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1、深圳市20寒假中考一轮词汇复习教案八年级上册Unit5unit206无答案英语学科个性化教学辅导教案 学生年级 上课地点第 次授课授课时间年 月 日 星期 学科老师 教学规划师 教学课题八上Unit 5-6复习教学目标教学重难点教学内容Step 1 作业检查及复习作业完成情况: 优 良 中 差Step 2 Outline本讲知识点能力目标词汇复习题型训练Step 3 Language points / Grammar / Language points& Grammar 考纲词汇Unit 51.educational: connected with education; teaching yo

2、u something that you didnt know before adj. 有教育意义的(education n. 教育 educate v. 教育) the act of changing one thing for another thing; communication; n. 交流;交换;互访3.culture: the ideas, beliefs, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a society n. 文化(culture shock 文化冲击) some

3、one at a party, meal etc. who has invited the guests and who provides them with food, drink etc. n. 主人(hostess 女主人)5.local: native, connected with a particular place or area, especially the place you 6 .live in adj. 当地的;地方的(location=位置;地点)7.British=English adj. 英国的 (Britain 英国)8.glad=happy adj. 高兴;愉

4、快9.guest=visitor/customer n. 宾客;客人10.chopstick: two small sticks used for eating n. 筷子11.weekday: working days; and day except Saturday and Sunday n. 工作日 (weekends 周末)12tour=travel v. 在.旅游 (tourist n. 游客 tourism n.旅游业)13fantastic=excellent/wonderful/great adj. 极好的;了不起的14.experience: knowledge or ski

5、ll that one has had n. (一次)经历;体验 (experienced adj. 有经验的)15.already: by or before now, before a particular time adv. 已经;早已16.introduce: recommend; cause to come to know personally v. 使.初次了解.;使尝试 (introduction n. 经验)17.success=achievement/ accomplishment n. 成功(succeed v. 成功 successful adj. 成功的)18.yet:

6、 up to the present time adv. 尚未;仍未;到目前为止19respect: admiration for someone; look up to v. 慎重对待;尊重 (respectful adv. 受人尊敬的)考纲词汇Unit 61.main= the most important adj. 主要的(mainly adv. 主要地;大部分地 main line 铁路干线 mainland 大陆)2.secret: known about by only a few people and kept hidden from others n. 秘密adj. 秘密的 (

7、secretly adv. 悄悄地;秘密地)3.steal: get sth. from others without permission v. 偷窃;盗窃(现在分词:stealing 过去式: stole 过去分词: stolen 第三人称单数: steals thief n. 小偷; 其复数形式是thieves)4.punish: to hurt or fine somebody for doing something wrong. v. 惩罚;处罚(punishment n. 处罚;惩治)5.ancient=very old adj. 古代的6.difference=not the s

8、ame thing n. 不同之处;区别(different adj. 不同的 反义词: same)7.understand=know v. 懂;理解understand-understood-understood understanding n. 理解;领悟;了解)8.misunderstand v. 误解;误会 (misunderstand-misunderstood-misunderstood)9.wooden: something made of wood adj. 木制的;木头的 (wood n. 木头 wood 加后缀就变成了wooden;类似的词有:wool n. 羊毛 wool

9、en adj. 羊毛的 gold n. 金子 golden adj. 金色的;金子的)10.Greek=people from Greece n. 希腊人(pl. Greeks); 希腊语 注意国名和国人的英语表达: (1) Greece希腊Greek希腊人(2) America美国American美国人(pl. Americans)(3) Australia澳大利亚Australian澳大利亚人(pl. Australians)(4) India印度Indian印度人(pl. Indians)(5) Russia俄罗斯Russian俄罗斯人(pl. Russians)(6) Canada加拿

10、大Canadian加拿大人(pl. Canadians)(7) China中国Chinese中国人(pl. Chinese)(8) Japan日本Japanese日本人(pl. Japanese)(9) England英国Englishman英国人(pl. Englishmen)(10) France法国Frenchman法国人(pl. Frenchmen)(11) Sweden瑞典Swede瑞典人(pl. Swedes)11.leave (left; left)=go away v. 留下;遗留 a large number of soldiers n. 陆军部队13.cap

