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1、园艺专业英语词根词缀例词 词根词缀 例 词 1 mno- uni- monocotyledon 单子叶植物2 di bi- dicotyledon 双子叶植物 bisexual 两性的3 tri- trifoliate 具三小叶的4 ter(a)- quadr(u)- dinitrogen tetroxide 四氧化二氮 duadrant 四分体5 pent- quinqu(e)- pentose 戊糖 quinquennial 五年生的6 hex- sex- sextuploid 六倍体(的) hexose 已糖7 hept(a)- septem- heptaploid 七倍体(的) sep

2、tempartite 七深裂的8 oct(a)- octagynous 有八雄蕊的9 enn(a)- enneaploid 九倍体的10 dec(a)- decameter 十米11 hende(a)-12 dodec(a)-半 semi- hemi- hemiepihyte 半匍匐植物 semipermeability 半透性1/10 deci- decimeter 分米多 mult- multigenic 多基因的百 hect(o)- hectare 公顷(100公亩)百分之一 centi- centimeter 厘米 Centigrade 千分之一 milli- milligram(me

3、) 毫克万 myria- myriametre 万米S sulfur-(sulphur-) sulfuric acid 硫酸N(硝基) nitri- nitro- nitrous acid 亚硝酸P phosphor- metaphosphoric acid 偏磷酸B boro- bori- boric acid 硼酸C carb(o)- carbon dioxide 二氧化碳F fluori- hydrofluoric acid 氢氟酸Cl chlori- perchloric acid 高氯酸Br bromi- hypobromous acid 次溴酸I iodi- iodide 碘化物F

4、e ferr- potassium ferrate 高铁酸钾Ca calc(i)- decalcify 脱钙氰 cyani- cyanic acid 氰酸氧化 -oxide nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮氢氧 -hydroxide Sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠脱- de- deoxy- 脱氧- dehydr- 脱水;脱氢氨基 amid(o)- amino- amino acid 氨基酸甲基 meth(o)- methanol 甲醇乙基 ethyl- ethylene 乙烯苯基 phenyl- phenylalanine 丙氨酸水、氢化- hydr(o)- hydrop

5、hyte 水生植物超- hyper- ultra- hypersensibility 过敏性 ultrastructure 超微结构最高、顶点 acr(o)- acropetal 向顶的空气 aer(o)- aer(i)- aerobic 好气的 aerial root 气生根花 anth flor- anther 花药 inflorescence 花序果实 carp-(o) parthenocarpy 单性结实茎 cauli- caulo- cauliflower 花椰菜叶 foli- phyll(o)- phylloxanthin 叶黄素 foliage bud 叶芽根 rhiz(o)-

6、rhizobia 根瘤菌细胞 cyt(o)- cytology 细胞学生态 ec(o)- ecology 生态学生命、生物 bio- biosynthesis 生物合成颜色 chrom(o)- chromosome 染色体皮、外层 derm dermatoplasm 胞壁质-酶 -ase azotase 固氮酶运动 kine- kinetin 激动素脂肪的 lip(o)- lipoid 类脂化合物大、长 macro(o)- meg(a)- macrostylous 长花柱的 megaspore 大孢子小 micro- microscope 显微镜个体 onto- ontogeny 个体发生卵

7、ov(o)- ov(i) ovary 子房光 photo- photosynthesis 光合作用盐 sali- salinization 盐渍化毒 toxic(o)- toxin 毒素蔓 viti- viticulture 葡萄栽培成对、接合 zyg(o)- zygote 合子异- allo- allodiploid 异源二倍体heter- heterophyte 异养植物同- homo- homolog 同源染色体雄- andro- androeciua 雄蕊雌- gyn- gynoecia 雌蕊隐- crypto- cryptogam 隐花植物糖 glyco- glycolysis 糖酵

