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1、译林版英语七年级下册期末模拟测试含听力文稿和答案七年级英语学科质量监测模拟试卷(试卷满分140分,考试时间110分钟) 一、听力(本题共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) A. 听对话, 选择合适的图片或答案。每段对话读两遍。(10分)( )1. 1. How does Tom usually go to school? A. B. C. ( )2. What does Anns uncle do ?A. B. C. ( )3. What does the boy usually do after school?A. B. C. ( )4. What are they talking abou

2、t? B. C. ( )5. Where does the woman want to go? A. The bus station. B. The supermarket. C. The post office ( )6. Whats under the tree? A. Lucys new hat B. Lucys new kite. C. Lucys new Walkman. ( )7. What does the man want? A. A cup of tea. B. Some orange. C. A glass of water. ( )8. Which sweater doe

3、s the man like? A. The blue one. B. The red one. C. The green one. ( )9. What does Mary want? A. Apples. B. Pears. C. Oranges and pears. ( )10.What is the mans T-shirt made? A. Its made in Nanjing. B. Its made of cotton. C. Its made of woolB. 根据所听到的对话或短文选择正确答案。每段材料听两遍。(10分)听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。( )11.How

4、 old is Sandy? A. 9. B.12. C. 15.( )12. What does the man think of Lucy? A. She is shy. B. She is smart C. She is hard-working.听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。( )13How many students are there in each class in Daniels school?A. Forty-eight. B. Forty. C. Thirty-five.( )14. How many lessons does Amy have a day? A. Fi

5、ve. B. Eight. C. Four.( )15. How long does it take Amy and her classmates to do their homework every day? A. Two hours. B. Half an hour. C. Two and a half hours.听下面一篇短文,回答第1620小题。( )16. What is Mary? A. She is a Chinese teacher. B. She is an English teacher. C. She is a student.( )17. Does Mary wear

6、 glasses? A.Yes, she is. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, she does. ( )18. Why does her students love her very much? A. Because she is beautiful. B. Because she is their friend. C. Because she loves them too.( )19.What is Mary good at? A. Dancing. B. Swimming. C. Dancing and playing badminton.( )20. What

7、does Mary want to do this summer holiday? A. To go to Sichuan to help students B. To stay at home to learn English. C. To sing in the Music Club.二、单项选择 (计15分) (共15小题;每题1分)在下列各题A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个最佳答案填入题前括号内。( )1. The girl often plays _ piano in her bedroom. A. an B. the C. / D. a( )2. Do you know who

8、teaches _ Chinese? Yes .Mr. Wang does.A. she B. his C. hers D. him( )3. Did you _ last week? A. hear from your parents letter B. heard from your parents letter C. hear from your parents D. hear a letter from your parents ( )4. Is there _ juice in the glass?Yes, there is_. A. some; any B. any; some C

9、. some; some D. any; any ( )5. My grandma is already _ . A. 80-year-old B. 80-years-old C. 80 year old D. 80 years old ( )6. Its popular to use QQ to _ with each other on the Internet now. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell ( )7. We hope you _ China next year.Thanks. I will.A. to visit B. visit C. visi

10、ting D. will visit ( ) 8. Daniel is a _ basketball player and he plays very_.A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good( )9 . My cousin hates snacks, so she _ eats them. A. usually B. never C. always D. often( )10.Do you want to ask to go swimming with you? A: he and I B: I and he C :me

11、 and him D :him and me( )11.Our teacher says we shouldnt watch TV. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too( )12.Do you spend some time a film every week? A .on B. in C. seeing D. A and C( )13.There was a fire last night, but the firemen _ soon.A. put down it B. put it down C. put out it D. p

12、ut it out( )14.On _ home, Susan found a robber getting out of a van yesterday.A. her way to B. her way for C. her way at D. her way( )15.There are some _ between the two pictures.A. different B .differents C. difference D. differences 三、完形填空(计15分) (共15小题;每题1分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案。 Li Ming is

13、 9 years old, but hes still in Grade One. Hes very tall, so his seat is in the _1_ row in his classroom. Miss Yang has _2 eyesight. When she stands _3 the blackboard, she cant see what the boy does there. Li Ming always plays cards and doesnt listen to Miss Yang _4 . Sometimes Miss Yang asks Li Ming

14、 some questions. He _5 , but doesnt know what the teacher says. Of course, he cant _6 the questions.Miss Yang often makes calls to Li Mings _7 . The man has a shop and he _8 takes care of his sons studies. he tells his wife to help Li Ming, _9 his wife doesnt know much and cant do that. She can only

