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1、永兴中学中学八年级英语短语整理八年级下册英语第一单元词组整理 1. 后背痛:have a sore back 2.胃痛、肚子痛:have a stomachache3.喝足够的水:drink enough water 4.喉咙非常痛:have a very sore throat 5.躺下来休息:lie down and rest 在水下冲:run it under water6.下车:get off 上公交车:get on the bus 赶公交车:catch the bus 7. 带蜂蜜的热茶:hot tea with honey 8.看牙医:see a dentist 9拍X光:get

2、an X-ray 10.敷一些药:put some medicine on it 11.划伤自己:cut myself 12.发高烧: have a fever 13.远离休息take breaks away from 14.没有移动: without moving 15.以同样的方式:in the same way 16.有心脏病:have a heart problem 17.在公路的一侧:on the side of the road 18.大声求救:shout for help 19.用完:run out of 20.从出来get out of 21.对感兴趣:be intereste

3、d in22. 处于非常危险的境地:in a very dangerous situation 23.冒险:take risks 24.做决定:make decisions 决定做:decide to do sth 25. 掌管:be in control of 26.放弃:give up 27.考虑:think about 28. 立刻、马上:right away at once 步行:on foot 29.的重要性:the importance of . 30.一直持续做.keep on doing sth 31.切断:cut off 切碎:cut up 砍倒:cut down 32.习惯

4、于:be used to doing 过去、曾经:uesd ready to do sth愿意马上做 be ready for 为.做准备34.几天:a few days several days 35.穿上:put on 脱下:take off 36.摔倒:fall down 落后:fall behind 37.洗你的脸:clean your face 38.撞击头部:get hit on the head 39.晒伤:get sunburned 40.把你的头后仰:put your head back 41.多亏了,由于:thanks to 42.等公共汽车:wait f

5、or the bus 43.另吃惊的是:to my/your/her/his/our/their/surprise/ 44.期待做.:expect sb to do sth 45.及时:in time 准时:on time 46.看见某人正在做.:see sb doing sth 看到某人做某事的过程:see sb do sth 47.呼吸困难:have problems /trouble breathing 48.一次严重的事故:have a serious accidents 49.整个周末:all weekend 50.同意做某事:agree to do 同意某人.:agree with

6、 sb 51.量我的/他的/她的/你的体温: take my/his/her/your temperature 52.有心脏病:have a heart problem 53.考虑挽救生命:think about saving a life (save)54.想要.feel like doing sth 55.一个八岁的女孩:an eight-year-old girl 56.一部叫工夫熊猫的电影:a movie called Kong Fu Panda57.以便于:so that 58.几把刀:several knives (knife-knives)59.如何做:how to do sth

7、 用绷带把伤口缠好:put a bandage on the cut60.陷入麻烦中:get into trouble 61.伤着自己:hurt oneself 62.流鼻血:have a nosebleed 63.休息一下:have a rest/take breaks/take a break 64.一个生病的人:a sick man 65.陷入:get into 66.企图:mean to do 意味着:mean doing sth 67.介意做mind doing sth 68.保持健康:stay healthy/keep healthy 69.处于良好的健康状态:be in good

8、 health 70.没有多加考虑:without thinking twice71.感冒:have a cold/catch a cold 72.需要做某事:need to do sth 73.和一样:the same as. 与.不同:be different from 74.去看医生:see a doctorgo to see a doctor 75.最好做某事:had better do sth 最好不做某事:had better not do sth 76的意义:the meaning of. 77.如此难的问题:such a difficult problem 如此快:so fas

9、t/so quickly 如此高兴:so happy78请随意.help oneself to 玩得开心:enjoy oneself 独立地:by oneself 79.带老人去医院:take the old man to hospital 把人移到车上:move the man onto the bus 80.讲述:tell of 讲故事:tell stories 说谎:tell lies 本单元知识点补充: 1.fallfell(落下) feelfelt(感觉) hithit hurthurt stop-stopped lielyinglay diedeaddeath kilokilos

10、stomach stomachsfootfeet toothteeth wake-woke(醒来) fly-flew (飞)2.常见的需要双写末尾字母的现在分词形式:letletting 让 hithitting 打、撞 getgetting 取、得到 sitsitting 坐 forgetforgetting 忘记 putputting 放 setsetting 设置 babysitbabysitting 临时受雇照顾婴儿 shopshopping 购物 triptripping 绊 stopstopping 停止 dropdropping 放弃 traveltravel(l)ing 旅游

