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1、找工作的英语对话How big is your family? 你家有几口人?There are four of us including my parents, a younger sister and me. 有四口人,父母亲、妹妹和我。Where is your hometown? 你的籍贯是哪里?My hometown is Jiangsu. 我的家乡是江苏。What is your greatest strength? 你的最大长处是什么?I think I am very good at planning. 我认为我最擅长计划。I manage my time perfectly

2、so that I can always get things done on time. 我很会利用时间,因此总能准时完成工作。What are your weak points? 你的缺点是什么?When I think something is right, I will stick to that. 若我认为某件事是对的,我会坚持到底。Sometimes it sounds a little stubbon. 有时候,这显得有点固执。But I am trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise. 我正努力在执着与

3、妥协之间找到平衡点。Have you any experience with a computer? 你有使用电脑的经验吗?I have approximately three-year experience using a computer. 我有大约三年操作电脑的经验。What are your greatest achievement? 你最大的成就是什么?Can you work under pressure? 你能在压力下工作吗?What are your strengths? 你的优点是什么?What are your weaknesses? 你的缺点是什么?I have rece

4、ived the secretarial training for six months. 我曾接受过6个月的秘书训练。Im afraid Im a poor talker. 我这个人恐怕不善言谈。What kind of personality do you think you have? 你认为你具有哪种性格?Im quite active and energetic. 我积极而充满活力。I approach things enthusastically and I dont like leaving things half done. 我热诚对待每件事,不喜欢半途而废。What is t

5、he most important thing for you to be happy? 你认为对你来说开心最重要的是什么?I maintain that the most important thing is having good friends. 我认为最重要的是有好朋友。What basic principles do you apply to your life? 你在生活中最基本原则是什么?I try to keep a regular schedule every day. 我每天努力遵守有规律的安排。Do you think you are introverted or ext

6、roverted? 你认为你性格内向还是外向?What kind of person do you think you are? 你觉得你是那种人?Would you describe yourself as outgoing or more reserved? 你认为你是个外向的人还是内向的人?What kind of people do you work with? 你最喜欢和哪类人合作?Im inclined to think independently. 我喜欢独立思考问题。I think Im a cooperative worker. 我认为我具有合作精神。I think I am

7、 rather outgoing. I enjoy working with others. But sometimes Ill be alone. 我想我较外向。喜欢和人合作,有时也想独处。Sometimes I lack patience in what I am doing. However, Im very careful with my work. 我有时候对自己的所作所为缺乏耐心,不过工作很细心。I like to work with people who are honest, dedicated to their work. 我喜欢与一些诚实并对工作投入的人合作。Have yo

8、u got any experience in advertising? 你有广告方面的经验吗?Yes, I have been working in an advertisement company in the last two years. 是的,在过去两年里,我一直在一家广告公司工作。Which advertisement company did you serve? 你在哪家广告公司做事?Zero Advertisement Company. 零点广告公司。What is your responsibility there? 你在那主管什么?Marketing promotion.

9、市场推广。What is your biggest accomplishment on the job? 你在工作上最大的成就是什么?I think it would be building team spirit among my co-workers. 我认为就是我在同事间建立了团队精神。How did you do that? 你怎么做到的呢?It was a gradual process, involving many factors. 这是个渐进的过程,涉及到方方面面。Do you have any sales experience? 你有销售经验吗?Yes, I worked i

10、n a fashion shop last summer as parttime sales girl. 有,去年夏天,我曾在一家时装店任兼职售货员。Have you ever done any correspondence work? 你有处理文书的经验吗?Have you ever held a secretarial position? 你曾当过秘书吗?Have you ever done supervisory work? 你担任过管理工作吗?What have you learned from jobs you have held? 你从以往的工作中学到什么?I have learn

11、ed to use computers and have become familiar with all clerical duties. 我学会使用电脑及熟悉所有文员的工作。I have been a secretary in an insurance company. 我一直在一家保险公司担任秘书工作。What makes you think you are qualified for this position? 是什么使你认为你有资格做这个职位?I have spent the last five years working specifically in this field. 过

