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仁爱版英语七年级下Unit6 Topic2教学设计.docx

1、仁爱版英语七年级下Unit6 Topic2教学设计七年级Unit 6 Topic 2 Section A. Material analysis(教材分析)本话题在第一个话题的基础上继续学习和房屋有关的表达法,巩固和拓展there be句型,学习关于房屋类型以及谈论房屋周边环境,如各种设施和服务场所的表达法。本课是第六单元话题二的第一课时。本课的主要活动是1a, 3a和4a。通过人物对话呈现主要教学内容,学习住房类型的词汇和表达方式。通过听有关租房的对话,让学生了解关于出租、求租等应用广告。此外,语音板块将呈现并操练元音字母o、字母组合o+st/ld, oa和辅音字母h的读音及语音辨认。. Te

2、aching aims(教学目标) 1.Knowledge aims(知识目标)能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的 对话操练中加以应用:“townhouse, farmhouse, country, apartment, rent, quiet, month, rent ”;能够正确使用there be句型以及表示房屋类型的表达方式等;能够运用“谈论房屋类型、居住环境和邻里关系、出租和求租”等话题进行交流与对话操练,如:(1)What kind of home do you live in? Its a townhouse with two floors.(2)How

3、many floors are there in your building? There are seven.(3)Do you like living there?Yes.(4)Michael is looking for an apartment near our school.2.Skill aims(能力目标)能听懂简单的课堂用语并做出适当的反应;能根据图文就居住环境等基本话题进行交流;能根据已学音标拼读单词;能看懂简单的求租、出租房屋的广告。3.Emotional aims(情感目标)能够在相互对话和表演等活动中,培养对学习英语的兴趣和积极主动的学习精神;能够与同伴积极合作,参与课

4、堂活动,大胆实践。. Teaching key points(教学重点)1.能正确使用there be句型和表示房屋类型的句子;2.能够就“谈论房屋类型、居住环境、出租和求租”等话题进行交流与对话操练。. Teaching difficult points(教学难点)能掌握元音字母o,字母组合o+st/ld, oa, 和辅音字母h的发音规则并尝试辨音。 . Teaching methods(教学方法):情景教学法,任务型教学. Learning strategies(学法)1.小组合作交流与模仿语音语调。 2.在学习过程中养成预习和复习的学习习惯。. Teaching aids (教具)多媒体

5、和黑板. Teaching procedures(教学步骤)教学过程设计意图GreetingGreeting & Warming up为了学生更好地进入课堂学习做好准备RevisionSs take a picture of their own home and show it to the partner. Then try to describe it to the partner, using the expressions and phrases in Topic 1简单回顾和复习上个单元所学重点知识,激活学生的已有知识,为本节课学习新知识做准备。 Presentation1.Look

6、 at the pictures in 1b. Learn the new words about different kinds of homes with the help of the pictures, apartment building, farmhouse, townhouse, country, live with, look for.And learn these sentences:What kind of home do you live in?Its a townhouse with two floors.How many floors are there in you

7、r building?There are seven.2.Then listen to the tape of 1a and match the buildings with the people in 1b individually. Then check answers in pairs引导学生学习新词,利用旧句型带新单词,并进行操练,解决学习课文过程中会遇到的语言难点。通过听让学生初步了解有关于房屋类型的对话,并提高学生的听力技能。 ConsolidationPresent the dialog:1.Listen and repeat;2.Read in pairs, then show

8、;3.Read by roles;4.Ss try to recite the dialog;5.Good memory(Ss recite the dialog with the key words )听录音模仿1a对话的语音语调,巩固1a对话。让学生在理解课文的基础上,再俩俩操练1a,表演1a,并复述1a,达到强化1a的目的。Practice1.Do 1c. After practicing the conversation in 1a;2.Do 2. listen to the tape and choose the correct answers. Check your answers

9、 in pairs.3.Do 3a. Read the sentences in 3a. Then scan the ads on the bulletin board and complete the sentences individually. Then check the answers in pairs4.Do 4a. Discuss in groups and find the rules of sounds about o, o+st/ld, oa, h by themselves. Then the whole class listen to the tape recorder

