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高一英语北师大版必修二教学案Unit 5 Section 1 Word版含答案.docx

1、高一英语北师大版必修二教学案Unit 5 Section 1 Word版含答案.根据词性及汉语意思写出单词1effectn效果,作用2systemn系统3disappointvt.使失望disappointmentn失望,扫兴,沮丧 disappointedadj.失望的disappointingadj.令人失望的 4extraordinaryadj.非凡的ordinaryadj.普通的,平常的extraordinarilyadv.非常,非凡地5performvt. &vi.表演;做performancen表演,演奏performern表演者6extremelyadv.极端地,非常地extre

2、meadj.极端的,偏激的 n极端(行为)7createv创造creationn创造creativeadj.有创造力的,创造性的8powern能力,力量powerfuladj.强大的,有力的9angern气愤,愤怒angryadj.生气的10impressvt.使(人)印象深刻impressionn印象impressiveadj.令人印象深刻的,感人的.词义匹配1albumaa prize given in honour of an achievement2fan bthe bottom of an object3award cin every part, or during the whol

3、e period of4base da set of connected items or devices that operate together5system ethe people who watch or listen to a performance, movie, etc.6audience fa recording of several pieces of music or a book with pages for keeping photographs7throughout ga person who admires or enjoys watching or listen

4、 to sb./sth. very much答案:1.f2.g3.a4.b5.d6.e7.c.补全短语1add to加到,补充;增添2react to_ 对作出反应3from the beginning to the end 从头到尾4be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事5come out出来;(书等)出版,发行6hundreds of成百上千的7pick up拾起,拣起;(开车) 接人;偶然学到8be full of充满1Which of the Key Words do the speakers use to discuss rhythm?要谈论节奏演讲者要用哪些关键词

5、?句式分析to discuss rhythm是动词不定式作目的状语。佳句赏析他买了一辆车来做出租车用。He bought a car to use as a taxi.2. Last Thursday night, hundreds of fans went to the Corn Exchange in Cambridge, England to see Alanis Morissette performing in concert.上周四晚上,数百名歌迷去英国剑桥的Corn Exchange剧院观看阿兰妮丝莫莉塞特的现场演出。句式分析see sb. doing sth. “看见某人正在做某

6、事”, performing为现在分词作宾语补足语。佳句赏析昨天经过她房间时,我看见她正在上网。I saw her surfing the Internet when I passed by her room yesterday.3(长难句分析)Her singing was full of feeling; the first part of the song was filled with anger, while the last part expressed love and joy.她的演唱感情丰富;(歌曲的)前半部分充满了愤怒,而后半部分却满怀爱意和快乐。句式分析本句为并列句,由三

7、个分句构成。后两个分句由while连接,形成对比,对第一个分句进行具体说明。佳句赏析我喜欢喝茶,而她喜欢喝咖啡。I like tea while she likes coffee.ASuppose you have watched a concert live on TV. Please talk about it with your partner. The following questions can help you.1Where did they give the performance? What did you think of the music/singing?2How ab

8、out the special effects/lighting?3How did you find the stage design?4What about the sound?5How did you feel the songs/the words?6How did the audience react to the singers? How about you?BLearn about Alanis Morissette:She is a Canadian rock singer and song writer.She has won Grammy Awards for Best Ro

9、ck Song and Best Rock Performance.Fastreading()Read the passage and answer the question.Who is Alanis Morissette?Canadian_singer_and_song_writer.()Do the true or false questions according to the text.1Alanis Morissette is twenty years old now and her song Uninvited won the Grammy Award for the best

10、rock song.(F)2There were still some empty seats in the concert hall.(F)3It was very warm that night.(F)4The concert lasted three hours.(T)5Morissettes singing was full of feeling.(T)6She finished the evening with a new song.(T).CarefulreadingRead the text carefully and then fill in the chart with th

11、e information in the text.Alanis A True PerformerIntroductionAlanis MorissetteNationality (国籍): 1.CanadianHer most famous album:JaggedLittlePillTime to become world famous: In 1995Something about her songsUninvited: It won the Grammy 2.Award for the best rock song.EverythingBut .:It tells the story

12、of someone looking for in the wrong places.Utopia: The first part of the song was full of anger 4.while the last part 5.expressed love and joy.Her performance in EnglandTime: On a Thursday nightPlace: At the Corn Exchange in CambridgeThe time length: 6.3_hoursMorissette gave a 7.creative,_pow

13、erful, and exciting 8.performance.Disadvantages:The concert hall was cold and the sound 9.system caused a few problems.The audiences ReactionThere was not an empty seat anywhere in the concert hall.They knew the 10.words/lyrics and sang along to nearly every song. 考点1effect n效果,作用;影响教材原句The music wa

14、s brilliant but the special effects were disappointing.音乐很美,但特殊效果很令人失望。have an/no/little effect on对有/没有/几乎没有影响come into effect take effect 生效;开始实施bring .into effect 使生效;实行;实施in effect in fact 实际上side effect 副作用The findings further suggest that stress may bring about a double effect.结果进一步表明压力可能会导致双重影

15、响。Pollution could have a great effect on peoples health.污染对人体健康有很大影响。The law will take effect on Jan 1st.这项新法规将于1月1日开始生效。These measures will not be brought into effect until next month.这些措施要到下个月才实施。His reply is in effect an apology.他的回答实际上就是道歉。In theory, this medicine has no side effects on you.从理论上

16、说,这种药对你的身体没有副作用。名师指津effect可以用作可数名词和不可数名词,接介词of表示“的影响/效果”,接介词on表示“对的影响”。1介词填空Global warming is having a great effect on the plants and animals.The new regulation doesnt come into effect until the first of June.We should pay close attention to the effects of global warming.2完成句子过去的六个月实际上是他的妻子在执政。His w