11、tain=leader/chief n. 首领14.midnight=the middle of the night/ 12 oclock at night n. 午夜;子夜15.prince: the son of a king n. 王子16.queen: the wife of the king n. 王后17.scene: part of a play during which there is no change in time or place n. (戏剧或歌剧的)场18.side: a part of the outside of an object n. 侧面19.sir=M

12、r. n. 先生20.soldier=army man n. 士兵21.trick: an attempt(试图) to get you to do something foolish n. 计谋22.war=battle/fight n.战争考纲短语Unit 51. At first = at the beginning 起初;首先2. So far = up to now 到目前为止3. A bit of = a little 小量4. 使. .初次了解;使尝试5. Come over (to.) = (通常远距离地)从. .到. .6. The same ag

13、e as = as old as 和. . 一样大7. Sb spent some time doing sth = it took sb some time to do sth 某人花费时间做某事8. Be proud of = take pride in 因. .而骄傲9. Fly to some place = go to some place by plane 坐飞机去某地10. Return home = go back home 回家11. As well = too 也12. Tour around Beijing = travel around Beijing 逛北京13. G

14、et ready for = be ready prepared for 准备好考纲短语Unit 61. Act out = put on 将. .表演出来2. Make jokes about = make fun of 拿. .开玩笑3. Except for = but/not including 除. .之外4. Be full of = be filled with (有)大量的5. In the end = at last = finally 最后6. Come on = cheer up/hurry 加油;快7. One by one = one after another 一个

15、接一个8. Through a clever trick = by a clever trick 通过一个聪明的计策9. Pull.into. = drag.into. 把. .拉进. .10. Steal sth from sb = steal sb of sth 偷某人的东西11. another five soldiers = five more soldiers 另外五名士兵12. sail away =leave by boat 坐船走了重点句型(U5-U6)1. However, my host family are really friendly.然而,我的寄宿家庭真的很友好。2

16、. The students spend the weekdays studying with Chinese students.这些学生平时和中国学生一起学习。3. Its been a fantastic experience so far.到目前为止,这是一次很棒的经历。4. I havent had much success yet, but Ill keep trying.我还没有获得多大的成功,但我会不断努力。5. The teachers have introduced us to some Chinese painting as well.老师还向我们介绍了一些中国画。6. N

17、ow theyve given up and sailed away.现在他们放弃了并且驾船离开了。7. Theyve left a huge wooden horse.他们留下了一匹巨大的木马。8. They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about the stupid Greeks.他们围着木马唱歌跳舞,还拿着那些愚蠢的希腊人开玩笑。9. In one night, however, they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick.然而,只用了一个晚上,他们就成

18、功地用计谋攻占了它。重点词汇讲解1. exchange n. & v.: the act of exchange 交流,互访;give each other sth. in return for sth. else 交换,互换How was your exchange visit to America?你去美国的交换访问怎么样了?Will you exchange seats with me?你愿意和我调换座位吗?常用短语exchange student 交换生exchange sth. with sb. 和某人交换某物2. experience n. & v.: an event or ac

19、tivity that affects one in some way 经历,经验;感受,体验I had some interesting experiences in London.我在伦敦有过一些很有意思的经历。He has much experience in teaching.他有丰富的教学经验。She has never experienced real army life.她从未体验过真正的军旅生活。拓展experienced adj.富有经验的3. difference n.: fact of being unlike 差别;不同(之处)Can you tell me about

20、 the difference between the two pictures?你能说出这两幅图有什么不同之处吗?It obviously couldnt tell the difference between the India music and jazz.显然,它分不出印度音乐和爵士乐。拓展different adj. 不同的常用短语make a difference 有作用;影响be different from 与不同4. huge adj.: extremely large 巨大的How did they carry the huge stones?他们是如何运送这些巨石的?拓展