11、swimswimming 游泳 runrunning 跑步 digdigging 挖、掘 beginbeginning 开始 preferpreferring 宁愿planplanning 计划 kidkidding 戏弄、取笑 cutcutting 切、割I dont feel well. =Im not feeling well. 2. Did you hurt yourself playing soccer?3. He doesnt mind taking risks. 4. He was not ready to die that day.5. He had problems lear

12、ning English. 6. Linda ran out of money. /Her money ran out.7. He used his knife to cut off half his right arm./ The knife is used to cut things. Her mother is used to cooking dinner for family. /His father used to be a teacher. 8. He knew he would have to do something to save his own life.9. He exp

13、ected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. 10.I must do something to improve my English. 八年级下册英语第二单元词组整理 盐边中学八年级英语组2017.021.打扫:clean up 2.振奋起来:cheer up 3.分发:hand out/give out 4.曾经:used to 5.打电话给某人:call up 6.照顾:care for/look after/take care of 7.试用:try out 8.修理:fix up 9

14、.赠送:give away 10.建起:set up 11.对.有影响:make a difference to 12.阻止饥饿:stop hunger13.帮助解决. :help out with 14.讲故事:tell stories 15.几小时:several hours16.帮助别人:help others 17.未来梦想中的工作: a future dream job 18.如此强烈的满足感:such a strong feeling of satisfaction 19.一位爱书的人:a book lover 20.在几岁时:at the age of 21.她自己读:read

15、by herself 22.决定做.:decide to do 23.每周一次:once a week 24.一次不同的旅程:a different journey 25.同时:at the same time 26.实现:come true 27.帮助无家可归的人们:help homeless people 28.张贴:put up 29.学校四周:around school 30.想出. come up with/think up 31.担心:worry about 32.考虑:think about 33.例如:for example 34.为筹钱:raise money for 35.

16、与.相似:be similar to 36.长得像:take after 37.卖给. sellto 39.为买:buyfor 40.接电话: answer the telephone 41.我的一位朋友:a friend of mine 42.一只特殊训练的狗:a special trained dog 43.六个月的训练后:after six months of training 44.能够:be able to 45.由于你的善良:because of your kindness 46.给它指令:give it orders 47.改变某人的生活:change ones life 48.

17、在某方面很强势:be strong in 49解决:work out 50.告诉关于. tellabout 51.在户外 in the open air 52.的拥有者: the owner of 53.收好你的书: take away your books 54. 到处:here and there 55.公交车来了。The bus is coming.56.有机会去做have a chance to do sth 57.需要被做: need doing sth 58.志愿去做. volunteer to do sth 59.赚更多的钱:make more money 60.阻止keepfr

18、om 61.一次又一次 again and again 62.上网:get online 63.消磨时间的好方式: a good way to kill time 64.不能做.be unable to do 65.乐意做:be willing to do sth 66.继续做:go on doing sth 67.帮忙:give sb a hand 67.被用于.:be used to do sth 68.习惯于be used to doing sth 八年级下册英语第三单元词组整理 盐边中学八年级英语组2017.021.倒垃圾:take out the rubbish 2.一直:all t

19、he time 3.一.就as soon as 4.在地板上:on the floor 5.从借.borrowfrom 6.借出.lendto 7.为了:in order to 8.照顾: take care of 9.依靠:depend on 10.提供:provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth 11.浪费:a waste of 12.整理床铺:make ones bed 13.叠衣服:fold ones clothes 14. 洗碗:do the dishes 15.扫地:sweep the floor 16.从事:work on 17.解决:help

20、out with 18.至少:at least 19.从回来: be back from 20.一团糟:in a mess 21.随时、在任何时刻:any minute 22.放学回家:come home from school 23. 过来:come over24.扔掉:throw down 25. 带一个帐篷:bring a tent26.带狗散步:take the dog for a walk 27.走开:walk away 28.吃惊地:in surprise 29.第二天:the next day 30.喊回去:shout back 31. 我们中没有一个:neither of us

21、 33.坐在电视机旁:sit down in front of the TV 34.和某人闲逛:hang out with sb 35.把盐递给我:pass me the salt 36.邀请:inviteto. 37.花费:spendon 38.付款:pay for 39. 公平的想法:the idea of fairness 40.进入好的大学:get into a good university 41.结果:as a result 42. 生病:fall ill 43.发展某人的独立性:develop ones independence 44.没有必要做.There is no need

