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人教版英语八年级下册第七单元讲义 习题.docx

1、人教版英语八年级下册第七单元讲义 习题八下Unit 7 导学案一、重点短语 1.the population of China 中国的人口 2. one of the oldest countries 最古老的国家之一 3.feel free to do sth. 随意地做某事 4. as far as I know 据我所知 as you can see,.正如你所看见的, 5. live up to 活到 6. higher than any other mountain 比其他任何一座山高 7. of all在所有的.中 8. run along 绵延,横亘 9. another 200

2、 or so还有大约200左右 10,risk their lives冒着他们的生命危险 11, in the face of difficulties 面临困难 12, take in air 呼吸空气 13.achieve one s dream 实现某人的梦想 = make ones dream come true 14. the forces of nature 自然界的力量 15. even though 虽然;尽管 16. at birth 在出生的时候 17. run over with excitement 兴奋地跑过去 18. walk into sb. 撞到某人 19.di

3、e from死于 20. fall over 被绊倒 fall over the chair 被椅子绊倒、 21. cut down the forests 砍伐林木 22. endangered animals 濒危动物 23. the importance of saving these animals 拯救这些动物的重要性24. be in danger 处于危险之中 24. make more homes for the pandas为大熊猫建造更多的家园25,wild animals野生动物sea life海洋生物 26. protect from保护免于的伤害27. stop pu

4、tting rubbish into the sea停止往大海里丢垃圾 29. in the remaining forests在剩下的森林里 28. protect children from catching a cold. 保护孩子免于感冒 2、重点词句。 1. It is -adj. + (fo r sb. ) to do sth. It is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top. 当你接近山顶时,连呼吸都会困难。 2. 表达事物的长,宽,高,深? sth. /sb. +be+数量+单位+形容词long, wide

5、, tall, deep。 如,The river is 2 meters deep. Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters high. long-length (n. 长度) wide-width (n.宽度) deep-depth(n.深度) high-height(n.高度) the length/depth/ width/height/size of sth. 的长度,深度,宽度,高度,面积 3. 问事物的高,深,宽,长? How high/ deep/tall/ wide/ long/ is . ? 问重量用 How heavy be+sth,/sb.? How

6、 high is Qomolangma? 珠穆朗玛峰有多高? 4. The first Chinese team did so in1960, while the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei. 1) while, 此处是而,然而,轻微对比。不是当时候?, 用在句中,前面有逗号。 2) succeed. V. 成功 succeed in doing sth. He succeeded in finishing the work. success n. 成功?不可数,Confidence is the key to success. 自信是成功的关

7、键。 success n. 成功的人,物? He is a great success.他是一个很成功的人。 successful, adj. 成功的, successfully, 成功地 5. Adult pandas spend more than12 hours a day eating 10 kilos of bamboo. 【解析】spend (in) doing 花时间做某事【】spend/pay/cost/take 花费(1)spend?spent?spent v 花费,主语是人 ? sb.+ spend +时间/钱+on /(in) doing sth(2) pay ?paid

8、 ?paid v 支付,主语是人 ?sb.+ pay + 钱+for sth(3)cost? cost? cost v 花费,主语是某物或某事 ?sth cost sb. +钱 某物花费某人多少钱 (4)take?took ? taken v 花费 主语是it.?It takes /took sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间【】1.-Are you always online? -Yes. It _ me a lot of time to read the web pages I likes.Its the best way to kill time.

