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2、文章错误。新SAT文法的主要考察形式:试题的格式如下图所示:左边是需要编辑修改的文章,右边是相应的题目。因为左右需要完美对应,所以一篇文章会出现在多页纸上。考生需要看清楚文章标题上面所列出的与该文章相关的题目个数。(例如:本文的标题是A Life in Traffic, 与之相关的题目是第1题到第11题)。划线部分是出题处。题目的类型都是单选题,A、B、C、D四项之中选择一个最佳答案。表面上看,题目的内容五花八门,但是实质上只考察学生的两种能力:语法能力(Standard English Conventions)和表达能力(Expression of Ideas)。从形式上看,题目分为两类。一

3、类题目是下图中第二题这种题目:A选项是NO CHANGE, 其他三个选项是修改划线处的三种不同建议。另一类题目是下图种第一题这种题目:首先给出了一个要求,然后让学生按照要求为文中划线处选择一个答案。题目新SAT文法小常识:项目内容题目44题;4篇文章,每篇11题。时间35分钟;每篇文章阅读和做题加起来也只有8分钟啊!文章长度共1700词,每篇文章400450词文章体裁1篇记叙文、1-2篇说明文、1-2篇议论文文章主题事业、人文社科、历史、科技各一篇文章难度美国9-10年级水平和高中水平的文章分数类型总分表达(Expression of Ideas): 24题,每篇文章6题语法(Standard

4、 English Conventions): 20题,每篇5题寻证(Command of Evidence): 8题,每篇2题词义(Words in Context): 8题,每篇2题历史、社科分析:6题科技分析:题题目可有多维度。新SAT的指示说明:Writing and Language Test:35 MINUTES, 44 QUESTIONSTurn to Section 2 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section。DIRECTIONSEach passage below is accompanied b

5、y a number of questions. For some questions, you will consider how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas. For other questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence structure, usage, or punctuation. A passage or a question may be ac

6、companied by one or more graphics (such as a table or graph) that you will consider as you make revising and editing decisions。Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage. Other questions will direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a w

7、hole。After reading each passage, choose the answer to each question that most effectively improves the quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform to the conventions of standard written English. Many questions include a “NO CHANGE” option. Choose that option if you think the

8、best choice is to leave the relevant portion of the passage as it is。样题详解见下页。共有两套样题:SAMPLE 1和SAMPLE 2。样题1 (SAMPLE 1)Careers Passage with GraphicQuestions 1 through 11 are based on the following passage and supplementary material。A Life in TrafficA subway system is expanded to provide service to a gr

9、owing suburb. A bike sharing program is adopted to encourage nonmotorized transportation. _1_ To alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area, stoplight timing is coordinated. When any one of these changes _2_ occur, it is likely the result of careful analysis conducted by transport

10、ation planners。The work of transportation planners generally includes evaluating current transportation needs, assessing the effectiveness of existing facilities, and improving those facilities or _3_ they design new ones. Most transportation planners work in or near cities, _4_ but some are employe

11、d in rural areas. Say, for example, a large factory is built on the outskirts of a small town. Traffic to and from that location would increase at the beginning and end of work shifts. The transportation _5_ planners job, might involve conducting a traffic count to determine the daily number of vehi

12、cles traveling on the road to the new factory. If analysis of the traffic count indicates that there is more traffic than the _6_ current road as it is designed at this time can efficiently accommodate, the transportation planner might recommend widening the road to add another lane. _1_Which choice

13、 best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?A) NO CHANGEB) Coordinating stoplight timing can help alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area。C) Stoplight timing is coordinated to alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area。D) In a co

14、ngested downtown area, stoplight timing is coordinated to alleviate rush hour traffic jams。_2_A) NO CHANGEB) occur, they areC) occurs, they areD) occurs, it is_3_A) NO CHANGEB) to designC) designingD) design_4_Which choice results in the most effective transition to the information that follows in t

15、he paragraph?A) NO CHANGEB) where job opportunities are more plentiful。C) and the majority are employed by government agencies。D) DELETE the underlined portion and end the sentence with a period。_5_A) NO CHANGEB) planners jobC) planners job,D) planners job_6_A) NO CHANGEB) current design of the road

16、 right nowC) road as it is now currently designedD) current design of the roadTransportation planners work closely with a number of community stakeholders, such as government officials and other interested organizations and individuals. _7_ Next, representatives from the local public health departme

17、nt might provide input in designing a network of trails and sidewalks to encourage people to walk more. _8_ According to the American Heart Association, walking provides numerous benefits related to health and well-being. Members of the Chamber of Commerce might share suggestions about designing tra

18、nsportation and parking facilities to support local businesses。_9_ People who pursue careers in transportation planning have a wide variety of educational backgrounds. A two year degree in transportation technology may be sufficient for some entry level jobs in the field. Most jobs, however, require

19、 at least a bachelors degree; majors of transportation planners are _10_ varied, including fields such as urban studies, civil engineering, geography, or transportation and logistics management. For many positions in the field, a masters degree is required。Transportation planners perform critical wo

20、rk within the broader field of urban and regional planning. As of 2010, there were approximately 40,300 urban and regional planners employed in the United States. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts steady job growth in this field, _11_ projecting that 16 percent of new jobs in al

