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1、PEP5小学英语五年级下册课文与翻译五年级上册文本及词汇朗读资料Unit 1 My day1.A Let talkZhang Peng: When do you finish class in the morning?张鹏:你什么时候上完课?Pedro: We fin ish class at 1 o clock.The n we eat lunch at home.佩德罗:我们一点下课。然后我们在家吃午饭。Zhang Peng: Wow!Whe n do you go back to school after lun ch?张鹏:哇!午饭后你什么时候回学校?Pedro: At 2:30.Cl

2、asses start at 3 o clock.佩德罗:2:30。三点开始上课。Zhang Peng: When do you usually eat dinner in Spain?张鹏:你通常什么时候在西班牙吃晚饭?Pedro: Usually at 9:30 or 10 o clock.佩德罗:通常在 9:30或十点。Zhang Peng: Wow! That s too late!张鹏:哇!太晚了!2.B Let talkSShopkeeper: Why are you shopp ing today?店主:你今天为什么购物?Sarah: My mum worked last ni

3、ght.So I m shopp ing today.莎拉:我妈妈昨晚工作了。所以我今天购物。Shopkeeper: Good girl!So what do you do on the weeke nd?店主:好女孩!那么你周末做什么?Sarah: I ofte n watch TV and play pin g-p ong with my father.莎拉:我经常看电视,和爸爸打乒乓球。Shopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun.店主:听起来很有趣。Sarah: Y es, but I m also hard-worki ng.l usually

4、wash clothes.Sometimes I cookdinner.莎拉:是的,但我也很勤奋。我通常洗衣服。有时我做饭。Shopkeeper: You re so busy !You n eed a robot to help you!店主:你这么忙!你需要一个机器人来帮助你!3.单词:eat breakfast吃早饭eat dinner吃晚饭take 学习;上(课)have ? class上?课clea n my room打扫我的dancing 跳舞;舞蹈play sports进行体育运动房间take a dancing class 上舞蹈exercise 活动;运动go for a w

5、alk散步课do morni ng exercises 早go shopp ing去买东西;购whe n什么时候;何时锻炼物after 在(时间)后start开始work 工作for 表示接受某事物的人usually 通常地;惯常地last 上一个的;刚过去的live 居住Spai n西班牙sou nd 听起来好像isla nd 岛late晚;迟also 还;也always 总是,一直a.m.午前;上午busy忙的cave 山洞;洞穴p.m.午后;下午n eed 需要go swimmi ng 去游泳why为什么play 戏剧;剧本win 获胜shop去买东西;购物letter 信4.句子:Wh

6、e n do you finish class in the morning?We finish class at 1 o clock.what do you do on the weeke nd?I ofte n watch TV and play pin g-p ong with my father.你什么时候上完课?我们一点下课。你周末做什么? 我经常看电视,和爸爸打乒乓球。孩子们,你们喜欢音乐吗?是。它很漂亮。这是怎么一回事? 四季。今天我们画四季。迈克,你最喜欢哪个季节?冬天。我喜欢雪 我也喜欢雪 吴一帆,你最喜欢哪个季节?春天。很漂亮是的,它是。Unit 2 My favourit

7、e seas on1.A Let stalkMr Jon es: Do you like the music, childre n?Mike: Yes. It s very beautiful. What is it?Mr Jon es: The Four Seas on s.Today we ll draw the seas ons.Which seas on do you like best, Mike?Mike: Win ter. I like snow.Mr Jon es: I like snow, too.Which seas on do you like best, Wu Yifa

8、n?Wu Yifan: Spring. It s pretty.Mr Jon es: Yes, it is.2.B Let s talkAmy: Hello, Miss White. Look at my picture.Miss White: Good job!l like the trees.The colours are very pretty.Amy: Yes. I like autu mn best.The weather is good and the colours are beautiful!Which season do you like beat, Miss White?M

9、iss White: Summer.Amy: Why?Miss White: Because I like summer vacatio n!你好,White小姐。看我的照片。好!我喜欢树。 颜色很漂亮。是。我最喜欢秋天。天气好,颜色很美!White 小姐,你喜欢哪个季节?夏天。为什么?因为我喜欢暑假!3.单词:spri ng 春天seas on 季节pick apples 摘苹果summer 夏天pic nic 野餐sno wma n 雪人autu mn 秋天go on a picnic 去野餐make a sno wma n 堆雪人wi nter 冬天pick摘;采集go swimmi n