9、A. takes B. spends C. uses D. pays【】2. It usually Mum about half an hour to cook supper.A. pays B. takes C. spends D. costs【】3. I spent $5 this book. A. in B. to buy C. buying D. buy【】4. Do you know the price of the ticket? Yes. Each_180.A. paysB. costs C. takes D. spends【】5. Pauls parents were worr

10、ied that he too much time chatting on line.A. spent B. paid C. took【】6. How much is the ticket to Central Park?A one-way ticket _ $40, and you can _ another $20 for a round-trip.A. costs, pay B. cost, spend C. pay, spend D. spends, pay6. Canada is a lot less crowded than China. 加拿大不及中国拥挤很多。 less+adj

11、+than 不及比较: Joseph is less honest than his brother. 约瑟夫不像他兄弟那样诚实。 less than (中间不加任何词)少于? There are less than 30 girls in my class. 我们班不足30个女生。 more than (中间不加任何词)超过,多于,相当于over? There are more than 30 girls in my class. 我们班有超过30个女生。 【】. Many boy students think math is _ English. I agree. Im weak in E

12、nglish. A. much difficult thanB. so difficult as C. less difficult thanD. more difficult than7. -ing 形容词与-ed 形容词: -ing 形容词表示令人、的, 表示主动意义,多指事物对人的影响,一般修饰或说明事物。 如:surprising(令人惊讶的) , exciting (令人兴奋的), interesting(有趣的) 等。-ed 形容词表示感到、的,表示被动意义,多指人对事物的感受,主语一般是人:sb. + be +-ed 形容词 + 介词短语 。 如:surprised(感到惊讶的)

13、 , excited(感到兴奋的) , interested(感到有趣的) 等。 We are all excited about the exciting news . 我们对这条令人兴奋的消息感到很兴奋 Unit8. The elephant weighs many times more than this panda. 这头大象的重量是这只熊猫的很多倍。【解析1】weigh v 称的重量 ? weight n 重量【记】 She weighs herself every day and wants to lose weight.【解析2】time ?“是.的几倍”主语 + 数词 + ti

14、mes + as +形容词+ as +被比较的内容 Our new school is four times as big as the old one. ?“次数” 一次 once 两次 twice three times 三次 three or four times 三到四次【短语】many times last time every time each time the first time next time【句型】 Its time for sth . 或 Its time ( for sb . ) to do sth . 意为:该是的时候了 Its time for dinner

15、. 该是吃晚餐的时候了。 Its time for children to go to bed . 是小孩睡觉的时候了。【】We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen _ we speak. A. as twice much as B. twice as much as C. as much as twice D. as much twice as9. At birth, a baby panda is about _ to _ kilos. 刚出生的小熊猫幼崽约_到 _公斤。【解析】at birth 出生时 (用作时间状语)_(出

16、生时), a baby panda is about 20cm long. give birth ( to sb/ sth) 生孩子;产仔【解析】up to 高达up to +数量词 达到 (某数量、程度等);至多 I can take up to four people in my car. 直到 (现在)Up to now , Tony has been very quiet. be up to sb. “由某人决定” Shall we go out or stay in ? Its up to you.10. Lin Wei and the other panda keepers are

17、 preparing the milk for the baby pandas breakfast.林微和其他熊猫饲养员们正在给熊猫幼崽准备牛奶作为早餐。【解析1】the other 其他的 (指两个事物或两个人中的“另一个”, 后接名词时,表示“其他的人或物”;one. The other . (两者中)一个., 另一个. the others=the other +复数名词the other的复数形式是the others “其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。 Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will sta

18、y at home. 两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里。another +数词 另外的, 再 another 同类事物(三个以上)的另一个, I dont like this one, please show me another. 我不喜欢这个,请给我另一个。some. others一些,另一些 Some boys are reading; others are listening to the radio. 有些孩子在阅读,有些则在听收音机。one . the other 表示两者里面的另一个! Ive bought two sweaters . One is for you and t

19、he other is for my brother.other+复数名词 Where are the other students? 其他同学在哪里?【】. My family has two dogs. One is white, _ is black.A. otherB. another C. the other D. others【】 Have you finished your work yet? No, no t yet. Itll take me _ ten minutes. A. other B. another C. the other【解析2】preparefor 为准备1

