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1、山西省对口升学考试试山西省2018年对口升学考试英语说明:1本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,满分100分,考试时间为90分钟, 2.选择题分三部分,第一部分为共答题,所有考生作答;第二部分由文科类职业模块考生作答;第三部分由工科类职业模块考生作答; 3考生必须且只能在下列其中一个职业模块栏后的空格内“”,确定本人作答部分,在确定范围以外一律不计分。 4考试结后,讲本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 工科类职业模块文科类职业模块选择题注意事项 1选择题答案必须填图在答题卡上,写在试卷上的一律不计分2答题前,考试务必将自己的姓名、准考证号座位号、考试科目涂写在卡上。3考试须按规定要求正确涂卡,否则后果自负,

2、第一部分 共答题(所有考生作答,共70分)一 语音(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出划线部分发音不同的一项。1.A. gapB. mapC. washD. stand2. A. sweatB. steamC. speakD. meat3. A. dangerB. gasC. hungerD. anger4. A. morningB. horseC. horseD. doctor5. A. withinB. thatC. thisD. think6. A. honeyB. hotC. loveD. another7. A. nationB. action

3、C. mentionD. question8. A. windyB. riceC. climateD. mild9. A. wantedB. likedC. neededD. noted10. A. heardB. hearC. nearD. dear二.单顶选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共计25分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出空白处的最佳选项11. -Sorry, I made a mistake again-_Practice more and you ll do better next timeA. Not at all B. Never mindC. Dont mentio

4、n it D .You are welcome12. Mr Smith, I should tell you this is the fifth time you_ me for my twin sisterA. have mistaken B. are mistakingC. had mistaken D. are mistaken13. It is one of the best books_.A. which have been written B .that has ever been writtenC .that have ever been written D .which has

5、 been written14. It may rain, but we should go_.A. anyway B. thoughC. certainly D. however15. You should _making promises you cant keep.A. prevent B. allowC. protect D. avoid16. Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and_.A.I was neither B. neither was IC. I was either D. either wa

6、s17. _apple fell from the tree and hit him on_headA. An; the B. The; theC. An;/ D. The;/18. I m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final, for he_for it for monthsA .is preparing B. was preparingC. has been preparing D. had prepared19. If you_go, at least wait until the storm is overA. can B

7、. mayC .must D. will20. On the next birthday, Ann _married for twenty years.A. will be B. has beenC. is D. will have been21. Sarah pretended to be cheerful _nothing about the argumentA. says B. saidC. to say D. saying22. The shocking news made the realize _terrible problems we would face.A. what B.

8、howC. that D. why23. The party will be held in the garden, weather_A. to permit B. permittingC. permitted D. permit24. Please remain_; the winner of the award will be revealed soon.A .seating B. to be seatedC. seated D. seat25. What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he _betterA .might

9、have done B. must have doneC. neednt have done D. couldnt have done26. I often_the words, I don t know in the dictionary or on the InternetA. look up B. look atC. look for D. look into27. You have to move out of the way_, the truck cannot get past youA. so B. orC. and D. but28. If she doesn t want t

10、o go, nothing you say will _her.A. persuade B .promiseC .invite D .support29. I am not really mad at her, but I cant_that her remarks hurt me.A. deny B. refuseC. reject D. decline30. I had hardly got to the office_my wife phoned me to go back home at onceA. until B. whenC .than D. after31. It sudden

11、ly occurred to him he had left his keys in the officeA. whether B .whenC. which D .that32. -Have you paid What s my share of the bill-_It wasnt muchA .Don t worry about it B. I my shareC. None of you business D. Its sup to you33. One hired of the county covered with trees and the majority of the cit

12、es black people.A. is; is B. is; areC. are: are D. are: is34. To get a better grade , you should _the notes again before the testA. take over B. get overC. turn over D. go over35.-would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen dear-_One?A. Other B. EveryC. Another D. More三完型填空(本大题共15小题,每小1分,共计

13、15分)从A,BC、D四个选项中,选出空白处的最佳选项As I entered womanhood, mom told me that no matter what happened and no matter what I did, I could always come home. Because of what those words meant to me, I said the same thing to my 36My childhood was filed with 57 a lot of kisses, lots of hugs, and lots of spoke.I lov

14、e you. Because of what those meant to me, I gave my sons the same things.My mom came from a 38 family and had a difficult childhood, yet she never 39 about how unlucky she was. 40 my mom, I saw loves ability to forgiveI saw my sweet mom love my Grandpa. 41 he had abandoned her and my Grandma and fai

15、led to 42 for their needs, I never saw mom treat Grandpa any way but lovingly even though he was far from43. I learned how love behaves and forgives.I watched my mom 44 my 100-year-old grandma who, in her blindness, deafness andfeebleness(虚弱), needed almost total care. When I was in her home, I hear

16、d what I ve heard all my life. I love you, mom They would 45 this to each other at least five times a day-when mom got Grandma up, made her comfortable in bed, or prepared her 46.And I would hear loves 47 when Grandma said,” And I love you too.”Love forgives and 48,not focusing on what has happened.

