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1、AB级作文题型汇总AB级作文题型汇总LTDear Alice, I will be happy to attend Bills homecoming party on Friday, March 23, at 8:30 p.m. It was nice of you to remember me. I havent seen Bill for such a long time. I can hardly wait! Your friend, Mindy复信2Dear Alice, I regret that I cannot attend Bills homecoming party on F

2、riday, March 23, at 8:30 p.m. I will be in Cleveland for my cousins wedding. I feel terribly regretful since I havent seen him for a long time. Give him my regards. Lets get together very soon. Thank you for remembering me. Your friend, Mindy常用句型(正式邀请)We are pleased to invite to visitYou are warmly

3、invited to attendWe would like to invite you to a reception in honor ofIt would give us great pleasure to have your presence at the ceremony to hold on Tuesday at Royal Hotel.On behalf of , I am pleased to invite youIt would be a great honor to have your presence at the dinner.Please confirm that yo

4、u will be able to attendPlease let us know if you would like to go with us。 (非正式邀请)Please accept the invitation to come toAre you free on Saturday? Would you like to join us for the party at 6:00 p.m.If you have no other plans for Sunday, why not join us at the multi-functional hall?How / What about

5、 coming to? 1.感谢信 当你收到礼物,受到帮助、照顾、祝贺等时,应写信表示感谢。感谢信应写得真实诚恳,要具体提到感谢的原因,措辞要客气得体,并以手写为宜。日期要写在右上角。下面是一封感谢款待的例子: 例文1February 16, 2009 Dear Lucy, This is just a short note to thank you for a very pleasant reception while I was in Shanghai. The food was excellent and it was most enjoyable to see so many old

6、friends. Please give me a call next time you come to Shenyang. Perhaps we can meet again for lunch or dinner. Yours sincerely, Michael 例文2March 8, 2004Dear Mrs. Tang,I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to your hospitality. Thank you for the unforgettable visit to so ma

7、ny interesting places. It is the first time in my life that I have enjoyed the wonderful views of the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. Because of you well-planned arrangement, I really spent three pleasant days in Beijing. Again, thanks so much for your kindness.Yours sincerely

8、,Alice Brown常用句型I am writing to thank you for the memorable weekend I had at your home.Thank you so much forThe kindness of friendship has warmed me greatly.It is so thoughtful of you to remember my birthday.I am writing on behalf of to thank you for your kindness and hospitality extended to us on o

9、ur visit toHow delightful to receive your 2.祝贺信(Letter of Congratulations)在西方,逢年过节 、升迁、毕业、获得成就时,都可能收到亲朋好友或其他组织的祝贺信,使你倍感喜悦、温暖。贺信要写得亲切、真诚、充满热情。例文1Dear Mr. Smith,It was a delighted news for me to learn of the establishment of your own Foreign Language Training Center. Please accept my most sincere cong

10、ratulations.With your brilliant background and outstanding achievement, I believe the new centre will make a contribution to the development of education. I am sure it will be a great success. Yours sincerely, Tom例文2January 14, 2006Dear Wen,What a delighted surprise to know you are married! Allow me

11、 to offer my sincere congratulations to you.Do enjoy all the happiness that the new life can bring and make sure to tell us the interesting things in your honeymoon tour after your return.Once again, best wishes from me on your marriage! Love, Rose 常用句型1.祝贺升迁I wish to congratulate you on your succes

12、sful performance.I am so delighted to learn that you have been promoted as aCongratulations on your promotion!2.祝贺订婚、结婚What a delighted surprise to know you are married!Allow me to offer my sincere congratulations to you.Im delighted to /pleased to hear that you are engaged.3.道歉信(Letter of Apology)

13、在日常生活中如果出现某些差错,如失约或损坏了他人的东西等,应及时写信道歉。其格式与普通书信基本相同,态度要诚恳,措辞要委婉。下面是一封道歉信的例子: 例文1 April 4,2004 Dear Mary, I am very sorry that we wont attend your birthday party on Saturday because my wife is ill. I am sorry that I have to disappoint you, but I am confident that you will fully understand us. Yours sin

14、cerely,例文2 November 18, 2006Dear Jennifer, I am very sorry that I was out when you came to see me yesterday afternoon. The fact is that I had an engagement with some friends and, ignorant of your visit, accompanied them to the cinema. Not until nine oclock in the evening did I come back. You must ha

15、ve been disappointed by my absence. I hope you will not leave the city this week. I will call on you on Friday afternoon at four oclock. As this is the first time you have come to Beijing, I will take you to some places that may interest you. Please wait for me in your hotel at the appointed time. Y

16、ours truly, Xiao Wang 常用句型:I write to you to express my deep regret.Im writing to you to as you to excuse me for I regret to tell you that Sincere apology for what I have done.Once again express my regret and apology.Please accept our sincere apologies for any distress this situation may have caused

