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1、商务英语口语习题答案doc商务英语口语练习答案.Unit 1 Traveling on BusinessI.A1.Please book me on Flight CAAC602 to France, first class.2.Id like to confirm Flight BA032 we reserved.3.Id like to stop over at San Francisco.4.Is all my baggage to be weighed?5.Sorry,Flight 602 has been booked up.6.Let me check whether there

2、are any vacant seats in that flight.7.Where can I claim my baggage?8.This flight takes off from Beijing at 9:00 tomorrow morning, and will arrives at Meilan Airport in Hainan at about 12:00.B1.去纽卡斯尔最便宜的单程机票多少钱?2.我需要提前多久付钱支付我的机票预定?3.我会把两本字典放在手提包里,那样行李就不会超重丫。4.这是首航988次航班的检票UI吗?5.从伦敦到北京的实际飞行时间有多长?6.在起飞

3、过程中,我们必须扣紧安全带。7.我们中途将在伦敦停留一小时。8.我们预计八点钟到那儿。9.我的座位在左侧客舱的中部。10.请给我订两张星期日上午去伦敦的经济舱机票。Unit 2 Receiving Foreign Guests1.A: Have you anything to declare?B: I dont think I have anything to declare, except for a bottle of whisky, its duty free, isnt it?A: Yes,everyone can bring two bottles of wine free of d

4、uty. Will you please open your suitcase, please?B: Certainly. Only personal effects.A: Is that camera a new one?B: No, its an old one.A: May I have a look at it?B: Certainly.A: When did you buy it?B: Last year. I have the receipt of the camera.2.Tianjin is a very important economic center in north C

5、hina and also an open port city. I hope you will have a pleasant stay here.3.I still need your help during my stay here.4.As a businessman,I am always ready to go any places where I can do business.5.Please rest assured that everything will be arranged satisfactorily.6.I will visit some tourist attr

6、actions if we can close business successfully.B1.请从标有“无申报”字样的绿色通道进入。2.您必须得为这些贵重物品付税。3.我代表天津机械进出门公司来这儿与您会面。4.我想您还没见过于先生。他是我们进U部的经理。5.我们的航程很顺利。要是乘飞机旅行,再没有比这好的事情了。6.我们还没见过布朗先生。7.我希望我们能够带您在这儿到处转转。您想先去什么地方?8.林小姐将作为向导带您游览这个城市。9.天气真热啊!气温己经攀升到摄氐38度了。10.这儿的冬天寒冷彻骨。我最怕刺骨的寒风和漫天的大暴雪。大地都被深深的 积雪覆盖了。Unit 3 At the H

7、otelA: Good morning, what can I do for you?B:早上好。两周前我预定了套房。我是乔治史密斯。A: Just a moment,Mr. Smith, let me check. Yes,you have reserved a suite from today to 25th.B:是的,没错。A: Its Room 2003, second floor. Can I have a look at your passport?B:给您。A: Please fill in this registration form.B:好的。(填好了表格。)给您,这样填写对

8、吗?A: Let me see. Nationality, age,occupation and passport number,right. Please sign your name here. Heres the key to your room. The bellman will take your baggage to your room.C: This way,please.B:这家宾馆真令人称道,非常安静,而且走廊看起来也不错。哦,这个房间很 宽敞而且通风也好。什么时候提供房间送餐服务。C: Its available around the clock (twenty-four

9、hours a day).B:关于宾馆的客房服务,您能再说得详细些吗?C: Of course,Sir. Our hotel is one of four-star hotels in Tianjin,which is located on the Haihe River with fresh air. So this hotel is the first choice for guests from other places. There are about 100 standard rooms including single rooms, double rooms and suites.

10、 Hot water is available around the clock here.B:其它服务如何呢?C: We have an indoor pool,Sauna Center,bowling hall and Karaoke room. We are always ready at your service.B:您这里有宾馆的手册叼?C: Yes, we have. Ill go to reception desk to bring one for you.B:非常感谢。C: My pleasure.Unit 4 Welcome and FarewellI.A1.Mr. Smit

11、h,I have an invitation to invite you to attend the party held in Great Wall Restaurant tonight.2.Thank you for your invitation, I will be very delighted to come.3.Mr. Andersen, please allow me to introduce our president Mr. Li to you.4.Lets propose a toast to our friendship and cooperation!5.I wish

