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1、八年级英语下册期末考试试题吉州区20092010学年度第一学期期末质量检测八年级英语试卷听力测试(20分)一、听下面十段对话,每段对话都有一小题。昕完每段对话后你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 (每小题1分)( )l、Where are the two speakers? A、In a restaurant BOn a farm C、At the mans home( )2、Whats the mans job? A、A worker B、A taxi driver C、A shop assistant( )3、What is the boy going to

2、buy? A、some juice B、some oranges C、some apples( )4、Who has brown hair? A、Annas father B、Annas mother C、Annas brother( )5、What are they talking about? A、Buying a birthday present B、Learning English C、Having a birthday party( )6、How is the weather? A、Windy B、Rainy C、Snowy( )7、When is Marys birthday? A

3、、On May 4th B、On May 5th C、On May 6th( )8、How old is Mrs Smiths son? A、14 B、17 C、11( )9、How long did the girl study for the test? A、Three hours B、Four hours C、Six hours( )10、Where will the woman go first? A、To the movies B、To the bank C、To the concert二、听下面两段对话,听完第一段对话后回答第1112小题。昕完第二段对话回答第1315小题,听完每段

4、对话后你都有40秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)( )11、What would Mary like to do? A、To watch the basketball match B、To play basketball with Class 1C、To watch the baseball match( )12Why cant Nary get there early?A、Because she has to do her homeworkB、Because she has to clean the classroomC、Because she has 1

5、0 wash her clothes( )13How often does Linda go to her school piano club?A、Once a week B、Twice a week C、Once a month( )14How far is it from Lindas home to school?A、Three miles B、Five miles C、Fifteen miles( )15How long does it take by subway?A、An hour and a half B、Half all hour C、An hour三、听短文,完成表格。短文读

6、两遍。(5分)笔试部分(80分)四、单项填空。(15分)( )2l、一Can you come to my birthday party next Sunday? 一OK,thanks a lot_ A、Yes,please B、Yes, I would C、Id love to D、Ive no idea( )22、He sometimes goes to work _ A、by foot B、on bus C、by the bike D、by bus( )23、一He doesnt tell me when he_ 一III telephone you if he_ A、will come

7、;comes B、will come;will come C、come;will come D、come;comes( )24、The old man began to learn to drive a car at the age of_ A、sixty B、the sixtieth C、sixty years old D、sixties( )25、Heres my little eatPlease _ it while lm away A、look after B、look up C、look for D、look at( )26、一Why not _ the music club? 一I

8、m sorryI cant sing or dance A、to join B、join C、joining D、to join in( )27、一did he stay in London? 一For more than a weekA、How often B、How long Chow far D、how much( )28、一Walt,we have few vegetables for dinnerCould you please go and buy_? 一SureBut I dont have _ money A、any;any B、some;any C、any;Some D、so

9、me:some( )29、The number of _ in our class _ fifty A、students;is B、the students:Are C、the students;is Dstudents:are( )30、一Do you know Hangzhou? Hangzhou is famous _ West Lake A、as B、because of C、for D、like( )3l、Chen Hong is _ in our class A、tall B、taller C、tallest D、the tallest( )32、My father makes m

10、e _ every morning Aexercise Bexercises Cto exercise Dexercising( )33、Where and when he _? A、did;born B、was;born C、are;born D、do;bear( )34、He does very _ running A、good at B、bad at C、well in D、better in( )35、There is going to _ a match this afternoon A、have B、has C、be D、is五、完形填空。(15分) A man in a town

11、 had a parrotThere was no other parrot _36_ this oneIt was not only beautiful and smartThis parrot could_37_ any word except (除了)oneIt _38_ say the name of the village where it was bornThe _39_ of the town was CanatoThe man tried to teach it to say“Canato”,_40_the bird wouldnt say itThen the man got

12、 _41_ that he shouted again and again”SayCanato_42_ Ill kill you!”But the bird wouldnt talk One day,the man picked up the bird and threw(扔)it _43_ the chicken house“You are _44_ more stupid(愚蠢)than the chickensSoon Ill eat you”In the chicken house there were _45_ old chickensThey were _46_dinnerThe

13、next day,the man came back _47_ the chicken houseHe opened the door and _48_He was _49_ to see what he had seenThere,on the floor,were three _50_ ChickensAnd the parrot was screaming at the last chicken”SayCanato,or Ill kill you, too!”( )36、A、like B、look like C、seem D、looks( )37、A、talk B、tell C、spea

14、k D、say( )38、A、wouldnt B、cant C、couldnt D、could( )39、A、place B、man C、home D、name( )40、A、and B、so C、but D、because( )4l、A、angry B、so angry C、very angry D、too angry( )42、A、but B、however C、or D、and( )43、A、into B、out of C、away from D、from( )44、A、so B、even C、many D、more( )45、A、an B、two C、five D、four( )46、

