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1、高考领航高三英语二轮复习限时规范训练第3部分训练训练22阅读理解完形填空语法填空短文改错(建议用时45分钟).阅读理解We know that hugs make us feel easy inside.And this feeling,it turns out,could actually ward off stress and protect the immune (免疫) system,according to a new research from Carnegie Mellon University.Its a wellknown fact that stress can weake

2、n the immune system.In this study,the researchers sought to determine whether hugslike social support more broadlycould protect individuals from the increased sensitivity to illness brought on by the particular stress that comes with interpersonal conflict.“We know that people experiencing ongoing c

3、onflicts with others are less able to fight off cold viruses.We also know that people who report having social support are partly protected from the effects of stress on psychological states,such as depression and anxiety,” the studys lead author,psychologist Dr.Sheldon Cohen,said in a statement.“We

4、 tested whether awareness of social support is equally effective in protecting us from sensitivity to infection caused by stress and also whether receiving hugs might partially account for those feelings of support and thus protect a person against infection.”In the experiment,over 400 healthy adult

5、s filled out a questionnaire about their perceived (感知) social support and also participated in a nightly phone interview for two weeks.They were asked the frequency they engaged in interpersonal conflicts and received hugs that day.Then,the researchers exposed the participants to a common cold viru

6、s,and monitored them to assess signs of infection.They found that both perceived social support and more frequent hugs reduced the risk of infection associated with experiencing interpersonal conflict.Regardless of whether or not they experienced social conflicts,infected participants with greater p

7、erceived social support and more frequent hugs had less severe illness symptoms.“This suggests that being hugged by a trusted person may act as an effective means of conveying support and that increasing the frequency of hugs might be an effective means of reducing the effects of stress,” Cohen said

8、.“The apparent protective effect of hugs may result from the physical contact itself or hugging being a behavioral indicator of support and closeness.Either way,those who receive more hugs are somewhat more protected from infection.”If you need any more reason to go wrap your arms around someone spe

9、cial,consider this:hugs also lower blood pressure,reduce fearsome around death and dying,improve heart health and decrease feeling of loneliness.1In Paragraph 1,the underlined words “ward off” can be replaced by Aproduce BincreaseCprevent Dsupport2Dr.Sheldon Cohens experiment shows that Ahugs can hi

10、de serious illness symptomsBsocial conflicts can monitor signs of infectionCsocial support can reduce the risk of having a coldDdepression and anxiety result from less social support3The passage aims to convey that Ahugs can have protective effectsBsocial support can cure diseasesCinterpersonal conf

11、licts cause infectionsDstress can weaken our immune system4The passage is most likely to be found in Aa social science magazineBa commercial brochureCa medical reportDan academic essay【解题导语】本文是一篇议论文,属于人生百味类短文阅读。文章论述了拥抱他人对自己的支持与鼓励其实是可以帮助我们抵抗压力,保护免疫系统的,同时拥抱可以降低血压、增强心脏健康、减少孤独感。1解析:选C。词意猜测题。stress为消极词汇,

12、protect the immune system为积极含义,故ward off要选择的意思要与排除消极影响有关。故选C。2解析:选C。推理判断题。由第五段中的“They found that both perceived social support and more frequent .had less severe illness symptoms.”(经常得到社会支持和拥抱的实验者更少地感染感冒病毒,感染者的症状也不那么严重)得知,社会支持能减少患感冒的危险。故选C。3解析:选A。文章主旨题。B选项cure过于绝对化,错误。首段就提到了“拥抱可以保护免疫系统”,全文都在论证此观点。故选

13、A。4解析:选A。文章出处题。本文并没有给出具体的科学数据和严格的解析,所以属于非学术类文章,排除D项。故选A。.完形填空My old laptop was literally falling apart at the seams(接缝)Though I took good care of it so that the wires wouldnt fall out,telling myself 1 to save important files so that they wouldnt be 2 when the computer died.One day the screen still w