12、you could stay here a little longer.6.Thank you so much for your hospitality.7.By the way, do you have any special plans for tonight?8.Today,we are greatly honored to have Mr. Andersen to attend our party.9.I hope we can have much close cooperation between our two companies in the future.10.Its such

13、 a pity that you are leaving,I will go to the airport to see you offtomorrow.B1.我们的总经理李先生很荣幸邀请您参加鸡尾洒会。2.如果方便,烦请您告诉您的同事王先生,我们己邀请他参加。3.恐怕不行,我已经答应和玛莉去购物了,不管怎样还是很感谢您想着我。4.我一直期待着见到你们一行。今晚这似乎有很多人出席。5.让我们举起洒杯为我们的密切合作共饮。6.我谨代表我公司对您给予我们的帮助表示感谢。7.不知您是否在中国过得很愉快。8.非常好。非常感谢这些天来您陪着我。9.我想借此机会感谢我们的东道主使得我们此行如此顺利。10.

14、我来是和相关各方商讨关于和中国扩大业务往来的事宜。11.我真希望我能在此多呆些日子,但是我回国还有很多事务要处理。Unit 5 Making Telephone CallsI.A1.Id like to speak to Mr. Smith from American Trading Co.,would you please connect him?2.Hold the line a minute, please.3.Do you want her to call you back when she comes back?4.Im afraid youve got the wrong numb

15、er.5.You can call him this afternoon,he will be available then.6.Operator,weve been disconnected. Could you reconnect me,please?7.Whos calling please?8.Sorry,the number is engaged.9.Can you put me through to the number 451-4565, the area code is 608.10.The rate is $9 for the first 3 minutes and $3 f

16、or each additional minute.B1.请问是哪位打来的电话?2.我是史密斯,您是李先生吗?3.史密斯先生,有您的电话。4.很抱歉,张先生,史密斯先生这会儿不在。5.是江先生吗?这条线路有故障。请不要挂机,我会将电话转到另一条线上。6.一您估计他什么时候能回来? 一我想2: 30以后他才能回来。7.很抱歉,这个电话有点毛病。不是很清楚,请您再说一遍。8.对不起,这没有一个名叫约翰逊的人。9.您能稍等一会吗?我帮您找他。10.我会和他联系稍后给您打过去。Unit 6 Seeing a DoctorI.A1.You dont look so well, whats the mat

17、ter with you?2.I cough, and have headache and a fever, Pm afraid Ive got a cold.3.Shall I send for a doctor or accompany you to the hospital?4.If its not too much trouble,I want to go to the hospital.5.When did you begin to feel like this?6.It has been like this for about one week,I have a severe co

18、ugh during night.7.Let me measure your heart rate.8.It seems like Pneumonia,youd better to have an X-ray.9.Here is prescription,one tablet each time,three times a day.10.Take medicine on time and have a good rest,then youll be all right in a couple of days.B1.在如今的英国,虽然国民保健署是由地方政府来管理的,但屮央政府直接对 它负责。大约

19、83%的国民健康费用是由国家税收来支付的,苏余来自于由在 职的人员支付的国民保险金。还有处方药和牙科保健的费用,但是像儿童、孕妇、领养老金者还有那些靠收入救济的人们都不用为此付费。2.在美国,人多数人都会买健康保险以防由于看医生,医院护理还有其它治疗而产生的费用导致的财务困境。基本的保险费包括门诊、住院、手术和治疗 费用。Unit 7 Appointment and ArrangementI.AHello, this is general managers office,what can I do for you?Im David Smith from International Trade

20、Company. I want to make an appointment with the general manager. I wonder whether he can meet me tomorrow morning. Its about order of office equipment.Please hold the line while I check.All right.Sorry, Mr. Smith,he will not be available tomorrow morning.May I meet him this afternoon,say 2:00.一Certa

21、inly,he will be free at that time.Okay, thank you very much.1.我期待着周三晚上七点钟和您会面。2.对不起,我明天没空,但是之后的任何吋间都可以。3.我想约个时间和您面谈新订单的事宜。4.一很抱歉,我们能把见面时间改到下周吗?有些始料未及的事情发生了。一好的,没问题。下周二上午可以吗?5.恐怕我不得不取消我们的约见。我所乘的飞往欧洲的航班改时间了。我也是 刚刚接到航空公司的通知。6.我刚刚查看了我的日程表,结果发现那个下午我己经有约了。7.我想知道明天上午他是否可以早一点和我会而? 一抱歉,他早上根本就没有任何空闲时间。8.一我们今天