8、解上- epi- epicotyl 上胚轴下- hypo- hypodermis 下表皮同- iso- isoenzyme 同功酶核 karyo- karyomixis 核融合中- mes- mesocarp 中果皮寡- 少- oligo- oligosaccharide 低聚糖 周- peri- peridrem 周皮植物 phyto- phytocoenosium 植物群落原- proto- protophloem 原生韧皮部假- pseu- pseudaxis 假轴杀-剂 -cide pesticide 杀虫剂园艺学相关科技文献中常出现的词汇一、植物名称(一)果树猕猴桃 kiwifrui

9、t菠萝 pineapple菠萝蜜 jack fruit杨梅 arbutus槟榔 areca樱桃 cherry油桃 nectarine板粟 chestnut橄榄 olive椰子 coconut李 plum蟠桃 flat peach金桔 cumquat银杏 gingko榛子 hazelnut山核桃 pecan胡桃 walnut荔枝 litchi枇杷 loquat桂圆 longan山楂 maythorn、hawthorn桃 peach梨 pear槟榔 pinang榅桲 quince柿 persimmon、Chinese fig枣 Chinese jujub椰枣 date柑桔 citrus杏 apri

10、cot橙 China orange柠檬 lemon柚 pomelo(pumelo)、shaddock蒲桃柚 grapefruit脐橙 navel orange油梨 avocado无花果 fig石榴 pomegranate草莓 strawberry黑霉 blackberry悬钩子 raspberry大杨莓 loganberry(罗甘莓)露莓 dewberry(a type of blackberry)博伊森莓 Boysenberry(a type of blackberry)越橘 blueberry(cranberry is a type of blueberry)接骨木 elderberry醋

11、栗 gooseberry腰果 acajou、elephants tick杨桃 carambola芒果 mango桑 mulberry山定子 Siberian crabapple番木瓜 papaya阿月浑子 pistachio仁果类 pome坚果类 nut浆果类 berry核果类 drupe、stone fruits(二) 蔬菜荠菜 blind weed百合 lily豆科植物 legume菜豆 bean黄荚种菜豆 wax bean食荚菜豆 snap bean绿豆 mung bean赤豆 small red bean豇豆 string bean、cowpea刀豆 sword bean扁豆 hyac

12、inth bean、dolichos蚕豆 broad bean菜豆 lima bean苜蓿 alfalfa 、medick芦荟 aloe芦笋 asparagus葫芦科植物 cucurbit苦瓜 balsam pear、bitter cucumber佛手瓜 chayote美洲南瓜 pumpkin中国南瓜 squash印度南瓜 winter squash、true sqush、giant pumpkin黑籽南瓜 malabar gourd丝瓜 sponge gourd、towel gourd、luffa冬瓜 white(wax)gourd葫芦 gourd甜瓜 melon香瓜 muskmelon罗马

13、香瓜 cantaloupe金瓜 marrow?蛇瓜 serpentmelon甜菜 beet茄子 eggpant辣椒 pepper朝天椒 cone pepper、chilli胡椒粉 black pepper(来自浆果)、white pepper(来自种子)牛蒡 burdock莴苣 lettuce结球莴苣 head lettuce直立莴苣 cos(romaine) lettuce甘蓝 cabbage羽衣甘蓝 kale(collard)抱子甘蓝 Brussels sprout球茎甘蓝 kohlrabi芥蓝 kailan大白菜 Chinese cabbage芹菜 celery香椿 Chinese ma

14、hogany山药 yam萝卜 radish细香葱 chive洋葱 onion芋 dasheen、taro茴香 (sweet)fennel木耳 black fungus银耳 white fungus茼蒿 garland大蒜 garlic生姜 ginger藕 lotus枸杞 matrimony地瓜 pachyrhizus韭 Chinese chive韭葱 eek韭黄 tender yellowish leek菊苣 succory、common chicory薄荷 bergamot菊芋 Canada potato茭白 Indian rice、wild rice竹笋 bamboo shoot慈姑 ar

