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1、学年山东省六校高二阶段性联合考试英语A卷Word版听力山东省六校2020-2021学年高二阶段性联合考试英语(A卷)(时间:120分钟总分:150分)注意事项:1 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写 在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,只上交答题卡。第I卷(共95分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题15分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个

2、选项中选出最佳选 项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读 遍。听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的入B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。12.What do we know about the man journey?A.Drinking is not allowed.B.A lunch will be served.C.Hc can enjoy a video program 听第9段材料,

3、回答第13至16题。13.How long has the woman been in hospital?A.C.For two weeks.C.Uncertain.For one week B.For ten days14.When can the woman leave the hospital?A.In two weeks. B.Tomorrow.15.Whats the doctors suggestion for the woman?A.To have medical checks regularlyB.To take the medicine every day.C.To avoi

4、d any physical exercise16.How soon will the woman get well completely?A.In a few days B.In a long time. C.As soon as she leavesthe hospital.听第io段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What did Clara do during the Civil War?A.Shc joined the army.B.Shc helped the wounded.C.She urged to stop the war.18.What did Clara do afte

5、r the Civil War?A.Shc collected money to help the wounded.B.She considered setting up the American Red CrossC.Shc led a group to search for missing soldiers.19.When did Clara return from Switzerland?A.In 1869. B.In 1873. C. In 1881 20.How long did Clara serve as the American Red Crosses president?A.

6、Over 20 years. B.About 12 years. C.Ovcr 4 years.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AArizona State University(ASU)Summer ProgramsLogic and Leadership AcademyThe Leadership Society of Arizona(LSA)has created a fun leadership program based on 25

7、years of professional development research conducted at ASU.For registering on http:/ is providing you with a discount of$25.Date.Location and CostWeek I:May 28-June 1 Tempe Campus $ 350Week 2:June 10-14 West Campus $ 375Week 3:June 17-21 Polytechnic Campus $ 400Registra

8、tion opens April 1,2021Registration deadline is May L2021High School App CampThis program focuses on teaching the fundamentals of programming and computational thinking through iphonc app development.Course material will be covered using a hands-on approach that helps participants to learn challengi

9、ng concepts through practiceDate.Location and CostJuly 8-12 Tempe Campus $625Registration opens March L2021Registration deadline is June 24,2021The Art of Invention:Escape Room Maker CampJoin us and practice your skills in science technologyxngineering.arts,and math (STEAM)concepts while exploring,d

10、csigning.and solving puzzles toMescapeHthc room!Thc camp will end with the design and construction of your ownMroomHfor your family and friends to escape on the last day of the campDate.Location and CostJuly 15-19 Chandler Innovation Center $ 250Registration opens February 4,2021Registration deadlin

11、e is July &2021High School Game CampWhy just play video games when you can learn to create and produce your own?If you are entering grades 9-12,this two-weck video game design and art camp will teach you cutting-cdge 3D art production.Date.Location and CostJune 3-14 Tempe Campus $650Registration ope

12、ns March 1,2021Registration deadline is June L202121.If you register online for the leadership course starting on June 10,how much should you pay?A.$ 325 B.S35O C.$375 D.$40022.What do we know about the High School App Camp?A.It is a lcarning-by-doing program.B.It takes place at several campuses of

13、ASU.C.Participants should register before March L2021.D.Participants can invite their family along.23.Where will you design and constmct an escape room?A.Tcnipe CampusB.Polytechnic CampusC.Chandler Innovation CenterD.Wcst CampusBAt a time of great conflict,stress.and uncertainty in the U.S,Suprcme C

14、ourt Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away due to cancer on September 18,2020,sending her supporters into a state of shock.Ginsburgs beloved figure who was famous for her historic career,became a symbol for justice and dignity.Ruth Ginsburg was born on March 15J933 in Brooklyn,New York.She receive

15、d her bachelor degree in government from Cornell University and began her law degree at Harvard University.Shc later transferred and completed her degree at Columbia Law School.She took on a clerkship for Judge Edmond in 1960,and between 1961 and 1963 she served as a research associate and associate

16、 director of the Columbia Law School on International ProcedureGinsburg took a very active role in women* s rights between 1963 and 1978. During these years,between accepting teaching positions at Tulane.Rutgers.and Columbia schools of law.shc co-foundcd the Women* s Rights Law Reporter and the Wome

17、ns Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union.She began serving as the ACLU* s General Counsel in 1973,and argued several cases relating to women* s rights.For example,in the 1971 case Reed v.Rccd.the Supreme Court allowed women to fall under the Equal Protection Clause for the first time.