17、ife had, in_effect,_run the government for the past six months.考点2disappoint vt.使失望;使(希望等)破灭经典例句The Chinese Football National Team did not disappoint us in the win against Australia at the East Asian Cup.在东亚杯对澳大利亚的比赛中,中国足球队没让我们失望。(1)disappointed adj.感到失望的be/get disappointed with/in sb. 对某人失望be/get d

18、isappointed at/by/about sth. 对某事失望be/get disappointed to do sth. 对做某事感到失望be/get disappointed that . 对感到失望(2)disappointing adj. 令人失望的(3)disappointment n. 失望to ones disappointment 使某人失望的是Though I failed in the examination, my parents didnt get/be disappointed in/with me.尽管我没有通过考试,但我的父母并没有对我感到失望。She wa

19、s rather disappointed about/at/by the outcome of her talk with him.她对和他的谈话大失所望。Im very disappointed to hear that you will not be able to come to my birthday party.听说你不能来参加我的生日聚会,我很失望。To my disappointment, you failed in the exam once again.使我失望的是,你又一次考试没过关。名师指津disappoint的分词形式disappointed和disappointin

20、g都可以充当形容词,disappointed表示“感到失望的”,disappointing表示“令人失望的”。1单句语法填空How did you find the talk this morning?Very disappointing (disappoint)The old couple felt lonely and disappointed (disappoint) with their new life in the city.To his disappointment (disappoint), he couldnt adapt himself to the new environ

21、ment.2翻译句子那结果令我的确失望。The_result_really_disappointed_me.This accident disappointed our plans.这意外事件使我们的计划落空。你老板对你近期的工作很失望。Your_boss_is_very_disappointed_at/by/about_your_recent_work.考点3perform vt. & vi.表演;做;扮演;执行;表现 教材原句Last Thursday night, hundreds of fans went to the Corn Exchange in Cambridge, Engla

22、nd to see Alanis Morissette performing in concert.上周四晚上,数以百计的歌迷去英国剑桥的Corn Exchange剧院看阿兰妮丝莫里塞特的演出。(1)vt. & vi.表演;扮演(角色);演奏(乐曲)I had never seen Beijing Opera performed so brilliantly.我从来没看过京剧被表演得如此精彩。(2)vt.做,实行(困难的工作等);完成,履行(约定、命令等)The doctor performed the operation yesterday.昨天大夫进行了这例手术。One should al

23、ways perform what one promises.一个人应该说到做到。(3)vi.表现,运转The sports car performs well on mountain trails.这辆越野车在山路上很好开。(1)perform a role in在之中发挥作用perform an experiment/operation 做实验/手术perform ones promise 履行诺言(2)performance n. 演出;履行;执行put on/give a performance 演出(3)performer n. 表演者As a monitor, Mary perfo

24、rms an important role in our various activities.作为班长,玛丽在我们各种各样的活动中发挥着重要作用。The school drama society will give/put on a performance of Hamlet.学校的戏剧协会将上演哈姆雷特。1选词填空: perform, performance, performerA computer can perform many tasks at the same time.This experiment has never been performed in this country

25、.We are impressed by the amazing performance of the performer.2写出下列句子中perform的汉语意思He not only promised, but performed.做,履行They performed a dance for the children.表演The car performs well at low speeds.运行考点4award n奖,奖品vt.给予,授予教材原句It was Morissettes first performance in England since her song “Uninvite

26、d” won this years Grammy Award for the best rock song.这是莫里塞特的Uninvited赢得今年的格莱美最佳摇滚乐单曲奖之后,她在英格兰的首场演出。(1)n.奖,奖品Li Bingbing won the best actress award.Li Bingbing won the award for Best Actress.李冰冰获得了最佳女演员奖。(2)vt.给予,授予award sb. sth. for .因授予某人某物 award sth. to sb. for . 因把某物授予某人 awarded sth. 某人被授予某

27、物 awarded to sb. 某物被授予某人The government awarded him a large sum of money for his good deeds.The government awarded a large sum of money to him for his good deeds.因为做好事,政府给予他一大笔奖金。Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012.The Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Mo Yan in 201

28、2.2012年莫言被授予诺贝尔文学奖。辨析比较award“奖,奖品”,多指荣誉而不在乎奖品或奖金,尤其是由于作出杰出成就而受奖reward指某人因做了好事或有益的事而得到回报prize指在比赛中获胜或有特殊贡献时所得的奖励1选词填空: award, reward, prizeHe received a medal as a reward for his courage.It is said that the mayor will attend the award ceremony.His poem won the first prize of one thousand dollars.2句型转

29、换They awarded John the first prize.They awarded the first prize toJohn.John wasawardedthefirstprize by them.The first prize wasawardedtoJohn by them.考点5base nC,U基地,基础 vt.把建在基础上教材原句The 30yearold singer has a strong fan base in England.在英格兰,这位三十岁的歌手有坚实的歌迷基础。(1)n. C,U基地,基础America maintains military bas

30、es on foreign soil.美国在国外设有军事基地。The base of his argument is that people love each other.他的论点的基础是人类的互爱。(2)vt.把建在基础上(1)base .on/upon把置于基础之上be based on/upon 以为基础/根据(2)basis n. 基础,根据on the basis of 以/根据为基础(3)basic adj. 基础的,基本的You should base your conclusion on/upon careful research.你应该以审慎的研究为基础而下结论。Is it safe to predict the result on the basis of one opinion poll?根据一次民意测验来预测结果可靠吗?The movie ASmileIsBeautiful is based on/upon the popular

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