15、 _10 Li Ming do his homework at home after supper, but she doesnt know if his answers are _11 or wrong. She tells the boy she will buy a nice bike for him if he makes _12 in the exams. This afternoon, Li Ming comes back _13 . when he sees his mother, he says, Mum, Im afraid you have to _14 a bike fo

16、r me. What? _15 the woman. Which subject?Forty in English, forty in Computer and twenty in Math!( )1. A. first B. front C. middle D. last( )2. A. good B. heavy C. poor D. strong( )3. A. on B. behind C. under D. near( )4. A. any more B. any longer C. at all D. at once( )5. A. sits down B. stands up C

17、. looks up D. sits up( )6. A. make B. miss C. find D. answer( )7. A. mother B. father C. teacher D. doctor( )8. A. never B. always C. usually D. often( )9. A. and B. but C. or D. so( )10. A. ask B. make C. want D. hope( )11. A. new B. old C. right D. left( )12. A. seventy B. eighty C. ninety D. one

18、hundred( )13. A. suddenly B. sadly C. happily D. carefully( )14.A. borrow B. buy C. give D. sell( )15. A. answers B. asks C. sends D. smiles四、阅读理解 (计30分) (共15小题;每题2分) (A)A plant(植物) makes its own food in its leaves .Water comes to the leaves through the roots(根). Air gets into the leaves through ver

19、y small holes(孔) . The green coloring in the leaves uses the water and air to make the food for the plant . It also needs sunshine because a plant can make food only when the sun is shining.Animals and people could not live without green plants . They both eat plants .People and some animals also ea

20、t the meat of some animals and these animals eat plants.( )1. A plant gets food from_A. the sun B. its leaves C. its roots D. the air( )2. What does the green coloring use to make the food for a plant?A. Sunshine ,water ,air and the roots B. Air ,sunshine and waterC. Water ,air and meat D. Water ,su

21、nshine and animals( )3.A plant has very small holes in its leaves for_ to come in.A. air B. water C. sunshine D. green coloring( )4. A plant can make its food when it is _.A. cloudy B. rainy C. sunny D. windy( )5. People would die without_A. animals B. meat C. plants D. leaves(B)This is a special cl

22、ass. The students come from different countries. Some come from America. Others come from Canada, Japan, Australia and England. They speak different languages,but all of them can speak English. They are good friends. They study together, play together and live together. They help each other. All the

23、 teachers of this class are Chinese, but they can speak English. They are very kind and friendly. They work hard. The students in this class study Chinese cooking and Chinese gongfu.All the students like China. They say China is a great country and the Chinese people are very friendly. And they are

24、happy in China.( ) 6.What kind of class is this? A. A Chinese cooking class B. A Chinese gongfu class C. A foreign language class D. Both A and B( ) 7. What language can all the students speak? A. Chinese B. French C. English D. Japanese( ) 8. What language can all the teachers speak? A. Only Chines

25、e B. Only English C. Chinese and English D. Only Japanese( ) 9. How do the teachers teach their students? A. In Chinese B. In English C. In Japanese D. In different languages( ) 10. What do the students like about China? A. Chinese gongfu B. Chinese people C. Chinese cooking D. A, B and C ( C )Mr Jo

26、hnson looked at his watch. It was half past seven. He got out of bed quickly. Then he washed and dressed. He was late as usual, so he did not have time for breakfast. He ran all the way to the station and he arrived there just in time for the train. Mr Johnson never eats anything in the morning. He

27、always says to his friends at the office, “It is nice to have breakfast in the morning, but it is nice to lie in bed!”( ) 11 Before he got out of bed,_ A. he washed B. he dressed C. he looked at his watch D. he watched TV( ) 12 Why did he get out of bed quickly? Because _ A he was late B he didnt ha

28、ve breakfast C he had to run all the way D he looked at his time table( ) 13 What do you think he wants to do? A To study B To travel C To work D To say to his friends( ) 14 How do you think he went there? A By bus B On foot C By car D By train( ) 15 Which is the best title of the passage? A It is n

29、icer in bed than breakfast. B Dont be late again C Hurry up D Get up early五、词汇运用 (计10分) (共10小题;每小题1分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。 1. Marys parents go shopping _(two) a week.2.She knows how _ (look) after her dog.3.You must brush your _ (tooth) before breakfast.4. Is _ ( child ) Day in June or July

30、? 5. The _ (nine) lesson is Kittys favorite in Book Two. 6. All his classmates say the birthday present belongs to _ (he).7. There is little traffic in the street, so it isnt _ at all. (noise) 8. Whats on the _ (shelf)? There are a lot of books on them. 9. In the modern world most children are living _ (幸福). 10. Its about ten _ (分钟) walk from here to the seaside. 六、 任务型阅读阅读下面的材料,根据材料内容完成后面的表格,每空填写一个单词。(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分) Th

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