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1、matlab常用算法大全Matlab 高级算法程序代码汇总一、灰色预测模型matlab程序% renkou1=renkou(:,1);%年末常住人口数 % renkou2=renkou(:,2);%户籍人口% renkou3=renkou(:,3);%非户籍人口% shjian=1979:2010; %以上数据自己给x0=renkou2;n=length(x0);lamda=x0(1:n-1)./x0(2:n)range=minmax(lamda)x1=cumsum(x0)for i=2:nz(i)=0.5*(x1(i)+x1(i-1);endB=-z(2:n),ones(n-1,1);Y=x

2、0(2:n);u=BYx=dsolve(Dx+a*x=b,x(0)=x0);x=subs(x,a,b,x0,u(1),u(2),x1(1);yuce1=subs(x,t,0:n-1);digits(6),y=vpa(x) %为提高预测精度,先计算预测值,再显示微分方程的解yuce=x0(1),diff(yuce1)epsilon=x0-yuce %计算残差delta=abs(epsilon./x0) %计算相对误差rho=1-(1-0.5*u(1)/(1+0.5*u(1)*lamda %计算级比偏差值%以深圳人口数据得到预测模型及预测误差相关数据 lamda = Columns 1 throu

3、gh 8 0.9741 0.9611 0.9419 0.8749 0.9311 0.9093 0.9302 0.9254 Columns 9 through 16 0.9245 0.9278 0.9442 0.9376 0.9127 0.9148 0.9332 0.9477 Columns 17 through 24 0.9592 0.9445 0.9551 0.9562 0.9594 0.9461 0.9469 0.9239 Columns 25 through 31 0.9140 0.9077 0.9243 0.9268 0.9312 0.9446 0.9618 range = 0.874

4、9 0.9741 x1 = 1.0e+003 * Columns 1 through 8 0.0313 0.0634 0.0967 0.1322 0.1727 0.2162 0.2641 0.3155 Columns 9 through 16 0.3711 0.4313 0.4961 0.5647 0.6380 0.7182 0.8059 0.8999 Columns 17 through 24 0.9990 1.1024 1.2119 1.3265 1.4463 1.5712 1.7033 1.8427 Columns 25 through 32 1.9936 2.1588 2.3407 2

5、.5375 2.7499 2.9780 3.2194 3.4705 u = -0.0665 31.3737 y = -472.117+503.377*exp(.664533e-1*t)yuce = Columns 1 through 8 31.2600 34.5876 36.9641 39.5040 42.2183 45.1192 48.2194 51.5326 Columns 9 through 16 55.0734 58.8576 62.9017 67.2238 71.8428 76.7792 82.0548 87.6928 Columns 17 through 24 93.7183 10

6、0.1578 107.0397 114.3945 122.2547 130.6550 139.6324 149.2267 Columns 25 through 32 159.4802 170.4382 182.1492 194.6649 208.0405 222.3352 237.6121 253.9386 epsilon = Columns 1 through 8 0 -2.4976 -3.5741 -4.0540 -1.6983 -1.5992 -0.3594 -0.0826 Columns 9 through 16 0.5266 1.2824 1.9183 1.4262 1.3772 3

7、.4408 5.6352 6.2772 Columns 17 through 24 5.4417 3.2222 2.4203 0.2055 -2.4047 -5.7350 -7.5924 -9.7767 Columns 25 through 32 -8.5502 -5.3082 -0.2192 2.1651 4.3395 5.7348 3.8379 -2.9086 delta = Columns 1 through 8 0 0.0778 0.1070 0.1144 0.0419 0.0367 0.0075 0.0016 Columns 9 through 16 0.0095 0.0213 0.

8、0296 0.0208 0.0188 0.0429 0.0643 0.0668 Columns 17 through 24 0.0549 0.0312 0.0221 0.0018 0.0201 0.0459 0.0575 0.0701 Columns 25 through 32 0.0567 0.0321 0.0012 0.0110 0.0204 0.0251 0.0159 0.0116 rho = Columns 1 through 8 -0.0411 -0.0271 -0.0066 0.0650 0.0049 0.0282 0.0058 0.0110 Columns 9 through 1

9、6 0.0119 0.0084 -0.0091 -0.0020 0.0245 0.0223 0.0027 -0.0128 Columns 17 through 24 -0.0251 -0.0094 -0.0208 -0.0219 -0.0254 -0.0111 -0.0119 0.0126 Columns 25 through 31 0.0232 0.0300 0.0122 0.0095 0.0048 -0.0095 -0.0280二、遗传算法程序代码% Optimizing a function using Simple Genetic Algorithm with elitist pres