10、g 去游泳which哪一个because 因为lovely 可爱的;美丽的best最好地vacatio n 假期leaf叶子snow雪all全,完全fall j落下;【美】秋天good job做得好pink粉色;粉色的paint用颜料绘画迈克,你最喜欢哪个季节? 冬天。为什么? 因为我喜欢暑假!4.句子:Which seas on do you like best, Mike?Win ter.Why?Because I like summer vacatio n!Unit 3 My school calendar1.A Let talk我们在春天有一些好玩的东西。运动会之后,我们有一个复活节聚

11、会。聚会是什么时候? 在四月。我们也有学校旅行。什么时候? 在五月。酷!Mike: We have a few fun things in spri ng.After the sports meet, we have an Easter party.Zhang Peng: When is the party?Mike: It sin April.We have a school trip, too.Zha ng Peng: When is that?Mike: It sin May.Zha ng Peng: Cool!2 B. Let stalk秋天是我最喜欢的季节。我真的很喜欢这些颜色。我也

12、喜欢秋天。我们通常在秋天有一次学校旅行。伟大!今年的旅行是什么时候?在十月。我们要去长城。酷!我爱长城!Oliver: Autu mn is my favourite seas on.I really like the colours.Chen Jie: I like autu mn, too.We usually have a school trip in autu mn.Oliver: Great! When is the trip this year?Che n Jie: It sin October. We l go to the Great Wall.Oliver:Cool!l lo

13、ve the Great Wall!3.单词:January 月pla nt 种植America n 美国的February 二月con test 比赛;竞赛Than ksgiv ing 感恩节March 三月year 年Christmas 圣诞节April 四月few 一些Great Wall 长城May 五月a few 一些holiday 假日;节日June 六月thing 事情game 游戏July 七月meet 集会;开会roll滚动August 八月sports meet 运动会look for 寻找September 九月Easter 复活节chocolate 巧克力October

14、 十月trip 旅行bunny (用作儿语)兔子November 十一月n ati onal 国家的RSVP (尤用请柬)请赐复December 十二月Natio nal Day 国庆日by在?之前4.句子:Whe n is the party?It s in April.When is the trip this year?It s in October. We II go to the Great Wall.聚会是什么时候?在四月 今年的旅行是什么时候? 在十月。我们要去长城。Unit 4 When is Easter?1.A. Let stalkMr Jon es: There are

15、some special days in April.Zhang Peng: What are they?Mr Jon es: April Fool s Day and Easter.Zha ng Pe ng: When is April Fool s Day?Mr Jones: It s on April 1st.Zha ng Peng: And Easter?Mr Jones: It s on April 5th this year.Zha ng Peng: Wow! I love April.2.B. Let stalkChen Jie: Whe n is your birthday?M

16、ike: My birthday is on April 4th.Chen Jie: That s my mother s birthday, too!Mike: Cool! What will you do your mum?Chen Jie: I ll cook no odles for her.Mike: Chin ese no odles are delicious!Chen Jie: Please come the n.We can have a birthday party for both of you!3.单词:first ( 1st )第一的sec ond ( 2nd )第二

17、的third ( 3rd )第三的fourth ( 4th )第四的fifth ( 5th )第五的twelfth ( 12th )第十二的twentieth ( 20th )第二十的twe nty-first ( 21st )第二十一的twenty-third ( 23rd )第二十三的thirtieth ( 30th )第三十的四月有一些特殊的日子。他们是什么? 四月愚人节和复活节。四月愚人节是什么时候?4月1日。复活节呢? 今年4月5日 哇!我爱四月。你的生日是什么时候? 我的生日是 4月4日 那也是我妈妈的生日! 酷!你妈妈会做什么? 我会为她做面条。中国面条好吃! 请过来。我们可以为

18、你们俩举行一个生日聚会!fool蠢人;傻瓜special特别的;特殊的kitte n 小猫diary 日记still仍然;依旧;还是noise声音;响声(尤指)噪音 fur (某些动物的)浓密的软毛open 开着的 walk行走四月愚人节是什么时候?4.句子:When is April Fool s Day?4月1日你的生日是什么时候? 我的生日是 4月4日It on April 1st.Whe n is your birthday?My birthday is on April 4th.Unit 5 Whose dog is it?1.A Let stalkChe n Jie: The ye

