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版一轮优化探究英语江苏译林版练习达标检测卷一 Word版含答案.docx

1、版一轮优化探究英语江苏译林版练习达标检测卷一 Word版含答案达标检测卷(一)单独成册对应学生用书第255页(时间:100分钟满分:100分)第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21Looking at the problems _,he felt he lacked inspiration and motivation.Asettled Bhaving been settledCto be settled Dsettling解析:考查非谓语动词。

2、句意:看着那些需要被解决的问题,他觉得自己缺少灵感和动力。根据句意及句子结构可知,空处在句中作定语,表示未完成的动作,且problems与settle之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故此处应用不定式的被动式。答案:C22Mr.Bean looks from the menu to all his money with _ until he finds something that he can afford.Asatisfaction BcuriosityCpreference Dconcern解析:考查名词辨析。句意:憨豆先生忧心忡忡地看看菜单又看看自己所有的钱,直到他找到一些自己可以买得起的东西。

3、根据语境可知,concern“担忧”符合语境。答案:D23Personally,it was his laziness rather than his intelligence that _ the failure.Aresulted from Bled toCmade up for Dgave in to解析:考查动词短语。句意:我个人认为,是他的懒惰而不是智力导致了失败。根据句意应选择lead to“导致”。result from“由引起”,make up for“弥补”,give in to“屈服于,向让步”。答案:B24The question _ well invite Ann to

4、 the gathering really beats me,and I want your suggestion.Athat BwhetherCwho Dwhich解析:考查同位语从句。句意:我们是否将请Ann来参加这个聚会这个问题真把我难住了,我想听听你的建议。分析句子结构及句意可知,这里应用whether来引导同位语从句,解释说明question的内容。答案:B25The girl looks so happy.She _ about the result of her performance.Ashould have known Bwould have knownCcould have

5、 known Dmust have known解析:考查情态动词。句意:那个女孩看起来很高兴。她一定知道了表演的结果。根据“The girl looks so happy”可推断出“她肯定知道了表演的结果”,表示对过去的肯定推测应使用must have done。答案:D26A lack of medicine and medical facilities partly _ the widespread of that disease.Aheaded for Baccounted forCcalled for Dappealed for解析:考查动词短语。句意:药物和医疗设备的缺乏是导致这种疾

6、病蔓延的部分原因。account for意为“是的原因”;head for意为“向前进”;call for意为“需要”;appeal for意为“呼吁”。故选B项。答案:B27_ is often the case,a small child will feel unhappy and cry a lot the first time he or she goes to kindergarten.AAs BWhichCThat DWhat解析:考查定语从句。句意:情况总是这样,一个小孩第一次上幼儿园时总会不高兴并会大哭不止。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句,当从句位于句

7、首时,必须使用as引导。答案:A28All the students think the new English teacher is warm and _,so they make friends with her soon.Aaccessible BavailableCconvenient Dresponsible解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:所有学生都认为新英语老师既热心又平易近人,所以他们很快就与她成为朋友了。根据句意应选择accessible表示“平易近人的,好相处的”。available“可得到的,有空的”;convenient“方便的”;responsible“负责任的”。答案:A

8、29Besides his own work,the class master does everything he can do for the class,hoping his efforts will not be _ in the end.Ain force Bin effectCin need Din vain解析:考查介词短语。句意:除了本职工作外,那位班主任为这个班级做了他能做的所有的事情,他希望他的努力最终不会白费。in vain“徒劳,白费力气”,符合句意。答案:D30As a great scientist,little joy can equal _ of being a

9、warded the Nobel Prize.Athat BthisCit Done解析:考查代词。句意:作为一个伟大的科学家,任何喜悦都赶不上获得诺贝尔奖。空处指代“获得诺贝尔奖的喜悦”,与前面的“joy”相比是同类不同物,应使用that代替。答案:A31When you have finished the book,be sure to place it _ it used to be.Awhich BwhereCthat Dhow解析:考查状语从句。句意:当你读完这本书时,一定把它放到它原来的位置上。分析句子结构可知,空处引导地点状语从句,且在句中作地点状语,应选择where。答案:B3