10、erved%Max f(x1,x2)=100*(x1*x1-x2).2+(1-x1).2; -2.0480=x1,x2=bestvbestv=fmax;%到目前为止最优适应度值bvalxx=bval(indmax,:);%到目前为止最佳位串optxx=xx(indmax,:);%到目前为止最优参数end Bfit1(ii)=bestv; % 存储每代的最优适应度%遗传操作开始%轮盘赌选择for i=1:(N-1)r=rand;tmp=find(r=q);newbval(i,:)=bval(tmp(1),:);end newbval(N,:)=bvalxx;%最优保留bval=newbval;%

11、单点交叉for i=1:2:(N-1)cc=rand;if ccpcpoint=ceil(rand*(2*L-1);%取得一个1到2L-1的整数ch=bval(i,:);bval(i,point+1:2*L)=bval(i+1,point+1:2*L);bval(i+1,point+1:2*L)=ch(1,point+1:2*L);endend bval(N,:)=bvalxx;%最优保留%位点变异mm=rand(N,2*L)p_best_fitness(count_x)p_best_fitness(count_x) = current_fitness(count_x);for count_y

12、 = 1:dimensionsp_best(count_x,count_y) = particle_position(count_x,count_y);endendend%decide on the global best among all the particlesg_best_val,g_best_index = max(current_fitness);%g_best contains the position of teh global bestfor count_y = 1:dimensionsg_best(count_y) = particle_position(g_best_i

13、ndex,count_y);end%update the position and velocity compponentsfor count_x = 1:no_of_particlesfor count_y = 1:dimensionsp_current(count_y) = particle_position(count_x,count_y);endfor count_y = 1:dimensionsparticle_velocity(count_y) = particle_velocity(count_y) + c1*rand*(p_best(count_y)-p_current(cou

14、nt_y) + c2*rand*(g_best(count_y)-p_current(count_y);particle_positon(count_x,count_y) = p_current(count_y) +particle_velocity(count_y);endendendg_bestcurrent_fitness(g_best_index)clear all, clc % pso exampleiter = 1000; % number of algorithm iterationsnp = 2; % number of model parametersns = 10; % n

15、umber of sets of model parametersWmax = 0.9; % maximum inertial weightWmin = 0.4; % minimum inertial weightc1 = 2.0; % parameter in PSO methodologyc2 = 2.0; % parameter in PSO methodologyPmax = 10 10; % maximum model parameter valuePmin = -10 -10; % minimum model parameter valueVmax = 1 1; % maximum

16、 change in model parameterVmin = -1 -1; % minimum change in model parametermodelparameters(1:np,1:ns) = 0; % set all model parameter estimates for all model parameter sets to zeromodelparameterchanges(1:np,1:ns) = 0; % set all change in model parameter estimates for all model parameter sets to zerob

17、estmodelparameters(1:np,1:ns) = 0; % set best model parameter estimates for all model parameter sets to zerosetbestcostfunction(1:ns) = 1e6; % set best cost function of each model parameter set to a large numberglobalbestparameters(1:np) = 0; % set best model parameter values for all model parameter

18、 sets to zerobestparameters = globalbestparameters; % best model parameter values for all model parameter sets (to plot)globalbestcostfunction = 1e6; % set best cost function for all model parameter sets to a large numberi = 0; % indicates ith algorithm iterationj = 0; % indicates jth set of model p

19、arametersk = 0; % indicates kth model parameterfor k = 1:np % initializationfor j = 1:nsmodelparameters(k,j) = (Pmax(k)-Pmin(k)*rand(1) + Pmin(k); % randomly distribute model parametersmodelparameterchanges(k,j) = (Vmax(k)-Vmin(k)*rand(1) + Vmin(k); % randomly distribute change in model parametersen

20、dendfor i = 2:iterfor j = 1:nsx = modelparameters(:,j);% calculate cost functioncostfunction = 105*(x(2)-x(1)2)2 + (1-x(1)2;if costfunction =T_min iter_num=1; s_num=1; plot(T,totaldis1,r.) hold on while iter_numiter_max&s_nums_max; order2=exhgpath(order1); %随机交换两个城市位置 totaldis2=distance(address,orde

21、r2); R=rand; DeltaDis=totaldis2-totaldis1; %新的距离-原来的距离 if DeltaDisR)%本算法最核心的思想:以一定概率接受坏的结果,防止局部最优 order1=order2; totaldis1=totaldis2; else s_num=s_num+1; end iter_num=iter_num+1; end T=T*0.99; end set(gca,xscale,log);%或者使用semilogx,有相同效果 xlabel(退火温度);ylabel(总距离); order1 totaldis1 figure(3) plot(address(order1,1)

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