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1、船舶驾驶员实用英语口语181. new crew members instructed on occupational safety?新船员受到了职务安全教育吗?Are new passengers instructed on occupational safety?新登船旅客受到了职务安全教育吗?Yes, new crew members instructed.是的,新船员受到了职务安全教育。No, new crew members not instructed.不,新船员没有受到了职务安全教育。Instruct new passengers by 1200 loc

2、al time on April 2nd.新登船旅客必须在4月2日当地时间1200时接受安全教育。7.Participation in training sessions on occupational safety is mandatory.参加职务安全训练班是强制的。Part B: Practical Occupational Safety 实际职务安全8.Instruct crew on occupational safety before departure.在离港前指导船员职务安全。9.Have special instruction on dangerous goods.就危险货物

3、进行特别指导。Have special instruction on heavy lifts.就重件货进行特别指导。Have special instruction on cargo securing.就货物安全进行特别指导。Have special instruction on illumination.就照明方面进行特别指导。Have special instruction on ventilation.就通风方面进行特别指导。10.Where are dangerous goods carried on board?危险货装载在哪里?Dangerous goods of IMO Clas

4、s B carried on deck.国际危规B等级危险品装在甲板上。Dangerous goods of IMO Class E carried in hold No.3.国际危规E等级危险品放在3舱。11.Prepare emergency plan.准备应急部署。Prepare emergency plan for first aid.准备急救应急部署。Prepare emergency plan for limitation of damage.准备减少损失的应急部署。12.Brief all crew members on symptoms caused by dangerous

5、substances.对所有船员简介危险品伤害的症状。13.What signals are used in case of emergency?一旦发生紧急状况用什么信号?What communications are used in case of emergency?一旦发生紧急状况用什么通信?Following signals are used in case of emergency.一旦发生紧急状况用下列信号。Following communications are used in case of emergency.一旦发生紧急状况用下列通信。14.Brief all crew

6、members on restricted areas.对所有船员简介禁入区。15.Brief all crew members on how to report.对所有船员简介如何报告。Brief all crew members on how to report in when entering bridge.对所有船员简介在进驾驶台时如何报告。Brief all passengers on how to report in when entering engine room.对所有旅客简介进机舱时如何报告。Brief all crew members on how to report o

7、ut when leaving bridge.对所有船员简介在离开驾驶台时如何报告。Brief all passengers on how to report out when leaving engine room.对所有旅客简介在出机舱时如何报告。Do not enter unmanned room without permission by officer of the watch.没有准备驾驶员同意不得进入无人机舱。Report on telephone while in engine room every 30minutes.在机舱内每隔30分钟用无线电话报告一次。16.Brief

8、all crew members on storm.对所有船员简介在暴风雨中如何做。17.Attention! Entering forecastle of vessel prohibited.注意!禁止到船首。Attention! Entering main deck of vessel dangerous.注意!到主甲板危险。Attention! Entering weather side of vessel dangerous.注意!到船舶受风面危险。Attention! Make use of hand rails and lifelines in corridors and on d

9、eck.注意!在甲板上用栏杆和救生绳。Attention! Close all dead lights and storm doors.注意!关所有舱灯和水密门。Attention! Secure all loose objects in cabins.注意!紧固所有房间内松散的物品。18.Brief all crew members on winter conditions.对所有船员简介在冬季气候下如何做。Working hours on deck restricted from 1000 to 1200 hours.在甲板上工作时间限制为从1000到1200时。Apply persona

10、l protective measures.用人防措施。19.Brief all crew members on tropical conditions.对所有船员简介如何在热带气候下工作。Apply following personal protective measures.用下列人防措施。Wear sun-protective clothing.穿防晒衣。Drink mineral water freely.多喝矿泉水。20.Check completeness and availability of occupational safety equipment and report.检查

11、职务安全设备齐备程度和可用性并报告。Occupational safety equipment complete and available.检查职务安全设备已齐备,随时可用。21.Appoint officer in charge of safety before working.在工作前委任驾驶员负责安全。22.Take additional safety measures.采取下列附加安全措施。Take additional safety measures for work in masts.在大桅作业时采取附加安全措施。Take additional safety measures f

