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1、临沂英语导游词临沂英语导游词(最新版)编制人:_审核人:_审批人:_编制单位:_编制时间:_年_月_日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的实用范文,如导游词大全、合同范本、心得体会、致辞讲话、演讲稿大全、个人报告、工作资料、条据书信、办公文秘、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that afte

2、r you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides you with various types of practical sample essays, such as guide words, contract t

3、emplates, experience and experience, speeches, speech drafts, personal reports, work information, letter of evidence, office secretary, other sample essays, etc. To learn about the format and writing of different sample essays, please pay attention!临沂英语导游词临沂属温带季风气候,地质构造复杂,地层发育比较齐全,矿产资源中白云岩储量居中国第一位,著

4、名景点有蒙山、王羲之故居、沂蒙崮群等。接下来是本店铺为大家整理的关于临沂英语导游词,方便大家阅读与鉴赏! 临沂英语导游词1 Cangshan County is located in the southeast of Shandong Province, borderingJiangsu Province, with a total area of 1800 square kilometers, 28 towns, 1180administrative villages and a total population of 1.18 million. Cangshan Countyis loca

5、ted at the intersection of coastal opening and western development inShandong Province. It is adjacent to Beijing Shanghai Expressway in the west,Yanshi railway in the East, Shijiu port and Lianyungang. There are many nationalhighways extending in all directions. Cangshan County is rich in food, gar

6、lic,vegetables, dried and fresh fruits, all kinds of livestock and poultry productsand freshwater aquaculture products. It is a national and provincial commoditygrain base, garlic base and commodity fish base. Cangshan County is rich inunderground resources, including quartz sand, gypsum, marble and

7、 othernon-metallic minerals and iron, copper, tungsten and other ore bodies. There are many cultural landscapes in Cangshan County. Wenfeng mountain,Baodugu, the ancient city of Zengguo, Xunzi tomb and other historical andcultural sites are well-known at home and abroad. Garlic tower, Huibao lake,Ta

8、shan Park and Lanling liquor are modern tourism landscapes, which also attractmany Chinese and foreign tourists. Under the guidance of the national reform andopening up policy, Cangshan Countys economy and socialist cause have developedrapidly. Eight production bases of grain, garlic, vegetables, fr

9、uits, edible fungi,livestock and poultry, freshwater fish and cotton have been formed in the wholecounty, and agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery have beendeveloped in an all-round way; pillar industries of mining, light industry andagricultural and sideline products processing have

10、been formed, and the outputvalue has increased sharply by 25% every year; The commercial prosperity,especially the communication between the seven vegetable wholesale markets inthe county and the provinces and cities of the whole country and more than adozen overseas countries and regions, has forme

11、d the trend of Cangshanvegetables going global; the healthy development of various social undertakingssuch as science, technology, culture, medical and health care, and the formationof a civilized, open, rich and economically strong county. Cangshan County hasoutstanding people, rich products, prosp

12、erous economy, convenienttransportation, advanced communication, superior investment environment andpreferential foreign policy, which is the ideal place for investment. 临沂英语导游词2 Feixian County is rich in resources and is full of treasures. It has greatpotential for economic development and many pow

13、erful conditions for economicdevelopment. First, the county is rich in grain, peanuts, flue-cured tobacco,fruits, poultry and livestock, honeysuckle and hawthorn. Second, it is rich inmineral resources, mainly including limestone, granite, dolomite, clay, clay andso on. Among them, dolomite has a re

14、serve of 1 billion tons, which is widely usedand easy to exploit; limestone has a reserve of 6 billion tons, which issuitable for building a large cement plant with an annual output of 1 milliontons; granite has a large reserve, bright color, beautiful pattern and excellentquality, which is a good b

15、uilding decoration material. Third, the transportationand communication are well developed. Yanshi railway runs through the East andWest, and highways extend in all directions. The expressway from Beijing toShanghai under construction runs through the territory, 160 kilometers away fromShijiu port a

16、nd 110 kilometers away from Lanshan Port. The 50000 doorprogram-controlled telephone is very convenient for communication with domesticand foreign countries. Fourth, it has an industrial base that has begun to takeshape. The county has built a complete range of production system of textile,food, che

