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3、的特点、本书的编写分工及其致谢等。字数最好在1000字左右,不要超过1400字。4.全书章节 标题序号一般采用阿拉伯数字,即一级标题用诸如第1章的形式,二级标题用诸如1.1的形式,三级标题用1.1.1的形式,四级标题以下要灵活处理,如果全书的标题不是很多,可以不采用1.1.1.1形式,而直接用1.的形式;五级标题用1)形式,六级标题用(1)的形式,但是注意全书各级标题符号要一致。当然,部分章节可以跨级使用标题,如有的章节中不必用到1.1.1,而直接用1.的形式等。 在此,需要特别指出的是,各级相邻标题内容不能完全一样,如下面的就不应该出现。 1.1概率函数 1.概率函数5. 图 (1)按照先文

4、后图的原则,一般有诸如“如图11所示,或者见图11”的语言,然后才有对应的图出现。杜绝无文就出现图的现象。 (2)图应该紧密排在相关文字的后面。 (3)做到每图都有图题,且图题排在图的下面居中。图题是有图序号和图题文组成的,图序号采用按章编号的原则,图题文用简要的文字概括图所反映的意思,图序号和图题文之间空一个字的间隔。形式如:图11 气体密度分布(也可以:图11 气体密度分布图)。 特别说明的是,若图用计算机画特别费力时,较困难时,您可以用手画稿来处理或者扫描已经存在的图象。但要注意的是,要标注是哪一章,哪一节的图(注明图题)。6. 表表的形式和图的编排原则一致,即先文后表,表题如:表11

5、物质密度分布(也可以:表11 物质密度分布表),表题要排在表的正上方,居中排。表中数字一般对齐的原则是:先范围号,后正负号,再小数点。特别说明的是,若表用计算机画特别费时,较困难时,您可以用手画稿来处理,但要注意的事要标注在哪一章,哪一节的表(注明表题)。7. 各种符号书中的希腊文和外文字母应该分清,如分不清时,在旁边注明。8. 参考文献 按照:序号 作者. 书名. 出版地(城市,不是省份).:出版社, 出版年 的顺序排,但应注意,如果作者多于三个,要注意排到第三个作者,然后加 “等”。如:1李瀚逊电路分析基础版北京:高等教育出版社,1993. 书2周守昌中美竞争力研究D北京:北京交通大学经济

6、与管理学院,1999. 论文3THOMAS R E, ROSA A JThe Analysis and design of linear circuit2nd ed. Prentice Hall Inc, 1998 . 英文4赵立.三个代表的新发展. 参考消息,2008-05-27. 报纸 5赵世强电子电路EDA技术发展信息学报,2000,2(7). 期刊6王楚,余道衡,王力, 等电路分析北京:北京大学出版社,2000. 三个以上作者情况7MAYD T M 电路分析刘旦,译. 北京:北京大学出版社,2000. 翻译9. 文中资料出处格式同参考文献,若是能够加上详细页码,更好,并且报刊/杂志/网

7、络的格式如下:作者. 文章名. 报刊或者杂志,日期(年月日,)作者. 文章名. 网络名称,日期(年月日,)例如:戎贤. 土木工程概预算方法. 建筑科学,2006-01-12.戎贤. 土木工程概预算方法. .,2006-01-12.其余未说明的,均按照自己的方便来。最后,祝您工作顺利! 北京交通大学出版社 研究:女司机更容易出车祸 Women drivers ARE more dangerous behind Truth to a stereotype?Women drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident, scientists

8、found after analysing data from 6.5million car crashes. Get Flash Player Women drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident, according to scientists. Researchers looked at 6.5million car crashes and found a higher than expected number of accidents between two female drivers. They also disco

9、vered that women have a tough time negotiating crossroads, T-junctions and slip roads. The results are even more surprising given that men spend more time behind the wheel than women. On average, men drive 60 percent of the time, and women 40 percent.Michael Sivak, of the University of Michigan, sai

10、d: The results indicate that in certain crash scenarios, male-to-male crashes tend to be under-represented and female-to-female crashes tend to be over-represented.Dr Sivak and his colleague Brandon Schoettle studied data from a nationally representative sample of police-reported crashes in the US f