14、ent black.Then I looked online to see if there was a(n) 3 The series of steps involved seemed 4 ,similar to hopping(单足蹦跳) on one foot while singing “My country,Tis of Thee” backwards.But it worked.The only problem was my battery could neither be charged nor 5 ,so from then on I had to meet my deadli

15、nes.That was 6 Yet once I admitted it was inconvenient but not a (n) 7 ,things got better in the end.I 8 myself that in years past Id worked on heavy desktop computers and thought 9 of it.In college Id typed on a typewriter.In high school I wrote with a pen.Heres a fact: When Im annoyed,its usually

16、a 10 that Ive overlooked something in the thankfulness department.The only 11 my laptop situation could even be annoying was that I had work to do.Annoyances are real,and 12 are never the whole story. I complain in the long checkout line at the grocery store,forgetting that I get to wait 13 I have m

17、oney to buy food.I become angry about 14 clothes after a sudden rain,overlooking the fact that we cant live without water.I glare at an interruption from my kids, 15 the astonishing fact that I have a large and loving family.This morning Im writing on a brand new laptop.It functions 16 ,and every si

18、ngle letter on the keyboard works.I am thankful for how much 17 it is for me to do my work now.To be honest,the annoyance of my laptop was 18 It helped me remember that when life is inconvenient,I need to 19 annoyances as a hint (暗示) that I need to look at the situation from a different view,and 20

19、thanks.1A.firmly BfrequentlyCgradually Ddifferently2A.destroyed BlostCrewritten Dcancelled3A.choice BaccessClink Dfix4A.awesome BsuitableCcomplex Dridiculous5A.reused BrestartedCreplaced Drecreated6A.wonderful BtroublesomeCsurprising Ddisappointing7A.accident BincidentCproblem Dcatastrophe8A.reminde

20、d BwarnedCpromised Dconvinced9A.something BanythingCnothing Deverything10A.sign BsymptomCpoint Drule11A.reality BresultCexcuse Dreason12A.then ByetCstill Dnor13A.because BuntilCwhen Dthough14. Ashabby BuntidyCunfashionable Dwet15A.remembering BrecognizingCignoring Dadmitting16A.smoothly BbasicallyCv

21、ividly Dunsteadily17A.heavier BsaferCeasier Dharder18A.avoidable BusefulCbearable Dcontroversial19A.elect BdescribeCregard Dappoint20A.accept BvalueCobtain Dgive【解题导语】生活,有多少烦恼,就有多少甘甜。从不同的角度去看待烦恼,才能懂得感恩。【重点词语链接】fall apart崩溃,破裂,垮掉The worlds transport systems would fall apart without a supply of electr

22、icity.没有电力供应的话,全世界的运输系统会崩溃。fall out争吵;离开队伍,解散;掉落,脱落If you turn the envelope upside down,the key will fall out.你如果把信封倒过来,钥匙就会掉出来。1解析:选B。根据语境可知,此处指作者频繁地(frequently)提醒自己保存重要文件以防电脑死机时文件丢失(lost)。2解析:选B。参见上题解析。3解析:选D。根据下文的“But it worked.The only problem was my battery”可知,此处说的应是作者上网去查是否有“解决方法(fix)”。4解析:选D。

23、根据下文中的“similar to hopping(单足蹦跳)on one foot while singingMy country,Tis of Thee backwards”可知,此处指的是网上找到的解决方法所包含的步骤似乎很荒谬,但起作用了。ridiculous“荒谬的”。5解析:选C。根据上下文语境可知,此处是说电池充不了电,也“更换(replaced)”不了。6解析:选B。根据下文中的“inconvenient”“annoying”和“annoyances”可知,此处指那是令人讨厌的。troublesome“令人讨厌的,令人烦恼的”。7解析:选D。作者承认这件事情给自己带来了不便,但

