不好,因此他很孤独。In terms (term) of money

17、,hes quite rich,but not in terms of happiness.就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。 We hope to make great profit in the long term.我们希望长期获利。 mind使想起;想起(教材P39)Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?昔日朋友岂能相忘,心中能不怀想?call mind 使回忆起change ones mind 改变主意e to ones mind 突然想起bear/keep in

18、mind 记住never mind 不用担心,不要紧,没关系make up ones mind 拿定主意That calls to mind something that happened to me.那让我想起我的遭遇来。An idea has just e to my mind.我刚刚想到一个主意。I cant make up my mind about it.关于那件事,我还不能做决定。 mention v提到,涉及(教材P41)Then the website was mentioned on a radio programme and suddenly the site became

19、 very popular.接着,一家无线电台节目提到了这一站,很快,它就变得非常受欢迎。Dont mention it. 不用谢,别客气。not to mention/without mentioning 更不必说,更不用说 (相当于let alone)as mentioned above 如上所述mention doing sth. 提到做某事As mentioned above,the function of the device is wonderful.如上所述,这台设备的功能十分出色。He knows French and German,not to mention(mention

20、) English.他熟悉法语和德语,更不用说英语啦。 Whenever I mention playing (play) football,he says hes too busy.我一跟他提踢足球的事,他就说太忙。 belong to属于(教材P41).the neighborhood they lived in,the college they went to,the sports team they belonged to,etc.住过的地方,上的什么大学,属于哪支运动队等等。(1)belong vi.属所有,属于(常与to连用)(2)belong to不用于进行时和被动语态,可用其现

21、在分词作定语。英语中还有一些词也不能用于被动语态,如happen,occur,cost,take place,break out,e out,turn out,e about等。They belonged to a younger generation.他们属于年轻的一代。China belongs(belong)to the third world.中国属于第三世界。The car belonging(belong)to Mr.Smith was driven away.史密斯先生的车被开走了。.语境填词 【导学:38300020】1When difficulty confronts you

22、,you ought to be confronted with it in a brave way.(confront)2He was at a loss because he lost a very important paper.(lose)3He predicted that there would be an earthquake in that area,but I dont believe his prediction(predict)4The girl burst into tears when she saw her book torn into pieces.(tear)5

23、It is considerate of you to take everything into consideration(consider).选词填空on the phone,make up,keep in touch, mind,in return,(be)blessed with,be on good terms with1Mary great natural ability as a player.2You are supposed to your classmates.3If we smile at life,life will smile on us 4Why d

24、ont you with her and forget all about your quarrels?5He has been to John for an hour.【答案】 blessed on good terms return4.make up5.on the phone(教材P41)It would have been impossible to find my daughter without the help of Friends Reunited.要是没有老友重聚站的帮助,我就不可能找到我女儿。【要点提炼】本句是一个隐含条件句,根据

25、句子的谓语动词“would have been”可知,句子表示与过去事实相反的假设。without the help of Friends Reunited相当于“If it hadnt been for the help of Friends Reunited”。Without their timely help,we wouldnt have pleted the project.没有他们的及时帮助,我们就不能按时完成这个项目。有时可借助but for,otherwise,or等将条件隐含。But for the captain,the ship would have sunk with

26、all on board.要不是那位船长,船和船上的人当时都会沉没的。She wasnt feeling very well.Otherwise/Or,she wouldnt have left the meeting so early.她当时感觉不适。否则,她是不会那么早离开会场的。句型转换 【导学:38300021】1Li Hua will go to America for further education.Da Ming will go to America for further education as well.Li Hua will go to America for fur

27、ther education. Da Ming.2Without your help, I wouldnt have worked out the plan ahead of time.If it your help.I wouldnt have worked out the plan ahead of time.3If he hadnt telephoned to inform me of the meeting, I would have forgotten about it.He telephoned to inform me of the meeting; I would have f

28、orgotten about it.4We didnt go for a spring outing because of the bad weather.We would have gone for a spring outing the bad weather.【答案】1.So will2.hadnt been for3.otherwise/or4.but for学业分层测评(八).单句语法填空1It is not how much you read but what you read that (count)2They (quarrel)with one another about ho

29、w to solve the mathematical problem just now.3He (regret)that he had left without saying goodbye to them.4Her mother (scold)her for not cleaning up her room this morning.5All of sudden,there was a terrible noise outside the classroom.6The pany stopped the production because of the continued (lose)7I

30、t is hard (predict)the effects of the project on the environment.8The book (belong)to him is on the desk.9 electronic puters,much of todays advanced technology would not have been achieved.10Without friends,we can share our secrets no one.【答案】 predict8.belon

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