10、2The firefighter devoted everything including his own life to his cause after he _ in the army for more than ten years.Aserved Bhas servedChad served Dhas been serving解析:考查动词时态。句意:这名消防队员在部队里服役十多年,为了他的事业贡献了自己的一切包括自己的生命。serve是发生在devoted之前的动作,在此表示“过去的过去”,应使用过去完成时。答案:C33I have said so much but in brief

11、theres only one thing I want to stress,_,everybody should be punctual tomorrow.Athat is Bbelieve it or notCto tell you the truth Dfor example解析:考查插入语。句意:我说了这么多,但简言之我仅想强调一点,那就是明天大家必须得准时。分析句子结构可知,空处是对前面的具体说明,应使用that is“那就是说,亦即”。答案:A34The deadline of the scientific design competition is drawing near,so

12、 the monitor _ us to accelerate our pace.Apersuaded BallowedCurged Dthreatened解析:考查动词。句意:科学设计竞赛的截止日期就要到了,所以班长催促我们加快进度。urge“催促”符合句意。答案:C35I want to go shopping now.Could I use your bike?_.Its just over there.AHelp yourself BTake careCNever mind DSounds great解析:考查交际用语。我现在想去买点东西。能用一下你的自行车吗?你自己去取吧。就在那边。

13、英语中当别人向你借东西时,如果你同意,可以用“Go ahead”或“Help yourself”。答案:A第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。When I was eight,I had to cross a crimefilled neighborhood to school.Nobody got involved when there was a _36_,not even if a killing was happening directly across from our _37_:“What

14、s that,Mom? Someone is screaming!”“Turn off the light! Stay _38_! Keep your voice down!”Mom would _39_.Usually,I would see other girls that I knew,and I would catch up and we would _40_ together.Along this route was an old grey house with a _41_.It never caught my attention _42_ a kind and lovely el

15、derly lady _43_ us with a musical voice and a smile.“Look in my apple tree!”she said.“Do you see the Cedar Waxwings?” Well,I had never known what the _44_ was called.My friends and I would,_45_,look for the old lady to see if she was _46_.She had taken this little yard and made it a small paradise o

16、f flower beds:so _47_ that she probably had lived there for many years.She enjoyed our frequent visits and told us all kinds of things about birds and nature.We _48_ to love her.But one day,we didnt _49_ her.Though we looked,there was never a _50_ of her: her garden began to look _51_ and the greyne

17、ss of the house seemed to take over the colorful mood.One of us _52_ to open the gate and knocked at the door,but the dear old woman would never greet us again.It was to be my first experience with death,though I didnt know it then,a death to my childhood _53_.Every time I _54_ a bird,especially a C

18、edar Waxwing,I think of her.Every time I face a hardship,I remember her grace and dignity.Her _55_ in the old house made it beautiful.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。“我”必须经过一个罪案频发的街区,人们彼此之间很冷漠,但上学途中一个老房子中的老妇人却以她的优雅和体面让“我”和朋友有了不同的感受。36A.gathering BcelebrationCmurder Dcrime解析:根据上文“我必须穿过一个罪案频发的街区”可知,本处指“当有犯罪活动(crime)发生的时

19、候没人愿意参与其中”。故选D。答案 BhouseCneighborhood Dtown解析:根据语境可知,本处指“即使我家(house)对面发生凶杀案”。故选B。答案:B38A.awake BlowCasleep Dactive解析:根据语境可知,母亲让“我”关掉灯,蹲下,声音小点儿。stay low表示保持低体位。故选B。答案:B39A.reply BshoutCannounce Dwhisper解析:根据语境可知,对面发生凶杀案,母亲肯定是小声说(whisper)。故选D。答案:D40A.walk BplayCfight Dstudy解析:根据语境可知,通常路上遇到

20、认识的女孩,我们总是一起走(walk)。故选A。答案:A41A.view BpondCyard Dmystery解析:根据后面的“She had taken this little yard”可知,这是一个带院子(yard)的房子。故选C。答案:C42A.until BwhenCbecause Dwhere解析:“我”从来都没注意过那个房子,直到(until)一位友好可爱的老妇人用悦耳的声音和微笑向我们打招呼。故选A。答案:A43A.begged BtreatedCordered Dgreeted解析:参见上题解析。greet sb.表示“问候某人,与某人打招呼”。故选D。答案

