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1、高中英语Unit3TheMillionPoundBankNoteSection自我小测新人教版必修2019-2020年高中英语Unit3TheMillionPoundBankNoteSection自我小测新人教版必修一、单句改错1I dont doubt whether he will win first prize,for he works hard._2We dont know when was he born._3I knew nothing about the stranger except he is an American._4Why he didnt e to school wa

2、s because he was ill._5The problem is if he is fit for the new job._二、用适当的连接词或所给动词的适当形式填空1My suggestion is that you _(apologize)to your mother.2He worked on the plan for almost a month but couldnt see any progress.Thats _ he _(lose)his patience.3I am very interested in _ he _(earn)his passage in suc

3、h a short time.4We are glad _ so many old friends _(attend)our party tomorrow.5I want to know _ you can repair the puter or not.6Do you know _ hat it is?7Please tell me _ you _(wait)for.8Is that yellow envelope _ you are seeking for?9Would you please tell me _ the embassy is?10The problem is that I

4、_(be)short of money at that time.三、语法填空1After ten years,she changed a lot and looked different from_she used to be.2Everything depends on_they will support you about it.3You cant imagine _ terrible weather we had.4I lost my cellphone yesterday.Can you tell me_I can buy one?Well,there is a department

5、 store just around the corner.5He insisted that he _(not break)the law and that he _(set)free.6Our teachers always tell us to believe in _ we do and who we are if we want to succeed.7Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears.No one in the office knew_ she was so angry.8Its no use having ideas

6、 only.Dont worry.Peter can show you _to turn an idea into an act.9“He was late for school.Why?” “This was _ he got up late.”10The reason _ he didnt pass the exam is _ he was too lazy.11It is so dark tonight,Mum.Yes,this is just _ we can enjoy brilliant stars in the sky.12The strange thing about Tom

7、is _ he taught himself to read before he could speak.13Scientists study_human brains work to make puters.14Jerry did not regret giving the ment but felt _ he could have expressed it differently.15As many as five courses are provided,and you are free to choose _ suits you best.四、完形填空There is an India

8、n story about a bar of candy that came to see God in Heaven.He _1_“Dear God,I am so sweet.I am so _2_!I keep the Five Precepts(律戒)” The sugar candy,as you know,always _3_ on the table doing nothing.He says he never does _4_ to anyone.“But anyone,even the ants,the flies anyone who es _5_ me wants to

9、eat me.Why?What have I done?Doesnt the law _6_ anymore?” Because God says that if you _7_ something bad,if you harm someone,if you are sour,then people will _8_ sourness(坏心眼)to you.But if you are _9_ to people,if you are nice and you dont do any harm to people,then they will _10_ harm you,right?So t

10、he candy said,“Why me?I am a candy.I am so sweet,but people always _11_ me and abuse me,why?” And God said,“Youd better _12_ a little bit further before I answer you.” And the candy said,“Why,you dont _13_ me?” So God said,“Just do it!Stand away,please!” Hes nearly lost his _14_.Oh,hes shouted very

11、hard,very loud.And the sugar was _15_,thinking that God didnt like him and got _16_ with him.He said,“Mmmy Gggod,but what did I do?”_17_,God said,“You didnt do anything,but if you stay too near,I will also want to eat you!”Everything in this world has a _18_ of its own.Some are charming,some are _19

12、_,like the candy,chocolate,the cakes,and some _20_ everything,like fire,as soon as you get near.1ApraisedBplained Creported Dordered2Aclean Bthin Cnoble Dnice3Astands Bsings Csits Dchats4Aharm Bgood Cdeeds Ddevotion5Anear Bclose Cfrom Dover6Aform Bdisappear Cexist Dobserve7Amake Bdo Cinvent Davoid8A

13、return Breceive Crefuse Dfind9Acruel Bhelpful Cuseful Dsweet10Anearly Bnever Chardly Dgenerally11Acarry Bnotice Ceat Ddamage12Aleave Blive Csleep Dstep13Arecognize Blike Cprotect Dsave14Adirection Bway Ctemper Dposition15Ashaking Blaughing Cjumping Ddying16Aangry Bpleased Chumorous Dexcited17AMoreov

14、er BTherefore CCasually DFortunately18Aname Bbenefit Cprice Dnature19Asmelly Bugly Cinviting Dkind20Arepair Bburn Ccheat Ddiscourage五、语法填空On December 19th an airbus took off on time from the capital airport of Saudi Arabia.After about an hours _1_(fly),something strange happened in the plane.The pas

15、sengers_2_(enjoy)themselves when a small rat stole out from the bag of a young man,which made the young woman nearby_3_(alarm)with loud screaming.Then more and more rats came out of the bag.All the passengers became out of order,especially the women and the children.The steward(机长)managed to get in

16、touch with_4_control centre on the ground.With the order from the ground,the plane_5_(success)landed at the nearest airport.As soon as the plane was on the ground,all the passengers got off.Then seven specialists got on _6_(catch)these small creatures.Many means had been tried but_7_of them were goo

