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1、人教版九年级英语第一单元测试题含答案WORD 格式整理宣威市得禄乡初级中学九年级英语第一单元测试题 命题教师 QLP第一部分 听力(略)笔试部分 (共 90 分)第二部分 . 单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)第一节 从 A 、B、 C、 D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( ) 21. Listen! There is _ singing in the room. Do you know who it is?My sister.A. everybody B. anybody C. nobody D. somebody( ) 22. Whats the _ to your su

2、ccess, Mr. Miller?It all depends on my hard work.A. part B. opinion C. matter D. secret( ) 23. When can I know the result?Be _, Frank! You will know it at 6 oclock this afternoon.A. active B. patient C. brave D. lucky( ) 24. Though youve got quite a lot of money, you should spend it _.A. heavily B.

3、suddenly C. wisely D. cheaply( ) 25. May I use your camera?Sorry, theres _ with it.A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothingC. something wrong D. wrong something( ) 26. The final exam is coming, so Tina has to _ her lessons late into thenight.A. review B. repeat C. report D. refuse( ) 27. Tom is _ crazy abo

4、ut Jack _ he knows all his works well.A. so; that B. such; that C. too; to D. enough; to( ) 28. _ in the dictionary, and you will know the meaning of the word.A. Look them up B. Look up them C. Look it up D. Look up it( ) 29. _ does your grandma keep healthy?专业资料 值得拥有WORD 格式整理By eating healthy food

5、and taking lots of exercise every day.A. Where B. When C. Why D. How( ) 30. Have you decided what _ for tomorrow evenings party?Yes. Im going to wear a dress.A. preparing B. wearing C. to prepare D. to wear() 31.To help more people _ their teeth health, China set up the first LoveTeeth Day on Septem

6、ber 20, 1989.A. come up with B. run out ofC. look forward to D. pay attention to() 32.To practice speaking, its very necessary for you _ an English club.A. to join B. join C. joining D. joined() 33.Our teacher always tells us,“ _ you read, _ you will become.”A. The much; the cleverB. The more; the c

7、levererC. The much; the clevererD. The more; the clever() 34.Steve, in order to improve your English, you should practice more.I agree. _.A. Its a piece of cakeB. Practice makes perfectC. It serves you rightD. Easier said than done( ) 35. What about going shopping tomorrow afternoon?_ Lets meet at t

8、he subway station at 3 oclock.A. Good idea!B. That sounds difficult!C. Sorry, I cant.D. Thanks for your advice.第二节 . 完形填空(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)专业资料 值得拥有WORD 格式整理先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A 、B、 C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。The rubber coat (橡胶外套 ) was invented by an Englishman named Macintosh in 1823.In 1492, Columbu

9、s, a well-known Italian voyager (航行者 ), 36 the NewWorld America. He brought a lot of things to Europe from South America. Rubberwas one of them, 37people didn t know its use at that time. In 1770, people foundthat rubber could be used 38 erasers.Macintosh was a worker in an eraser factory in Scotlan

10、d. One day he spilled洒(出) some rubber liquid (液体 ) over his coat 39 when making erasers. He was too busy to clean it and went back home wearing the 40 coat. On the way home, it rained heavily. When he got home, he 41 the wet coat. To his surprise, the area of the 42with rubber over wasn t wet. “ Why

11、 not make a rubber raincoat?” Macintosh thoughtThe next day he brushed the rubber liquid all over his coat. He wore the“ rubbeon 43 days and took a walk outside to test if it 44 really keep off the rain. 45 , theclothes inside the“ rubber coat ” weren t wet at all. The rubber raincoat was created in

12、this way.Year after year, people kept improving the raincoats. Today raincoats are widelyused in our daily life.() 36. A. invented B. createdC. describedD. discovered() 37. A. andB. butC. orD. if() 38. A. asB. toC. fromD. by() 39. A. slowlyB. quicklyC. carelesslyD. carefully() 40. A. newB. oldC. cle

13、anD. dirty() 41. A. took offB. put onC. took outD. put off() 42. A. bodyB. coatC. houseD. liquid() 43. A. cloudyB. windyC. snowyD. rainy() 44. A. mightB. shouldC. couldD. must() 45. A. Especially B. Suddenly C. Surprisingly D. Normally专业资料 值得拥有WORD 格式整理第三部分 阅读理解(每小题2 分,共 30 分)第一节AIn my opinion, famo

14、us people should be able to speak good English. I feel really disappointed when I hear some of our singers or sportspeople speak. Clearly, they may sing or play sports well, but English is where they never shine.Marc, FrancePersonally I think that pop groups in my country shouldnt sing in English. I

