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1、高考英语完形填空练习含答案详解A Strange Greeting, a True Feeling Last week I was invited to a doctor s meeting aRuth hospital for incurables. In one of the wards a patient, an old man, got up shakilyfrom his bed and moved towards me. I could see that he hadnt long to1, but hecame up to me and placed his right foot

2、 close mine on the floor.“ Frank! ” Icried inastonishment. He couldn t2,as Iknew,butallthetime3his foot against mine.My4raced back more than thirty years to the5days of 1941, when I was astudent in London. The6was an air-raid shelter, in which Iand about hundredother people slept every night. Two of

3、 the regulars were Mrs. West and her son Frank.7wartime problems, we shelter-dwellers got to8each other very well.Frank West9 me because he wasnt10 , not even at birth. His mother told mehe was 37 then, but he had 11 of a mind than a baby has. His12”“consisted ofrough sounds sounds of pleasure or an

4、ger and 13more. Mrs. West, then about75, was a strong, capable woman, as she had to be, of course, because Frank14onher entirely. He needed all the15 of a baby.One night a policeman came and told Mrs. West that her house had been flattened bya 500-pounder. She16 nearly everything she owned.When that

5、 sort of thing happened, the rest of us helped the 17ones. So beforewe18that morning, I stood beside Frank and19my right footagainst his.They were about the same size. That night, then, I took a pair of shoes to the shelter forfrank. But as soon as he saw me he came running and placed his right foot

6、 against mine.After that, his20to me was always the same.1 A workB stayC liveDexpect2 A answerB speakC smileDlaugh3 A coveringB movingC fightingDpressing4 A mindsB memoriesC thoughtsDbrains5 A betterB darkC youngerDold6 A caveB placeC sightDscene7 A DiscussingB SolvingC SharingDSuffering8 A learn fr

7、omB talk toC helpDknow9 A neededB recognizedC interestedDencouraged10A normalB commonC unusualDquick11A moreB worseC fewerDless12A wordB speechC sentenceDlanguage13A notB noC somethingDnothing14A fedB keptC livedDdepended15A attentionB controlC treatmentDmanagement16A lostB neededC destroyedDleft17A

8、 troublesomeB unluckyC angryDunpopular18A separatedB wentC reunitedDreturned19A pushedB triedC showedDmeasured20A noddingB greetingC meetingDacting第-1-页共 17页(二)A newly trained teacher named Mary went to teach at a Navajo Indian reservation.Every day, she would ask five of theyoung Navajo students to

9、 _1_ the chalkboardand complete a simple math problem from2homework.They would stand there, silently,3to complete the task. Mary couldn t figureit out. 4 she had studied inher educational curriculumhelped, and she5hadn t seen anything like it in her student-teaching days back in Phoenix.What am I do

10、ing wrong? Could I have chosen five students who can6? t do theMary would wonder. No,7couldn bet that. Finallyshe8 the students whatwas wrong. And in their answers, she learned a9lesson from her young10pupils about self-image and a(n)11of self-worth.It seemed that the students 12each other s individ

11、uality and knew that13ofthem were capable of doing the problems.14at their early age, they understood thesenselessness of the win-lose approach in the classroom. They believed no one would15 if any students were shown up or embarrassed at the16. So they17tocompete with each other in public.Once she

12、understood, Mary changed the system18she could check eachchild s math problem individually, but not at any child19 hissclassmatesexpense.They all wanted to learn,20not at someone else s expense.1 A go toB come toC get close toDbring2 A hisB theirC his ownDher3 A happyB willinglyC readilyDunwilling4

13、A AnythingB NothingC EverythingDNeither5 A almostB certainlyC hardlyDnever6 A questionB chalkboardC problemDhomework7 A theyB itC everythingDeach8 A askedB questionedC toldDunderstood9 A Outstanding BsurprisingC annoyingDfrightening10A sunburnedB tenderC IndianDnaughty11A senseB imageC wayDaspect12A

14、 hadB ignoredC respectedDcared13A noneB no oneC eachDnot all14A EspeciallyB Even thoughC Even soDEven15A loseB winC achieveDanswer16A timeB situationC chalkboardDcondition17A refusedB rejectedC triedDpromised18A ifB so thatC unlessDin case19A in favour ofB ofC by means ofDin front of20A andB butC so

15、Dor第-2-页共 17页(三 )During a recent holiday I visited Dusseldorf, a city in the former West Germany. The nine-day trip left a deep impression 1 me. I arrived at Dussedorf airport at 7 pm. It was already 2 outside. The first thing I needed to do was to find a place to3 . I decided to telephone the youth

16、 hotel. But to use the phone I needed some 4 ,I asked a lady for help. To my 5 she gave me three coins to use. But all the phonesin the 6 needed phone cards. And phone cards could only be bought at postoffices during the 7 . I was 8 I would not be able to call the hotel. An oldgentleman helped me. H

17、e couldn speakt English 9 understand that I needed to10a phone call. He showed me where the phone was and inserted11phonecarD I called the youth hotel and found a place to stay that night.The12of the German people made me feel that I was not13my firstday in Germany wasn t as14 as I expecteDWhenever

18、I went, I asked people for15. It surprised me that16 every young German could speak English fluently.Older Germans couldnt speak English very well, but they would try to help me17they coulDOne middle-aged man I asked for directions even18 me to the place Iwas looking for.My19in Germany totally chang

19、ed my impression of Germans. Now I thinkthe people couldnt be more20.1 A onB forC toDabout2 A lateB darkC lightDearly3 A visitB eatC stayDkeep4 A cardsB informationC moneyDcoins5 A joyB disappointment CemotionDsurprise6 A hotelB airportC cityDpavement7 A nightB daytimeC tripDrush-hour8 A afraidB sur

20、eC gladDeager9 A orB butC andDso10A makeB haveC doDanswer11A anotherB aC myDhis12A useB successC careDkindness13A reallyB nearly out ofC far fromDclose to14A interestingB goodC badDbusy15A directionB distanceC travelDserve16A almostB evenC onlyDalready17A wheneverB whateverC whereverDhowever18A drov

21、eB reachedC movedDcame19A experienceB victoryC visitDmemory20A friendlyB unfriendlyC cold-heartedDvaluable第-3-页共 17页(四 )My father often works very harDAnd he has1to see a film. Here I ll tell you2 about him.One afternoon, when he finished his work and3go home, he found a filmticket under the4on his

22、desk. He thought he5to have not much work to dothat day and6was quite wonderful to pass the7at the cinemASo he cameback home and8finished his supper. Then he said9to us and left.But to our10, he came back about half an hour later, I11him whatwas the matter. He smiled and told us about12funny thing t

23、hat had happened atthe cinema.When my father was sitting in his seat, a13came to my fatherands saidthat the seat was14. y father was surpriseD He took out the ticket 15looked at it carefully. It was Row17,16. And then he looked at the seat. It was thesame. So he asked her17her ticket. She took out t

24、he ticket at once and the seatshown in it was Row 17, Seat 3.18? Whats the matter with all this? While they were wondering suddenlythe woman said, “ The19ofthe tickets are different. So”they looked at theticket more carefully. After a while, my father said,20, I “madeOh, a mistake.My ticket is for t

25、he film a month ago. Take this seat, please.” With these words, hethe cinema.1 A little moneyB much money C little timeDmuch time2 A a funny storyB a good storyC an old storyDa strange story3 A was toB was about toC had toDought4 A boxB bookC glassDpaper5 A happenedB likedC pretendedDwanted6 A itB thisC thatDwhich7 A morningB afternoonC dayDevening8 A earlyB quietlyC quicklyDsuddenly

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