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本文(版高中全程训练计划英语练习话题二 良好的人际关系与社会交往B.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

版高中全程训练计划英语练习话题二 良好的人际关系与社会交往B.docx

1、版高中全程训练计划英语练习话题二 良好的人际关系与社会交往B2019年4月话题二良好的人际关系与社会交往(B)A2019合肥市质量检测A seemingly small gesture at a restaurant outside Houston that wasnt part of the job description for a Waffle House waitress has now had a big effect on her life.It happened last weekend, when 18yearold Evoni Williams was serving an

2、elderly man breakfast. He needed help. So Williams leaned over the counter with a fork and a knife and cut up his ham for him. It might have ended there, but a customer named Laura Wolf was struck enough to take a picture and post it online.“I didnt know the photo was taken until a couple of hours l

3、ater,” Williams told The Houston Chronicle. “When I saw it, its just something I would do for anybody. I was so busy in here, and I actually took the time to stop and hear what he had to say instead of walking past him.”It apparently meant something to others too. As of Sunday, more than 130,000 peo

4、ple had reacted to the post and nearly 7,000 have shared it. But the story has extended beyond the Internet. Williams, a recent Texas City High School graduate, was honored at a ceremony Thursday with a $16,000 scholarship to Texas Southern University. Williams has reportedly been working fulltime a

5、t the Waffle House to earn money toward school. Texas Southern University has assigned a counselor to help her begin her degree and she is planning to study business management.Media at the local, national and international level have all picked up on the story. It is a moment among several in recen

6、t years, captured in a picture, put online, and capturing the attention of the Internet: like a New York City police officer giving a homeless man a pair of boots, or a restaurant goer whose wife died of cancer anonymously (匿名地) paying for the meal of another cancer patient.体裁:夹叙夹议文题材:社会生活主题:餐馆女服务员的

7、善举【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。Laura Wolf在饭馆吃饭时看到一位服务员帮助一个老人切火腿。她把这一幕拍下来传到网上,反响非常强烈,这件事对这位服务员后来的生活产生了很大的影响。【难句分析】A seemingly small gesture at a restaurant outside Houston that wasnt part of the job description for a Waffle House waitress has now had a big effect on her life.分析:that引导定语从句,先行词是small gesture, 在从句中作主

8、语。译文:在休斯敦郊外的一家餐厅里,一个看似小的举动,并不是Waffle House女服务员的部分工作内容,现在却对她的生活产生了很大的影响。词汇积累:lean v. 靠在;倚靠;倾斜extend v. 扩大的范围(或影响)assign v分派;委派;分配capture v. 拍摄;捕获1Why did Laura Wolf take the photo and post it online?AShe was really into recording some small gestures.BShe wanted to draw attention to the restaurant.CSh

9、e was touched by the considerate waitress.DShe got paid by the restaurant to do so.答案与详细分析:C考查细节理解。由第二段最后一句“It might have ended there, but a customer named Laura Wolf was struck enough to take a picture and post it online.”可知,Laura Wolf被女服务员的体贴入微所感动,因此拍下了照片并将其上传到网上。选C项。2What words can be used to bes

10、t describe Evoni Williams?AIndependent and caring. BPatient and curious.CKind and generous. DEnergetic and lucky.答案与详细分析:A考查推理判断。由第二段第三句“So Williams leaned over the counter with a fork and a knife and cut up his ham for him.”及第四段“Williams has reportedly been working fulltime at the Waffle House to e

11、arn money toward school.”可知,Williams既体贴又独立。选A项。3Why is a New York City police officer mentioned in the last paragraph?ATo prove the power of the media.BTo advocate helping those in need.CTo show more people tend to use the Internet.DTo argue the Internet is the center of attention.答案与详细分析:A考查目的意图。通读

12、最后一段可知,作者提出了自己的观点,即媒体的影响是大的。后面以纽约警察的例子来进行例证,故提到纽约警察是为了证明媒体的影响力很大。选A项。4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AWide Web, Colorful LifeBSmall Gesture, Big EffectCLittle Effort, Big RewardDYoung Mind, Great Influence答案与详细分析:B考查标题概括。第一段开门见山点明了文章的主题:一个看似不起眼的举动,却有很大的影响。后面具体讲述了这个貌似不起眼的举动

13、是怎样对服务员产生巨大影响的。选B项。B2019石家庄模拟As a teenager, I terrorized my mother. We often quarreled about whether or not I would empty the dishwasher, take out the trash, or clear the dinner plates. My brothers referred to these infamous screaming matches as World War every time a battle began. The fights lasted

14、 as long as my mother could put up with my sharp tongue and snide remarks, after which I was sent to my room without dinner.Now we dont argue anymore. Its not because Ive matured, gotten married, and left my parents house, but because my mother cannot utter (发出) enough words to form sentences. Her b

15、rain is a mess like a room full of people speaking different languages with no interpreter that cannot communicate.At fiftyfour, she was diagnosed with earlyonset Alzheimers disease and now, four years later, she is completely dependent on my family and me to function. We feed her, dress her, bathe

16、her, drive her around, and pray that the disease progresses slowly.Alzheimers has changed both the relationship we share as a mother and daughter and the fundamental beliefs that guide my life. I now believe that I am fortunate to have the opportunity to give back to my mother with the same love and

