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人教新目标七年级上册Unit 89 复习试题.docx

1、人教新目标七年级上册Unit 89 复习试题七年级上Unit 8一、重点单词默写。1什么时候 (adv.) _2.月;月份 (n.) _3.一月 (n.)_4二月 (n.)_5.三月 (n.)_6.四月 (n.)_7五月 (n.)_8.六月 (n.)_19第二 (num.)_20.第三 (num.)_21.第五 (num.)_22第八 (num.)_23.第九 (num.)_24.第十二 (num.)_25第二十 (num.)_26.测验 (n.)_27.旅行 (n.)_二、重点词组默写。1多大年纪 _ 2.生日聚会_3今天下午 _ 4.英语测验_5学校郊游 _ 6.足球赛_7艺术节 _ 8.

2、下个月_9图书销售 _ 10.体育节_11儿童节 _ 12.妇女节_句子:1. What is the date today? Its January 11th. date 日期作名词,意为 “ 日期 ”,常指 “ 几月几日 ”。用月日作回答。序数词:口诀:基变序,有规律,末尾加上th; 一、二、三特殊记,面目全非要注意;八去t,九去e,ve要用f替;逢十改y为ie,后跟th莫忘记;若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。序数词要加定冠词the。但当序数词前有物主代词(his, her)、指示代词(this, that)等修饰时,则不必再用the。on the third floor ( )1. Su

3、nday is the _ day of the week. A. one B. first C. second D. third( )2. May is _ of a year. A. the fifth months B. the fifth month C. the five months D. the five month( )3. He joined the army on _ of May 1980. A. 1st B. the 1 C. first D. the first2. How old are you, Jane? - She is three years old. /

4、She is 3. How old + be + 主语?【be 动词随主语变化而变化】主语 + be + 基数词 + year(s) / month(s) + old 或年龄 3. -When is your/_s birthday?-My/His/Her birthday is on .4. 年、月、日的表达年月日的写法格式:1)英式为日,月,年 10th May, 2016 或10 May, 20162)美式为月,日,年 May 10th, 2016 或May 10, 2016注意:年份必须完全写明,不可用04代替2004。 月份必须用英文拼出或采用公认的简写(前三位)。 写日期时,可用基

5、数词1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 28, 29, 30, 31等,也可用序数词1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st等。3)年份的读法a. 一般情况下(四个数字都非0),将表示年份的四个数字按前后分为两组,每一组的数字都按基数词来读。1865年读作 eighteen sixty-five 1998年读作 nineteen ninety-eightb. 如果前两个数字为非“零”数字,后两位数分别为“零”,则先读出前两位数,然后将后面的两个“零”读为 hundred。1900年读作 nineteen hundred c. 第三个数字为“零”(

6、其他数字不是“零”)的年份的读法应当将该“零”读为O。 1809年读作 eighteen O nined. 关于千年的一些读法 2000年读作 two thousand 2008年读作 two thousand and eight(或twenty O eight) 练习:21. - Amy, is your birthday? - May 22nd.A. what B. when C. what time D. how22. - is your birthday? - Its on March .A. When; twenty ninth B.When; twenty-ninth C. Wha

7、t; twentieth-ninth D.When; twenty-ninth23. - When is your birthday? - Its .A. February B. second C. February second D. 199024. Walk along the street and take the crossing on the left.A. five B. fives C. fifth D. fiveth25. - What are you going shopping for? - I want to buy something for my sons birth

8、day.A. twelve B. twelfth C. the twelfth D. the twelveth26. My brother wants to have a party Childrens Day.A. in B. at C. on27. We can meet on .A. January 13th, 2015 B. 2015 January 13th C. 13th January 2015 D. January 2015 13th28. - Im going to have a summer holiday in Dalian. - .A. Have a good time

9、. B. No, its bad. C. Thats all right.29. - is your birthday? - Its on January 1st.A. When B. Where C. Why D. What30. - When is your mothers birthday, Tina? - Its on July the .A. twenty B. ninth C. five31. - When is your birthday? - Its on .A. February two B. February 2nd C. February 2th D. February

10、the two32. May is month of the year.A. five B. fifth C. the five D. the fifth33. - What is month of a year? - Its December.A. the twelve B. twelve C. twelfth D. the twelfth34. All the kids had a lot of fun Childrens Day. They sang and danced happily all day.A. in B. at C. of D. on35. - Whats the dat

11、e today? - Its .A. Thursday B. August twelfth C. twelve D. August the twelfth完形填空(共10小题;共15分) My name is Jim. 56 is my birthday. I am twelve now. Dad and Mum 57 me a big cake. I like cakes. 58 the table of my bedroom, you 59 see my lovely cake. You can also 60 my name on it. There are 61 things for

12、my birthday. 62 are apples, pears and bananas. But I would 63 to have something to drink now. My 64 Bill and Sam are coming. I would like to eat those food with 65 friends.56. A. Every day B. Today C. That57. A. do B. make C. play58. A. In B. On C. At59. A. can B. do C. does60. A. see B. look C. say

13、61. A. much B. many C. any62. A. Those B. They C. These63. A. take B. like C. want64. A. sisters B. brothers C. friends65. A. your B. my C. our阅读理解(共5小题;共10分) Do you like South Korean actor Lee Min Ho? The flower boy plays a cool secret agent(特工) in his new TV drama City Hunter (城市猎人). To play the p

14、art well, Lee did many unusual things like riding an elephant and standing on top of a big tree.About Lee Min HoBirthday: June 22, 1987Height: 186cmWeight: 69kgFavourite food: meatFavourite colors: black, white and red66. What does Lee Min Ho do?A. He is a player. B. He is an actor. C. He is a stude