22、下午有可能会面吗?一今天下午我恐怕没有时间。9._下周一如何?一那个时间很不错。10.您在此地时,想看些什么呢?一任何具有中国特色的都可以。Unit 8 TrafficA1.When you get on the bus,put the exact fare into the cashbox beside the driver.2.Is this the right bus to the city hospital?3.Which platform does the train from London arrive at?4.Is my monthly pass applicable to a

23、ll the routes?5.Which is much quicker to take a bus or a taxi?6.Is the right stop to Medical Center?7.Does every taxi have a basic charge?8.May I know how many trains leave for London in this morning?9.We should have to hurry if we dont want to miss the train.10.If I were you,I would take a taxi.B1.

24、我一直在考虑每天乘公交车而不是开车进城。2.如果你没有很多事情要办,那么乘坐公交车有很多好处。3.我花14美元买了一张月票,在当月你乘坐多少次车都可以。4.千万记住乘坐向东行驶的火车而不是向丙行驶的,要不然你就绕远了。5.这架航班由北京机场起飞开往英国伦敦,中途在丹麦哥本哈根稍做停留。6.你可以在火学那站卜车。在地铁的每节车厢都有路线图,你要到的那个大学 清楚地标注在上面,因此你不会迷路的。7.打扰一下,麻烦您告诉我到和平宾馆怎么走?8.我想预订一张明早到西安的82次列车的卧铺票。9.沿着这条路开大约12分钟,到十字路口时左转。那就是State路128号,就 是地图上的这儿。10.在每天的此吋

25、,你可能不得不花45分钟等公共汽车。Unit 9 DinnersI.A1.I make the phone call to see whether we can have dinner together tomorrow evening.2.I am very delighted you came to attend our banquet.3.Some people say that it is a great pity if to leave China without doing the following three things,一visiting the Great Wall,ea

26、ting Beijing Roast Duck and drinking Maotai.4.These dishes are good in color, flavor and taste all at the same time.5.This is local specialty and it is received favorably,do you want to try it?6.Would you like to have some desserts?7.The meal is ready; lets go to the dinning hall.8.We have the buffe

27、t for lunch,is that OK?9.I propose a toast to Mr. Smiths health! Cheers!10.1 hope I can return your hospitality some day. We are here to thank you for this wonderful evening.1.当你外出就餐时总去同一家餐馆吗?2.每位平均要花多少钱吃晚餐?3.您是想喝茶还是咖啡?4.我要订今晚四人的餐位。5.这是环境不错的单间。6.靠窗的餐位全都满了。7.屮国有四大菜系:川菜,粤菜,鲁菜和潮州菜。8.这家饭店是这一带最高档的。9.我20分

28、钟前点的菜,但到现在还没上菜。10.有很多种做菜的方法。拿鱼举例,可以煎炸、炖煨、清蒸、熏制或是腌制。 此外,还有鱼丸、鱼片、鱼汤.我能说出一百多种以鱼为原料的菜。Unit 10 Visits and SightseeingI.A1.This ancient temple was firstly built in 1006, which covered an area of 4.5 square hectares including four groups of buildings. The temple was destroyed in fire, while what we can see

29、 today was rebuilt at the beginning of 13th century. Although it has a history of 800 years,the temple is still in good condition.2.This is a typical eastern style architecture,which is really exquisite. Its unbelievable that a so grand wooden architecture was built without using a nail.3.The palace

30、 is located at the foot of the mountain,surrounded by green trees.4.The government spares no efforts in endeavoring to protect and preserve cultural relics and historical sites.5.No wonder it is called the eighth Wonder of the world.6.Various valuable rarities and many newly-unearthed cultural relic

31、s are displayed here.7.These pavilions are standard Chinese traditional architecture.8.Geographically, Beijing is located in the northern part of North China Plain,surrounded by mountains on the north,east and west. The city covers an area of 16,8000 square kilometers,or 6,486 square miles. The annual temperature averages 55 degrees Fahrenheit.9.Standing on the top of the building, you can have a birds eye-view of the city.10.There are 500 Buddhist arhats, each of them has different facial expressio

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