21、l occupations will be related to urban and regional planning. Population growth and concerns about environmental sustainability are expected to spur the need for transportation planning professionals。_7_A) NO CHANGEB) For instance,C) Furthermore,D) Similarly,_8_The writer is considering deleting the

22、 underlined sentence. Should the sentence be kept or deleted?A) Kept, because it provides supporting evidence about the benefits of walking。B) Kept, because it provides an additional example of a community stakeholder with whom transportation planners work。C) Deleted, because it blurs the paragraphs

23、 focus on the community stakeholders with whom transportation planners work。D) Deleted, because it doesnt provide specific examples of what the numerous benefits of walking are。_9_A) NO CHANGEB) People, who pursue careers in transportation planning,C) People who pursue careers, in transportation pla

24、nning,D) People who pursue careers in transportation planning,_10_A) NO CHANGEB) varied, and includingC) varied and which includeD) varied, which include_11_Which choice completes the sentence with accurate data based on the graph?A) NO CHANGEB) warning, however, that job growth in urban and regiona

25、l planning will slow to 14 percent by 2020.C) predicting that employment of urban and regional planners will increase 16 percent between 2010 and 2020.D) indicating that 14 to 18 percent of urban and regional planning positions will remain unfilled。图表第1题:问哪一个选项最好的保留了原文已经有的句式格式。做题方法:好吧,那就先看看第1题前面都已经有

26、了什么句式格式。一看发现,哦,两个被动形式的主谓宾句子。先说地铁系统被延展,以便于能够怎怎样;然后说自行车道项目被采纳,以便于能够怎怎样。那么好吧,我们愉快的选中C, stoplight timing 被coordinated, 以便于能够怎怎样。Bingo!选对了!我之所以翻译得很模糊是因为:亲,这句话咱真心不需要全懂就可以做对哦!(有70%的题目不需要全懂就能做对,别说我没有告诉你啊!我告诉你,你别说你没有惊喜啊!你惊喜之后会发现,另外的30%保证让你上名校啊!)第2题:问都没问,肯定考语法When any one of these changes occur, it is likely

27、the result of careful analysis conducted by transportation planners。语法点:主谓搭配+代词这道题太简单了,考试的时候题目一定不能这么慷慨善良。occur的主语是any one of something, 明显主语是单数,时态又是一般现在时,所以谓语动词occur分分钟应该变形成为occurs啊!C与D的区别在代词上,既然都知道any one of something是单数了,那么它的代词一定是it而不能是they啊!这么简单的题目,答案是D别说我没有告诉你,简直要把我蠢哭了呀!第3题:问都没问,肯定考语法The work of

28、 transportation planners generally includes evaluating current transportation needs, assessing the effectiveness of existing facilities, and improving those facilities or they design new ones。语法点:and, or并列and和or就傻呵呵的站在那里,赤裸裸的提示你这里是并列,后面的成分和模样都应该和前面相同。此情此景,你再看不出答案是C,我就真是没有办法了。实在不知道?给你两道原来的语法老题尝尝。Ever

29、y August, Cody and Ally vacation in Hiawatha National Forest, where they enjoy hiking, fishing and to camp with their friends. (本题只给了正确答案)(B) where they enjoy hiking, fishing and campingUsed in sculpture, carving is the process of reducing substances such as stone, wood, or ivory to a desired shape

30、by cutting or to chip away unnecessary parts. No errorCorrection: to chip chipping现在总算看出来了吧?还是人家老题难(这哪可能呢?),说明新SAT真题一定比OG难!第4题:问哪一种写法导致上下文之间最好的过渡做题方法:既然是过渡,就要同时兼顾上下文的意思。上文说在城市里面工作,下文的for example又说了城市的边缘“outskirts of a small town”。所以,划线部分必须体现城市边缘、郊区、农村等意思。那么就只有A的“rural areas”还可以,立刻选它!第5题:问都没问,肯定考语法语法

31、点:标点符号+所有者形式标点符号是纯考眼神儿啊!C选项有多么的扯,主谓之间加逗号,他以为咱是领导,说话的中间喝那一口水啊!主谓之间如果没有分隔成分,是绝对不能加逗号滴!所以C选项挂掉啦!其他选项中,能够表示“策划者的工作”这种所有者形式的只有B,那就选它了。这样的难度,真是侮辱我们的智商啊!请大家息怒,接着往下做。第6题:问都没问,肯定考语法there is more traffic than the current road as it is designed at this time can efficiently accommodate,语法点:比较+简洁这道题貌似是比较题目,因为有“m

32、orethan”结构,但是一看选项,根本不是考比较。考的是简洁表达。要表达,就要知道意思。意思是说:实际的交通量比现在的道路能够承载的交通量要大。那么,最简洁的表达只能是D,因为其他的都太啰嗦。A选项中”current”与“at this time,”B选项中“current” 与“right now”, C选项中 “now”与“currently”都是啰嗦重复的词语,因此D顺利入选。从比较的层面说,D也不是十分优美,怎么都有一种“如花”身边选“秋香”的感觉,真是“矬子里拔大个儿”吧。(看不懂最后这则歇后语的同学,可以认真请教东北的同学_)。第7题:问都没问,肯定考语法嘿嘿!真打脸!人家没有考语法,人家考文法啦!看上下行文中间的过渡词咱到底会不会。前面那句话说要与社区重要决策人(community stakeholders)通力合作,下面那句话就说到了

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