10、 and check the sounds. Read the sounds and words aloud after the tape.5.Do 4b. Read the words in 4b by yourself. Then listen to the tape, check the answers and repeat after the tape.提高学生对该对话的语言表达和实际应用的能力。培养学生形成良好的发音习惯,并能根据读音拼写单词,以及听音辩词的能力。Sum up Words: townhouse, farmhouse, country, apartment, rent,

11、 quiet, month, rentSentences:What kind of home do you live in?Its a townhouse with two floors.How many floors are there in your building?There are seven.Do you like living there?Yes.Michael is looking for an apartment near our school.引导学生总结本课的主要知识点,达到强化本课知识点的目的 Homework1.Review the words and practic

12、e the conversations in Section A ;2.完成同步练习 Section A3. Preview Section B.巩固本节课所学的语言知识。.Blackboard design(板书设计)Topic 2 My home is in an apartment building. Section A1. What kind of home do you live in? townhouseIts a townhouse with two floors. farmhouse2. Do you live with your grandparents? countryNo

13、, they live in a big farmhouse in the country. apartment3.Michael is looking for an apartment near our school. rent quiet month for rent仁爱英语七年级Unit 6 Topic 2 Section B. Material analysis(教材分析)本课是第六单元话题二的第二课时。本课的主要活动是1a和2a。通过Michael和Mary的对话,学习谈论社区环境和邻里关系的话题;还进一步学习社区周边设施的单词;通过句子排序、创编对话等活动,训练学生正确的语言实际运

14、用能力,培养学生的交际策略。. Teaching aims(教学目标)1.Knowledge aims(知识目标) 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的 对话操练中加以应用:neighbor, store, bank, street, corner, post, post office, bookstore, parking lot, supermarket, railway, station, end, road 能够就“社区环境、邻里关系、寻求和提供帮助、问路和指路”等话题进行交流与对话操练,如:(1)Would you like me to help you?Yes

15、, thanks.(2)Could you help me?Of course.Its very nice of you. Thank you.(3)And is there a bank near here?Well, there is one on the street corner.2.Skill aims(能力目标) 能听懂有关寻求和提供帮助、邻里间互助的话题; 能向他人求助或提供帮助; 能根据图文就居住环境和邻里关系等基本话题进行交流;3.Emotional aims(情感目标)在教授英语知识与技能的同时,应引导学生养成邻里之间互相帮助、互相关心、乐于助人的优良品质。. Teachi

16、ng key points(教学重点)学习关于社区周边设施及其环境的表达。. Teaching difficult points(教学难点)掌握关于社区周边设施的词汇. Teaching methods(教学方法): 情景教学法,任务型教学. Learning strategies(学法)1.小组合作交流与模仿语音语调。 2.在学习过程中养成预习和复习的学习习惯。. Teaching aids (教具)多媒体和黑板. Teaching procedures(教学步骤)教学过程设计意图GreetingGreeting & Warming up为了学生更好地进入课堂学习做好准备。RevisionS

17、uppose you want to rent a house from/to others. Ss design an ad to rent rooms from/to others. After that, show your ads to the whole class.复习Section A 关于住房类型词汇以及租房的有关表达,并引出本节课所学话题。Presentation1.Show a picture of a community, and learn the new words about the buildings around us: post office, booksto

18、re, library, parking lot, supermarket, hospital, bank, railway station.Like this :T: Where can we keep money?Ss: A bank.T: Where can we park buses?Ss: Parking lot.2.Match the words in 2a with the phrases individually. Then check the answers in pairs3.Do 2b-A. Listen to the passage and check the plac

19、es you hear. Then check the answers in pairs.4.Do 2b-B. Then listen to the tape again and write the places in the correct positions. Then check the answers with your partner.5.1a.Listen and answer :Q: Whats Michael looking for? Read and finish 1b, check the answers with your partner.学习住房周边服务设施的名称,如

20、store, bank, post office, street 等扩大学生词汇量,同时复习有关方位的介词以及短语,为后面的1a/1b 听力部分解决语言障碍。ConsolidationPresent the dialog:1.Listen and repeat;2.Read in pairs, then show;3.Read by roles;4.Ss try to recite the dialog;5.Good memory(Ss recite the dialog with the key words ) 学生从听力材料中获取询问邻居有关小区周边设施的表达信息,并引导学生模仿对话的语音