21、uit BtreeCbird Dflower解析:根据最后一段中的“Every time I _54_ a bird,especially a Cedar Waxwing”可知,此处表示一只鸟(bird)。故选C。答案:C45A.once a year Bevery schooldayCoccasionally Drarely解析:每天上学的时候,我们都看看老妇人是否在做园艺工作。every schoolday表示“每个上学日”。故选B。答案:B46A.gardening BsmilingCreading Dwatching解析:参见上题解析。garden表示“做园艺工作,种植花木”。故选A。

22、答案:A47A.oldfashioned BestablishedCtidy Dlarge解析:老妇人已经把园子变成了花的天堂,如此般的建立就好像已经在这儿居住了好多年似的。故选B。答案:B48A.agreed BexpectedCtried Dgrew解析:我们逐渐喜欢上了她。grow to do表示一种变化。故选D。答案:D49A.visit BmissCsee Dlove解析:但是有一天,我们没有看见(see)她。故选C。答案:C50A.sign BstoryCmemory Dphoto解析:根据语境可知,没有她的踪影(sign)。故选A。答案:A51A.fresh BwildCdirt

23、y Dgreen解析:根据后面的“the greyness of the house seemed to take over the colorful mood”可知,园子开始荒芜。wild意为“荒芜的”。故选B。答案:B52A.promised BplannedCthreatened Ddared解析:其中的一个人大胆地打开门。dare to do sth“敢于做某事,大胆地做某事”。故选D。答案:D53A.pleasure BinnocenceCindependence Dfriendship解析:那是“我”第一次真切地体会到死亡,尽管当时“我”并没有意识到,那是“我”童年纯真(innoc

24、ence)的死亡。故选B。答案:B54A.admire BdrawCkeep Dcatch解析:每次“我”欣赏(admire)鸟的时候,“我”都会想起她。故选A。答案:A55A.death BlaborCpresence Dinterest解析:老妇人的存在(presence)使得那个老房子特别美。故选C。答案:C第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AOpera|Booing at the Royal Opera HouseAudience love to make a noise.They wil

25、l cough,laugh or clap.Disrupting an event satisfies our sense of narcissism (自恋)The booing of a violent scene in the Royal Opera Houses new production of Guillaume Tell may have been justified,but it set a bad beginning.Audience enjoyed a secret feeling of excitement,the unacknowledged desire to do

26、it again.(HunterTilney,Financial Times)Publishing|The True Detective of the 1940sWith their beautiful covers and welldesigned headlines,True Detective was a significant part of the publishing industry in America.At its peak in the 1940s it sold two million copies a month.(John Marr,True Crime)Books|

27、Reading by the softglow of your phoneReaders are using smart phones more often than before.“Its partly a matter of convenience.But its also a function of screen size and resolution.However,the use of ereaders is falling fast.”(Jennifer Maloney,The Wall Street Journal)Pop music|Why the Internet didnt

28、 kill musicArt thrives (繁荣) in the age of the Internet.Only the music industry has been basically disrupted.“Writers,performers,directors and even musicians report their economic fortunes to be similar to those of their counterparts 15 years ago,and in many cases they have improved.Against all odds,

29、the voices of the artists seem to be louder than ever.” (Steven Johnson,The New York Times)For more articles which are read most this week,visit http:/56What does HunterTilney think of the booing audience at the Royal Opera House?AThey could laugh after they gained others permission.BThey have set a

30、 bad example and should be criticized.CThey actually wanted to make their excitement heard.DThey are forbidden to enter the Royal Opera House.解析:细节理解题。从文中的“The booing of a violent scene.the unacknowledged desire to do it again”可知,作者觉得那些发出嘘声的观众的做法是不对的,是反面教材。答案:B57If you want to know the influence of the Internet,you should read the article written by _.AJohn Marr BHunterTilneyCSteven Johnson DJennifer Maloney解析:细节理解题。从文中的“Why the Intern

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