12、or work outboard.在舷外作业时采取附加安全措施。Take additional safety measures for work in holds.在货舱作业时采取附加安全措施。Take additional safety measures for work in extreme weather conditions.在恶劣气候下工作时采取附加安全措施。Part C: Occupational accidents 失职事故23.Reporting accident. 报告事故。Accident in engine room. 机舱有事故。Accident in cargo ta

13、nk. 货油舱内有事故。Accident in accommodation. 生活区内有事故。Accident in superstructure. 上层建筑内有事故。Accident on deck. 甲板上有事故。Accident in living spaces. 住舱内有事故。Accident outboard. 舷外有事故。Accident on pier. 码头有事故。24.What happened? 发生了什么事故?Explosion in engine room. 机舱爆炸。Accident with cargo. 货物有事故。Fall from upper deck int

14、o lower deck. 从上层舱跌落到底舱。Electrical accident in cargo lifting gear. 起货机电路事故。25.Take immediate action and report. 采取紧急措施并报告。Take immediate action to recover injured persons.采取紧急措施来挽救伤员。Take immediate action to control danger area.采取紧急措施来控制危险区。26.What kind of assistance required? 需要什么援助?No assistance r

15、equired. 不需要援助。Medical assistance required. 需要医药援助。Technical assistance required. 需要技术援助。Shoreside assistance required. 需要港方援助。27.Secure danger area and report. 保障危险区的安全并报告。Danger area secured. 危险区安全已保障。28.Prepare accident report. 准备事故报告。Report location of accident. 报告事故地点。Report time of accident. 报

16、告事故发生时间。Report condition of injured. 报告受伤人员状况。Report nature and cause of accident. 报告事故的性质和原因。Report number of casualities. 报告伤亡人数。Part D: Meteorological Warnings 气象警告29.What is wind direction and force in your position?你处风向和风力是多少?Wind direction 270, force Beaufort 6 in my position.风向270度,风力6级。30.Is

17、 wind backing?风逆旋吗?Is wind veering?风转正旋吗?31.What wind direction and force is expected in my position?风向和风力在我船位置处预计是多少?Wind in your position expected from north, force Beaufort 5.你船处风向预计是北风,风力5级。Wind in your position variable.你船处风向不定。32.What is latest gale warning?最近大风警告是什么?Latest gale warning is as

18、follows: Gale warning. Wind at 0800 UTC in Bohai Strait from direction 9 (compass point) and force Beaufort 9 veering to 12 (compass point).大风警告如下:大风在协调世界时0800时在渤海海峡风向9(罗经点数),风力9级转到12(罗经点数)。33.What is latest tropical storm warning?有最近的热带气旋警告吗?Tropical storm warning at 0800 UTC. Hurricane Nina with c

19、entral pressure 960millibars located in position 4643N, 00918E. Present movement 6 (compass points) at 45 knots. Winds of 50 knots within radius of 20miles of centre. Sea over 5metres. Further information on VHF Channel 26.协调世界时0800时热带气旋警告,“尼娜”号飓风中心960毫巴在4643N, 00918E处,现在向方位6(罗经点数)以45节速度移动,中心风速50节,半

20、径20海里。海浪5米,进一步的消息在VHF26频道上发。34.What is atmospheric pressure in your position?你船处的大气压是多少?Atmospheric pressure 1,015millibars.大气压1015毫巴。35.What is barometric change in your position?你船位置处气压计有何变化?Barometric change 1.5millibars per hour.气压计变化是每小时1.5毫巴。Barometric change 4millibars within last 4 hours.气压计

21、在过去4小时变化4毫巴。Barometric steady.气压计稳定。Barometric dropping rapidly.气压计迅速下降。Barometric rising rapidly.气压计迅速上升。Barometric change 1.5hpa per hour.气压变化每小时1.5百帕。36.What is position, path and speed of advance of tropical storm Ida?热带风暴“艾达”号位置、路径、生成后速度如何?Position of tropical storm Hope, path 12 (compass point

