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高一英语Fine Arts教案设计.docx

1、高一英语Fine Arts教案设计高一英语 Fine Arts 教案设计【摘要】“高一英语 Fine Arts 教案设计”本文是编者为大家搜集的有关高一英语相关内容,希望可以给大家的教学带来帮助:高一英语 Fine Arts 教案Module 4 Fine Arts – Western, Chinese and Pop ArtsPeriod 1 Introduction, Cultural Corner, FunctionTeaching Goals:1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about arts;2. To introduce th

2、e topic “Fine Arts – Western, Chinese and Pop Arts”;3. To get Ss to learn some words to describe arts;4. To get Ss to know something about Pablo Picasso;5. To let Ss learn how to give opinions.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. IntroductionPurpose: To arouse Ss interest in learning about arts.1. Lead

3、ing-inShow some pictures on the screen and ask some questions in order to arouse Ssinterest in learning about arts.(1) Are you interested in art?(2) Do you like traditional Chinese art using brush and ink?(3) Can you name the artists of the following pictures? Do you know otherfamous artists at home

4、 and abroad?Suggested Answers:(1)Various answers are acceptable.(2) Various answers are acceptable.(3) The artists of the four pictures are: Da Vinci Da Vinci XuBeihong Qi Bais; Other famous artists are, for example, Zhang daqian, PabloPicasso, Vincent van Gogh and Roy Lichtenstein.2. Pair Work(1) I

5、ntroduce some new words by showing some pictures.(2) Ask Ss the following question:These two paints bellow are about .Suggested Answers:比较 scene 与 sceneryscene 指风景,所见之物,包括户内或户外的、城市或乡村的、活动或静态的景物。scenery 指自然景色Step 2. FunctionPurpose: To enable Ss to know how to give opinions.1. Individual WorkAsk Ss t

6、o read the sentences in Activity 1 on P34 and underline the phrasesgiving opinions.Suggested Answers:I think / I like / I really like / I cant stand / Im interested in /I want2. Pair WorkLet Ss think more expressions about giving opinions.【摘要】“高一英语 Tales of the unexplained 导学案”本文是小编为教师们整理的有关高一英语教案设计

7、,希望给大家的学习带来帮助:1. run into .偶然遇见 .撞 跑进 流入Guess whom I ran into in town today! ( 偶然遇见 )He ran into the back of another car the other day. ( 撞 )We saw the boy run into the house. ( 跑进 )The river runs into a lake. ( 流入 )短语:run away 逃跑 run out (of) 耗尽,结束“遇见”的说法:run into, run across, come across, happen t

8、o meet sb,meet sb. by chance2. Boy missing, police puzzled.男孩失踪, 警察迷惑。= A boy is/goes missing, and the police are puzzled.go missing=go lost : go 连系动词, 意思为“变成某种状态(通常指不好的状态)”如: go mad (发疯), go wrong (出故障), go bad (变质)puzzle vt. 使迷惑,使为难 n. 谜,谜语;难题,困惑(只用单数)puzzled adj. 困惑的,茫然的 puzzling adj.令人困惑的be/ fee

9、l puzzled about sth. 对感到困惑Lucy looks a little _puzzled_. He felt puzzled about the question.The question puzzled me. = I was puzzled by the question.( B )The _ look in his face suggested that he_ that.A. puzzling; hasnt expected B. puzzled; hadnt expectedC. puzzling; doesnt expect D. puzzled; didnt

10、expectpuzzle, interest, surprise, astonish, shock, upset, excite, disappoint, please,satisfy, frighten, amaze, convince 等意思为“使••••••”的动词都属于同一类,现在分词表主动,可译为“令人••••••的”, 过去分词表被动,表示“(本身)感到••••••的”1) _B_ and happy,

11、Tony stood up and accepted the prize. (2006 全国卷)A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising2) Tom sounds _A_ very much in the job, but Im not sure whether he canmanage it.A. interested B. interesting C. interestingly D. interestedly3) 这个消息很激动人心,所以听到这个消息学生们都很激动。The news was exci

12、ting and the students were all excited at it.4) 他大吼一声把那些男孩都吓住了。His shouting was frightening and the boys felt frightened.3. step up : increase, speed up 增加;加速(stepped, stepped)When John realized he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.We decided to step up production to try to meet the incre

13、ased demand.Well do all we can to step up our aid to those countries.短语: step into 走进 step by step 逐步4. search vt. 寻找 宾语一般为地点 search for : look for 宾语是要寻找的东西search sb. / sp 搜某人的身或搜查某处 search for sb. / sth. 搜寻某人或某事物search sb/sp for sth 在某人身上/某处搜查某物 search out 搜出、 探出比较:They searched him.他们搜他身; They se

14、arched for him.他们在找他search n. in search of / in ones search forThey went out in search of water.= They went out, searching for water.It was lucky for them in their search for gold.( D )- The police have been _ the area for quite a long time?- Ive also noticed that. What have they been _ ?A. searching; searching B. searching for; searchingC. searching for; searching for D. searching; searching forFor your reference:I think /believe / In my opinion,I like / love /enjoyI really like / a

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