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本文(基于表单定制的物流运输管理系统的设计与实现.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!



2、定制技术开发物流运输管理系统的设想,并在物流运输管理系统中验证了该技术的可行性、高效性。本论文的主要工作和研究成果如下:(1)通过对国内外物流信息化发展现状的分析,得出了传统的表单开发模式的弊端,并通过对比得出表单定制模式的可行性和高效性。(2)简单介绍了表单定制国内外研究现状,主流的表单定制工具以及表单设计模式,并对公司开发的表单定制平台用到的技术进行了介绍,该定制平台相对其他定制工具的优势。由此整合目前比较流行的Java EE技术,提出结合表单定制平台设计与实现物流运输管理系统的设想,利用表单定制平台技术设计并实现了物流运输管理系统。本文围绕着基于表单定制技术对物流运输管理系统的设计及功能

3、模块实现进行了研究开发工作。(3)本文提出的基于表单定制的解决方案很好的解决了物流行业业务变更频繁,表单需求量大的问题,操作简单直观,设计表单做到所见即所得的效果。本人作为系统的参与人员参与编写需求分析、详细设计等文档,负责系统部分模块原型界面的设计与编码,开发阶段负责实现基础资料管理、油料管理和车辆管理三个模块的开发工作。关键词:表单定制,可视化,物流运输管理系统,设计与实现,J2EEAbstractWith the extensive applications of computer and the rapid development of network technology,enter

4、prises made major changes in operation and management. Enterprises and institutions begin to implement and popularize Information Technology Systems; Logistics transportation enterprises are in the midst of began to realize information system. A large number of business of the Information Technology

5、 Systems are achieved through form, but the fixed style and the long development period of the traditional form mode cant meet the frequently changed business demand. The concept of the customizable form is proposed to adapt to the flexible enterprise business.According to logistics transportation m

6、anagement system exist in many business, process, the characteristics of the form, the traditional WEB development mode is the development cycle is long, the development is difficult, the programmer to work hard, and project later maintenance and upgrade cost higher shortcomings, which seriously res

7、trict the logistics transportation management system development and promotion. Therefore based on the above situation, this paper based on form customization technology development logistics transportation management system, and the idea of the logistics transportation management system verified th

8、e feasibility of this technology, high efficiency. In this paper the main work and research results are as follows:(1) Through the domestic and international logistics information development present situation analysis, it is concluded that the traditional form development model, and through compari

9、ng the disadvantages of that form customization mode, the feasibility and high efficiency.(2) introduced the form custom research status from domestic and abroad, the mainstream form customization tools and form design patterns, and the development of the company form customization platform use tech

10、nology are introduced, the custom platform relative to other custom tool advantage. This integration at present more popular Java EE technology proposed the combination form customization platform design and implementation of logistics transportation management system, using the idea of form customi

11、zation platform technology design and realize the logistics transportation management system. This paper based on form around the custom technology in logistics transportation management system design and function module to realize the research and development work.(3) the proposed based on form cus

12、tomized solutions good solve the logistics industry business change frequently, the form of the problem of the great demand, the operation is simple, intuitive, and design a form to do what you see is what you get effect.I as a system of the participants involved in the project feasibility analysis,

13、 writing requirement analysis, detailed design document, is responsible for the system prototype part module interface design and coding, development phase responsible for implementing stock management, salary management and vehicle management three module development works.Key Words:Custom Forms, V

14、isualization, Transportation Management System, Design and Implementation, J2EE 图目录表目录第1章 绪论1.1 课题背景及研究意义随着经济的发展,物流运输行业在我国取到了突飞猛进的发展,物流运输行业已经成为我国新的经济增长点,越来越受到人们的关注。物流顾名思义就是把物品从托运方所在地向收货方所在地的物品转移过程,及时、有效的处理业务是物流企业日常工作的重中之重。物流运输中要处理大量的表单数据,传统的手工处理数据方式使原本信息资源丰富的企业资源利用率低,公司运营状况可视化程度低,企业的业务审核要逐级往上申报或者不同部


16、的方式满足客户的需求。一个企业对物流资源的合理调度、分配是一种综合的实力。一个好的物流运输管理系统,应该是既现代的、科学,又合理的物流运输管理系统,它是企业按照企业日常业务流程,以信息共享、无纸化办公为目的所开发的物流运输管理系统。物流运输管理系统的应用使物流企业进入无纸化的信息化办公时代,而在以前的纸质办公时代,大量的业务单据、发票都是以表单的形式来传递信息,从表单中可以反映出企业的业务流程,表单是企业的一张名片。物流运输行业业务变更需求频繁,随时需要根据业务变更设计和修改表单。表单在物流运输行业中是如此的重要,以至于在物流运输行业中表单成为最重要的信息载体。 目前根据具体的业务逻辑实现表单的硬编码模式是物流运输管理系统获取信息的主要方式1。这种模式将表格的设计与数据的录入直接固化到程序的内部,在单次的项目中看似较为简单的解决了表单设计与信息获取的问题,然而在随着业务的持续深入,表单开发量的增大中会出现很多问题: 1. 在表单需求非常

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