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1、电影综合Chapter OneUnderstanding the Film(了解电影)Film, as one of the most influential mass media(大众传播媒介), has struggled to achieve its proper place as a reputable(声誉极高的)art form. It merges all the other forms of art: literature, painting, sculpture(雕塑), music, architecture, drama, and adopts the technical

2、 achievements in natural science and applied science like acoustics(声学), optics(光学), electronics, mechanics, computer, etc.As a form of expression, the motion pictures is similar to other artistic media, for the basic properties of these other media are woven into its own rich fabric(肌体). Film emplo

3、ys the compositional elements of all the visual arts; line, form, mass, volume, and texture. Like painting and photography, film exploits the subtle interplay of light and shadow. Like sculpture, film manipulates(应用)three-dimensional space. But, like pantomime(哑剧), film focuses on moving images, and

4、 like the dance, these moving images have rhythm. The complex rhythms of film resembles those of music and poetry, and like poetry in particular, film communicates through imagery(意象), metaphor, and symbol. Like the drama, film communicates visually and verbally (词语地): visually, through action and g

5、esture; verbally through dialogue. Finally, like the novel, film expands or compresses time and space, traveling back and forth freely within their wide borders.Film is unlimited not only in its choice of subject matter but also in the scope of its approach to that material. A films mood and treatme

6、nt can range anywhere between the lyric(抒情的)and the epic(史诗的); in point view, it can cover the full spectrum(范围)from the purely objective to the intensely subjective; in depth, it can focus on the surface realities and the purely sensual, or delve into the intellectual and philosophical. A film can

7、look to the remote past, or probe the distant future; it can make a few seconds seem like hour, or compress a century into minutes. Finally, film can run the gamut(范围)of feeling from the most fragile, tender, and beautiful to the most brutal, violent, and repulsive(可憎的).The technological history of

8、film can in fact be viewed as an ongoing evolution toward greater realism, toward erasing(抹去)the border between art and nature. The motion picture has progressed step by step from drawings, to photographs, to projected images, to sound, to color, to wide screen, to 3-D. Experiments have even been co

9、nducted attempting to add the sense of smell to the film experience by releasing fragrances(香气)throughout the theater.Film has been exerting its peculiar fascination(魅力)on people for generations ever since it came into being, for it has strikingly wonderful features which make it unique and differen

10、t from any other forms of art. Man seems to have entered into a new era characterized with IT, and people enjoy having wide selections of entertainment forms thanks to the rapid development of information technology, yet film still has its artistic charm and appeals to people of different ages from

11、all walks of life.1. Film History(电影历史)The US Film(美国电影)The US was the first country to turn film into a popular form of entertainment and an important industry. Ever since the moment on December 28th, 1895 when the Lumiere brothers(卢米埃尔兄弟)started theater projection, and started as well the over-a-c

12、entury-long history of movies, this popular art has been affecting life for generations. Nevertheless, given American movies influence and position in the world, we should mention Thomas Edison as an important element, for he is still considered to be the father of motion pictures due to his extraor

13、dinary contributions to the field including his invention of the incandescent lamp(白炽灯)and the phonograph(留声机).The first full-length story film was The Great Train Robbery(火车大劫案)of 1903. From 1911 the center of the US film industry was Hollywood in California. Great developments in film technique we

14、re made by D. W. Griffith(格里菲斯).His famous Birth of Nation(一个国家的诞生, 1915 ) was the first major feature film(故事片)made in the US. At the same time the art of film comedy was taking shape at Mack Sennetts Keystone Studios, where Charlie Chaplin(查理斯卓别林)made his first short silent comedies(无声喜剧片).The US

15、was far from the battlefield in the First World War and its economy grew very rapidly during and after the war. During the decade 19211931, some called the golden period of silent films, successful stars, directors and cameramen began to be lured(被吸引)to Hollywood from abroad, infusing(注入)Hollywood w

16、ith new talents and different insights. Movies were attaining new heights in expression. Innovations(革新)in technique, content and structural forms were being introduced in films from Germany, France and Russia. While the art of the film was being developed in Hollywood, the business side of the film

17、 industry was constantly(不断地)growing, and the rise of the great studios formed and important part of the economic structure as Americans f locked(大量涌入) to the movies for their mass entertainment(大众娱乐).Even during the Great Depression(大萧条) Americans continued to find some coins to attend the local mo

18、vie house and be transported away from their troubles to the soothing balm(安慰剂)of the silver screen. Hence Hollywoods film making culminated(达到顶点)for the first time during the 1930s and the 1940s, and many distinguished(出色地)films came into being, such as Citizen Kane(公民凯恩), Great Dictator(大独裁者), Wat

