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Module 7 Unit 4 Reading The first underground in the world.docx

1、Module 7 Unit 4 Reading The first underground in the worldModule 7 Unit 4 Reading The first underground in the worldAnalysis of the teaching materials:(教材分析)The Reading in this unit is designed to help students widen their horizons by reading a tourist brochure about the London underground. The stud

2、ents learn some background information, vocabulary and the structure of a tourist brochure, which can be applied to their daily use of English.Teaching aims and demands:(教学目标)1. To make students learn about the reasons for building the underground system, its brief history, the people who made contr

3、ibutions, its unusual uses and its popularity as well as its expansion nowadays.2. To encourage students to apply what they have learnt to the writing of a tourist brochure.3. To help students improve the ability to use English.Teaching important and difficult points:(教学重难点)1. To make students have

4、the basic knowledge of the London underground system.2. To make students learn some basic features of a tourist brochure.3. To make students realize the beauties of our hometown and the importance of the transport in our daily life.Teaching process:(教学过程)T: Good afternoon, class!Ss: Good afternoon,

5、teacher!T: How did you come to school this afternoon?S1: I came to school by bike.S2: I came to school by e-bike.T: In some big cities, what means of transport do people choose when they go to school or work? I will show you some pictures, do you know them?Ss: High-speed train(高铁),BRT(城市快速公交),the un

6、derground(地铁).T: Do you kown where the first underground in the world is?Ss: In London.T: yah, what else do you know about it? Now today we will learn a tourist brochure about the first underground in the world. In a tourist brochure, what are usually included? Can you turn to Page 51 and find the r

7、ight answers to the question.T:(Two minutes later) Can you tell me the answers?S: A, C, D, F.T: OK! Can you use some key words to conclude them?Ss: Development, important people, interesting facts and the suggestion!T: What else can you learn? Lets read the article in detail. Can you read Para.1 tog

8、ether and consider what is talked about in this paragraph.Ss: (Read the first paragragh together)T: Whatre talked about in this paragraph?Ss: introductionT: Yes, the London underground system has the distinction of being the _ (slow down to allow students time to consider the adjectives to fill in t

9、he blank) and the most _ system in the world.Ss: oldest; complexT: Now that it is the most complex system in the world, why did people in London build such a complex underground system instead of using trains or other vehicles? First, why didnt people use trains?Ss: Because building trains into the

10、city would have damaged many old building.T: So using trains isnt a good way. How about the other vehicles such as horse-drawn buses, trams, cabs or carriages?Ss: The number of vehicles on the road caused unbelievable traffic jams so that no one could travel anywhere.T: We can see the traffic proble

11、m led to the development of the London underground system. So we can use what key word to conclude this paragraph?Ss: the reasonT: Having seen the situation, the British government gave approval to the construction of the underground system in 1884. But did the system develop smoothly? What happened

12、 later? Now lets read Para.2 to Para. 4 and match each event on the screen with its right time.Ss: (After 3 minutes of reading of this part)T: Can you match them?S: In 1863, (F.) the initial tunnels were opened. In 1868, (E.) the next section was opened. In 1884, (B.) The MRC and MDR linked up and t

13、he first railway tunnel was dug.In 1890, (D.) The first electric underground railway was opened. In 1933, (C.) a public organization was created. And during 1918 and 1938,(G.) many new stations were constructed.T: You did a very good job! During the long development of the underground system, many p

14、eople made contributions. Who are they?Ss: Charles Yerkes and Charles Holden.T: What did Charles Yerkes do? And why did he do so? What did Charles Holden do?Can you go through Para.3 and Para.4 again to find the answers?(one minute later) What did Charles Yerkes do?Ss: He undertook the job of improv

15、ing the system by obtaining ownership of many different lines and setting up the Underground Electric Railways of Company of London.T: Why did he do so?S: Travelling on these lines was not convenient, though, as each line was possessed by a different company, many were far from each other. Having se

16、en this situation, he undertook the job.T: Good! How about Charles Holden?S: Charles Holden designed the most of stations.T: During World War II, the underground system had some unusual functions. Which of the following is NOT the unusual use of the underground system during the Second World War? Ca

17、n you read Para.5 by yourselves and choose the answer.S: (one minute later) Choose C.T: Can you tell me how to correct it?S: It functioned as the underground airplane factory.T: Well done! How about the development of the underground system after World War II? Now we will listen to Paras. 6 and 7 an

18、d then try to fill in the blanks.(Play the listening material)T: Can you fill in the blanks?S: enlarge; linked; user-friendly; huge and permit.T: Good. The system was enlarged or enpanded, so we can use “expansion” to conclude this part. While the system transports huge number of people nowadays, so

19、 we can conclude that it is about its popularity. Just now we learnt about some basic background information about the London underground. How well did you learn it? Now lets check by finishing the task on the screen. Can you fill in the blanks?S: (About 3 minutes later, a student read the short pas

20、sage and other students listen to answers and check them) distinction; outer; vehicles; approval; convenient; undertook; designed; shelters; enlarged; office.T: Excellent! In this short passage, we have some phrases and sentence patterns taken from the tourist brochure “The first underground in the

21、world”. Do you know their Chinese meanings? “have the distinction of”Ss: 享有的声誉T: “the number of ”Ss: 的数量T: Can you translate the sentence?S: 交通工具的数量使得路面变得如此拥挤以至于任何人都去不了任何地方。T: Good! Pay attention to the structure “sothat”. This sentence is an adverbial clause. How about“be first developed in ”S: 最初发

22、展于T: Look at the sentence, and what does “which” in this sentence refer to?Ss: many stations.T: Yes. This is an attributive clause. How about the phrase “function as”?Ss: 充当T: How about “be enlarged”?Ss: 被扩展,扩大T: And the last one “permit sb. to do sth”?Ss: 允许某人做T: Very good! Today we learnt a touris

23、t brochure about the first underground in the world. We also learnt some useful phrases and sentence structures. Can you apply what them to use? Now lets have a try! Imagine that a group of tourists come to Yancheng and want to take a trip around. You are their guide. Please introduce BRT to them. B

24、efore we move to finish the task, lets watch a short video and look at some pictures.(Show the video and pictures)T: Now, Id like to split all of you into groups of five. Please discuss with your group members and organize an oral introduction to BRT. Use as many useful phrases and sentence structur

25、es as possible and pay attention to the structure of a tourist brochure.Ss: (students introduce their group work introducing BRT in the front)T: You did a good job today and I hope you review what we have learnt after class!【课堂板书】M7U4 Reading The first underground in the worldintroductionreasondevel

26、opmentin the order of timea tourist brochure important people (Charles Yerkes and Charles Holden)interesting factsexpansion and popularitythe suggestion【教学反思】这节课上的是牛津高中英语模块七,第四单元Reading,主体是对世界上第一辆地下铁的介绍并了解什么是旅游手册从而模仿阅读材料以及运用所学词汇和句式进行口头介绍交通工具。教学环节设计科学,巧妙。教者首先以切合学生生活实际的问题导入,把学生的情绪调动起来,让学生自然而然地融入课堂,引导学


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