20、). prepare sth.表示准备.,后接名词或代词作宾语。2). prepare to do sth.表示准备做.。3). prepare for sth.表示为.做准备。11. At 9:00 a.m, they find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry.上午9:00的时候,他们发现大部分熊猫幼崽已经醒来并且饿了。【解析】awake adj. 醒来 (反义词)asleep 睡着的 She was awake all night. V. 唤醒;使醒来 = wake up The noise awak me.【】 D

21、o you lie _ (醒着的)at night,worrying about things?( ) He fell _ early last night, and he was _ early this morning. A. sleep; wake B. asleep; wake C. asleep; awake D. sleep ; awake12. When the babies see the keepers, they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall d

22、own! 当熊猫幼崽们看到饲养员时便激动地跑了过来,有些甚至撞倒它们的伙伴,绊倒在地!【解析1】run over 撞倒 【解析2】excitement 激动;兴奋【】Everyone was _when they heard the _ news. Aexciting,exciting Bexcited,exciting Cexcitingexcited【解析3】fall down 跌倒fall down强调的是“滑倒、倒下”,后接宾语时应加上介词from The book fell down from the table to the floor.【短语】 fall down 倒下 fall

23、 over 落在.之上, 脸朝下跌倒 fall off 下降, 跌落 fall over“向前摔倒、跌倒”。【】 What happened to Mare? He fell _ the bike _ a snowy morning.; in B.down; at; on12. The baby often die from illness and do not live very long.熊猫幼崽常死于疾病,并且活不久。die v. ?(延续性动词) be dead 死,死亡? death n. 死,死亡?dead adj. 死的 ?dying adj. 将死的 ?

24、Lucys dogs _(die) yesterday. Its_ made her sad.( )?He _ for two years. We are still sad about his _.A. died; dead B. died; death C. has been dead; dead D. has been dead; death( )?The doctor _a _ boy yesterday. A. saved; dying B. saved; dead C. has saved; dead【拓展】die from 死于 ?常用短语? die from + 外因 “死于”

25、,主要指事故等方面的外部原因。 die from a traffic accident 死于交通事故die of + 内因 主要指疾病、衰老、情感等自身原因 die of hunger/an illness 饿/病死 His grandfather died of liver cancer in 1992.( ) He died _ the traffic accident last week. A. of B. from C. with D. for【】 Do you know that Mr. Zhang passed _ last week Yes. He died _ illness.

26、 A. away; of B. on ;from C. by; with D. off; as【解析2】illness 疾病;病 ill /sick 共同点:生病的;有病的 不同点:ill adj.生病的;有病的作表语,不能作定语 be ill in hospital sick 作表语/作定语,病人a sick man 或the sick, She is ill / sick in bed. 她卧病在床。She is looking after her sick father .她在照顾她生病的父亲。【拓展】sick 恶心的;厌倦的 The smell makes me sick.这气味使我感

27、到恶心。【】 He cant even move because of his (ill).13. But then humans started to cut down the forests, and there was less bamboo for the pandas. 但是后来人类开始砍伐森林,导致可供熊猫吃的竹子越来越少。【解析1】cut down 砍伐;砍倒 cut down 砍倒,减少,降低,缩短 The little boy cut down the young tree【拓展】与cut有关的短语cut sth from sth 切下,割下 cut sth away 切除,

28、剪去 cut up 切碎 cut off切断,停止【】President Xi Jinping calls on Chinese people to _ all the food each meal. A. eat up B. use up C. pick up D. cut up【】 Alice, could you help me _ the meat? I want to make some dumplings for dinner. OK. Ill do it right away. A. put up B. give up C. use up D. cut up14. Scienti

29、sts say there are now fewer than 2019 pandas living in the remaining forests. 科学家们说现在只有不到2019只大熊猫生活在幸存的森林中了。【解析】 There be + 名词(短语) + ving. 某处有某人或某物在做某事 There is a truck collecting rubbish outside.【解析】remind v保持,仍是(系动词+adj. )( ) ?Though he has been working hard, his math remains_. A. bad B. badly C.OK( ) ?At the meeting ,they said nothing but _quiet. A. took B make C. reminded【】 . Can I smok

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