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1、地震慰问信范文英文版最新篇地震慰问信范文英文版地震慰问信范文英文版地震慰问信范文英文版一:Dear vitims, A poerful earthquake hit our hometon, Yushu in Qinghai provine month ago. It is also a terrible natural disaster for our hole nation. It has aused both finanial and life loss. Until no, approximatel sevent thousand people lost their lives due

2、 to the earthquake and muh more ere injured seriousl.Six million people have no homes to return as the majorit of the buildings ere ollapsed. These das e keep athing the staggering deathroll and hearing the heart-renhing stories from the Yushu earthquake. We are so muh saddened that man hildren lost

3、 their parents and man ouples lost their lovers. I ould not help but r hen hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster. And e are so muh touhed b the true outpouring of effort and emotion from all over the ountr. You are not alone and ou on t feel lonel. Our hole nation is a big

4、famil, and ever member ould like to give a helping hand b all means, suh as donating mone, time, energ and blood to the people in the striken area.We, 1.3 billion Chinese people shed the same tear sharing the same hopes. A series of ations has been taken sine the earthquake happened. A majorit of Ch

5、inese people are doing hatever the an to lend a hand. I believe, ith the assistane of people in all alks of life, our after-disaster reonstrution ill be dealt ith at a fantasti speed. The striken area ill soon be restored. And I hope ou an pull ourself together and muster up ourage to fae the future

6、. We ill overe an diffiult, beause e are Chinese. Ten thousand people beat everthing ith a single unding heart .Tr to look on the bright side of things. The future ill be bright, heer up! Yours sinerel*地震慰问信范文英文版二:Dear vitims, The earthquake hih happened one month ago in Qinghai provine is an enormo

7、us disaster for our hole nation. It has aused both finanial and life loss.Until no, fift thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and man more ere injured seriousl. Five million people have no homes to return as the majorit of the buildings ere ollapsed We are sorr about this aident. I

8、t s a pit that man hildren lost their parents and man ouples lost their lovers. I ould not help but r hen hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster.Our hole nation is a big famil; ever member ould like to give a helping hand to the people ho suffered from the earthquake. We mus

9、t sho our arm-heartedness and make donations to the striken area so that their broken heart an be armed. A series of ations has been taken sine the earthquake happened.I believe the striken area ill soon be restored ith the soldiers and other arm-hearted people s help. The future ill be bright, heer

10、 up! Yours sinerel *地震慰问信范文英文版三:Dear vitims, A eek ago, I as shoked at the nes about the earthquake in Yushu.And I m ver sorr to hear that this earthquake as the greatest disaster after49. And there are 40075 people ho are found dead in the disaster till no and there have been more than 500 million

11、people ho are homeless. The floor as ripped through, man bloks and houses ere seriousl damaged, and even ere as flat as a panake. I m deepl moved b the volunteers and the international resue teams ho are in the frontline. I, standing for m shool, fort our vitims and survivors ith our arm heart. More

12、over, e ontribute a large amount of mone to ou. And our shool ill tr our best to help ou. Last but not the least, I hope e all have the onfidene to rebuild our home after the disaster.Onl hen e have the perseverane an e defeat the natural disaster. Good luk and best ishes to ou! Yours sinerel地震慰问信范文

13、英文版篇四:Dear xxx:Nothing an be orse that hearing the nes that our motherland, Japan, has been striken b the earthquake from the nes report and broadast, I an see our ountrmen suffering disaster and disease. And ou are even under the threat of nulear radition leak. Hoever, I an firml onvined that ou il

14、l defeat the disaster and rebuild our it.Three ears ago, our mother land as also in the same situation as ours. The great earthquake hih happened in Wen Chuan took thousands of lives instantl. At the moment, numerous hildren lost their parents and beame orphans, hundreds of families ere broken, and

15、all the people there felt helpless and frightened.Fortunatel, lots of resue orkers rushed to the area and orked around the lok, and meanhile supplies ere being sent to there from all diretions. With the help from all Chinese people, the vitims finall survived, and the also beame self-onfident. In a