15、nt. D. He is a doctor.67. In his new TV drama City Hunter, Lee Min Ho .A. rides a bike B. plants a tree C. rides an elephant D. climbs a tree68. Lee Min Ho is about tall.A. 186m B. 1.86m C. 1.86cm D. 180cm69. Whats Lee Min Hos favorite food?A. Fruit. B. Meat. C. Vegetables. D. Bread.70. Lee Min Ho d

16、oesnt like .A. black B. white C. red D. blue七年级上Unit 9一、快速说出下列单词或短语。1. 学科;科目 n. _ 2. 科学n. _ 3. 乐;乐曲n. _4. 数学n._ 5. favorite_ 6. history _ 7. why _ 8. because _9.空闲的adj._10.妙极的;酷的adj._11.有用的;有益的adj. _12. for sure_13.完成;做好v. _14. lesson _15. Monday _16. from.to_二、句子。1. Whats your favorite subject?本句可以

17、变化为:I like science best.我最喜欢科学。【注意】:favorite相当于。2. Why do you like P.E.?why “为什么”,用于询问原因,答语常用because来引导。3. Because its fun.because “因为”,后常接句子,回答why引导的特殊疑问句。【注意】because和so(所以) 不能同时用同一个句子中。4. I am very busy on Friday.具体某一天或某一天的上午、下午、晚上用介词on ;in常用于年、月前;at用于具体的时刻前。5. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:0

18、0, and after that we have从到6. My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.finish “完成,做好”,可作及物动词,后接名词或动名词。for + 时间段一、句型转换。1. His favorite subject is history. (对画线部分提问)_ _ his favorite subject?2. I like playing basketball best. (改为同义句)Basketball is _ _

19、sport.3. I like science because its interesting. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ science?二、单项选择。1. We have math and Chinese _ Friday morning.A. at B. in C. on D. for2. Nick is ten years old._ favorite food is chicken.A. My B. His C. Our D. Your3. He usually finishes _ TV at 12: 00.A. watching B. watches C. watch D

20、. to watch4. Our prices are _ 15 yuan _100 yuan.Afor;to Bto;for Cfrom;to Dto;from三、特殊疑问句: 含义:以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句,也称wh-问句。常用的疑问词有:常用的疑问词有:what(什么), who(谁), whose(谁的), which(哪个), when(何时), where(哪里), how(怎样,通过.), why(为何)结构:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 注意:若疑问词作主语,特殊疑问句的语序则用陈述句语序。答语不用yes或no回答,而是问什么,答什么。1. 什么都要

21、问的what通常用来询问姓名、物品、事件等。what和color, class等名词连用,用来询问某些具体信息。Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is English.What color is her bag? 她的包是什么颜色的?2. 人见人爱的who用来询问人。Who do you want to see? 你想见谁?Who is Jims father? 谁是Jim的父亲?3. 一探究竟的why用来询问原因。Why do you like this book?4. 爱问时间的whenWhen is your mothers

22、birthday? 5. 其他疑问词where用来询问地点Where is your sister? 你的妹妹在哪里?how 用来询问状况How is your weekend? 你的周末怎么样?二、单项选择。1. _ is that man over there? He is Dans uncle.A. Where B. What C. Who D. Which2. _ do you usually play basketball? On the playground.A. When B. Where C. Who D. What3. _ do you speak English so we

23、ll?Because I practice it with my partner every day.A. Why B. When C. Who D. WhichUnit9 测试单项选择。(15分)( )21.English is _ useful subject, and I study English for _ hour every day.Aa, aBan, anCan, aDa, an( )22.When do you have dinner?_5:00.AIn BAt COn DFor( )23.In China,students always go to school_Monda

24、y_Friday.Afrom,to Bin,to Cto,from Dfor,on( )24.We have science_Friday afternoon.Its difficult_interesting.Aon,of Bon,but Cin,and Din,but( )25.Whats your favorite_?Music.Amonth Bday Cfruit Dsubject( )26.Mrs. Black is _ English teacher. We all like _ class very much.Amy, her Bour, her Cour, his Dmy, h

25、is( )27.You look really _ in that black Tshirt, John.Thank you.Ashort Bfat Ccool Dold( )28.Saturday is the_day of a week.Alast Bsecond Cthird Dfirst( )29This morning we have_classes, and the_class is Chinese.Afirst,three Bthree,first Cthird,first Dthree,one( )30.Lets play basketball after we_the cla

26、sses.Asee Blove Cfind Dfinish( )31.Are you_this afternoon?No,I must go to a party.Abusy Blong Cfree Dshort( )32.Lets_volleyball this afternoon.Sorry,I want_my uncle.Ato play, to meet Bto play,meeting Cplay,to meet Dplay,meet( )33._he like math?Because its difficult.AWhy does BWhy dont CWhy do DWhy d

27、oesnt( )34.How is your day,Lily?_AMe,too. BThanks. CGreat. DIts Saturday.( )35.Do they have a good day?_. They are all happy.AIts Saturday BSee you COK DThats for sure完形填空。(10分)Hi, Im John. Im 13 years old and Im in Class Two.My good friend is Sam.Hes my _36_,too. We have the same classes _37_Monday

28、 to Friday.For me, I like science.I think its _38_But Sam doesnt like _39_ .His favorite subject is math. _40_ thinks it is interesting.Of all the subjects,we really like PE., _41_we like playing ball games.Its great fun to do sports! _42_ do we have PE.then? Only on Wednesday and Friday.So we like these _43_ days. In my_44_ time,I like watching TV and playing basketball.Sam

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