22、s), speed of advance 35 knots.热带风暴“霍普”号,路径12(罗经点数),生成后速度35节。37.What maximum winds are expected in storm area?风暴区最大风力预计多少?Maximum winds of 40 knots expected in storm area.风暴区最大风力预计40节。Maximum winds of 30 knots expected within radius of 1.5kilometres.风暴中心半径1.5公里之内最大风力30节。Maximum winds of 35 knots in d

23、angerous semicircle.在危险半园内最大风力35节。38.What is sea state in your position?你船处海况如何?Sea in my position 3metres from 9 (compass points).我船位置处海浪向9(罗经点数),浪高3米。Swell in my position 4metres from 12 (compass points).我船位置处涌向12(罗经点数),浪高4米。39.Is sea state expected to change?预计海况变化如何?No, sea state not expected to

24、 change.不,海况预计不变。Yes, sea of 5metres from 8 (compass points) expected.是的,预计将有浪向8(罗经点数),浪高5米。Tsunami wave expected by 0900 UTC.预计协调世界时0900时出现海啸。Part E: Restricted visibility 能见度不良40.What is visibility in your position? 你船之处能见度如何?Visibility in my position 3nautical miles. 我船处能见度3海里。Visibility reduced

25、by mist. 由于薄雾能见度下降。Visibility reduced by fog. 由于雾能见度下降。Visibility reduced by snow. 由于雪能见度下降。Visibility reduced by dust. 由于尘埃能见度下降。Visibility reduced by rain. 由于雨能见度下降。Visibility reduced by sandstorm. 由于沙尘暴能见度下降。Visibility increasing. 能见度增加。Visibility decreasing. 能见度减少。Visibility variable. 能见度变化。41.I

26、s visibility expected to change in my position?我船处能见度预计有变化吗?No, visibility not expected to change in your position.不,能见度在你船处预计不会变化。Yes, visibility expected to increase to 4nautical miles in your position.是的,预计能见度在你船处增加到4海里。Yes, visibility expected to decrease to 1nautical miles in your position.是的,预

27、计能见度在你船处减少到1海里。Yes, visibility expected to be variable between 2nautical miles in your position.是的,预计在你船处能见度在2海里之间变化。 Part F: Ice 冰况42.What is latest ice information?最新的冰况信息是什么?Ice warning. Icebergs located in position 6734N, 03645E.冰况警告,冰山在6734N, 03645E处。No ice located in area around Philip channel

28、.在菲利普海峡处无冰况。43.What kind of ice was located in position 5440N, 16745E?在5440N, 16745E处冰况如何?I, M/V Yu Long, reported icebergs in area around 5440N, 16745E.我船,“育龙”号。报告在5440N, 16745E处有冰山。44.What ice situation is expected in my position?我船位置处冰况预计会如何?Ice situation expected to change in your position.你船处冰况

29、预计会改变。Ice situation expected to improve in your position.你船处冰况预计会改善。Ice situation expected to deteriorate in your position.你船处冰况预计会恶化。Ice expected to break up in your position.你船处冰况预计会破碎。Ice expected to open in your position.你船处冰况预计会分裂。Ice expected to drift away in your position.冰预计在你船处会漂走。Ice expec

30、ted to freeze together in your position.冰预计在你船处会冻结在一起。45.Navigation dangerous in area around fairway due to floating ice.由于浮冰,在航道附近航行危险。46.Navigation in area around Vladivostock without ice-breaker assistance only possible for high-powered vessels of strong construction.只有那些大功率高强度的船才能在海参巍附近不用破冰援助可航行

31、。47.Area around Greenland temporarily closed for navigation.格陵兰附近水域航行暂时关闭。48.Danger of icing in area around fairway.在航道附近有冰况的危险。Part G: Volcanic activities 火山活动49.Volcanic activities expected in position 0415S, 14330E.在0415S, 14330E处有火山活动。50.Earthquake expected in position 0315N, 12135E.在0315N, 12135E处预计有地震。Seaquake expected in position 3552N, 13610E.海上地震预计在3552N, 13610E处。51.Tsunami

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