19、erloo Bridge, Gone with the Wind , Rebecca , Casablanca , etc. , proving to be the classics in the history of world movies.In the 1950s American movies experienced an all time low. This was partly due to the competition of television, but also because of the collapse(溃败)of film-making monopoly(垄断) a

20、nd simply repeated film patterns which could not cater to(满足)the publics demand. Hi-tech(高科技)made new ways of film-making and new market exploration(市场开发)possible, but there was still a way to go before reaching the combination of hi-tech and film-making.In the 1960s Hollywood began to adjust hersel

21、f to the competing situation by cooperating with television, producing motion pictures and other things for TV. From 1970s on, Hollywood combined the new technology of video tape and DVD -with film-making, which helped keep it in the competition of cultural consumption(文化消费). Meanwhile, American fil

22、m artists shot films, like Jaw(大白鲨); Star Wars(星球大战); Superman(超人); and won the box office(票房)and audience as well. Since then, the American film-making industry has welcomed another blooming(繁荣)period.The Most influential revision of American film-making policy was that Hollywood no longer tried to

23、 conquer and build up the seller s market(卖方市场)but rather to adapt herself to(适应)the demand of the buyers market(买方市场), for example, many a film has been shot to reflect the current issues(当前市场)of American society. Since people started to meditate(思考)on tradition and materialism(唯物主义), the latter of

24、 which has been excessively developed, these were ethical films(伦理片): Wall Street(华尔街), Philadelphia(费城故事), Bridges of Madison County(廊桥遗梦); film on political issues(政治片): JFK(刺杀肯尼迪), One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest(飞越疯人院); war-theme films(战争片): Born on the Fourth of July(出生在七月四日), Schindlers List(辛德

25、勒的名单), Saving Private Ryan(拯救大兵瑞恩); recreation of American image(美国形象): Rookie(洛奇), Patton(巴顿将军), Forrest Gump(阿甘正传).With social development, human curiosity was stimulated(M$K greediness and fascination(被激发)with the alien world(异己世界). Directors liked to pursue high technology to make super movies w

26、ith lifelike effects on sound, picture, color, etc. The audience also enjoyed the visual and psychological stimulation from the science films like Star Wars, Alien(外星人); horror film(恐怖片)like Silence of the Lambs(沉默的羔羊); Scream The Omen(凶兆), and disaster films(灾难片)like Twister(龙卷风), Volcano(地火危城), Ea

27、rthquake(山崩地裂), etc.A young generation of directors, who has been well-educated at the university, focused on both aesthetic(美学)and commercial value. They were not restricted to plot-designing. They were inclined to create profound themes(深刻的主题), lifelike depictions(生活化的描述), natural casting(自然的表演)an

28、d to try out new technology. The 1997s 270-million-dollar-cost Titanic(泰坦尼克), which won 11 academic awards, was directed by James Cameron and satisfied the audiences demand for psychological comprehension and sensual stimulation.Another factor cannot be ignored, the acting excellence of the actors a

29、nd actresses, especially those modern types such as Marlon Brando(马龙白兰度), Dustin Hoffman(达斯廷霍夫曼), Tom Hanks(汤姆汉克斯), Arnold Schwarzenegger(阿诺德施瓦辛格), Tom Cruise(汤姆克鲁斯), Al Pacino(艾二帕西诺), Bruce Willis(布卢斯威利斯), Harrison Ford(哈里森福特), Michael Douglas(迈克尔道格拉斯), etc .The UK Film(英国电影)Europe was the birthpla

30、ce of film, but the early history of British cinema is not distinguished (出色). It was behind the US and even France and Italy. British was rather conservative(保守的)and lacked activeness following the First World War, because unlike the US, it sustained a vast amount of damage. This gave the US an opp

31、ortunity to export its own movies to Britain. When British actors and actresses found no promise at home, they poured into Hollywood; actors such as Victor Mclaglen(维克多麦克拉格伦)and George Arthur(乔治阿瑟).This was a great loss to the British film-making industry. The only director of importance to come for

32、ward during the silent period was Alfred Hitchcock(阿尔弗莱德希区柯克), who directed his first film in 1923, and worked in England until the late 1930s. Some actors emerged as film stars in Britain in the 30s: they include Michael Redgrave(迈克尔瑞德克利夫)and Ralph Richardson(拉夫瑞查森).In the 1930s a school of documentary-making artists appeared in Great Britain and produced a series of original documentaries(纪录片), which cast a new light on British films. John Grierson(约翰克里森)and Humphrey Jennings directed many fine documentaries during the Second World War. Both before and after the 1950s

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