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Economics 1.docx

1、Economics 11. 掌握如何计算price elasticity of demand and interpret 价格变化与需求变化的关系,详见note page5-6 例题2. Giffen good: is an inferior good, 价格下降时,需求量下降(因为收入对Giffen的影响大于替代品的影响-收入呈负影响,收入越高,Giffen需求越少,而替代品都是正影响,所以价格下降时,相当于收入增加,导致需求减少),价格上升时,需求量上升;比如1万元刷油漆的预算,实际上好油漆涨价了(价格上升),为了平衡预算,只能多买点差的油漆(需求量上升),其中差的油漆就是吉芬品Veble

2、n good: not an inferior good; a higher price makes good more desirable. Like GUCCIVeblen goods violate the fundamental axioms of demand theory, which have a positive sloped demand curve over some range of prices;3. GDP deflator (GDP紧缩指数) is a price index that can be convert nominal GDP into real GDP

3、;GDP deflator for year t= nominal GDP in year t/ (real GDP in year t)*100Base year的nominal and real GDP are the same;4. Using the expenditure approach:GDP= C+I+G+(X-M) C: 消费,I: 投资;G: 政府采购;X: 出口;M: 进口 GDP = Consumer spending on goods and services + Business gross fixed investment + Change in inventor

4、ies + Government spending on goods and services + Government gross fixed investment + Exports Imports + Statistical discrepancyUsing the income approach:GDP=national income + capital consumption allowance + statistical discrepancy Capital consumption allowance 资本消耗扣除:the amount would have to be rein

5、vested to maintain the productivity of physical capital 有型资本;Statistical discrepancy 统计偏差:是由于收入法和支出法计算产生的差异而调整的部分;Or GDP= C+S+T因为total income = total expenditures,所以会有以下等式:(G-T) = (S-I) (X-M) G: 政府采购,T: 政府净税收入,S: savings,I: 投资,X: 出口,M: 进口;其中G-T是fiscal balance,X-M是trade balance;5. 总供给曲线的影响因素:refer to

6、 手册page 746. 经济周期各阶段特征: refer to 手册page 92-937. 货币乘数Money multiplier= 1/ reserve requirement=1/0.25=4Money created= new deposit / reserve requirement 例如purchase $1 security, required reserve ratio= 15%, maximum increase in the money supply = 1/ 0.15= $6.678. Money supply增加,则会导致多余的money购买债券,导致债券价格上升利

7、率下降;Money supply降低,则会导致money紧缺,通过卖债券来获取货币,导致债券价格下降利率上升;Central bank purchases securities-cash replace securities-banks have excess reverses, more funds available for lending-money supply increase-interest rate decrease等央行买债券,那利率就跌了;等央行卖债券收cash,cash 少了,利率涨了;Central bank sells securities-cash replace

8、securities-bank has less reverses-reserve requirement increase-decrease the fund for lending-money supply decrease-interest rate increase;interbank lending rates decrease effects:- Market rate decrease;- Asset prices increases because lower discount rates are used for computing present values;- Rais

9、e expectations for economic growth and profitability;- Domestic currency depreciates-利率和汇率成正比;Policy rate上涨,导致长期利率上涨,国内投资借贷减少,增加海外对国内投资吸引力,从而增加国内货币需求,导致国内货币升值,出口货物增值,导致出口减少;减少overnight lending rate会鼓励借贷,扩张货币供应;当政策利率 中性利率,紧缩性货币政策;美国债贴现率是中性利率;当政策利率 neutral rate, contractionary If policy rate 1富有弹性价格与总

10、支出反向变动绝对值=1单位弹性价格变动不影响支出绝对值1奢侈品需求变动比例大于收入变动比例正数且1必需品需求变动比例小于收入变动比例负数劣质品需求变动与收入变动成反比需求交叉弹性其他产品的价格正数替代品A产品价格上升,B产品需求上升负数互补品A产品价格上升,B产品需求下降另外,弧弹性可用于只有两个点的需求量与价格信息时的弹性的计算:E= (Q1-Q0)/ (Q1+Q0) / (P1-P0)/ (P1+P0)4. Substitution effect替代效应:总会导致由于商品价格下降而需求量上升的情况;Income effect收入效应:是指一种商品价格下降(上升)而使消费者的实际收入(消费者

11、的消费可能性)扩大(缩小)所引起的那部分消费量增加(减少);3 possible outcomes of a decrease in the price of Good X:1. Substitution effect is positive, and income effect is positive-consumption of Good X will increase;2. Substitution effect is positive, and income effect is negative but smaller than the substitution effect-cons

12、umption of Good X will increase;3. Substitution effect is positive, and income effect is negative and larger than the substitution effect-consumption of Good X will decrease;5. Shutdown and break even Under perfect competition: 前提条件是price= marginal revenue= average revenueIf average revenue AVC (ave

