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1、新疆学年高一英语上学期期末考试试题高一英语上学期期末考试试题一 单项选择题(共20题,每题1.5分)1、She had her cell phone_with gold and jewelsA decorate B decorated C decorating D to decorate2、There are a few books on the shelf.But only one of them is worth _A read B reading C to read D being read3、He_to a football club and plays every Saturday.

2、A belongs B belonging C belonged D is belong4、She helped me with the work,_I treated her to dinnerA in turn B in return C by turns D in hand5、She will go to the city _her student.A in a search of B in search of C in search for D search of 6、Our English teacher loves us very much and he _by all of us

3、.A is think highly of B are think highly of C is thought highly of D is highly thought of7、The building_the top can be seen from here has just been completed.A in which B of which C to which D at which 8、He,as well as his two classmates ,_going toTake part in a piano competition.A is B are C was D w

4、ere9、Mr Zhang has two daughters,both_are famous doctors .A of which B of who C of whom D of that10、The Olympic Games_friendship as well as outstanding performance.A stand up B stand for C stand out D stand by11、_is known to us all,April 14 ,2010 was the day When Yushu earthquake happened.A Which B A

5、s C That D Who12 、I am sure that he will_Tsinghua Universitythis summer.A admit B admitted C be admited to D be admitted to 13、 Until now,we have raised 50,000 pounds for The poor children,_is quite unexpected.A which B that C who D whom14、 _, there has been a great change in his poor Village.A In s

6、urprise B To his surprise C At his surprise D In his surprise15、 I was doing my homework_my mother came back.A which B that C when D what16 、He was_murder. A charge B charged with C charged for D in charge17、 He deserved_to prison.A send B sending C be sent D sent18、 They_for ten years.A has been ma

7、rried B have been married C got married D married19、_time going by,I became less anxious.A With B As C What D which20、 _my teacher,I have caught up with others.A Under the help of B With the help ofC In the help of D As the help of 二 阅读理解第一小节(共15小题;每小题两分,满分30分)AHave you ever been to Taiwan, Chinas b

8、iggest island? Do you want to pay a visit there? Well show you the best of Taiwan island.A four-day tourPrice: Only ¥5,000Including: Round trip plane tickets between Beijing and Taiwan. Bus service around Taiwan. Great tour guide service.Places: Sun Moon LakeA beautiful lake. A small island. On one

9、side of the island, the lake looks like the sun, and on the other side it looks like the moon. That is why people call it the Sun Moon Lake.Ali MountainThe nearest mountain around the Sun Moon Lake. A nice experience to have a party with Gaoshan people. A wonderful place to see a very beautiful sunr

10、ise.Peng LakeA great place for swimming, fishing, boating and eating delicious fruit and fresh fish.Gao XiongA great place to spend a full day shopping.Office hours: Monday Friday: 9:00 am 7:00 pm Saturday:9:00 am 4:00 pmTel: 6459-9561Book by phone now for next month.21. This passage is written to_.

11、A. show you the best of Taiwan B. tell you something about TaiwanC. attract more people to visit Taiwan D. describe how beautiful Taiwan is22. Which is not included in the price for the tour?A. Plane tickets. B. Bus service. C. Guide service. D. Hotel.23. Where can you have a good time with the loca

12、l people?A.Sun Lake B.Ali Mountain C Peng LakeD. Gao Xiong B Christmas is a great time with family and friends. One of the best ways to bond with (团结)one another is through games. So why not play some great Christmas party games? Present pickup is a great game for both young and young at heart. It c

13、an be played inside or outside. To prepare for the game, you will need to have some small boxes and some small gift bags. This is a great way to use the paper from last year. There should be as many presents as players. Youll also need four or more candy canes(甘蔗). Two large boxes can be used to dro

14、p the presents in. Two ropes will be needed. Take one rope and make a starting line. The other rope will mark the finish line. Place the large boxes at the finish line. Equally divide the presents into two groups. Its best to have an equal number of boxes and bags on each side to make it fair. The f

15、irst player on each team will take two candy canes. When its time to start, theyll pick up the presents only using the candy canes. Each player must run his present to the box or finish line and drop it in. If its dropped on the way ,the player starts over. After they drop their presents, the player

