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八下英语导学Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came人教版生版.docx

1、八下英语导学Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came人教版生版八下英语导学Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came(人教版生版) Unit 学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点词汇句型,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。1pi up(1)捡起:pi up the b (2)接电话,接某人 pi up the phne /pi up her hildren(3)通过非正规途径学得语言 pi up se English 2beat(1)打败某人beat sb (2)(有规律地)想敲打

2、,跳动 (3)做名词可表示“节拍”3ae nes a t s 费劲的向某地前进4in silene 沉默,无声tae dn:拆 除,记录,往下拽6at first 首先,最初 at las t最后,最终7fall asleep 入睡8have a l at看一看9realize:意识到,理解,领会 realize nes drea:实现梦想10raise/riseraise:及物动词 (1)举起raise ur hand (2)抚养 raise her fail (3)筹集 raise nerise:不及物动词升起,增加,提高 如:the run rises in the east一、单项选择

3、1 alar l is bren, and it desnt A g verB g ut g ffD g aa2 - H heavil its raining! uld u pi e up t shl?- N prbleA drive eB fll e phne eD leave e3 heart alas faster hen I spea in publiA athesB beats blsD nnets4 Please ur hands if u have questinA rise; seB raise; an raise; seD rise; an The teaher said t

4、he sun in the east and dn in the estA rises; gesB raises; ges rised; entD rse; g基础演练一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1 The eather is ver s In the rning, it is full f sunshine, but n it bees freezing ld2 Arding t a r in the nespaper, the basetball star as seriusl inured3 The l in the r is t ea; I ant see it learl4 Ev

5、er rning a l aes e up Be areful t drive n an i street in inter二、适当形式填空(单句适当形式) 6 As sn as the gt t the raila statin, it began t r ain (heav)7 (sudden), all the lights ent ut and peple had t ait in the darness8 After the earthquae, (fall) trees and bren inds ere everhere9 Huse pries have (rise) sharp

6、l in reent ears10 At the age f eighteen, the girl began (r) fr the unit三、翻译(根据中提示完成句子) 11 她捡起电话并拨了一个号码。She the telephne and dialed a nuber12 电影太无聊了, 演了一半我就睡着了。The vie as t bring I half a thrugh it13 昨天他没有意识到自己做错了事情。esterda, he that he had dne rng14 雨水拍打在窗户上。The rain the inds1 暴风雨停息之后,孩子们又出玩耍了。After

7、the str , the hildren ent ut t pla again巩固提高一、单项选择1 Attentin, please! The plane ill in a inute Ever passenger, please fasten ur safet beltA tae upB tae ff tae verD tae dn2 Dnt ur at, ane! Its eas t ath a ld in springA tae ffB tae aa tae utD tae dn3 The English peple in the fil spe s quil that I uldn

8、t understand theA siplB prbabl pletelD reentl4 Alie as hen she sa a snae near herA tiredB interesting saredD lvel Dnt frget t tae ur bag hen u the busA get ffB tae ff turn ffD put ff二、适当形式填空(单句适当形式) 6 Are u telling the (true)? I dnt believe u7 hen the nes ae, everbd as (sh) at the rare fld in Beiing

9、8 esterda, Rbert and his friends aled he tgether in (silent)9 He didnt understand the text (plete)10 Have u heard fr ur parents (reent)?三、翻译(根据中提示完成句子) 11 起初,那个小女孩很害羞。The little girl as t sh 12 绝大多数美国人都记得纽约世贸中心被恐怖分子摧毁时他们在做什么。st Aerians reeber hat the ere ding hen the rld Trade enter in Ne r as b ter

10、rrists13 同学们在静静地思考那个问题。The students ere thining abut that prble 14 我能看一看你的新手表吗?an I ur ne ath?1 昨天是我哥哥去机场接我的。 brther e esterda答案一、单项选择1 B 2 A 3 4 A二、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)6 truth7 shed8 silene9 pletel10 reentl三、翻译(根据中提示完成句子)11 at first12 taen dn13 in silene14 have a l at1 pied; up at the airprt一、按要求转换句型1 He

11、 as plaing ftball at five l esterda afternn (改为否定句)He ftball at five l esterda afternn2 I as taing a sher hen she alled (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) a sher hen she alled?es, 3 The girls sang and daned in the r (用this tie esterda改写句子)The girls in the r this tie esterda4 friends ere athing TV hen the event happene

12、d (对划线部分提问) friends hen the event happened? I as ding her hen the ae (用hile改写句子) 6 听到这个消息,我们很震惊。e hear the ne s7 昨天晚上发生火灾时你正在做什么?hat u hen the fire last night?8 起初,他不相信这是事实。 , he didnt believe it as true9 2008年8月8日对中国人说很有意义。The date, August 8th, 2008 great hinese10 当开始下雨的时候,迈克还在前往学校的路上。ie as still t

13、 shl hen it began t rain二、完形填空 An ld English saing sas, “Laugh is the best ediine” Nran usins 16 n this Several ears ag, he 17 an unusual illness Ever ve he ade as painful He uldnt 18 at night The dtrs had never et the illness, s the didnt n 19 t ure(治愈) his illness r usins, hever, didnt give up hpe

14、 r usins felt that happiness r 20 ight ure his illness He 21 t ath ed shs n televisin hile he as still in hspital He quil 22 that ten inutes f real laugh during the da gave hi t hurs f pain-free sleep at night 23 r usins left the hspital and fund a htel There he still did his experients ith laugh He

15、 lived in the 24 athing ed shs, reading ausing bs and sleeping henever he felt tired ithin three ees, he felt 2 enugh t d exerise After a fe nths, r usins as able t arr n his r16A agreedB thught liedD deided17A adeB t gtD ne18A sleepB eat sitD stand19A hB hat hereD hen20A sadnessB tears laughD r21A