15、rowhead荸荠 water chestnut芫荽 Coriander胡萝卜 carrot苋菜 edible amaranth芡实 Gordon euryale辣根 horse radish空心菜 water spinach、swamp cabbage菱 water caltrop花菜 cauliflower青花菜 broccoli青菜 loose-head Chinese cabbage、nonheading Chinese cabbage芥菜 mustard榨菜 tuber mustard雪里蕻 potherb mustard蘑菇 mushroom草菇 Chinese mushroom朝

16、鲜蓟 artichoke甘薯 sweet potato芜菁 turnip欧洲防风 parsnips婆罗门参 salsify芜菁甘蓝 rutabaga木薯 cassava苣荬菜 endive水芹 cress、water drop-wort欧芹 parsley豆瓣菜 water cress乌塌菜 wu-ta-tasi大黄 rhubarb芦荟 aloe金针菜 day lily冬寒菜 potherb mallow落葵 Lakui香辛蔬菜 Spicy vegetables(三) 花卉翦股颖 bentgrass早熟禾 blue grass结缕草 Korean lawngrass、lawngrass狗牙根

17、Bermuda grass凤仙花 balsam、impatiens三色堇 love-in-idleness矢车菊 blue cornflower雏菊 daisy仙人掌 cactus鸾凤玉 bishops-hood量天尺 common nightblooming-cereus令箭荷花 nopalxochia景天 blush stonecrop蟹爪兰 crab cactus大丽花 dahlia鸢尾 iris铁线草 black maidenhair美人蕉 (indian)canna瓜叶菊 cineraria盆景 dish garden蕨类植物 fern唐菖蒲 gladiola蜀葵 hollyhock

18、金丝桃 Johns-wort龙舌兰 maguey万寿菊 marigold水仙花 narcissus、crocus月季 Chinese rose一串红 scarlet sage芍药 (common)peony牡丹 moutan报春花 fairy primrose马齿苋 purslane晚香玉 tuberose郁金香 tulip紫罗兰 violet、pansies菊花 chrysanthemum兰 orchid香石竹 carnation向日葵 sunflower、turnsole茉莉 jasmine矮牵牛 petunia天竺葵 geranium爬山虎 boston ivy石竹 dianthus百日

19、草 zinnias金鱼草 snapdragons蜘蛛抱蛋 aspidistra蟆叶海棠 assamking begonia鹤望兰 bird-of-paradise-flower虎尾兰 bowstring-hemp小苍兰 common freesia仙客米 cyclamen含羞草 humble plant风信子 hydrangea绣球 hydrangea花叶万年青 tuftroot (四) 林木巴西木 Brazil wood(wood Brazil)南洋杉 araucaria侧柏 arbor vitae白杨 aspen山毛榉 beech樟树 camphor tree海桐 Japanese pit

20、tosporum茉莉 Arabian jasmine迎春 winter jasmine苏铁 cycad榆 elm桧 juniper铺地柏 creeping juniper金桔 kumquat小檗 barberry十大功劳 mahonia连翘 weeping forsythia法国梧桐 oriental planetree海仙花 weigela扶芳藤 winter crepping euonymus蜡梅 winter sweet冬青 holly枸骨 Chinese holly夹竹桃 oleander柳树 osier棕榈 (hemp) palm洒金东瀛珊瑚 gold-dust tree杜仲 euc

21、ommia荚迷 snowball麻叶乡球 reeves spiraea柽柳 tamarisk玉兰 magnolia conspicus女贞 prim、privet香柏 cedar榕树 Indian fig茶花 camellia海棠 Chinese flower apple、crabapple垂丝海棠 hall crabapple梅花 Japanese apricot天竺葵 geranium长春藤 ivy紫藤 Chinese wistaria水杉 metasequoia松 pine南洋杉 hoop pine五针 Japanese white pine马尾松 mason-pine湿地松 slash