12、去五年我专门在这个领域里工作。Do you think you are over-qualified, then? 那你认为你资历过高了?No, I think I am an excellent match for this job. 不,我认为我恰好适合这个职位。How long do you plan to stay with this company, if hired? 如果被雇佣,你打算在这家公司呆多久?I have no definite ideas in that area right now. 在这方面目前我还没有具体的想法。I see. 哦。It just depends

13、on a number of things. 这得靠许多因素才能决定。My qualifications and experience perfectly match what you are looking for. 我具备的资格及经验完全符合你们的需求。I speak fairly good English and I enjoy meeting different kinds of people. 我的英语讲得很流利,而且我喜欢接触不同的人。I think it will be a mutually beneficial relationship. 我认为那将是对双方都有利的关系。Wha

14、t are you looking for in your next job? 你希望在你的下一份工作内得到什么?What is your career objective? 你的事业目标是什么?What would you like to be doing two years from now? 两年后你希望自己在做什么?What ideas do you have if we employ you? 如果我们录用你,你有什么想法?What university did you graduate from? 你从哪所大学毕业的?I graduated from Nanjing Univers

15、ity. 我从南京大学毕业的。What was your graduation thesis on? 你毕业论文是什么题目?I did my thesis on Sino-American Business Relationship. 我做的论文题目是“中美贸易关系”。Good morning, sir. 早安,先生。Good morning, sit down please. 早安,请坐。Thank you. 谢谢。Are you Mr. Chen? 你是陈先生吗?Yes. Glad to meet you, sir. 是的,很高兴见到你,先生。When and what universit

16、y did you graduate from? 你何时从哪所大学毕业?I graduated from Nanjing University in June, 2000. 我2000年6月毕业于南京大学。What subject did you major in university? 你在大学主修的科目是什么?I majored in economic and trade English. 我主修的是经贸英语。What university are you attending? 你现在就读于哪所大学?Where did you receive your master degree? 你在哪

17、里获得硕士学位的?Tell me the courses you have completed in school and what is your favorite subject? 你曾修读哪些课程和你最喜欢哪一科?Have you studied any courses related to the post you are applying for? 你曾修读与这份工作有关的科目吗?What was your speciality? 你学的是什么专业?What are your major and minor subjects? 你主修和副修什么科目?What made you dec

18、ide to study Economics? 你为什么决定修读经济学?Good afternoon, sir. 下午好。Good afternoon. Make yourself at home. 下午好。请随便些。Thank you, sir. 多谢,先生。How were your scores in university? 你大学时的成绩如何?They are above average 85. Im among the upper third of my class. 我的平均成绩在85分以上。我是全班第三名。I have worked hard at my major subjec

19、t. 我对主修课特别用功。What was your best subject in college? 大学时你哪门功课最好?English. 英语。How is your score in English? 你的英语成绩是多少?It is 90 points. 90分。How are you getting on with your studies? 你功课情况如何?In what subject did you get the highest marks? 你哪门科目得分最高?Which subject were you best interested in? 你对哪一科最有兴趣?When

20、 would you be available to start work here? 你什么时候可以开始来这边上班?I am available as soon as possible. 我随时都可以上班。Why are you leaving your present job? 你为什么要放弃目前的工作?Management changed and we did not get along. 经理换人,而我们又处不来。So, you were fired? 如此,你是被炒鱿鱼了?Yes, they let me go. Because I did not agree with their

21、business philosophy. 是的,他们让我走。因为我不同意他们的经营理念。What do you think about your qualifications? 你认为你能胜任工作吗?I know about how business is done here. 我认为这方面比较在行。And I am a hard worker when I have something challenging to do. 并且在遇到挑战性的工作时,我是个很努力的人。Have you ever done any work in this field? 你曾经干过这一行吗?Ive been e

