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1、浙江省杭州二中东河校区届高三英语第二次限时练杭州二中(东河校区)2016届高三第二次限时练英语试卷本试卷分为第I卷和第II卷两部分,请用2B铅笔将第I卷的答案填涂在客观题答题卡上,并用钢笔或水笔将第II卷的答案内容写在答题页上。第I卷 选择题部分 (共80分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. -It is so crowded and the pollution is so serious here! -You see, _. Im go

2、ing to quit my job and move to the country. A. Ive had enough B. I like it here C. That will be OK D. Its not so bad2. American films always have _ edge on foreign films at _ Oscars, regardless of how popular a foreign film might be. A. an; the B. the; the C. an; an D. the; /3. Sara, my colleague, h

3、as been _ the run all week preparing for her sons wedding. A. in B. to C. on D. at4. You _ pay too much attention to your reading skills, as they are so important. A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. cant D. neednt5. Security devices at airports are _ to spot weapons that could be used by terrorists. A. preten

4、ded B. intended C. demanded D. declined6. The Beatles, the supreme rock and roll band of the 1960s, were in many ways pioneers for _ was to come, like holding concerts in sports stadiums. A. which B. what C. whoever D. that7. Private taxi booking apps have _ like mushrooms in the past few months bec

5、ause of their convenience and high efficiency. A. broken up B. lined up C. come up D. sprung up8. Jim _ a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank. A. watched B. was watching C. had watched D. would be watching9. _ I always felt I would pass t

6、he exam, I never thought I would get an A. A. While B. Once C. If D. Until10. I believe his design is _, for its completely different from others. A. original B. practical C. flexible D. comfortable11. In order to lose weight, the young lady prefers to _ regularly rather than take expensive weight-l

7、osing pills.A. hang out B. leave out C. work out D. figure out12. Nowadays, an increasing number of museums are open to visitors free. However, free _ might lead to some social problems as well. A. accommodation B. attraction C. admission D. adjustment 13. It was not until I visited Venice _ it real

8、ly worthy of the reputation of “the water world”. A. that I found B. had I found C. when I did find D. did I find14. Tom seldom, _, paid for the software on his computer. That is, he used lots of pirated software. A. if any B. if ever C. if some D. if never15. The findings support another study whic

9、h showed that being happy _ reduce the risk of heart disease. A. need B. shall C. must D. can16. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when _ by my head teacher why I was late for school. A. questioning B. having questioned C. questioned D. to be questioned17. She _ her position as principal by g

10、iving jobs to her friends, which was severely criticized by fellow teachers. A. adored B. overlooked C. sought D. abused18. I have done everything possible to prevent him from running the risk but _. A. in time B. in case C. in vain D. in need19. The _ among the worlds scientists is that the world i

11、s likely to warm up over the next few decades. A. prejudice B. reputation C. discrimination D. consensus20. Are you sure the delegation will come to our school next week? _. The head of it has just emailed me about the departure time of their flight.A. No wonder B. You bet C. Dont mention it D. Defi

12、nitely not第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题l分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I had only three hours of community service work left for a school project. I was happy to be _21_ the hours, but felt upset when I was arranged to serve a home for elderly Alzheimers(老年痴呆) patients on a b

13、right, sunny Saturday afternoon. I would have preferred to be doing other things.When I got there, I was handed a beach ball and told that my first _22_ was to find “Fred in the green shirt” and play “catch the ball” with him.I found “Fred in the green shirt.” He was sitting in a chair, _23_ into th

14、e garden. I asked him if he wanted to play ball. He just looked at me blankly. So I _24_ threw the ball at him. A big smile _25_ his face and as he reached to catch the ball, he almost fell out of his _26_. He needed help to stand up, _27_ I helped him up. He stood there smiling at me and then _28_

15、threw the ball back to me. This went on for about ten minutes, each minute seeming to take forever.It was such a dull game, and I wondered if he was getting bored with it. My _29_ didnt last long. With a serious look on his face he broke the _30_ with the words, “Good exercise!” And then, with tears

16、 in his eyes, he _31_, “Helps stay alive.” The other seniors who had _32_ to watch whispered their agreement. Then, all heads _33_ in my direction, they smiled at me.At that moment I knew my afternoon was being well spent. I was being _34_ after all. Fred needed exercise and was happy that I was _35

17、_ providing it.I know that what I did was a(n) _36_ thing, but I also know that it meant something to someone else. I could see it in Freds eyes, and in his smile. And it was _37_ in the seniors who watched with interest as I played ball with Fred. I believe that what I did was much _38_ playing bal

18、l; by my presence, I had _39_ an interest in another. I could see that they were thankful and grateful. For Fred getting the exerciseand for me for _40_ it.21. A. wasting B. exchanging C. completing D. consuming22. A. experience B. job C. entertainment D. aim23. A. staring B. looking C. exploring D.

