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1、外贸函电短语外贸函电短语1. 关于With regard to sth.Referring to sth.ConcerningWith respect toRegarding sth.With reference to 2. 表示遗憾We regret that = we feel/are regretful that3. 收到来信We are in receipt/possession of your letteron/upon receipt of 收到后立即干嘛 after receipt of 收到后We confirm receipt of your letterThank you

2、for your letter We have received your letter of We note/learn from your letter that 4. 开始,缔结关系Enter into = establishEnter into business talksThis agreement is made and entered into by A and BEstablish business relations with Establish new businessEstablish a (relative) letter of credit with Bank of

3、China5. 董事会事先的书面同意The prior written consent of board of directors6. Line 行业,(一类)货色In the chemical lineWhat is his line of business?Be a good line of metalBe lined with 内包装7. 根据,与一致In line with = in compliance with = in accordance with = according to/comply with/conform toIn line with the contract; b

4、e out of line with 不一致8. 书册A range of pamphlets/booklets/brochures小册子;leaflet 传单;folder 折叠式印刷品、活页夹Catalogue 产品目录 illustrated catalogue 有插图的目录;pricelist 价格表;manual 使用手册;bulletin 产品简报9. 供参考For your reference=for your information=for your consideration=for your guidance/perusal(精读,细读)10. Item 项目;商品;条款;

5、账目;细节Some of the items 部分商品An export item 出口商品、出口项目An item of business 营业项目11. 商品CommodityItemGoodsLineMerchandiseShipmentsGeneral merchandise(杂货,日用商品)12. MeetMeet ones interest/wishes/needs/conditions 适合、满足Meet with a favorable reception 受到欢迎Our offer will meet your proposal 13. 报价Make/send/give/ca

6、ble quotation for goods14. 传送ForwardSendTransmitDispatch + sth. to PostMailAirmail by mail=by airmailForward samples and product brochures15. Enclose 随附、一并寄上We are enclosing a copy of our pricelist. = Enclosed are 2 copies of our pricelist. 表语倒装Please refer to the pricelist enclosed in/with our lett

7、er dated August 5. Enclosed in/withEnclosed please find one copy of the L/C opened by our bank. 宾语补足语前置倒装We believe you will find the enclosed interesting. The enclosed n.Under separate cover = by separate mail/post/airmail/parcel = separately 另函寄上We are sending you the catalog by separate mail.= we

8、 are sending you under separate cover by mail a copy of the latest catalog.16. 通知Inform sb. that; inform sb. of sth; be informed thatPlease be informed that 17. 达成交易Close/cut a dealConclude a bargain/transaction/contract18. 从他人处了解到Have your name and address from Be recommended/introduced to sb. by s

9、b.Through the courtesy of(经由提供;蒙好意) sb., we have learned that 19. .经营Specialize inBe specialized inHandle + goods 专营某种商品Trade inDeal in In the chemical line; in the line/business of goodsWe trade in cotton piece goods.Trade with sb. 20. 大意、梗概、简介General ideaGeneral introductionBrief introduction21. 以

10、条件成交Onbasis = on the basis of We do business with him on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.On D/P basis = on the basis of D/POn the condition that 前提条件是22. 品质和重量Shipped quality and weight 离岸品质和重量Landed quality and weight 到岸品质和重量23. 质检局Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau 上海商品检验局AQSIQ: General

11、 Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the 中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局24. 想要买、感兴趣Be interested in sth. = be in market for sth.Please advise us when you are in the market.Be interesting to sb. = be of interest to sb.25. 冒昧Take the liberty to doTake the liberty of doing26. 结束语We

12、shall be very pleased to hear from you at your earliest convenience.Looking forward to your favorable comments.Your early reply will be greatly appreciated.27. 使熟悉、告知、使了解、熟悉了解To acquaint you with sth./sb. ; be/get acquainted with:We are acquainted with this market.28. 头衔Chairman = president = direct

13、or 总裁、董事长Managing director=general manager 总经理Executive vice president 执行副总裁Deputy director 副局长Deputy division chief 副处长Section chief 科长Chief Executive Officer CEO 首席执行官29. 产品Chemicals 化学品Textiles 纺织品Cereal oil 粮油Food stuffs 食品Native produce 土特产Animal by-product 畜牧产品Instrument 仪器Light industrial pro

14、ducts 轻工业产品Nonferrous metals 有色金属Metals 金属Minerals 矿产Arts/Crafts 工艺品Machinery 机械Medicines/Health products 医药保健品Electronic products 电子产品Complete plant 成套设备Linen goods 亚麻制品30. In a position to do 能够做We are always in a position to quote you the most advantageous prices for higher quality merchandise.31

15、. Quote 报价 = make sb. an offer for sth.Quote sb. a price for doing Sth is quoted at a price v.Get a quote for sth. n.32. 探讨发展贸易的可能性Explore the possibility of developing trade with you33. Inclusive 包括的Be inclusive of sth. 包含这些费用This offer is inclusive of your commission of 2%.This applies to items 1

16、to 10 inclusive. (1-10 含首尾项)34. Commission 佣金A/your/our commission of 5% = your/our 5% commissionThere are three items of commission left unpaid. 还有三笔佣金未付每公吨335美元CIF纽约包含佣金2%US$335 per metric ton CIF New York including 2% commission= US$335 per metric ton CIF 2% New York每公吨300美元FOB上海减折扣2%US$300 per m

