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1、辩论是否应该禁止在公众场合吸烟Should smoking be banned in public placesYESPeople who smoke are more likely to develop diseases such as lung cancer and liver cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is mostly caused by smoking and reduces and even poisons the liver, unable for the organ to perform its function. For example, a healthy

2、lung is pinkish in color and helps the person breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. But a smokers lung is very dark and is covered with tartar. A smokers lung is unable to functionally help the person breathe and increases severe asthma, with causes stroke and heart attack?I think that smokin

3、g should be banned because I am a kid, and when I walk by a smoker I always have to cover my mouth which is quiet irritating sometimes. Another reason is that it pollutes the air. Last but not least, people who have asthma can be harmed or even killed if they want to take a walk in the park!?My aunt

4、 smoked for years and now it is making it hard for me to breathe. Smoking should be demolished period! It is a useless hobby that people use because they have no life and are too lazy to get one. No offense to those that do smoke but I just think it should be that way. I got lung cancer because of m

5、y aunts stupid hobby! All of you smokers should get a job, get a life, or get some friends. It would be better for the rest of us that dont smoke. Smoking threatens the air that we non-smokers breathe, making us get sick. Yes, smoking should be banned in public places ASAP.?When I lived in Los Angel

6、es, I suffered greatly from second hand cigarette smoke! I later found out that I had a smoke sensitivity and just walking by a smoker made me feel ill. My throat and nasal passage ways were closing up and I had to take many trips to the doctor to get a shot to calm them down. IS CLEAN AIR JUST TOO

7、MUCH TO ASK?You can smell cigarette smoke from MANY feet away and people suffer from it. Why should an innocent person suffer I didnt make the choice to smoke and yet, I am suffering. Also, I have to think about ways I can avoid smokers. For instance, when I pass a smoker when I am walking on the si

8、de walk, I have to run and hold my breath or walk the opposite way and eventually turn around when they disappear. It is ridiculous.Smoking should be banned to reduce pollution and disease.?First of all it will significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and other diseases, particularly among ind

9、ividuals such as children and non-smokers. Secondly, it will help public places be less toxic and we wont have to deal with pollution. Finally, It could also help some people quit smoking. If people were allowed to smoke in public places they may not be as motivated to stop smoking as they are with

10、not being allowed to smoke in public areas.Yes, smoking should be banned.?Yes, it should be banned because people who smoke say that they have paid enough so why should they be forbidden to smoke, but it is not the non-smoker fault that they had spend so much money on cigarettes, it was their own ch

11、oice. Also, there are many diseases, such as cancer and cirrhosis that can be easily developed in a living body not just in a smoker one but in the liver that is needed by the one that is smoking.Many people today suffer from asthma and they can not have just a little stroke but die.?Smoking also ca

12、uses pollution and people who smoke leave their cigarettes everywhere they can (on the ground, in the grass, on the plants). But the biggest concern is that millions of forests have burned in the past decade just because smokers leave them lit up. It is dangerous and I think it is more important to

13、save something then to be sorry later for it, and that it is very selfish from the others who smoke to say that they should be allowed to enjoy the smell of the cigarettes, while others suffer.?Yes, its bad for everyone.?If smoking was banned, then heart-related sicknesses could possibly lower just

14、like it did in the places where it was banned. I dont like having to walk around smoking areas in public because its a waste of my time and, if I dont, Im risking my health. Second-hand smoke is just as bad as directly smoking something.It Harms Everybody and Children.?People shouldnt have the right

15、 to smoke wherever they want. What sort of example are they giving to young children and infants Passive smoking kills so many people its not fair on others.Why would you want to smoke around other people Your harming them as well. It smells bad and is bad for the pollution, also it litters our envi

16、ronment making it look disgusting. People should not smoke in public, but in their homes where they are only harming they shouldnt!?people shouldnt smoke in public places because kids have lung problems and the smoke doesnt help the problem! and for the people who say no is wrong! i pe

17、rsonally have lung problems and when im driving by no i dont want the smell of the smoke in my face and no it doesnt help my lung problems and when i am trying to enjoy my food i would not like to smell the smoke while im eating. i dont like to smell smoke while im going through the park ttrying to