11、rom 1988 to 2007.They had expected to find that accidents involving two male drivers would make up 36.2 percent of all crashes, while female/female accidents would account for 15.8 percent and male/female 48 percent.Instead, they discovered that accidents involving two women drivers were 20.5 percen

12、t, while male/male crashes were much lower at 31.9 percent. Accidents involving male and female drivers stood at 47.6 percent, as expected. The scientists also found that women were more likely than men to crash at a junction - their cars are often hit on the left-hand side when trying to make a rig

13、ht-hand turn, and vice versa. Dr Sivak said this might be due to height difference between the sexes.He said: There are three dominant driver-related factors, including the probability of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, ones own driving skills and the driving skills of the other driver i

14、nvolved. 研究人员查看了650万个车祸案例,发现双方都是女司机时发生的交通事故比预想的要多。 他们还发现,女司机驾车通过十字路口、丁字路口和支路比较困难。 考虑到男性驾车时间比女性更长,这一研究结果更令人吃惊。平均来看,60%的时间是男性开车, 40%的时间是女性开车。 密歇根大学的迈克尔西瓦克说:“研究结果表明,在特定的车祸场景下,男司机和男司机相撞的事故不够具有代表性,而女司机和女司机相撞的事故则很常见。 西瓦克博士和他的同事布兰顿舒奥托研究了1988年到2007年警方报道的全美具有代表性的车祸案例资料。他们本以为所看到的两个男司机相撞的事故会占所有交通事故的36.2%,而两个女司

15、机相撞的事故会占15.8%,男女司机相撞的事故会占48%。 结果他们发现两个女司机相撞的事故占了20.5%,两个男司机相撞的事故比例则比预想的低得多,为31.9% 男女司机相撞的事故比例为47.6%,和预想的差不多。 科学家还发现,和男司机相比,女司机在交叉路口撞车的可能性更高,她们的车经常在试图向右拐的时候在左侧被撞上,反之亦然。 西瓦克博士说,这可能是由男女身高的差异造成的。他说:“跟司机有关的三大主要车祸原因包括:在错误的时间出现在错误的地点、本人的驾驶技术,以及对方司机的驾驶技术。” Vocabulary: negotiate: to successfully get over or

16、past a difficult part on a path or route 通过,越过(险要路段) slip road: a road used for driving onto or off a motorway/freeway(进出高速公路的)支路,岔道 scenario: a description of how things might happen in the future(场景;设想;方案;预测) under-represented: 代表性不足 over-represented: 代表人数超出比例的 驻英大使英国心脏细胞基金会午餐会讲话 在我为英国心脏细胞基金会举行午餐会

17、之前,我查阅了一下相关资料。令我吃惊的是,据世界经济论坛年度全球风险报告,在影响世界经济的众多因素中,慢病造成的疾病风险和经济负担高达1万亿美元,甚至大于金融危机的影响。而在各种慢病中,根据世界卫生组织的研究,心血管疾病成为威胁人类生命的“头号杀手”。在中国,每十个成年人就有两人患心血管病,可能与英国的发病率相差无几。因此,中国国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020年)将“心脑血管病等重大非传染疾病防治”列为人口与健康领域的优先主题。Before I host this lunch for the Heart Cells Foundation, I looked up some

18、background information about the correlation between health and the economy a few days ago.I had some surprise findings. Apparently, the annual report of the World Economic Forum on global risks puts chronic diseases as a leading factor affecting the health of the global economy. Treatment of these

19、diseases costs the world 1 trillion US dollars every year. This means a greater burden on the global economy than even the financial crisis.Cardiovascular diseases cause particular damage. According to the WHO, they are the number one killer among deaths caused by diseases. In China, every two out o

20、f ten adults suffer from some form of cardiovascular illnesses, similar to the figure in the UK. That is why the Chinese Guideline for National Scientific and Technological Development for the Medium to Long Term (2006-2020) has taken the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases as a prio