21、big 大的,指具体事物,多指体积、重量之大。large 大的,多指面积之大。huge 巨大的,强调体型而非重量。5. main adj.: of greater size or importance than others 主要的;最重要的This is the main street of our city.这是我们城市的主干道。English, Chinese and French are the main languages used at the United Nations.英语,汉语和法语是联合国使用的主要语言。拓展mainly adv. 主要地;大体上6. celebrate

22、v.: do something enjoyable because of a special occasion 庆祝Today is her birthday. So we are going to celebrate it.今天是她的生日,所以我们要庆祝一番。常用短语be celebrated as/for 因而著名celebrate sth. with/by 用方式庆祝拓展celebration n. 庆祝7. except prep.: not include 除之外except 表示例外,排除,还有否定的意思。它表示排除的是同类的事物或行为。Everyone was tired ex

23、cept Henry.每个人都累了,除了亨利之外。常用短语except for 意为“除之外”,其后的宾语一般与句子里所涉及的内容并非同类事物或行为。如:The composition is excellent except for a few spelling mistakes.拓展besides prep. 除之外(还有)8. succeed v.: do what one has wished to do 达到目的;实现目标If you try hard, you will succeed.如果你努力,你就会成功。Finally, they succeeded in saving tho

24、usands of people in danger.最后,他们成功解救了处于危险中的数千人。常用短语succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事反义词fail v. 失败拓展success n.成功 successful adj.成功的9. punish v.: make someone suffer in some ways because he/she has done sth. wrong 处罚;惩罚You cant punish her for such a small thing.你不能为了那么一点小事就惩罚她。He was punished for fighting

25、by his father.他因为打架而受到了他父亲的惩罚。常用短语punish sb. for sth./doing sth. 因(做了)某事而惩罚某人拓展punishment n.处罚;惩罚10. be full of: be filled with 充满;有大量的The letter is full of mistakes. 这封信里错误百出。The bottle is full of wine. 这个瓶子装满了酒。写作仿写1. . think it + adj. + for sb. to do sth. 认为某人做某事是例句Some people think it right for

26、a student to call his teacher by his name. 一些人认为学生直呼老师的名字是合适的。用法该句型中的 it 是形式宾语,不定式短语 to do sth. 是真正的宾语。此句型除了 think,还有 find, feel 等词。运用I think it impossible to finish my work before 5 pm.(英译汉)_2. one of the + 复数名词或代词例句Whats more, respecting teachers is one of the traditional virtues of China. 更重要的是,尊

27、敬老师是中国的传统美德之一。用法one of the + 复数名词或代词,表示“一群人或事物中的一个”,复数名词前需有定冠词 the,以表示特指。one of . 短语作句子主语时,动词用单数。运用(1) 月饼是中国的传统美食之一。(汉译英) _(2) One of the students _ (come) from America.Step 4随堂练习一、课文语法填空(一) Have you ever (1)_(live) and studied in another country? No? Well, join our educational exchange now! Our (2)

28、_(educational) exchange is fantastic. You can experience a (3)_(difference) culture and learn a new language. You can improve your social skills and make lots of friends. There are two parts in our educational exchange. In the first part ,(4)_ exchange student will travel to your home country and st

29、ay with your family. In the (5)_(two) part, you will travel to your exchange partners home country and stay with his or her family. You will go to school with (6)_(he) or her. You will also take part in local (7)_(activity). You can apply (8)_ our educational exchange if you: a. are aged (9)_ 14 and

30、 17. b. would like to lean about the language, culture, history, geography and way of life of another country. c. have a reference from you head teacher. It will be the adventure of the lifetime. So, what are you (10)_(wait) for? Apply today!参考答案:1.lived 2.educational 3.different 5.second 6.him 7.activities 8.for 9.between 10.waiting(二) This is a story about two wise (1)_(man)Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu. The (2)_(China) people have told it for many, many years.

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