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裕兴新概念学习笔记 第一册5960.docx

1、裕兴新概念学习笔记 第一册5960Lesson59Is that all 就这些吗New Words and expressions 生词和短语 envelope n. 信封 writing paper n. 信纸shop assistant n. 售货员 size n. 尺寸,尺码,大小pad n. 信纸簿 glue n. 胶水chalk n. 粉笔 change n. 零钱,找给的钱envelope n. 信封letter n. 信函window envelope 开窗的信封(信封正面有透明纸框,可看见信签上的收件人地址)writing paper n. 信纸paper 纸, 纸张 时是不

2、可数名词a sheet of paper 一张纸a piece of paper 一张纸shop assistant n. 售货员shopkeeper 拥有或管理某个小商店的店老板, 店主store detective 监督顾客是否从商店偷东西的人size n. 尺寸,大小1. 尺码,号 (衣服、鞋、帽等的)eg. What size does she want What size do you wear This blouse is your size. 这件衬衣是你的尺码.2. 大小(尺寸,体积,规模,身体等的), 多少(数量)eg. There are house of all size

3、s in that town. 那个镇子有大大小小各式房子.pad n. 信签簿(指可一张张扯用的本子)glue n. 胶水(不可数名词)eg. I want some glue.- Do you have any glue- No,I dontchalk n. 粉笔coloured chalk 彩色粉笔change 1. n. 找头; 零钱eg. Here is your change. 这是你的找头. I have no change. 我身上没有零钱.2. 变化;转换eg. There is a big change in his mind. 他的思想有很大的变化.3. v. 改变eg.

4、 She never changes her mind. 她从不改变主意.TEXT 课文 Question: Does the lady buy any chalk Listen to the tape then answer this question.听录音,然后回答问题。Does the lady buy any chalk No, She doesnt. 这位女士有没有买粉笔 没有买这位女士并没有买粉笔,因为没有大盒的,只有小盒的。(注意其中“有”的说法)LADY: I want some envelopes, please. 女 士: 请给我拿几个信封。SHOP ASSISTANT:

5、 Do you want the large size or the small size 售货员: 您要大号的还是小号的LADY: The large size, please. 女 士: 请拿大号的。LADY: Do you have any writing paper 女士:您有信纸吗SHOP ASSISTANT: Yes, we do. 售货员: 有。SHOP ASSISTANT: I dont have any small pads. I only have large one. Do you want a pad 售货员: 我没有小本的信纸,只有大本的。您要一本吗LADY: Yes

6、, please. 女士:好,请拿一本。LADY: And I want some glue. 女士: 我还要些胶水。SHOP ASSISTANT: A bottle of glue. 售货员: 一瓶胶水。LADY: And I want a large box of chalk, too. 女士:我还要一大盒粉笔。SHOP ASSISTANT: I only have small boxes. Do you want one售货员: 我只有小盒的。您要一盒吗LADY: No, thank you. 女士:不了,谢谢。SHOP ASSISTANT: Is that all 售货员: 就要这些吗

7、LADY: Thats all, thank you. 女士: 就这些,谢谢。SHOP ASSISTANT: What else do you want 售货员: 您还要什么吗LADY: I want my change. 女士: 我要找的零钱。课文讲解:A: I want some envelopes, please. 请给我拿几个信封want + I want a new skirt.want to do stheg. I want to buy a new shirt.some 可修饰复数可数名词与不可数名词.envelope 是可数名词,复数为envelopes.B: Do

8、 you want the large size or the small size 您要大号的还是小号的 这是一个选择疑问句, or 前的size 读升调,后面的降调the large size 大号的the small size 小号的A: The large size, please. 请拿大号的。A: Do you have any writing paper 您有信纸吗B: Yes, we do. 有。writing paper 信纸(不可数名词)a piece of writing paper/a sheet of writing paper 一张信纸B: I dont have

9、any small pads. I only have large one. Do you want a pad 我没有小本的信纸,只有大本的。您要一本吗small pads 小本pad 是可数名词ones 指pads(pads是可数名词复数,所以要用不定代词的复数形式 ones 来代替)A: Yes, please. 好,请拿一本。A: And I want some glue. 我还要些胶水。B: A bottle of glue. 一瓶胶水。 glue 是不可数名词, some 是修饰不可数名词glue 的. bottle 是可数名词,瓶,瓶子 three bottles of glue