21、语调。Practice1.Do 3a. Read the sentences and put them in the correct order. Check the answers with in pairs. Then practice the conversation in pairs.2.After practicing the conversation in3a, make up a new conversation about asking for help and giving help in pairs. Then practice your new conversation

22、in pairs.3. Do 4. Read the passage in 4 individually. Write the name of each neighbor. Then check the answers in pairs. 完成3a,并通过对1a和3a 的模仿,逐渐学会在日常生活中与邻居交谈,提高语言输出能力。 Sum upWords: neighbor,store,bank, street, corner, post, post office, bookstore, parking lot, supermarket, railway, station, end, roadSe

23、ntences:Would you like me to help you?Yes, thanks.Could you help me?Of course.Its very nice of you. Thank you.And is there a bank near here?Well, there is one on the street corner. 引导学生总结本课的主要知识点,达到强化本课知识点的目的 Homework1.Review the words and practice the conversations in Section B ;2.完成同步练习 Section B;

24、3.绘制一张自家周边的简易设施,并标出设施的英文名称;4. Preview Section C.巩固本节课所学的语言知识。.Blackboard design(板书设计)Topic 2 My home is in an apartment building. Section B1.Would you like me to help you? neighbor storeYes, thanks. bank street2.Are there any near here? corner post3.There is one on the street corner. post office boo

25、kstore4.Could you help me? parking lot supermarket5.Its very nice of you. Railway station end road 仁爱英语七年级Unit 6 Topic 2 Section C. Material analysis(教材分析)Section C是一节阅读、写作课,主要活动是1a,2和3a。通过图片所创设的情景,将学生带入阅读材料的语境中,呈现一篇关于自己居住社区的周边设施的介绍,给学生提供写作的范文;还将要求学生根据1a所学内容,结合自己的实际情况写一篇介绍自己社区的短文,是一个信息输出的过程,旨在培养学生的写

26、作能力;语音板块通过听录音完成不同的任务,来复习所学语音,培养学生的辨音能力、单词的连读、句子的升降调以及正确的朗读习惯。. Teaching aims(教学目标)1.Knowledge aims( 能力目标) 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读并能拼写下列词汇:such as, community, child, children, a lot of, lots of, sport, close, close to, far, far from, service, area, colorful 能够在篇章叙述中,熟练运用there be句型来介绍自己居住的社区、社区环境和周边设施,如:

27、(1)There are a lot of tall buildings and small gardens in our community.(2)There is a community service center in our area. 2.Skill aims (能力目标) 能听懂简单的课堂用语并做出适当的反应; 能根据图文就居住环境和邻里关系等基本话题进行交流; 能写出介绍自己居住的社区环境的短文。3.Emotional aims (情感目标) 能够与同伴积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 应引导学生学会和他人和谐相处,共创美好的生活氛围。. Teaching key point

28、s (重点) 能够在篇章叙述中,熟练运用there be句型来介绍社区环境和周边设施;. Teaching difficult points(难点)能写介绍自己居住的社区环境的短文。.Teaching methods(教学方法):情景教学法,任务型教学法. Learning strategies ( 学习策略)1.能与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;2.能逐步养成预习和复习的好习惯;. Teaching aids多媒体和黑板.Teaching procedures(教学步骤) 教学过程 设计意图GreetingGreeting & Warming up为了学生更好地进入课堂学习做好准备。Revis

29、ion Design a map about your community, including the post office, the bookstore, the hospital, the bank and so on. Draw it on the paper. Then show it to the class and introduce it to the whole class.e.g.In our community, there are two banks. Near the banks there is a big supermarket. We can go shopp

30、ing in it. In front of the supermarket there is a post office. 复习上节课关于小区周边设施的表达方法,为学生进入本节课的英语学习提供运用知识的机会。Presentation1. Look at the picture in 1a. Say the places in English, such as shops, school and so on. Learn some new words, community, child, sport, close, far from, service, area, colorful. 2. L

31、ook at the pictures and say the places as quickly as you can. Then say the words according to your partners description in pairs.A: My home is not far from my school. “Not far”.B: “Close to”.3.Work in pairs and complete the tasks before reading. Underline the places in English first. Then discuss in pairs, “Do you like living there? Why?”4.Read the questions in 1c. T

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