21、rity area in the field of population and health.人类应对心血管疾病,当然是要从预防着手,培养良好的生活习惯,比如注意饮食均衡和经常锻炼身体,但一旦患 病,积极治疗也是必不可少。在此,我要赞赏英国心脏细胞基金会,你们大力筹募善款,支持利用干细胞治疗心脏系统疾病的临床研究,帮助患者重获新生。Prevention is the best way to deal with cardiovascular diseases. We can protect ourselves through a healthy way of living. We should

22、 have a balanced diet and regular exercises. But active treatment is equally important if unfortunately the illness occurs. One potential treatment is through stem cell research. The Heart Cells Foundation has been raising funds to support clinical research on finding the latest cure of this killer

23、disease through stem cell. This research could lead to lives being saved. I highly admire and commend your efforts.你们所支持的研究,我想不仅对英国是一件大好事,而且也有益于世界,因为“科学无国界”,健康是人类共同的福祉。The research you are funding is not only beneficial to people in this country, but for the whole world. Science goes beyond national

24、 borders. Health and well-being is a common blessing for all mankind. 驻英大使英国心脏细胞基金会午餐会讲话近年来,中英在健康和卫生领域开展了良好的合作与交流。昨天,中国国务院总理温家宝刚刚成功结束对英国的正式访问。访问的目的就是推动中英各领域的合作,其中包括生命科学和卫生领域的合作。China and the UK have worked closely together in addressing health challenges in recent years. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao h

25、as just concluded his two-day official visit to the UK. His visit produced important results in further promoting our cooperation in two-way trade and investment, and people-to-people exchanges. The two sides also explored potential cooperation in the areas of life sciences and health.在本月初举行的中英政府间科技

26、联委会第六次会议上,中英双方决定共同将人口健康领域确定为中英在今后两年重点科技合作领域之一。Earlier this month we convened the sixth session of the China-UK Joint Commission on Science and Technology. During this session, population and health was identified as a key area of scientific cooperation between our two countries in the coming two yea

27、rs.中国当前也在完善基本医疗卫生制度,特别是加强社区卫生服务体系,而英国是现代社区医疗服务的发源地,有不少成功经验。我听说,中国不少地方专门请英国的社区卫生服务专家赴华讲课指导和传授经验。我上周还看到报道,中国决定建立全科医生制度,而我们知道,早在整整100年前,也就是1911年,英国就在世界上首创了这一制度。China is engaged in an ongoing effort to build and improve its basic medical care system. Special emphasis will be given to community health se

28、rvices. As the birthplace of modern primary health services, Britain has a lot of useful experience that may offer guidance to other countries. I am glad to learn that British health care experts were invited to several cities in China to give lectures and share good practices with Chinese hospitals

29、 and health care agencies. Another report last week also shows that China has decided to establish general practice clinics, another institution that has its origins in Britain a hundred years ago.近年来,中国科学家在利用干细胞治疗心脏系统疾病方面做出了不懈努力,也取得了一定成果。但在一些前沿领域上,例如成体干细胞应用技术方面,中国与世界先进水平还有差距,因此我们鼓励和支持中国科学家同包括英国在内的国

30、际同行加强合作和交流。Chinese scientists have worked hard in recent years to explore stem cell treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Some progress has been made. But China still lags behind in some cutting-edge areas such as adult stem cell application. We would very much hope to see greater exchanges and coll

31、aboration among the scientific communities of our two countries across the whole range of science and health areas. Stem cell research on heart diseases should no doubt be part of our exchanges.我希望中英两国在包括干细胞治疗心脏病等生命科学、卫生健康领域的交流与合作不断加强,取得更多更新的成果。Greater collaboration benefits both of us, as it helps

32、to strengthen our respective capacities to deliver better and more effective health care to our two peoples.最后,祝愿心脏细胞基金会越办越好,帮助更多需要帮助的人、救治更多需要救治的人。Before I conclude, I wish the Heart Cells Foundation every success in your future endeavours. I hope and I am sure that the stronger you become, the more people you will be able to help.谢谢!Thank you. 高级笔译翻译技巧:名家教你巧翻长难句_中级口译|高级口译|口译笔译_可可英语分享到. 翻译长句时首先

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