17、 devotion she always shared with me.I visit her as often as my schedule permits. Sometimes I share stories with her, reducing any details to basic terms that she can understand. Sometimes we sit in silence and comment every now and then about how good the coffee is. “Makes you feel good,” she tells

18、me, talking about the coffee, and I want to say the same thing about the time spent with her. I am so grateful for these moments, for the experiences we share, and for the chance to make up for the way I treated her years earlier. The funny thing is that she may never remember those arguments.体裁:记叙文

19、题材:社会生活主题:母亲和女儿之间的爱【文章大意】该文主要讲述了母亲在得了阿尔茨海默病后,作者对母亲的细心、体贴照顾的故事。【难句分析】The fights lasted as long as my mother could put up with my sharp tongue and snide remarks, after which I was sent to my room without dinner.分析:本句是一个复合句。as long as此处表示“和一样(时间)长”,后一个as引导比较状语从句;which引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中和after一起作状语。译文:斗争一直持

20、续到母亲能够容忍我的伶牙俐齿和尖酸的言辞,之后我就被关在自己的屋里不准吃饭了。5What does the underlined word “matches” probably refer to?AGames. BRemarks.CArguments. DMoments.答案与详细分析:C考查词义猜测。根据最后一段最后一句“The funny thing is that she may never remember those arguments”可推知,此处的matches是指作者和母亲当时的那些争论,与第二段第一句“Now we dont argue anymore”呼应,故选C。6Wha

21、t changed the relationship between the author and her mother?AHer basic beliefs. BHer mothers disease.CHer being mature. DHer mothers devotion.答案与详细分析:B考查细节理解。根据第二段第二句“Its not because Ive matured,gotten married,and left my parents house, but because my mother cannot utter(发出)enough words to form sen

22、tences”可知,作者之所以不再和母亲起冲突是因为母亲患病了,语言沟通上出了问题,根据第四段第一句也可知答案,故选B。7How does the author feel when telling the story?ASad. BFunny.CAnxious. DThankful.答案与详细分析:D考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“I now believe that.she always shared with me”及最后一段倒数第二句“I am so grateful for these moments,for the experiences we share,and for the ch

23、ance to make up for the way I treated her years earlier”可知,作者在讲述这个故事时,对有机会报答母亲对自己的爱心存感激,故选D。C2019惠州调研I was selfish as a teenager. I usually spent my time thinking about myself and taking care of my own needs. I let my older brother do most of the work around the house until he left for college. I le

24、t my mom and dad worry about our bills and problems while I read books, played, and lost myself in my own imagination. This didnt change even when I went to college either. I studied hard but only to make my own life better. Even when I started to explore my faith, it was only to increase my own hap

25、piness.I married after graduation and decided to start a family. Of course, I had no idea what hard knocks reality had in store for my selfish soul. Soon I found myself unemployed, deeply in debt, and with a new baby on the way. I found out that life has little sympathy for spoiled people. In fact,

26、all of the struggles I was going through were beating the selfishness slowly out of me.Still, I didnt give up on happiness. I knew that there must be a way to find it. I finally realized, however, that it had to include more than just my own needs, wants, and desires. The answer began to make itself

27、 clear one night shortly after my baby boy was born. I got a bottle and held him in my arms. As I was feeding him I looked down and saw his big, innocent, trusting eyes. I smiled and talked to him. Then he smiled and I could feel my heart growing, expanding with love. I felt such peace and joy. At t

28、hat moment I had a hint of the truth: it is by growing our hearts with love that we find our happiness.Carolyn Arends wrote: “The more people you let into your heart, the bigger your heart gets. The more love you get, the more love you have to give. It just keeps growing.” So, keep loving, keep livi

29、ng and keep caring. Keep growing your heart today, tomorrow, and always.体裁:夹叙夹议文题材:人生感悟主题:爱他人即幸福【文章大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要讲述作者由一个自私的人成长为一个心中对他人有爱的人,也明白了“爱他人即幸福”的道理的经历。【难句分析】The more people you let into your heart, the bigger your heart gets.分析:本句包含“the比较级,the比较级”的结构,意为“越就越”。译文:你让越多的人进入你的心里,你的心就会变得越大。8What

30、do we know about the author from the first paragraph?AHe often helped his brother with housework.BHe studied hard for his family.CHe put his own needs above others.DHe was concerned about his family.答案与详细分析:C考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“let my older brother do most of the work”“let my mom and dad worry about our

31、bills and problems”“This didnt change even when I went to college either”“I studied hard but only to make my own life better”和“it was only to increase my own happiness”的描述可推知,作者在青少年时期较为自私,行为处事总是只考虑自己,几乎不为家人考虑,即他把自己的需要放在别人的需要之上。选C项。9What did the author realize after he suffered in life?ASpoiled peopl

32、e cant survive the hardship of life.BLife is cruel to spoiled people.CSpoiled people are never happy in life.DSelfishness is helpful.答案与详细分析:B考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Soon I found myself unemployed, deeply in debt, and with a new baby on the way. I found out that life has little sympathy for spoiled people”可知,作者在经历了人生的失意后,终于发现生活对被宠坏的人是残酷的。选B项。10What can be inferred from the passage?AThe author loved ki

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