17、mical, building materials and other industries, some products not onlyin and outside the province, but also in the international market has a certainreputation. In addition, handicraft production has a long history and uniquestyle, such as grass Willow weaving, carpet, Jinxing inkstone, Tianjing sto

18、ne,Yuanlin stone, drawing and other products are sold at home and abroad. Fifthly, there are eight large and medium-sized reservoirs with a totalcapacity of 513 million cubic meters in the county. There are eight large andmedium-sized reservoirs with a total capacity of 513 million cubic meters in t

19、hecounty. There are eight large and medium-sized reservoirs with a total capacityof 513 million cubic meters in the county. Sixth, the labor force is rich inresources, and the cultural level and technical quality of the workers are high.Since the reform and opening up, Feixians foreign economic and

20、technologicalcooperation has made great progress. There are nearly 120 varieties of grain and oil, food, local products,livestock products, light industrial machinery, silk, handicrafts, drawing andso on. The products are sold to more than 30 countries and regions such asJapan, Southeast Asia, Easte

21、rn Europe, Western Europe, North America, Hong Kongand Macao. In 1997, the export volume reached more than 14 million US dollars.The utilization of foreign capital and the introduction of advanced technologyand equipment has made a good start. The utilization of foreign capital in thecounty has reac

22、hed more than 21 million US dollars. Through joint venture,international leasing, foreign government loans and other means, we haveintroduced some advanced technologies and equipment, carried out technologycompulsory manufacturing for key enterprises in textile, plastic, lightindustry, building mate

23、rials and other industries, and built some new projects.All parties have achieved good economic benefits, laying a good foundation forthe development of export-oriented economy. Feixian is an ideal place forforeign economic and technological cooperation and investment. We warmly welcomeour compatrio

24、ts from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other countries in the worldto come to Feixian for cooperation and trade negotiations. We willconscientiously implement the policy of opening to the outside world and providevarious convenient and preferential conditions to further promote the continuousdevelopme

25、nt of Feixians export-oriented economy. Feixian County is located inthe south of Yimeng mountain. Due to its special geographical conditions, it hasrich art stone resources. It has the worlds amazing garden stone resources,Tianjing stone resources, swallow stone and Jinxing inkstone, which have been

26、loved by scholars since ancient times. 临沂英语导游词3 Linyi city is located in the southeast of Shandong Province, adjacent tothe Yellow Sea and North Jiangsu in the south. It has jurisdiction over 9counties, 3 districts, 180 townships, streets and 7151 administrative villages(residences), with 10.36 mill

27、ion people and a total area of 17200 squarekilometers. Plains, mountainous areas and hills each account for one third ofthe total area. It is the city with the largest population and area in ShandongProvince. Linyi is a national model city of double support, Chinas excellenttourism city, national mo

28、del city of environmental protection, Chinasgeothermal City, Chinas famous calligraphy City, Chinas famous market city,and a national advanced city of civilization. Linyi is an ancient city with a long history. Linyi has a history of morethan 2500 years. Qiyang city was built in the spring and Autum

29、n period, LangyaCounty in the Qin Dynasty, Linyi County in the Han Dynasty and Yizhou Prefecturein the Qing Dynasty. Linyi district was set up in 1950. In 1994, with theapproval of the State Council, Linyi city was established. Linyi has a splendidhistory and culture. The famous bamboo slips of Sun

30、Tzus art of war and SunBins art of war were unearthed in Linyi city. Thirteen of Confucius 72disciples grew up in Linyi. In history, seven of the 24 filial piety were inLinyi. Zhuge Liang, Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhenqing and abacus inventor Liu Hong wereall born or lived here. Linyi is a famous old revolut

31、ionary base in China. During the Anti JapaneseWar and the war of liberation, our party and our army successively establishedthe revolutionary bases in Binhai, central Shandong and southern Shandong. InAugust 1940, Shandong Provincial wartime work Promotion Committee, the firstprovincial peoples powe

32、r under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,was established here, and it was renamed Shandong Provincial Peoples Governmentin 1945. Shandong party, government and army organs, the 115th division of theEighth Route Army, the first column of the Eighth Route Army, the New FourthArmy, organs of the East China Bureau, and the East China field army werestationed here for a long time. Liu Shaoqi, Chen Yi, Luo Ronghuan, Xu Qianqian,Su Yu and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation all workedher

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