19、llow picture is mine.Are these all ours?Mike: Y es, they are.Chen Jie: Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful.Whose is it?Mike: It sZha ng Pe ng .Che n Jie: Look! There is a picture of Shan ghai, too.Mike: It Yifan s.Che n Jie: Oh, yes! It his.2.B. Let stalk(Sam is at Che n Jie s home.)Sam: Where

20、 is Fido no w?FidoChen Jie: He in the kitche n.Sam: Is he drinking water?Chen Jie: No, he isn He seating.Sam: Can I play with him now?Che n Jie: Yes. Can you take him to the park?Sam: Woof, woof!黄色图片是我的。 这些都是我们的吗? 是的,它们是。哇!北京的照片很美。这是谁的? 是张鹏的。看!也有一幅上海的画。是一帆的。 哦,是的!这是他的。(山姆在陈洁家。) 现在在哪里呢? 他在厨房里。 他在喝水吗?

21、 不,他不是他在吃饭。我现在可以和他一起玩吗? 是。你能带他去公园吗?Woof,汪!3.单词:mine 我的yours 你(们)的his他的hers 她的playing ( play的-ing形式)(正在)玩耍 jumping ( jump 的-ing 形式)(正在)跳 drinking ( drink 的-ing 形式)(正在)喝(水)sleeping ( sleep的-ing形式)(正在) 睡觉theirs他们的;她们的;它们的ours我们的climbing ( climb 的-ing 形式)(正在)攀登;攀爬eati ng ( eat 的-ing 形式)(正在)吃each 每一;各个ot

22、her 其他的each other 相互 excited 兴奋的;激动的like像?那样黄色图片是我的。这些都是我们的吗?这是谁的? 是张鹏的。 他在喝水吗?4.句子:The yellow picture is mine.Are these all ours?Whose is it?It Zhang Peng Is he drinking water?不,他不是他在吃饭No, he isn .He eating.Unit6 Work quietly!1.A. Let stalkChen Jie: Look at the pan das.Mike: What are they doi ng?Ch

23、en Jie: Haha. They re eati ng lun ch!They re so cute.Mike: Oh, yes! They like bamboo.Che n Jie: What sthe little mon key doing?Mike: it s playing with its mother!Chen Jie: Do you see any elepha nts?Mike: Yes! Look there!The elephant is drinking water.2.B. Let stalkTom: My n ame is Tom.What syour n a

24、me?Joh n: Shh. Talk quietl y.I m Joh n.I can show you the En glish books.Tom: Than ks.Joh n: Here they are.Tom: OK. Can I read the books here?Joh n: Yes. Of course.Tom: Anything else?Joh n: Yes. Keep your desk clea n.Tom: OK, I will.Tha nks.3.单词:doing morning exercises (正在) 早锻炼having ? class (正在)上课e

25、at ing lunch (正在)吃午饭reading a book (正在) 看书liste ning to music (正在)听音乐keep保持某种状态keep to the right 靠右keep your desk clea n 保持你的课桌整洁talk quietly 小声讲话turn顺序take turns 按顺序来bamboo 竹子看熊猫 他们在干什么?Haha。他们正在吃午餐!他们是如此可爱。哦,是的!他们喜欢竹子。小猴子在干什么? 和妈妈玩!你看见大象了吗?是!看那里!大象正在喝水。汤姆:我叫汤姆。 你叫什么名字? 嘘。小声说话。我是约翰。我可以给你看英文书。 谢谢 他们

26、在这里。好的。我能在这儿读这些书吗?是。 当然.还有别的吗? 是。保持桌面干净。 好的,我会。谢谢。its它的;他的(指事物、动物或幼儿) show引导;指引anything 任何事物else另外;其他exhibiti on 展览say 说;讲have a look 看一看sushi 寿司teach 教Can adian 加拿大的Spa nish 西班牙的他们在干什么? 他们正在吃午餐!4.句子:What are they doing?Haha. They e eati ng lunch!What s the little mon key doing? it s playing with its mother!Shh. Talk quietly.小猴子在干什么?和妈妈玩! 嘘。小声说话。 保持桌面干净。Keep your desk clea n.

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