17、d enough to catch the rats.At last they tried to fill the plane_8_carbon dioxide,_9_poisoned all the eighty rats by the poisonous gas.It _10_(report)that the young man wanted to carry these rats to another city and sell them as pets but no one had expected that these small creatures succeeded in esc

18、aping from the bag.参考答案一、1whetherthat2was hehe was3except 后加that4becausethat5if whether二、1(should)apologize2why;lost3how;earned4that;will attend5whether6whose7who(m);are/were waiting8what9where10was三、1what2whether3what4where5hadnt broken;be set6what7why8how9because10why;that11when12that13how14that15

19、whichever四、1B由下文糖果所说内容可知,它是在抱怨别人对它的不公正。因此应用plained。2D由第一段最后一句中的“if you are nice and.”可以得出答案。糖果认为自己好,人们不应该吃它。3C我们知道糖果的位置一般在桌子上面。因为糖果要想直立起来很难,所以用sits为最佳答案。4A由第一段最后一句中的“.you dont do any harm to people”可以得出答案。5A此处表示“任何走近我的人都想吃我”。要想用close须在close后加to。6C既然糖果觉得人们不应该吃它,它就觉得应该用法律来制约别人吃它。因此它想表达“难道法律不存在了吗?”单词ex

20、ist的含义是“存在”。7B由下面的“如果你伤害别人”可知,本句表达的意思是“如果你做坏事”。因此do为最佳答案。8A由上面几个if条件句都表示如果你总做对不起别人的事情,那么别人当然也做对不起你的人,即把不好的东西还给你。9Dcruel表示“残忍的”,与下文的nice不一致,排除A项。糖果对于别人来说,除了吃以外,实在没有别的用处,因此B和C项可以排除。本句答案可以通过第一段第二句中的Im so sweet得出。10B由上文的“Because God says.”可知这些话是上帝说的,因此此处应为“如果你不伤害别人,别人绝不会伤害你”。11C由第一段糖果说的话中的“.wants to eat

21、 me”可以得出答案。12D由下面上帝说的“Stand away”可知上帝要糖果离他远一点。动词leave(离开),live(居住)和sleep(睡觉)不能表达此意。只有step可以表示“走远一点”,表明糖果说话时离上帝不远。13B由上文的上帝要离远一点和下文的“.and dont like him”可以得出,糖果问上帝的应是“你为何不喜欢我?”14C由下文的“hes shouted very hard,very loud”可知上帝几乎要发脾气了。词组lose ones temper的含义是“发脾气”。15A由上一句“上帝大声喊”以及下文的“God didnt like him”可知,糖果害怕

22、了。因此用shaking表示糖果吓得发抖。16A由上面的“上帝对他大声喊”和“认为上帝不喜欢它”可知,他觉得上帝生气了。17B上文糖果问上帝自己到底做错了什么,下文上帝回答了他的问题。上下文之间存在一种因果关系,因此用Therefore。18D由下一句的“Some are charming”可以这是事物的本质。因此用nature表示“世上万物都有自己的本质”。19C由下文的“the candy,chocolate,the cakes”可知这些都是诱人的。inviting的含义是“诱人的”。20B由下文的“like fire”可知,fire的本质是烧东西,因此要用burn。五、1flight2w

23、ere enjoying3alarmed4the5successfully6to catch7none8with9which10was reported2019-2020年高中英语Unit3TheMillionPoundBankNoteSection自我小测新人教版必修一、根据句意以及汉语或首字母提示写出单词的正确形式1He will go to a b_ to have his hair cut this afternoon.2When two Japanese meet,they often b_ to each other.3The girl s_ aloud suddenly when

24、 she saw a snake e out behind a tree.4The project will cost a large a_ of money and energy.5As we all know,Lu Xun is a great a_.6As time went on,a _(真诚的)friendship grew up between us.7It is good _(礼貌)for an Arab to stand close to his friends when they are talking.8He was very _(粗鲁的)to his boss,which

25、,of course,made things even worse.9We were served with a _(甜点)at the end of our dinner.10The news was so _(难以置信)that he stood there speechless for a long time.二、语法填空1Was it in 1969 _ the American astronaut succeeded _ landing on the moon?Quite right.2I find _ important that we practice reading Engli

26、sh aloud every morning.3I hadnt got any money _ me,so I left the bookstore without buying that book.4He said that doing parttime jobs did no good to students,but few shared _(he)view.5He found his son _(surround)by letters and papers and _(look)very worried.6Nick can stay with us,but _ for you,youd

27、better get out of my sight.三、用下列方框内所给短语的适当形式填空take a chanceas forin ragsa large amount of,take ones ordertake care ofpay attention to,for the first time1_ cooking,my husband does more than me in our daily life.2In the early part of the 1800s,the Americans made use of natural rubber _.3The young man

28、_ is a lazy bone and begs for some money to make a living.4We shouldnt _ more _ others faults and shortings,neglecting their strengths.5My son worked hard in a big pany and as a result he earned _ money.6Because of her busy work,she has to ask her neighbours to _ her pets.7As soon as his friends sat down at a table,he asked the waiter to _.8We should get well prepared for the project;in other words,we shouldnt _ on it.四、单句改错1It was in the park that I saw her with chance._

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