22、 pine白皮松 bunge pine杉 fir橡树 oak橡子 acorn紫荆 redbud杜鹃 rhododendron丁香 clove枫 maple三角枫 buerger maple鸡爪槭 Japanese maple五角枫 mono mapple南天竹 nandina云杉 spruce加洲银杉 hemlock榆叶梅 flowering almond文竹 asparagus fern小蜡 Chinese privet女贞 glossy石楠 Chinese photinia圆柏 Chinese juniper金丝桃 Chinese st. johns wort枫杨 Chinese wing

23、nut黄杨 Chinese box榔榆 Chinese elm栀子 cape jasmine忍冬 honeysuckle二、栽培矮化栽培 dwarf culture矮化砧 dwarf stock栽培种 cultigen亚种 subspecies绑蔓 tying保护地栽培 protected cultivation催芽 accelerating germination造林、绿化 afforest前茬作物 preceding crop 后茬作物 subsequent crop基肥 basal manure追肥 after manure后熟 after ripening无性繁殖 agamogenes

24、is、asexual reproduction有性生殖 gamogenesis、sexual reproduction农技站 agricultural extension service(agency)机械化 agricultural mechanization小气候 microclimate塑料薄膜 plastic sheeting农产品加工 agricultural processing扦插 cuttage硬枝扦插 hardwood cutting软枝扦插 succulent wood移植 transplant插条 cutting空中压条 air layering压条 layering冲积

25、的(田) alluvial(field)轮作 alternate culture、rotation换茬 alternate husbandry施肥量 amount of fertilizer降雨量 amount of precipitation、rainfall可耕的 arable干燥的 arid人工授粉 artificial pollination土球栽植 ball-and-burlap plant行距 between-tree(hill、hole) distance株距 blanching culture软化栽培 blooming盛花期 blossom and fruit drop(abs

26、cission)落花落果 bunch seeding穴播 bunchy、ridge条播 drill撒播 broadcast seeding垄、埂 bunchy、ridge叶球 head主干(果树) central lead嫁接 graft芽接 budding接穗 scion砧木 rootstock劈接 cleft grafting切接 cut grafting、splice舌接 whip and tongue鞍接 saddle靠接 side嫁接亲和力 grafting affinity密植 compact planting复种指数 cropping index中耕、栽培 cultivation

27、短截、回缩 cutting back促成栽培 early forcing of vegetables抑制栽培 retard culture芽眼 eye定植 set plant无霜期 frost-free period沟 furrow发芽率 germination percentage发芽势 germinating viability日光温室 heliogreenhouse集约栽培 intensive culture倒伏 lodging年平均温度 mean annual temperature根瘤菌 nodule bacteria草木灰 plant ash豆荚 pod聚乙烯 polyethyle

28、ne(PE)聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride(PVC)采后的 postharvest修剪 prune、trim环剥 ring根蘖 root sucker树苗 sapling疏果 thinning种子纯度 purity of seeds种子净度 cleanliness of seeds拌种 seeds dressing无籽的 seedless实生苗 seedling plant副梢 side shoot无土栽培 soil-less culture特种蔬菜 special vegetables基质 substrate腐殖质 humus分蘖 tiller棚架 trellis间作 int

29、er-cropping混作 mixes-cropping间苗 discarding plant氨水 liquid ammonia变则主干型 modified-leader form团粒结构 granular structure磷肥 fertiphos匍匐茎 runner离核 freestone粘核 clingstone果酱 catsup果脯 prune果台 bourse果园 orchard葡萄干 raisin(currant)果仁 kernel锄头 mattock锹 spade手镐 pickaxe(短柄双刃)喷雾器 nebulizer大小年 alternate habit结果的 bearing早熟的 early ripe晚熟的 later ripe中熟的 middle ripe绿篱 hedge摘心 nipping苗床 nursely bed根外追肥 outroot feeding腐熟的 overrotten珍珠岩 perlite蛭石 vermiculite泥炭 peat物候期 phonological period肥料 fertilizer三、遗传育种伴性遗传 se

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