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1、最新南京外国语小升初英语综合能力测试word解析班4、宏观营销环境分析PS:消费者分析3、竞争对手分析二、资料网址:十几年的学校教育让我们大学生掌握了足够的科学文化知识,深韵的文化底子为我们创业奠定了一定的基础。特别是在大学期间,我们学到的不单单是书本知识,假期的打工经验也帮了大忙。附件(二):3、消费“多样化”是 否1、购买“女性化”(三)DIY手工艺品的“自助化”2004 年南京外国语学校英语综合能力测试卷1、本试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 90 分钟。2、请考生用黑色钢笔或圆珠笔答题。3、请考试用英文或数字答题,将答案写在答题纸相应的位置上。一、会会老朋友(此题满分 10 分;每词 1

2、 分) 记得下面图中的人物是谁吗?他们都是你小学英语课本中的老朋友啊,想一想,在空格上可 以填上什么词,注意每格一词喔!1. Lily and Lucy are twin sisters. Their family name is Green .2. Mr and Mrs Green have two children, Jim and Kate . They have a dog in their family. Its name is Bobby.3. Tom and Ann are brother and sister. Mr and Mrs Read are their parents

3、 .4. Lin Tao, Jim and Helen, go to the same school. Their teachers are Mr Zhang and _Miss Gao.5. Ben is from USA . Hes a student in China now. 注:以上答案不可考,部分人名为牛津小学英语课本内容。 二、唱着儿歌走(此题满分 15 分;每空 1 分)(一)复习儿歌 下面的歌词都来自你的小学英语课本,想一想,在空格上可以填写什么词,注意仍然是每格 一词喔!All the 1 BirdsAll the birds sing up 2 in the trees.

4、 Now the spring is coming!Listen. Listen, what do they 3 say ? Spring-time is the time to be gay.If youre happyIf youre happy and you know it. clap your 4 handsIf youre happy and you know it, stam you feet.If youre happy and you know it, wink your 5 eye . (二)写新儿歌读下面四首儿歌,在每个空当中填写一个合适的英语单词,使儿歌读来押韵流畅。1

5、. Jack and John are going to a zoo. Mike is going there , 1 tooThey look the same and have the same kind of jacket and shoe. So we dont know who is 2 who . 注:押u:韵2. A little girl is near my window. And she looks nice in 3 yellowI go up to her and say 4 hello “little girl, little girl, where do you g

6、o?” “Sorry, sorry, I dont 5 know ” 注:押u韵3. My father is a “he” . My mother is a “ 6 she ”.And their child is me. 7 See ? We are a happy family of 8 three . 注:押i:韵4. “Where, where is my pear?” “Oh, oh, it is on a 9 chair ”“Where, where is the chair” “Oh, oh, I dont know 10 where ” 注:押 韵三、交际会一手(此题满分 1

7、0 分;每一题 1 分)1. 情景对话 小心喔!此部分是多项选择题喔!1. - B C E ?-Im a policeman.A. Who are you? B. What do you do?C. Whats your job? D. Where do you work?E. What are you? 注:答案参考新捷径类似内容2. - 1 2 3 -Take bus No.3 and get off at the next stop.1. Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?2. Excuse me, can you show me t

8、he way to the post office?3. Excuse me, wheres the post office?4. Excuse me, its over there, near the Bank of China.5. Sorry, I dont know. You may go and ask him. 注:英语问路常用句型。3. - 2 3 4 -Yes. Two or three, please.1. Do you like strawberries?2. Would you like some strawberries?3. Some strawberries?4.

9、Would you like to have some strawberries?5. Are you like any strawberries?注:问的是要不要些草莓,而不是问喜不喜欢吃草莓(1),也不是长得像草莓(5)。4.-Lets go to the zoo.- A B E A. Yes, lets. B. All right. C. How nice ! D. See. E. Great!注:Lets 是 Let us 的缩写。包括说话人和听话人双方在内,含有催促、建议或请对方一起 行动的意思。在听话人表示赞同建议时可只用 Lets (A)。How nice (C) 一般对事物的赞

10、叹。5. - A B C -Thats all right.A. Thank you B. Thanks C. Im sorry D. Do you like it ?E. Shall we go and have a look?注:“Thats all right”作为常用礼貌用语,主要用于答谢和道歉,表示“不用谢,不客气” 或“没关系,不要紧,没什么。”不要和 “All right”(好的)用法混淆。以上 1-5 题在 05 年卷中以相似内容和形式出现,本卷内容是否摘自 05 年,或相反不可考。(二) 语篇对话你的朋友 Tim 和 Jenny 正在过河。阅读他们的对话,然后从对话下面的八个

11、选项中选出五 句填空,使对话完整流畅,每空一句。“Theres a tree across(横跨) the river.” Says Tim. “ 1 e ” “Its too dangerous(危险),” says Jenny.“Chicken!” says Tim. “There are only two metres(米) to the other side(边) of the river.” “But its a long way to the water. ” Jenny says.“ 2 g Nothing (没有事) is going to happen(发生) ” 注:劝人打

12、消疑虑的只有 g。“ 3 f ” 注:按交谈顺序,该句应为 Jenny 所说。项 h 的内容和下一句 Tim 的重复。“You can go lower down(往下游走). Then you can jump(跳) across.” “OK, ” says Jenny, “and I think you can come with me.”“Nonsense.(瞎说)”saysTim.“Its easy-peasy (容易的). 4 c ” 注:此时表示要行动的仅a.c.e。a 不符题意, e 用 Lets 包含了明确反对的 Jenny, 所以也不对。“Take care (小心)! ”s

13、ays Jenny.“See,” says Tim. And he is going across the river now. “There is nothing to it. Just two steps(步)”. “Ah!” Tim is in the river struggling(挣扎). “ 5 b ” 注:呼救的仅有 ba. Lets go to swim. e. Lets go across itb. Come and help me, Jenny! f. Well, Im not going across it.c. Watch me! g. Dont worry, lit

14、tle sister.d. What colour is the tree? h. Can you go down the river?四、思考要讲究(此题满分 15 分;每小题 1 分)(一)学会观察 小心喔!此部分是多项选择题喔!a) A. hear, nearB. write, rightC. there, theirD. hes, hisE. whos, whoseWhich pair(s)(组) of words sound(读音) the same? B C D E2. Which of these can you play? C E 注:A 缺 with, B 一般用 fly a

15、 kite, D 不合适A. a ball B. a kite C. football D. photo E. a computer game3. Which are right? B D E 注:C 应为 Its time for a break 或 Its time to take break.A. Its time to playing B. Its time to playC. Its time for break D. Its time for bed E. Its time to school4. Which of these are right? A C D E 注:sheep 单复数形式不变,zero 的复数可加 s 也 可加 es,Japanese 和 Chinese 类似,在指该国人时不加复数形式。A. photo-photos B. sheep-sheeps C. umbrella-umbrellasD. zero-zeros E. Japanese-Japanese5. Whats the time by the clock? A

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