17、 Instead loves focus is on what needs to be done and on doing it the 49 we can.My mom taught me to love; she told me to 50 it on to my children, and she showed forgiveness herself36.A. friendsB. childrenC. settlersD. neighbors37.A. happinessB. entertainC. confusionD. attraction38.A.famousB. brokenC.

18、 fortunateD. peaceful39.A. regrettedB. arguedC. complainedD. Wondered40.A. WithB. LikeC. InD. Before41.A. .ifB. becauseC. soD. although42.A. offerB. provideC. supportD. react43.A. being modestB. being ordinaryC. being kindD. being smart44. A. pick upB. bring outC. look afterD. turn to45. A. whisperB

19、. amuseC. greetD. encourage46. A. gestureB. domitoryC. messD. meal47. A. questionB. responseC. solutionD. measure48. A. walks onB. falls behindC. moves onD. runs away49. A. quickestB. leastC. longestD. best50. A. putB. lookC. passD. write四、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共计20分)从A、BC、D四个选项中,出选符合题目要求的最佳选项AIn Amer

20、ica Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. On that day we send our mothers a special Mothers Day card, and perhaps some flowers or candy, to show our love and appreciation for all they have done for us. Although Mothers Day is a relatively new holiday in America, more and more other

21、countries are also setting aside a day to honor their mothers. It all started over a hundred years ago with a woman named Anna May Jarvis. Anna was born on May 10,1864, just before the end of the Civil War and the assassination of President Lincoln. She was the daughter of a“minister”, which in Amer

22、ican English means a church leader. She was a quiet girl who liked to study in school, but she liked everyone and was liked by everyone as well.After she graduated, Anna worked for life insurance company in Philadelphia, Then, in 1906, her mother died. It was the second Sunday in May.In the months t

23、hat followed, Anna began to change. No longer was she so gentle, so relaxed and easy-going. Instead she now had just one goal for her life-to have her mother and all other honored throughout the whole world on the second Sunday of May.After more than a year of careful planning, Anna arranged the fir

24、st Mothers Day church service, on May10, 1908, in Crafton, West Virginia. The next year Anna was able to get the city of Philadelphia, where she lived and worked, to proclaim the second Sunday of May as an official Mothers Day - the first city to do so. After three more years, the state of West Virg

25、inia, where Annas mother had lived, made Mothers Day a statewide observance-for a holiday in the normal sense, but still a day to remember what mothers have done for their children and society.51.Which answer is right about Mothers Day?A. In America, Mothers Day is a new holiday.B. More and more cou

26、ntries are put aside their tradition of celebrating Mothers Day.C. In America, Mothers Day is on the second Sunday in May.D. Throughout the world, Mothers Day is celebrated on the same day.52.Choose the right explanation of the word“observance”in the last paragraph.A. remark made by people B. action

27、 in accordance with customC. performance of certain tradition D. notice paid widely53.How long in all had Anna spent to establish Mothers Day in West Virginia?A. from May 10, 1908 to May 10, 1911.B. for more than four years.C. for more than three years.D. for about three years. 54.Choose the right u

28、nderstanding of this passage.A. Anna was born just before the assassination of President Lincoln which ended the Civil War.B. Anna was a daughter of a minister which in English means a church worker.C. Annas mothers death had done a little damage to her easy life.D. The mothers day celebrated in Wes

29、t Virginia is a day with special meaning.55. What most probably happened in the following paragraph ?A. Mothers Day is celebrated in conventional celebration.B. Mothers Day gradually became a commercial celebration.C. Anna retired from her job with a fortune of over a hundred thousand dollars.D. Peo

30、ple stopped buying candy to their mothers.BOne day a few years ago, a very funny thing happened to a neighbor of mine. He is a teacher at one ofLondons big medical schools. He had finished his teaching for the summer term and was at the airport on his way to Russia to give a lecture. He had put a few clothes and his lecture notes in his shoulder bag, and he had put Rupert, the skeleton(人体骨架) to be used in his lecture, in a large brown suitcase. At the airport desk, he suddenly thought that he had forgotten to buy a newspaper. He left his suitcase n

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