10、 要在量词bottle 上体现复数概念.A: And I want a large box of chalk, too. 我还要一大盒粉笔。a large box of chalk 一大盒粉笔two boxes of chalk两盒粉笔a piece of chalk一根粉笔B: I only have small boxes. Do you want one 我只有小盒的。您要一盒吗Boxes 后面省略了 of chalkone 指one small box of chalkA: No, thank you. 不了,谢谢。Question: Does the lady buy any cha

11、lkAnswer is : No, she doesnt B: Is that all 就要这些吗 all 全部的,不定代词A: Thats all, thank you. 就这些,谢谢。疑问句式: Is that allB: What else do you want 您还要什么吗 What else. 可以看成是表示疑问的一个句式,意思是还有别的.吗 else 常接在疑问句和其他的.eg. What else did she say 她还说了些什么eg. Who else is from New Youk 还是谁是从纽约来的 When else shall we meet again 我们

12、什么时候再见面A: I want my change. 我要找的零钱。(change 零钱,找给的钱)Lesson 60Whats the time 现在几点了 New Words and expressions 生词和短语 have v. 有,拥有,第三人称单数是hasI/You/We/They /复数名词+have He/She /It/单数名词+has 当have /has 表示有这个概念的时候,其否定形式和疑问形式有两种:1. have /has 后直接加not构成否定,将have直接提至主语前构成疑问句;2. 象普通动词那样,借助一般现在时助动词do/does 来表示否定和疑问.ha

13、ve v. 有,拥有,第三人称单数是haseg.They have a big house. Do they have a big house Yes,they do. / No,they dont Have they a big house Yes, they have. No, they havent. They dont have a big house. They havent a big house.She has a new car. Does she have a new car Yes, she does./No, she doesnt Has she a new car Ye

14、s, she has . / No , she hasnt She doesnt have a new car. She hasnt a new car.have /has 当拥有 讲时不能用在进行时态当中.不能说: I am having some ink.正确的说法: I have some ink.Exercise Aeg. I dont have any banana, but I have some peach. I dont have any bananas, but I have some peaches. I dont have any coffee, but I have s

15、ome milk.1. I dont have any grapes, but I have some peaches.2. I dont have any tomatoes, but I have some potatoes.3. I dont have any mince , but I have some steak.4. I dont have any glue, but I have some 墨水, 不可数名词 a bottle of ink一瓶墨水5. I dont have any envelopes, but I have some writing paper

16、.Exercise Beg. Do you have any butter / cheese I dont have any butter ,but I have some cheese.1. Do you have any honey /Jam I dont have any honey, but I have some Jam.2. Do you and Penny have any beans / potatoes Penny and I dont have any beans, but we have some potatoes.3. Do penny and Sam have any

17、 wine /beerPenny and Sam dont have any wine, but they have some beer.4. Do you and sam have any bread /biscuits Sam and I dont have any bread, but we have some biscuits.5. Do Sam and Penny have any grapes /bananas Sam and Penny dont have any grapes ,but they have some bananas.6. Do you have any minc

18、e /steak I dont have any mince , but I have some steak.7. Do the children have any butter / eggs The children dont have any butter , but they have some eggs.8. Do you have any lettuces /cabbages I dont have any lettuces, but I have some cabbages.9. Do you and Penny have any beans / peas Penny and I

19、dont have any beans , but we have some peas.Exercise C1. 我每天七点起床. I get up at seven oclock every day.2. 她早晨八点钟去上学. She goes to school at eight oclock in the morning.3. 他们每天通常12点吃午饭. They ususlly have their lunch at 12 oclock every day.4. 你的妈妈通常是在五点钟做饭吗 Does your mother usually cook a meal at five oc

20、lock in the after noon5. 史密斯一家通常晚上七点钟吃晚饭. The Smiths usually have supper at seven oclock in the evening.6. 她的儿子经常晚上九点钟上床睡觉. Her son usually goes to bed at nine oclock at night.小结1. 整点时间的表达是: 整数+oclock 表示整点时间前面的介词要用 at at six oclock 6点钟2. have与there be have 是表示所有,拥有 there be 则表示存在,某地有某物eg. We have some trees in the garden. 我们在花园里有几棵数.(有几棵树是我们的,归我们所有.)eg. There are some trees in the garden. 花园里有几棵树.(强调几棵树的存在,某地有某物而不说明拥有这几棵树)

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