18、enjoy my day and i smell smoke! for the people who smoke go right ahead one day you might get lung cancer and think back.why why did i smoke was that a bad choice in my life no it wasnt and i regret that! if you can get through that cancer you need to thank the lord for your life! ask him for your f

19、orgiveness! thank the lord for your life! go to church get to know god more and thank him for everything he has done for you!Smoking should be banned, it is unhealthy.?First off, its really unhealthy. Its bad for a person, and bad for the environment. Its bad for the environment because the smoke go

20、es in the air and causes pollution. Its a major cause for second hand smoke, lung cancer, and death. The poor decisions of some people should not effect the lives of others.NO?Smoking is something that everyone doesnt like, but they arent doing any harm to anyone else by doing it. Smoking only affec

21、ts you, not the people around you. I think that if people want to smoke they can. Honestly if it was that big of a deal they would have made it illegal years ago. Its just something for everyone to argue about.?Look youll most likely be harmed by the stuff thats already in the air than you will be b

22、y tobacco smoke. If you dont like being around smokers, dont be around smokers, simple as that. Sometimes, public places are the only places these people can smoke, so back off. If a guy is smoking next to you, leave, or ask him to move, but dont get all preachy about how bad it is. Besides, people

23、like you wont stop at cigarettes, youll move to alcohol, then high fructose corn syrup, fumes from cars, etc. etc. Just let us smoke our cigarettes, if you dont like it, walk away.?People have no problem standing by endless amounts of idling and moving vehicles, so they shouldnt mind someone smoking

24、 nearby. Exhaust and smog is just as bad, if not worse, than tobacco. If one tries to argue logically that smoking in public should be banned, the logical extension is that vehicles should be, too.?If someone chooses to smoke or allow smoking that is their decision. If you choose to not smoke, that

25、is your decision. You have the choice to not be around smoke. You can not force someone else to stop what they wish to do because of your own preference or need. I do not smoke, I just leave the room when someone does smoke. I can not force them to quit for me. My problems are not theirs!?Smoking is

26、 a personal anybody heard of the First they want to kill their selves with cigarettes, let them and If you dont want to risk your .Its as simple as that!?What kind of person would stop around telling others what to do in their presence This whole socialistic society is out of control. If you cant ha

27、ndle personal freedoms maybe America is not the place for you. Stop ruining everything we fought so hard to obtain - its shows a complete disrespect for all those who have given their lives for personal freedoms.?Im not a smoker and dont plan to be. But after reading through these comments, I agree

28、with one thing. It shouldnt be banned. Maybe regulated or banned in certain places, but not completely banned. Think back to the Prohibition. Do you want to live through another one of those I know for sure that I do not. So if you are going to do anything, regulate it, but we dont need one more rig

29、ht of freedom taken away.Smoking is something that people may not like, but it is unavoidable. The risk of getting cancer or something else from smoking, is about as high as crashing your car. Yes you can die from smoking. You can also die from alcohol poisoning, or food poisoning, or overdosing, or

30、 even by crashing your car! But that doesnt mean that people stop drinking, or eating, or doing drugs, or driving!?People get others to do what they want all the time just by giving them stares and making them feel uncomfortable. Plus it doesnt matter: people know the risks of smoking. If people wan

31、t to get all hurt over a little smoke, ask the smoker to stop. Dont go make a law because youre uncomfortable. Once you take away smoking, people start taking other things away that are harmful to the public.?These arent even real public places. A PRIVATE restaurant is PRIVATE. A PRIVATE bar is PRIV

32、ATE. It is NOT public. If you dont like that they allow smoking there dont go or leave. Private businesses are not supposed to be required to cater to the whim or concern of every single person. To ensure adequate smoke-free recreation licensing for smoke-allowing establishments should be required but it shouldnt be banned outright.应该在公共场所吸烟被禁止YES吸烟增加污染,全球变暖的风险,并且在人的疾病。谁吸烟的人更可能发展的疾病,如肺癌和肝硬化。肝硬化主要是由吸烟引起的,减少,甚至会损害肝,不能用于执行其功能的器官。例如,一个健康的肺是粉红色的颜色,并有助于该人的呼吸中的氧和呼出二氧化碳。但吸烟者的肺癌是非常黑

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