22、 to do sth 45.有压力的:be stressed out 46. 保留一段时间:keep sth for+一段时间 47.生气:be angry with 48.去商店:go to the store 49. 测验:have a test 50.搭便车:get a ride 51带走:take away 52.为买buy for 八年级下册英语第四单元词组整理 盐边中学八年级英语组2017.021.允许allow to do sth 2.浏览:look through 3.相处: get on with 4.重要的事:big deal 5. 解决:work out 6. 争吵:ar

23、gue with=have an argument with 7. 提供:offer to do sth 8.依某人看来:in ones opinion 9.与比较:compare with . 10.删除:cut out 11. 代替:instead of 12.得到足够的睡眠:get enough sleep 13.打架:get into a fight with 14.在电话中谈论:talk about it on the phone 12.归还:give back toreturn to 13.打架:have a fight with=fight with 14.与交往:communi

24、cate with 15.哥哥:elder brother 弟弟:younger brother 16.拒绝做:refuse to do sth 17.不同意:disagree with 18.一条建议:a piece of advice 19.各种班:all kinds of classes 20.太多的压力:too much pressure 21.有时间放松:have time to relax22.节约一些钱:save some money 23.保持一致努力做:keep trying to 24.对某人说对不起:say sorry to sb25.相互:each other 26.独

25、自度过时间:spend time alone 27.只做自己:just be yourself 28.使用因特网:use the internet 29.上如此多的课外补习班:take so many after-school classes 30.学会放松: learn to relax 31.一个典型的美国家庭:a typical American family 32.足球训练:football training 33. 他们活动中的一些:a few of their activities 34.与做比较:compare with 35. 为自己想 think for oneself: 3

26、6.从小学:start learning from a young age 37.参加:take part in 38.一个发展中国家:a developing country 39.一个发达国家:a developed country 40.发现某人正在做:find sb doing sth 41. enough + n. adj.adv. +enough 42.害怕做:be afraid to do sth be afaid of doing sth 43.到某人做某事的时间了:Its time for sb to do sth. 44. 直到才:not .until 45.感到孤独:fe

27、el lonely 46.担心:be worried about 47.确定做:be sure to do 48.泰勒一家:The Taylors 49.给某人一些建议:give sb some advice 50.最好做:had better do sth 最好不做: had better not do sth 51.介意做:mind doing sth 52.讲实话:tell the truth 八年级下册英语第五单元词组整理 盐边中学八年级英语组2017.021.发出声响:go off 2.接电话:pick up 3.进入梦乡:fall asleep 4.逐渐变弱:die down 5.

28、看一看:have a look at 6.前往:make ones way 7. 沉默:in silence 8.拆除记录、往下拽:take down 9.首先:at first 10.在暴风雨来的时候:at the time of the rainstorm 11.等公交车:wait for thr bus 12.在街上:on the street 13. 雨下得大:rain heavily14.一场大雨:a heavy rain 15.错过公交车:miss the bus 14.醒来:wake up 15.在厨房里:in the kitchen 16.强风:strong winds 17.

29、 在附近:in the neighborhood 18. 没有光:with no light 19.在这一地区:in the area 20.确保: make sure 21. 对着窗子猛烈地敲打:beat heavily against the windows 22.玩牌游戏:play a card game 23.倒下的树:fallen tress 24.坏的窗子:broken windows 25.打扫:clean up 26.使许多东西分开:break many things apart 27.在困难时期:in times of difficulties 28.马上:right awa

30、y 29.你在开玩笑吧!You are kidding.30.在前往学校的路上:make ones way to school31.一个重要事件:an important event 32.被杀害:be killed 33.在广播中听新闻:hear the news on the radio 34.完全震惊了:completely shocked 35.余下的:the rest of 36.更近一点:more recently 37.对某人有意义:have meaning to sb 38.向窗外看:look out the window 39.做某事有困难:have trouble doin

31、g sth 40.也:as well 41.我生活中最快乐的一天:the happiest day of my life 42.没有任何错误 : without any mistakes 43.宣布获胜者:call out the winner(书中40页) 44.步行回家:walk home 45.某人发生了:what happened to sb 46.洗热水澡:take a hot shower 47.乌云:black clouds 48.在那时:at that time 49.记得去做:remember to do sth 记得做过:remember doing sth 50. 在公交车站:at the bus stop 51.觉得像,想要:feel like doing sth 52.感到困倦的:feel sleepy 53.打开广播:turn on the radio 54. 经过路过:walk by 55. 忍不住做:cant help doing

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