22、mployed as a clerk in ABC Company since 1992. 从1992年我就在ABC公司作职员。What made you decide to change job? 是什么使你决定更换工作?Because the job was not challenging enough. 因为那份工作挑战性不够。Why do you plan to leave the present job? 你为什么打算离开现在的工作?Why do you want to leave your current employment? 你为什么希望离开目前的工作?Why do you w

23、ant to resign your position as secretary? 你为什么想辞去秘书的职务?Whats the reason why you left your previous employer? 你离开原来那个雇主的原因是什么?What made you change your job so frequently? 为什么你经常转工?Why were you out of work for so long? 你为何这么久没有工作?I plan to leave the present job in order to be able to get into the adve

24、rtising business. 我想离开目前的工作是为了进入广告业务以寻求发展。I would like to get a more specialized job. 我想获得一份更加专业化的工作。I liked the work. However, the firm is too small for me to widen my experience. 我喜欢那份工作。但那家公司太小,难以增加我的经验。Why are you interested in working with this company? 你为什么对在本公司工作感兴趣?I know that you do a very

25、big international business, 我知道贵公司在国际贸易方面的生意做得很大,so I thought it would be a good place for me to make use of the experience I have had. 所以,我想这里会是运用我已有经验的好地方。Why should I hire you? 我为什么要录用你?My educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job. 我的教育背景和工作经验使我能够胜任这项工作。Thos

26、e are you just need. 那正是你们所需要的。Then. How can you prove yourself? 你怎么来证明你自己呢?Oh, here are my certificate of merit. 哦,这里是我的获奖证书。What made you pick this job? 你为什么选择这个工作?Thank you for your interest in this position. 谢谢你对本公司感兴趣。Why do you consider yourself qualified for this job? 为何你认为你自己符合这职位的资格?What ki

27、nd of experience do you have for the job? 你有什么与这份工作有关的工作经验吗?What do you consider important when looking for a job? 你选择工作时主要考虑是什么?What do you think you would bring the job? 你认为你将能为这份工作带来什么?What I really want is the chance to learn some advanced methods of management. 我真正希望的是有机会学到一些先进的管理方法。You are the

28、 very person we want. 你就是我们要的人选。Thank you, sir. 谢谢您,先生。What salary would you expect to get? 你希望拿多少薪水?As for salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity. 至于薪水,还是等检验了我的能力之后由你们再作决定。Well, I believe we can offer you 2,500 yuan a month at the start. 哦,我想我们可以给你每个月2500元的起薪。Would that

29、 be satisfactory? 你觉得满意吗?Yes, Im quite satisfied. That would be more than I have expected. 我很满意,比我期望的要多。How much money are you looking for in this job? 你希望的薪水是多少?Based on my skills and experience, I am looking for four thousand a month. 根据我的能力和经验,我希望月薪是4000元。Thats a little more than we had planned.

30、这比我们计划的多了一些。I think youll find Im worth it. 我想你会发现我值得拿那些钱。How much money are you presently earning? 你目前挣多少钱?What is your monthly salary now? 你目前的月薪是多少?What is your asking price? 你要求的薪水是多少?Im presently making five thousand a month. 我目前的薪水是5000元。Im asking in the five thousand a month. 我要求月薪5000元。What

31、do you do in your spare time? 你在业余时间如何消遣?I have many hobbies. I like almost all kinds of sports and I also like classical music. 我有很多爱好,喜欢各种运动,也喜欢古典音乐。What are your hobbies? 你的爱好是什么?My hobbies are hiking, fishing and climbing. 我的嗜好是远足、钓鱼和爬山。What do you like to do during holiday? 在假日你喜欢做什么?I like to

32、listen to the music and to play piano and occasionally to go swimming. 我喜欢听音乐、弹钢琴,有时候去游泳。How do you spend your leisure time? 你是怎样打发业余时间的?What do you do when you are not working? 工作之余你有什么消遣活动?What is your favorite sport? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?Which newspaper do you read? 你看哪种报纸?Which part of the paper do you read first? 你会先看报纸的哪一部分?How is your tennis comi

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