24、并不是“灾难(catastrophe)”,事情最终都向好的方面发展了。8解析:选A。此处是作者在安慰自己,因此这里指的应是作者“提醒(reminded)”自己,在过去的几年里,自己在笨重的台式电脑上工作都觉得算不了什么。9解析:选C。参见上题解析。think nothing of sth.“不把放在心上,对满不在乎”。10解析:选A。根据语境可知,此处指当作者觉得烦恼的时候,这通常是一种“征兆(sign)”,表明作者忽视了一些需要感恩的东西。11解析:选D。作者的电脑的状况甚至令其烦恼的唯一理由就是,他还有工作可以做,言外之意就是没有工作的人就不会有这种烦恼。12解析:选B。烦恼是真的,“然而

25、”却不是全部的情况。前后句之间是转折关系,故选yet。13解析:选A。(当作者)抱怨杂货店付款处的长长的队伍(时),他忘记了自己之所以等待是因为自己还有钱买食物。前后之间是因果关系,故选because。14解析:选D。根据下文的“after a sudden rain”可知,此处表示作者因突遇大雨衣服湿透而气愤,却忽视了一个事实:没有水,我们则无法生存。15解析:选C。被孩子打扰了作者就对孩子怒目而视,忽视了(ignoring)一个令人惊奇的事实:自己有一个充满爱的大家庭。上文中的“forgetting”“overlooking”亦是提示。16解析:选A。根据上文中的“a brand new

26、laptop”和下文中的“every single letter on the keyboard works”可知,此处指的是电脑运行得很流畅(smoothly)。17解析:选C。新电脑运行流畅,作者工作起来自然会容易(easier)得多了。18解析:选B。根据下文中的“It helped me”可知,此处指电脑带来的烦恼是“有益的(useful)”。19解析:选C。根据上下文语境可知,此处指的是作者需要把烦恼看作(regard)自己要从不同的角度来看待问题,懂得感恩的一种暗示。20解析:选D。参见上题解析。.语法填空A man feared his wife wasnt hearing as

27、 well as she used to and he 1. (think) she might need a hearing aid.Not quite sure how to approach her,he called the family doctor 2. (discuss) the problem.The doctor told him there was a simple 3. (formal)test the husband could perform to give the doctor a better idea about her hearing 4. (lose)“He

28、res what you do,” said the doctor,“stand about 40 feet away from her,and speak in a normal conversational speaking tone to see if she hears you.If not,go to 30 feet,then 20 feet 5. you get a response.”That evening,the wife was in the kitchen 6. (cook) dinner.He said to himself,“Im about 40 feet away

29、.Lets see what happens.” Then in a normal tone he asked,“Honey,whats 7. dinner?”No response.So,the husband moved 8. (close) to the kitchen,about 30 feet from his wife and did the same.Still no response.Next he moved into the dining room where he was about 20 feet from 9. (he) wife and did the same.A

30、gain he got no response.So,he walked up to the kitchen door,about 10 feet away and asked the same question.Again,there was no response.So,he walked right up behind her and asked again.“Clyde,for 10. fifth time .CHICKEN!”【解题导语】丈夫担心妻子的听力不好,想测试一下她的听力,可笑的是最后证明竟然是他自己的听力不好。1解析:thought。考查动词的时态。由语境“A man fe

31、ared his wife wasnt hearing as well as she used to”可知此处应用一般过去时。2解析:to discuss。考查不定式作目的状语。此处表示他给家庭医生打电话来讨论这个问题。3解析:informal。考查词形转换。结合语境可知,这种测试听力的方法是一种非正式的方法。4解析:loss。考查词性转换。由语境可知此处需填所给单词的名词形式,故用loss。5解析:until/till。考查从属连词的用法。此处表示走得越来越近,直到你得到回复。6解析:cooking。考查非谓语动词的用法。此处为伴随状语,妻子在厨房里做着饭。7解析:for。考查介词的用法。表示某顿饭吃什么时常用介词for。8解析:closer。考查副词比较级的用法。由语境看从40英尺到30英尺,距离是更近了,故用副词比较级。9解析:his。考查形容词性物主代词。名词前设空需要限定词,结合语境可知此处应用形容词性物主代词。10解析:the。考查定冠词的用法。由空后的fifth可知答案为the,序数词前用定冠词the。

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