16、ord, as a developed ountr, our motherland Japan has the abilit to resue the vitims. In addition, ou needn t to be orried about our future.Everthing ill be fine soon. I ill also tr m best to help ou and our famil. God bless ou!Yours sinerel,xxxx地震慰问信范文英文版篇五:dear vitims, the earthquake hih happened to

17、 eeks ago in sihuan provine is an enormous disaster for our hole has aused both finanial and life loss. until no, fift thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and muh more injured seriousl. five million people have no homes to return as the majorit of the buildings ere ollap

18、sed e are sorr about this aident. it s a pit that man hildren lost their parents and man ouples lost their lovers.i ould not help but r hen hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster. our hole nation is a big famil, ever member ould like to give a helping hand to the people ho s

19、uffered from the earthquake.e must sho our arm-heartedness and make donations to the striken area so that their broken heart an be armed. a series of ations has been taken sine the earthquake happened.i believe the striken area ill soon be restored ith the soldiers and other arm-hearted people s hel

20、p. the future ill be bright, heer up!ours sinerel地震慰问信范文英文版篇六:Dear xxx :I m reall sorr to learn from the TV and radio that our ountr is experiening a hard time.A serious earthquake and tsunami has done great damage to our beautiful ountr and has even ost man people their preious lives. Hoever, hat m

21、atters is ho to stand to stand up again bravel after the great fall.From the Internet and nespaper, I ve knon a lot about our not-so-eas life. You have to liave our previous home and quit our stud. But hat has impressed me most is that ou firml believe our government ill solve the ountr risis immedi

22、atel.Living in the temporar shelters, ou line up quietl to get our food ithout an plaints or onflits, aiting for the resue team to e. Brave itizens as ou are, I m firml onvined that ou ill fight against the natural disaster and rebuild our homeland.Don t be afraid. Don t be sad. We, the hole orld, a

23、re on our side. Bear in mind that Tomorro is another da. And all the grief and hardship ill finall pass b.B the a, it ill be m pleasure if I an do something to hipe ou ith our stud or life. I m looking forard to hearing from ou soon. Yours. xxx看了地震慰问信范文英文版附送:地震救灾演讲稿:伤痛、忧思、坚强地震救灾演讲稿:伤痛、忧思、坚强5、12,汶川8.

24、0级大地震,震毁了无数平和而宁静的城镇,震动了大半个中国的土地,震撼了13亿中国人的心,也震惊了整个世界 在那一瞬间,巴山蜀水在呻吟,祖国母亲在哭泣,大地母亲在恸哭 对于灾难,我们无法逃避,也无法做出其他的选择,只是面对。灾难的发生是任何人都不希望看到的。我们哀痛,我们哀伤,无数的人用止不住的泪水洗刷着心中的疼痛。但是,巨大的悲痛也会产生无穷的力量,人在最痛苦的时候心里仍会升起新的希望。人类文明的进步总要付出巨大的代价,甚至让无数人献出自己的生命。尽管发生,我们还是要继续生活,重建家园,为离开的人哀悼,为活下去的人好好活着!东方的伟人不会在地震中胆怯,,我们只会更加坚强。大地无情,人有情,地震


26、命意义清晰的理解,没有在灾难中挺起的民族就没有笔直的脊梁。因此,我们有理由不哭。民族的韧性和国家的理性总会使我们以恒定的从容去勇敢面对一切,于坚忍中奋进努力,于悲歌中壮哉前行。这时候,文字是苍白的,这时候,血泪是无力的,只有不歇行进的双脚,不停掀动瓦砾的双手,接连擎起担架的双肩,持续“一二一”加油的号子,行动才是创造奇迹的交响,努力才是对生命最好的哀悼。人民,挺住;中国,加油。奇迹在手中,记忆在心中。在灾难发生的那一瞬间,大地龟裂,山峰塌陷,房屋倒塌,无数的财富毁于一旦 在那一刻,无数的生命消亡;在那一刻,无数的生命凋零 也许就在那一刻,你们受了伤,留下了永远的痛。但是你们并不是孤独地面对伤痛




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