18、Ginsburg was appointed to be the U.S.Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by President Jimmy Carter in 1980,where she served for 13 years.Former President Bill Clinton nominated Ginsburg to the Supreme Court in 1993,who was the second woman to become a Supreme Court Justice.Before b

19、eing nominated.she was a prominent women* s rights advocate who fought for equal rights and constitutional protections against sex discrimination.Ginsburg suffered from various health problems between 1999 and 2OO9.but she did not miss a single day of court.Ginsburg devoted her whole life to fightin

20、g for justice and will be remembered as the Angel of Justice by Americans.24.What was the reaction of the supporters to Ginsburgs death?A.AcccptableB.SympatheticC.Incredible.Shocking25.How is the passage mainly developed? explaining cause and making following time orde

21、 reasoning and giving examples26.What does the underlined worduprominentMin paragraph 4 probably mean?A.firm B.warm-hearted C.outstanding D.adorable27.Which of the following is tme according to the text?A.Shc was the first woman to become a Supreme Court JusticeB.Shc fought for the discriminati

22、on against women.C.Shc received her bachelor degree at Harvard UniversityD.Shc did not miss a single day of court throughout her lifecChina is determined to land its astronauts on the moon and set up a scientific station there,according to a project leaderZhou Yanfci.dcputy chief designer of Chinas

23、manned space program,said on Friday that China wishes to use the manned lunar missions to carry out scientific surveys and technology demonstrations,explore ways to develop lunar resources and strengthen the nations space capabilities.H A new wave of lunar explorations has been emerging in the world

24、.with participants aiming to make sustainable missions to deepen knowledge of the moon and exploit resources thereJ*he said in a report delivered at the 2020 China Space Conference in Fuzhou.Fujian province.HUnlike other nations,China must depend on its own science and technology to realize our goal

25、s.”The country is independently able to land its astronauts on the moon because it has the technologies,a group of well-traincd.innovative professionals and high-cfficicncy research and management systems.Zhou said.MHowever,our existing carrier rockets cant perform landing missions to the moon becau

26、se they are not powerful cnough.Thc Shenzhou- series manned spaceships are not suitable for lunar expeditions.We don*t have a lunar landing capsule/he said/Our ground support system was designed for operations in low-Earth orbit rather than on the lunar surface.To solve the problem,we set out to pro

27、duce a powerful launch vehicle Zhou said researchers thought about two approachcs-making a new heavy-lift rocket.or adjusting the next-generation rocket designed to carry astronauts.which is under development.Researchers prefer the latter approach because it would be easier to design and make and wo

28、uld become operational earlierThe new rocket is being designed at the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology.Its main body will be 87 meters tall.with a diameter of 5 meters,which would make it almost twice as tall as the Long March 5,currcntly the biggest of Chinas rockets28.Which is NOT the go

29、al of the manned lunar mission?A.To explore lunar resourcesB.To perforin scientific experiments.C.To set up a scientific station.D.To strengthen the national space power29.What is the main idea of paragraph 4?A.China is not capable of pursuing the manned lunar programB.There are still difficulties i

30、n pursuing the manned lunar program.C.There arc a series of steps in the Manned Lunar program.D.It is manageable to carry out the Manned Lunar program.30.What can wc infer from the passage?A.Nations must depend on themselves to explore the moonB.Thc Long March 5 is the biggest of Chinas rocket.C.Thc

31、 newly-designed rocket will not carry astronauts.D.Producing a powerful launch vehicle is the most difficult part in the program.31 .What do the figures in the last paragraph imply?A.Thc new rocket is big enough to perform landing missions.B.The new rocket is being made to launch lunar spaceshipC.Ch

32、inas scientific power has improvedD.The new rocket will be put into use soon.DFear,anxiety,panic-those arc the words Elaine Peng used to describe the state of her services recipients(接受者)who arc fighting mental health problems through lectures and support groups on WcChat. President Donald Trumps transaction(交易)ban on the social networking app has worsened their emotional

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