17、 you and be assured that it will never happen again. Assignment高明借同学赵强一本商务英语口语书,读完书之后本打算奉还,却不知找不到此书,故写信向同学道歉,并告诉对方打算买一本新的还给他。 4.投诉信投诉信用于向某单位或某公司的负责人提出的不满和意见。例文December 23, 2001Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing about a camera I bought in your shop last month when I was on business in Guangzhou. I took a

18、 lot of pictures with it. However, when I arrived home and got the film developed, there is nothing on the picture! I guess there must be something wrong with the camera.I am quite annoyed at this because at your price I expect the top quality. I have sent the camera back to you by post with a copy

19、of the receipt, and I demand your attention and a refund as soon as possible. I am looking forward to an early reply. Yours sincerely, Wang Lan常用句型:I am writing to complain of the bad quality ofIm writing to complain of the poor service ofI am dissatisfied with yourI am quite annoyed at this. I choo

20、se to complain to you because Im sure you will be able to have the problem solved.Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.I demand your attention and a refund as soon as possible.Assignment:王女士写信给某商店经理,投诉该店营业员服务质量很差。昨天她赶上异常大雨,顺便进入此店,在卖戒指的柜台前要求看一枚金戒指,但营业员(13号)服务态度不好,拒绝接待。5.介绍信介绍

21、信是写信人向收信人介绍他人、自己或单位等以期望得到收信人的接洽、关照、帮助或扩大业务范围而写的信件。例文March 8, 2008Dear Jordan, We are pleased to introduce Mr. Huang Long, our manager of Chemical Production Department. Mr. Huang is spending one month in your city to develop our business with chief manufacturers and to make purchases of some chemica

22、l material for the coming season. We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need. Yours sincerely, Cheng Bin常用句型:I am writing to introduceto you.The bearer of this letter is Please allow me to introduce myself to you.I am wri

23、ting to you on behalf of 6.慰问信亲友、同事或他人生病、去世、受伤、遭遇不幸和蒙受损失时,往往写慰问信以表示同情。虽然其格式与普通书信基本相同,但要规范、简短、感情真诚。Letter 1 September 27, 2006Dear Tom, I was distressed to learn of the big fire and shocked by the destruction it has caused. I am sorry to know the loss of your house and property. Fortunately, all the

24、people are safe and healthy. I hope you will have the courage and strength to rebuild your home soon. Sincerely, Ellen常用句型Sorry to learn your failure in I was sorry to hear that I am sorry at the news that your house was on fire yesterday.I just cant tell you how sorry I was to listen of /thatAll of

25、 us were saddened /distressed/grieved to knowI was shocked to hear of Marys death and wish to extend our sympathy to you and your children.It was bad news, but Im sure things will turn better soon.I know how sad you must be, but I hope you will take good care of yourself.Please let us know if there

26、is anything you need in hospital.Ill be glad to give you as much help as I can.Assignment:Martin得知朋友David考试没有及格,因此写信安慰他,劝他不要沮丧。建议他认真复习,不清楚的内容可以请教老师和同学。相信大卫下学期一定会赶上其他同学。如需帮助,一定不要客气。7.欢迎信 欢迎信是主人出于礼节对客人的一种友好表示。 欢迎信不宜写得过长,但要求写得真切,表明客人对主人的重要性,以及主人写信的诚意。例文 February 4, 2006Dear Tom, It is a great pleasure

27、to welcome you to our organization.We are fortunate to have you join us as an engineer. Youll be working with many amiable people, and Im sure youll find them capable and cooperative. Lets get together for a chat as soon as you are settled. Meanwhile, if there is anything I can do for you, just let

28、me know. Yours, John Manager of Personal Department常用句型It is a great pleasure to welcome you toWe are fortunate to have you join us atas an engineer.On behalf of the director of our company, I would like to say how delighted weare to I expect you to have a chance to come and enjoy yourself here.8.求职

29、信求职信属于一种重要的个人公务信函。通常是在信中提及一些重要的事实,然后附上一份个人简历。 求职信大致包括以下内容: 1)首先说明写信缘由,即是看到招聘广告还是从朋友那里得到消息。 2)正文强调与求职岗位相关的教育背景、工作经历及资格。3)结尾应提出具体要求,如请求面试机会或希望尽早答复等。例文Letter 1 120 Haidian Road Haidian District 100032 Beijing Nov. 22, 2006Personal DirectorJinghua Company23 Guangming RoadChaoyang District 100087BeijingD

30、ear Sir or Madam,I have learned from the of 18 that there is a vacancy of an accountant in Jinhua Company. I wish to apply for the position.I graduated from Capital University of Business and Economics. For the last three years, I have been working as an accountant in Huaan Firm.I enclosed a copy of

31、 my resume and I shall welcome a personal interview at your convenience. Yours faithfully, Zhang Haiyi June 25, 2004Letter 2Dear Sir or Madam,It is my pleasure to apply for the position of the General Managers secretary in your company, which you have advertised in China Daily last week. I am 24 and graduated from Longjiang Technical College with an excellent academic record in all courses. While I majored in Business Administration

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