16、triedB did enedD lied22A saB believed fundD hped23A ButB S rD If24A heB hspital htelD ffie2A ellB bad siD nie_一、单项选择(共10小题;共100分)1 - h didnt u g t the inea ith us this afternn?- I at the statin fr unle fr BeiingA as aitingB have aited a aitingD ill ait2 Peter ent t the United States esterda and he b

17、a next SaturdaA eB es ill eD has e3 - ere u at he at 9:00 last night? I alled u but nbd ansered- Srr, I at that tieA tae a sherB t a sher as taing a sherD a taing a sher4 Dnt frget t the trash hen u g ut t pla ftballA tae ffB tae ut tae areD tae dn After a hile, the ind as sllA ding fB ding ut ding

18、dnD ding fr6 ar alar is alas henever neighbrs at ges under arA ging ffB ging ut breaing dnD setting ff7 - uld u lie t g and have se ffee ith e?- Id lie t But ther e utsideA aits frB is aiting fr has aited frD aited fr8 - Did u hear sene ning at the dr ust n?- N,sir I usiA as listening tB listened t

19、a listening tD uld listen t9 Its nn that the sun in the eastA riseB rse risesD rising10 - rs Green as hit b a ar hile she as aling n the rad- A Reall? Srr t hear thatB Dnt be sared Its dangerus t d sD Srr, I nt d it again二、单词拼写(根据中提示拼写单词)(共小题;共0分)11 There as a lng (沉默) befre she ansered the questin1

20、2 re and re students (意识到) it is iprtant t learn Histr ell13 Put the pian there, ith its ba (靠) the all14 T ur surprise, the girls finall (打败) the bs1 I srr I (完全地) frgt abut it三、翻译(根据中提示完成句子)(共小题;共0分)16 我正在散步,突然遇见了他。I hen I hi17 他太累了,以至于在公共汽车上睡着了。He as s tired that he n the bus18 当他看到地上的垃圾时,他立刻把它捡起

21、。hen he sa the rubbish n the grund, he at ne19 昨天晚上那个女孩的妈妈回的时候,她正在玩电脑游戏。The girl puter gaes her ther ae last night20 ind在读英语时其他孩子在外面打篮球。ind English ther ids ere utside四、完形填空(共10小题;共10分) A Lndn fail ere ening an unusual hlida in Ieland last nth hen things ent ver rng Anne, Ben and their t hildren, la

22、ire and Sa, 21 died in freezing ater The aident happened hile the fail ere visiting a glaier(冰河) Its a beautiful plae 22 ere aling alng the edge(边缘) f the ie hen suddenl the fell ff the ie 23 the ld ater Ben 24 a r fr help and ran t see hat as happening “I fund ife and hildren in the ie ater And the

23、n ife Anne ust san(沉没) 2 the ie It as terrible” Ben 26 his hildren fr the ater, but hen he ent t save his ife, he fell in, t, as he as tring t 27 Anne 28 , hen he as in the ater, he ent all ut t ath hld f Anne and helped her ut f ater “Her fae as blue 29 as reall frightening” Anne spent three das in

24、 hspital there befre the fail 30 And hat are their plans fr their next hlida?21A nearlB alread fullD sadl22A The hildrenB Anne The failD Anne and hildren23A inB int dnD t24A saB listened heardD searhed2A belB abve verD in26A pushedB pulled ut savedD helped27A seeB reah leaveD up28A LuilB Strangel Ex

25、itedlD learl29A ThatB It SheD I30A return t IelandB returned fr England returned t EnglandD returned fr Eurpe五、阅读理解(共1小题;共300分)A aes and his ife ent t Beiing Restaurant fr dinner at 7:00 p n April 1st, 200 hile the ere eating, a aitress ae t tell the that the t en at the next table ere fil aers and

26、that the uld lie t have a tal ith aes aes agreed ne an ae t sit dn next t hi and said that the ere aing a fil naed “The agi Glves” The str as lie “Harr Ptter” and the ere searhing fr an atr t pla a agiian(魔术师) The uld lie t invite aes t have a tr aes as exited, “an peple thin I l lie Patri Steard” H

27、ever, as he as ging t leave hina in 3 das, he anted t tr ut after dinner The an agreed At 9:00 p , hen aes ased fr the bill s that he uld g ith the fil-aers, the anager f Beiing Restaurant said srr t hi ith a sile, “Its April Fls Da e! ur eat is free Than u” aes pletel frgt abut it but hen he fund t

28、hat he as fled, he didnt leave at ne The aitress ased hi if he needed an help aes said, “I as fled ne I afraid the eal is nt free I a aiting fr the bill t see if it is anther e “31 aes ae t the restaurant A t have dinnerB t eet the fil - aers t elebrate April Fls DaD t pla a agiian32 aes agreed t at

29、 ut beause A he as fullB he thught he led lie Patri Steard he anted t ae se neD he lied Harr Ptter33 The phrase “as fled” in the last paragraph prbabl eans A as attaedB as laughed at as disturbedD as plaed a e n34 hih f the flling is true?A aes staed at the r estaurant fr less than t hursB The t en

30、sitting next t hi ere reall fil - aers aes didnt n it as April Fls Da until he as tld sD aes left the restaurant right after dinner3 hen the anager ae t tell hi the truth, aes A as angr that he had been fledB as pleased that he had been given a free eal as still nt sure if the ere plaing anther e n

31、hiD deided t ait fr anther free ealB hen a terrible earthquae hit, an peple ere illed and an huses fell dn After the earthquae, all the nespapers reprted an stries abut se f the failies h ere in truble ne Sunda, hen I as reading a nespaper, a speial piture tuhed e It gave the lthing sizes f eah fail eber I th

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