13、rage variable cost), short-term should shut down;If AVC average revenue ATC, 盈利;Shutdown and breakeven Under imperfect competition: 前提条件是price marginal revenueTR: total revenue; TC= total cost; TVC= total variable costIf TR=TC, breakeven;If TC TR TVC: firm should continue to operate in short run but

14、 shut down in the long run;If TR TVC: firm should shut down in the short run and the long run;6. 边际收益(Marginal Revenue)是指增加一单位产品的销售所增加的收益,即最后一单位产品的售出所取得的收益。它可以是正值或负值。边际收益是厂商分析中的重要概念。利润最大化的一个必要条件是边际收益等于边际成本,此时边际利润等于零,达到利润最大化。 在完全竞争条件下,任何厂商的产量变化都不会影响价格水平,需求弹性对个别厂商来说是无限的,总收益随销售量增加同比例增加,边际收益等于平均收益,等于价格。

15、Marginal cost = total cost的变化值/ quantity的变化值Marginal revenue per unit = total revenue的变化值 / quantity的变化值7. 按照垄断程度排序: perfect competition monopolistic competition 垄断竞争 oligopoly 寡头 Pk 时,表明一个公司调高价格,其余公司不跟着调价,导致即使小幅调高价格,demand也会大幅缩水,可能会失去市场份额;price AC时,新公司才会进入市场8. HHI (Herfindahl-hirschman Index) 的算法就是

16、把每个公司所占市场份额比例平方后求和,目的是better reflects the effect of mergers on industry concentration.9. 哪些包括在GDP里,哪些不包括在GDP里:包括在GDP里的定义: market values of final goods and services, which is, goods and services will not be resold or used in the production of other goods and services;- Goods and services provided by

17、government: 比如警察和法官的服务,基础设施建设;- 自住房屋和租房服务; 不包括在GDP里:- 电脑芯片 computer chips;- 名人字画:因为不是在当期生产的;- 环境污染;transfer payments made by the government (e.g. unemployment, retirement, and welfare benefits) are not economic output and are not included in the calculation of GDP;10. 最终产出价值法(value-of-final-output):

18、直接关注最终产品的价值;价值附加法(sum-of-value-added):首先考虑每一步的增值部分,然后加总;11. IS Curve VS LM CurveIS (investment-saving) & LM (liquidity-money)曲线必须分别满足两个条件:1. 总支出=总收入:计划支出=实现收入;2. 货币市场均衡:货币需求=货币供给;满足这两个条件后,总收入与价格水平呈现反向关系IS Curve 是基于S-I = (G-T) + (X-M), 从利率出发:利率提高,导致I 投资减少,为了平衡等式,S必须随之减少,而income 和 savings 成正比,所以利率提高,i

19、ncome降低,两者成反比;LM Curve是基于利率升高持有货币量降低的逻辑:M/P = (1/V) * Y ,其中M/P是real money supply (M=nominal money supply, P=Price level), 1/V是持有货币量,Y是收入;保持M/P不变,从Y升高出发,1/V必须随之降低,所以利率必须升高;利率和收入成正比;根据note page 60 figure 5会出现这个现象,收入不变的情况下,货币供应越高(M/P越高),利率越低;12. Aggregate demand curve (AD) VS Aggregate supply curve(AS)

20、AD总需求曲线是quantity of real output (real income)和price level 之间的关系-成反比,因为价格越高,生产的产品越贵,所以Output越少,也就导致real income越少;AS总供给曲线是price level 和quantity of real GDP supplied之间的关系:Very short run: price 不变,Output增长;因为时间很短,加班加点干;Short run: 成正比;Long run: 无论price 如何变化,output 不变;因为price level 变了,长期来看,都被工人工资抹平了;11和12

21、点总结:IS & LM曲线是利率和收入的关系;AD & AS曲线是价格和收入(GDP)的关系;手册page 70-总需求曲线的影响因素下列因素增加AD曲线移动原因股价向右:AD增加较高的消费房价向右:AD增加较高的消费消费者信心向右:AD增加较高的消费商业信心向右:AD增加较高的投资产能利用率向右:AD增加较高的投资政府采购向右:AD增加政府采购是总支出的一部分税收向左:AD减少较低的消费和投资汇率(外币/本币)向左:AD减少较低的出口,较高的进口全球经济增长向右:AD增加较高的出口手册page 74-总供给曲线的影响因素下列因素增加SRAS曲线移动LRAS曲线移动原因劳动力供给向右:SRAS增加向右:LRAS增加资源增加自然资源供给向右:SRAS增加向右:LRAS增加资源增加人力资本供给

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