17、etric ton FOB Shanghai less 2% discount每公吨300美元FOB上海净价 net priceUS$300 per metric ton FOB Shanghai net35. Allow 允许Allow sb a commission of 5% on sth.Allow sb a standing credit of USD 定额贷款(长期信用)Usually we allow a commission of 5% on an order placed by a commission agent for account of a third party w

18、ho opens L/C direct to us.Could you allow us a special discount on this consignment?36. Stock库存A stock of sth. 存货;in stock 有货;out of stock 缺货At the moment, we have only a limited stock of/in linen goods.We have a large stock of walnuts.We are in position to supply from stock.股票Stock exchange 股票交易所St

19、ockholder 股东Stock quotation 股价Stock exchange quotation 证交所行情37. Sample 样品凭卖方样品买卖 sale by sellers sample原样 original sample标准样品 type sample留样 keep sample复样 duplicate sample回样 return sample对等样品 counter sample封样 sealed sample38. Dealer商人 dealer = businessman = merchant批发商 wholesaler零售商 retailer独家代理 excl

20、usive agent销售员 salesman投机商 speculator39. Price底价 rock-bottom price公道价 moderate price优惠价 favorable price竞争价 attractive/competitive price当前成交价 prevailing/current/ruling/existing price(现行价格)最优价 keen/best price国内/国际市场价格 home market/international market price批发价 wholesale price零售价 retail price 单位价格 unit

21、price40. L/C 信用证跟单信用证 documentary credit光票信用证 clean credit可撤销信用证 revocable L/C不可撤销信用证 irrevocable L/C保兑信用证 confirmed L/C非保兑信用证 unconfirmed L/C即期信用证 sight L/C远期信用证 time/usance L/C承兑信用证 acceptance L/C议付信用证 negotiation L/C可转让信用证 transferable L/C不可转让信用证 untransferable L/C循环信用证 revolving L/C对开信用证 recipro

22、cal L/C对背信用证 back-to-back L/C预支信用证 anticipatory L/C41. Order 订单初始订单 initial order未执行订单 back order大额订单 heavy order试订单 trial order确认/接受订单 accept/confirm an order补充订单 additional order大宗订单 bulk order撤销订单 cancel an order加倍订单 duplicate an order执行订单 execute an order新订单 fresh order改变订购量 modify an order订货单 o

23、rder form/sheet续订订单 repeat order装船 ship an order装货单 shipping order请求订单 solicit an order分批订单 split order口头订单 verbal order42. Be subject to 以为准Our offer is subject to your/our confirmation.This offer is subject to your reply reaching us before May 15th,2015.We make you the following offer, subject to

24、the goods being unsold.43. 质量好且价格公道Of high quality at moderate pricesBe both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price44. Invoice商业发票 commercial invoice海关发票 customs invoice领事发票 consular invoice厂商发票 manufacturers invoice(factory invoice)45. 一式几份一式两份 in duplicate一式三份 in triplicate一式四份 in quadr

25、uplicate一式五份 in quintuplicate一式六份 in sextuplicate一式七份 in septuplicate一式N份 in N copies46. 畅销The goods are selling fast.The goods enjoy fast sales.The goods have commanded a good market.The goods are most popular with customers.47. 早日At the earliest opportunity; at your earliest convenience; at an ear

26、ly momentAs soon as possible = without any delay48. 报盘接受报盘 accept *offer确认报盘 confirm *拒绝报盘 decline *考虑报盘 consider *延长报盘 extend *撤回报盘 withdraw *恢复报盘 renew/reinstate *搭配报盘 combined *暂停报盘 withhold *提交报盘 submit *综合报盘 lump *撤销报盘 revoke *; revocation 49. 报盘有效Our offer will be kept open.Our offer will be h

27、eld valid.Our offer will remain firm.We shall keep the offer good.50. 生效Come into effect/force; to be put into effect/force51. Expire date 过期日期;有效期Be subject to your reply reaching here before May 15th We offer you firm subject to reply by 5pm, our time, Wednesday, May 15th Valid until this Friday o

28、ur timeValid 3 days; reply in 7 days52. Firm offer 肯定报价;实盘We offer you firm subject to.We offer firm as follows:A firm offerThe offer is firm for 3 days.53. Non-firm offer 非稳固报价;虚盘,非实盘We make you the following offer without engagement(不受约束,无契约关系).We offer you the following goods subject to our final

29、 confirmation.Our offer is subject to change without notice.Our above offer is subject to our prior sale.Our offer is subject to goods being unsold.54. Counter offer 买方还价,还盘With reference to your letter of , we regret to advise you that we are unable to avail ourselves of your offer owing to the fac

30、t thatThe specification offered by you does not meet our requirement.The quality or type stated therein proves unfit for our use.Your price appears too high to meet competition.The time of delivery is too distant.The offer is incomplete.The user has temporarily suspended the purchase.The offer has reached us too late.There is no ready market for such goods at the moment.However, we thank you for making us this offer and hope to revert to the matter when we are again in the market.55. 利用机会Avail ourselves of this opportunity to do 56. 鉴于、考虑到In view of = considering57. 折中、各让一半Meet sb

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