16、s will run the candy canes to the next players. This continues until all the presents have been picked up. The first team to finish wins. To play kids against adults, you may want to put easier presents in a group for the kids and more difficult ones for the adults. There are many variations to the

17、game, so have some fun and come up with your own.24. What can we learn about the game present pickup?A. It needs a lot of new paper. B. It is played only in the open air. C. It is enjoyed by people of all ages.D. It needs more players than presents.25. What is the use of the two ropes?A. To separate

18、 the game players.B. To mark the starting and finish lines.C. To create the difficulty of the game.D. To make sure of the fairness of the game.26. What should players avoid in the game?A. Running to the finish line.B. Putting the presents in the box.C. Dropping the presents on the way. D. Picking up

19、 the presents with the candy canes.27. What does the underlined word “variations” in the last paragraph mean?A. meanings B. answers C. interests D. changes CDreams are expressions of thoughts, feelings and events that pass through our minds while we are sleeping. People dream about one to two hours

20、each night. We may have four to seven dreams in one night. Everybody dreams. But only some people can remember their dreams. The word “dream” comes from an old word in English that means “joy” and “music”. We dream in color. Our dreams often include all the sensessmells, sounds, sights, tastes and t

21、hings we touch. Sometimes we dream the same dream over and over again. These repeated dreams are often unpleasant. They are bad dreams that sometimes frighten us.Artists, writers and scientists sometimes say they get ideas from dreams. For example, the singer Paul McCartney of the Beatles said he aw

22、akened one day with the music for the song Yesterday in his head. The writer Mary Shelley said she had a very strong dream about a scientist using a machine to make an animal come alive. When she woke up, she began to write her book about a scientist named Frankenstein who made a frightening monster

23、(妖怪).In China, people believed that dreams were a way to visit with family members who had died. Some native American tribes(部落) and Mexican civilizations believe dreams are a different world we visit when we sleep.28. How do people feel when they dream the same dream? A. Lucky. B. Tired. C. Relaxed

24、. D. Frightened.29. What can we learn from Paragraph 3? A. Dreams are boring. B. Dreams are scary.C. Dreams are helpful. D. Dreams are real.30. What do Chinese people think of the dream? A. Dreaming is bad for life. B. They can visit their dead family member.C.Dream is another world for themD. Dream

25、 means good luck.31. What may be the best title of the passage? A. Useful dreams. B. Dreams. C. Bad dreams. D. New ideas from dre D You may not have heard of it before, but solid rain (固体雨)has been helping Mexican farmers fight droughts(干旱) for over ten years. The magic solid rain looks like sugar a

26、nd it can take in water up to 500 times as its own size and keep it in the ground for up to a year. The story of solid rain began in 1970, when American scientists developed a product used to take in water and help keep babies bottoms dry. However, a Mexican chemical engineer saw this magic product

27、as an opportunity to fight the drought. He developed a different kind of the product, which could be mixed with soil and slowly feed water to crops over a long period of time. His company, Solid Rain, has been quietly selling the product to Mexican farmers for over 10 years. Solid rain seems to be w

28、orking wonders in Mexico. However, it has not come into use around the world. Well, thats mainly because a lot of people still dont know about it. The Mexican company has invested (投资) almost nothing into marketing, relying instead on word of mouth between Mexican farmers. However, recently, they ha

29、ve gotten requests from other dry countries like India and Australia. Solid rain has received the Ecology and Environment Award, but it has also received some negative views. Dr. Linda Scott says that the product is hardly new and that there is no scientific evidence that it can hold water for a yea

30、r or last in the ground for ten years. Besides, solid rain can cause more harm than good in certain conditions. However, real-life use seems to show that solid rain is actually of great use to their farms. Frank Torres, a former green bean farmer used to rely on it even though drought wasnt such a b

31、ig issue. He said that the production had increased by 50%. 32. What is the usage of solid rain?A. Increasing the amount of rain. B. keeping babies bottoms dryC. Providing water for crops. D. Improving the soil.33. What can be inferred about solid rain from Paragraph 3?A. All Mexican farmers think it useful.B. Other countries dont want to use it.C. More advertisement for it is needed.D. It is kept as a technical secret in Mexico.34. What is Dr. Linda Scotts opinion on solid rain?A. He is doubtful about the effect of solid rain.B. Scientists should test the

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