15、A、on B、with C、at D、for( )47、A、for B、with C、to D、form( )48、A、went B、stopped C、went out D、moved in( )49、A、happy B、interested C、surprised D、crying( )50、A、dead(死亡的) B、died(死) C、death(死亡) D、dieing六、阅读理解。(40分)A One day a policeman was taking a thief to the cityOn the waythey saw a shopThe thief said,“Let

16、me go into the shop to buy some bread、We can eat it in the train” The policeman agreedThe thief went into the shop and ran out of the back doorWhen the policeman knew that,he began to look for the thief everywhereAt last the policeman caught the thief againThey went on to the cityOn the way they cam

17、e to the same shopThe thief wanted to buy some bread again“Oh,no,”said the policeman“you did that before,and you ran awayThis time Ill go into the shop and buy breadYou must wait here for me”( )51、What was the policeman doing one day? A、Catching a thief with others B、doing nothing C、Taking a thief t

18、o the city D、walking to the city by himself( )52、On the way the thief asked to _ A、buy some food to eat B、let him free C、take a rest D、walk slowly( )53、When the thief went into the shop,he ran out of _ A、the back door B、the back window C、the front door D、the front window( )54、Which of the following

19、is right? A、At last the policeman caught the thief again、 B、The policeman looked for the thiefbut he didnt find him C、The thief was caught again by other policemen D、The policeman went back with the thief( )55、From the last three sentences we know that the policeman was very _ A、brave(勇敢的) B、careful

20、 C、clever D、foolish(愚蠢)B New Year is comingDo you have any plans for yourself? Lett look at the following kids New years plans根据表格内容,选择最佳选项。( )56、Joe likes eating _ very much Afruit Bpizza CFrench fries D、hamburgers( )57、_ is interested in Chinese culture,history and food AAlice BSilly CJoe D、Tony(

21、)58、Alice is going to take a trip to _ A、China B、Canada C、Japan D、Australia( )59、_ have health problems A、Joe and Silly B、Silly and Tony C、Tony and Alice D、Joe and Tony( )60、Which of the following is TRUE? A、Joe is happy to get the name“Fat joe” B、Silly is tired of the Chinese lesson now C、Tony will

22、 take his doctor。s advice on food D、Alice is interested in Japanese culture,history and foodC Once there was an old man、He always forgot things One day the old man went on。a long trip by himselfBefore he left home, his wife (妻子)said,You have all the things you need for your tripTake care of them”He

23、then went to the station,bought a ticket and got on the train About half all hour later,the conducto(售票员)began to cheek everyones ticketHe came up to the old man and said。”Could you please show me your ticket?”The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets(口袋),but he could not find itHe was ve

24、ry worried“I cant find my ticketI definitely(确实)bought one before I got on the train”said the old man “I believe you bought a ticketAll right,you dont have to buy another one”said the conductor kindly“But、how can I know where Im going? I cant remember my station!” the old man said 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。( )6

25、1、The old man in the story _ A、liked traveling B、had lots of money C、always forgot things D、was very kind( )62、Which of the following is TRUE about the ticket?A、The old man forgot to buy itB、The old man did not remember where it wasC、The old man showed it to the conductorD、The old mans wife took it

26、( )63The conductor _ the old manA、knew B、laughed at C、believed D、felt sorry for( )64The old man was worried because _A、he had to buy another ticketB、he lost all the things his wife gave himC、he didnt know where he got onD、he didnt know where he should get off(下车)( )65Whats the best title for the pas

27、sage?A、A Forgetful Man B、A Kind ConductorC、A Long Trip D、A Ticket,D 先阅读短文,掌握其大意。然后从方框中的七个选项中选择五个还原到短文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。(每小题2分) lax is a very clever boyHe is only three years oldbut he learns quicklyHis mom teaches him many things,and he remembers all of themOne day his mother said to him, _66_,That is

28、911You must memorize(记住)it if anything happens and you need help, this is the number to call_67_ One morning,Max and his mother were at homeHis mother was ill,so she took some medicineBut the medicine did not go down her throat and made it difficult for her to speak_68_ He picked up the phone and ca

29、lled 91l right away “Hello,Mom is dying、Please help us, ”Max cried on the phone“_69_ Tell me your name and where you live”the woman on the other end of the line asked Max to told her about it and in ten minutes a ca came to Maxs house_70_ Now you see how important it is to keep some important telephone numbers in mind七、写作。 (10分) 请以“I want to be a(an) _ ”为题写一篇短文,词数不少于60词。内容必须包括对提示中的三个问题的回答。请不要使用真实姓名及所在学校的名称。 提示:l、What do you want to be?2、Why do you want to be a (an)?3、How can you make it come true?_

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