15、 mean, I know its more common, but they arent English, and not everybody in Japan understands English. I think they should sing in Japanese.Sam, JapanIn some secondary schools in my country they are now teaching other subjectslike math and science in English. I think its a really good idea of course

16、, the teachers English should be good.Lina, GermanyIn Italian there are lots of English words like weekend, stress, OK, cook, words like that. I personally hate it. I think we should use our own words for these things, not just borrow from English. And people even use some words which dont exist 存(在

17、 ), like footing. The English word is jogging.Paola, Italy根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( ) 46. What does the underlined word “ disappointed ” mean in Chinese?A.自豪的B.害羞的C.放松的D.失望的( ) 47. Why does Sam think that pop groups in his country shouldnt sing in English?A. Because their English is terrible.专业资料 值得拥有WORD 格式整理

18、B. Because English doesnt sound beautiful.C. Because the Japanese dont like English songs.D. Because many Japanese cant understand English.( ) 48. Lina thinks it is a good idea to _.A. teach English in schools in her countryB. teach other subjects in EnglishC. learn scienceD. learn math( ) 49. Which

19、 of the following does Paola agree with?A. English is difficult to learn.B. Its good to create new words.C. Many Italian words are from English.D. Its good to borrow words from English.( ) 50. What are the four people talking about?A. How they learn English.B. Learning or using English.C. Why Englis

20、h is important.D. English teaching in their countries.BChristine and Ryan are good friends. They both live on a farm on an island nearIreland.One morning, Ryan came to Christines house. “ Christine, lets go to the beach.They went to the beach to look for shells 贝(壳 ) and other beautiful things.Sudde

21、nly Christine shouted, “ Look! Theres something in网that)overnt there(. ”They ran over and found a small bird in the net. The bird was black and white,and it had orange legs.“ What kind of bird is that? ” Ryan. asked“ I dont know, ” Christine answered.They ran back to Christines house and showed the

22、beautiful bird to Christines dad.专业资料 值得拥有WORD 格式整理“ Its a young puffin 海(鹦 ), ” he told them. “ Puffins catch fish in the water. Theycan fly and they are very good at swimming. There were lots of puffins on the island,but now there arent many. ”“ Why not? ” Christine asked.“ There arent many fish a

23、nymore, ” said her dad. The children put the small puffin in a box. Christines mom gave the children some fish and they fed the puffin.Ryan came over to Christines house every day to feed the puffin. It got biggerand bigger. One morning there was no puffin in the box.“ Where is it? ” Christine asked

24、 her mom.“ Im sure the puffin is with its friends out in the sea. ”It was a year later. Christine was looking for shells on the beach again. Suddenly,she heard Ryan shouting, “ Come quickly, Christine! ”Christine ran along the beach and then she saw them. There were three puffins on a stone near the

25、 farm. Christine was sure that one of them was their puffin. She was very happy.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( ) 51. Where did Christine and Ryan first find the puffin?A. In a net.B. In a garden.C. On a farm.D. On a stone.( ) 52. Which of the following is TRUE about the puffin?A. It had black and white legs.B. It w

26、as old but beautiful.C. It was a poor swimmer.D. It lived on fish.( ) 53. Who seemed to know a lot about puffins?A. Christines father.B. Christines mother.C. Christine.专业资料 值得拥有WORD 格式整理D. Ryan.( ) 54. What happened to the puffin while it was in Christines house?A. It got hurt.B. It died.C. It got i

27、ll.D. It flew away.( ) 55. What does the underlined word “ them” refer to?A.Shells.B.Puffins.C.Fish.D.Children.第二节 . 情景交际(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:Hi, Simon! (56) _B:The air conditioner. You know, I live in Hong Kong. During the summer, thetemperature reaches 35 or more. Withou

28、t an air conditioner, I can t study.A:(57) _ People will also get sick without cool air. Do you know what invention I like best?B: Sorry, Emma, I ve no idea.A:(58) _B:Why?A:Because robots can help humans do some boring and dangerous work.B:I see. (59) _ And they have changed our lives a lot.A:I agre

29、e with you. (60) _B:That sounds great. I hope your dream will come true. A. That s true.B. Sounds like fun.C. I like the robot best.D. What would you like to invent?专业资料 值得拥有WORD 格式整理E. What s your favorite invention?F. There are many inventions in the world.G. I want to invent something useful one

30、day.第四部分 写作部分( 30 分)第一节 用所给词的适当形式填空( 5 分)61.Just be _(patience) until the doctor arrives.62.One of the best ways _(learn)English well is to watch English movies63._ (read) textbook is one of the best ways to learn English.64.It isn t easyfor us_(learn) English well.65.It can improve your_(speak) skill by makeconversati

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