19、 glaring24. A. carelessly B. gently C. nervously D. quickly25. A. brought about B. got through C. came across D. spread out26. A. bed B. table C. window D. chair27. A. otherwise B. but C. besides D. so28. A. suddenly B. strangely C. eventually D. eagerly29. A. consideration B. doubts C. thoughts D.

20、fantasy30. A. atmosphere B. silence C. companion D. record31. A. added B. responded C. shouted D. complained32. A. introduced B. combined C. gathered D. coached33. A. raising B. shaking C. lowering D. turning34. A. unique B. helpful C. friendly D. cheerful35. A. deliberately B. politely C. frequentl

21、y D. patiently36. A. simple B. important C. interesting D. serious37. A. common B. unusual C. similar D. evident38. A. rather than B. other than C. more than D. less than39. A. shown B. caught C. received D. developed40. A. taking B. trying C. giving D. sharing第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50

22、分)第二节:下面文章中有5处(第61-65题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,将答案写在第二卷的相应位置。选项中有一项是多余选项。第一节:阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。AThe latest version of Googles self-driving cara pod-like two-seater that needs no gas pedal or steering wheelwill make its first appearance on public roads

23、this summer, a significant step in the technology giants mission to have driverless cars available to consumers in the next five years. It can drive, brake and recognize road dangers without human involvement. Google says the car is the first vehicle built for the purpose of self-driving.However, th

24、e new vehicle is not designed for long trips. It lacks air bags and other safety devices required by the federal government. It cannot go more than 25 miles per hour. The vehicle is electric and has to be recharged after 80 miles. And it can only drive in areas that have been thoroughly mapped by Go

25、ogle.Current California laws require all vehicles to have a steering wheel to guide the car and a gas pedal to control fuel use. The laws also require a driver to be able to take back control of a vehicle at any time. But, Google is working to change those laws.Google will first build and test 25 dr

26、iverless vehicles, mostly in neighborhoods surrounding its Mountain View headquarters. It eventually will build between 50 and 100, and will broaden testing to sites that are hillier and rainier.The final goal, says Google co-founder Sergey Brin, is computer-controlled cars that can get rid of human

27、 error, which is a factor in an estimated 90 percent of the 1.2 million road deaths that occur worldwide each year. Self-driving cars also could improve traffic jam and transport the elderly and disabled.Convincing drivers that driverless technology is safe is one of the difficulties the company mus

28、t overcome. Earlier this week, in response to questions from the Associated Press, Google acknowledged 11 minor accidents in the six years it has been testing autonomous cars. Urmson, who directs Google s self-driving car project, says the company is proud of that record, and notes that Googles vehi

29、cles have completed more than 1.7 million miles of testing. He says all but one of the accidents were caused by drivers in other cars.Consumers question whether they can trust self-driving cars to work all the time, says the consulting firm J.D. Power and Associates. In a 2013 survey of U.S. drivers

30、, J.D. Power found only one in five was interested in a fully autonomous car.Google isnt alone in developing self-driving cars. Mercedes-Benz, Infiniti and other brands already have advanced driver assistance systems. Unlike Google, automakers think self-driving cars will arrive feature-by-feature i

31、nstead of all at once, giving people plenty of time to adapt to autonomous driving.But Urmson says that approach is “fundamentally wrong.” “We believe thats like saying, If I work really hard at jumping, one day Ill just be able to fly,” he said.41. According to the passage, Googles self-driving car

32、 _. A. has changed the California laws B. is equipped with safety devices C. has limited driving areas D. can travel very fast42. What does Google plan to do? A. Provide free service to the elderly and disabled. B. Expand the testing areas of self-driving cars. C. Design vehicles especially for hilly areas.

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