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1、战略管理练习Chapter1 exercise and test一、TRUE/FALSE: effect of globalization on Boeing is only negative and is due solely to direct competition with European-based competitor Airbus.( ) way to evaluate if Airbus had achieved above average returns would be to compare stock market returns against those of Bo

2、eing.( ) competitiveness is achieved when a firm successfully formulates and implements a value-creating strategy.( ) Enterprises has earned above-average returns since its founding five years ago. Since no other firm has challenged Alligator in its particular market niche, the firm!s owners can fee

3、l secure that Alligator has established a competitive advantage.( )5. The goal of strategic management is to develop a competitive advantage that is permanentlysustainable.6. Risk in terms of financial returns reflects an investors uncertainty about economic gains that will result from a particular

4、investment.7. Average returns are returns in excess of what an investor expects to earn from other investments with a similar amount of risk.8. Returns can only be measured in accounting terms.9. If a firm can earn at least average returns it will be able to survive.10. Economies of scale and huge a

5、dvertising budgets are just as effective in the new competitive landscape as they were in the past, but they must be reinforced by strategic flexibility.11. Wal-Mart is trying to achieve a boundaryless retailing empire by implementing global pricing,sourcing, and logistics.12. It is still possible f

6、or a firm to escape the demands of globalization by operating solely in its domestic market.13. The rate of technology diffusion has been steadily increasing over the last two decades.14. created a competitive advantage and an entirely new industry by making use ofdisruptive technology.15. Examples

7、of incremental innovations include iPods, PDAs, WiFi, and web browser software.16. The value of patents on inventions is increasing because of the competitive edge organizations gain by constant innovation and creation of new products.17. Developed countries still have major advantages in informatio

8、n technology over developing countries because of the significant cost of the infrastructure needed for computing power.18. Tangible assets, such as land and capital equipment, are losing their value as sources of competitive advantage in comparison to intangible assets.19. The new CEO of Opacity En

9、terprises is determined to make the long-established firm strategically20. One capability characteristic of a firm with strategic flexibility is effective management information systems.21. The I/O (industrial organization) model assumes that a firms unique resources and capabilities are its main so

10、urce of above-average returns.22. The CEO of Twin Spires, Inc., is emotionally and intellectually committed to using the resources of the firm to serve the needs of the natural gardening community by providing rare and native plants to individuals and nurseries around the United States. This commitm

11、ent has carried the CEO through long periods of below average returns on investment. The perspective of the CEO of Twin Spires is consistent with the assumptions of the industrial organizational (I/O) model.23. Because of its growth, Netflix operates in a turbulent competitive environment, whereas B

12、lockbuster does not.24. Five forces model suggests that firms should target the industry with the highest potential for aboveaverage returns and then implement either a cost-leadership strategy or a differentiation strategy.25. The uniqueness of a firms resources and capabilities is the basis for a

13、firms strategy and determines its ability to earn above-average returns under the I/O view.26. Core competencies can be formed only around production or service-provision activities of the firm rather than in support activities such as accounting and marketing.27. The resource-based model assumes th

14、at if firms have resources that are rare or costly to imitate, this is sufficient to form a basis for competitive advantage.28. Resources are considered rare when they have no structural equivalent.29. The assumptions of the industrial organizational model and the resource-based model arecontradicto

15、ry. Therefore, organizational strategists must choose one or the other model as the basis for developing a strategic plan.30. An effective vision statement will specify the market to be served.31. Organizational mission statements typically do not include statements about profitability and earning a

16、bove-average returns.32. Organizational vision and mission serve as emotional tools for the firm, and, as such, have little impact on firm performance.33. Organizational stakeholders are the firms internal resources, capabilities, and core competencies that are used to accomplish what may at first a

17、ppear to be unattainable goals in the competitive environment.34. Shareholders are satisfied when return on investment has been maximized.35. The needs and desires of organizational stakeholders are inherently contradictory.36. Relative power is the most critical criteria for prioritizing the demand

18、s of stakeholders.37. Hourly workers on the production line of a chicken-processing plant are considered organizational stakeholders.38. Customers, suppliers, unions, and local governments are examples of capital market stakeholders.39. When the firm earns lower-than-average returns, the highest pri

19、ority is given to satisfying the needs of capital market stakeholders over the needs of product market and organizational shareholders.40. Six years ago, Colette Smith founded a successful catering company that specializes in providing a wide assortment of miniature cheesecakes for corporate and soc

20、ial events. Although Ms. Smith is no longer active in the actual production of the cheesecakes, she continues as president of the catering company. Ms. Smith could be considered a strategic leader of this firm.41. Organizational culture refers to the core values shared by the firms top-level manager

21、s but notnecessarily accepted by lower-level employees who are often transitory and not committed to theorganization.42. Although organizational cultures vary considerably, one cannot make an objective judgment that some organizational cultures are more or less functional than others.43. An intellig

22、ent, analytical individual who requires large amounts of concrete and precise data and a predictable environment in order to make a decision is probably poorly suited to being a strategic leader.44. Implementation of an organizational strategy is addressed once the strategy has been finalized.45. Co

23、rporate-level strategy in a diversified organization requires a common business strategy for each component business.46. An organizations willingness to tolerate or encourage unethical behavior is a reflection of its core values.二、MULTIPLE CHOICE1. A firm has achieved _ when it successfully formulat

24、es and implements a value-creating strategy.a. strategic competitivenessb. a permanently sustainable competitive advantagec. substantial returnsd. legal and ethical core values2. A competitive advantagea. can be permanent if the firm has successfully implemented the strategic managementprocess.b. en

25、tails reducing investors risk to near zero.c. can be identified only if it has been unsuccessfully challenged by competitors.d. exists when competing firms are unable to find investors.3. Above-average returns area. higher profits than the firm earned last year.b. higher profits than the industry av

26、eraged over the last 10 years.c. profits in excess of what an investor expects to earn from a historical pattern ofperformance of the firm.d. profits in excess of what an investor expects to earn from other investments with a similarlevel of risk.4. Investors in an established firm judge the adequac

27、y of the returns on their investment in relation to:a. the returns on other investments of similar risk.b. the stock markets overall performance.c. the industrys profit pool.d. the prime interest rate.5. The strategic management process isa. a set of activities that will assure a sustainable competi

28、tive advantage and above-averagereturns for the firm.b. a decision-making activity concerned with a firms internal resources, capabilities, andcompetencies, independent of the conditions in its external environment.c. a process directed by top-management with input from other stakeholders that seeks

29、 toachieve above-average returns for investors through effective use of the organizationsresources.d. the full set of commitments, decisions, and actions required for the firm to achieve above average returns and strategic competitiveness.6. Apple has reemerged as a significant player in the compute

30、r industry. This regeneration has beenattributed mainly to what capability?a. Cost controlb. Economies of scalec. Innovationd. Monopoly power7. The primary drivers of hypercompetition area. rising global socio-economic instability and increased inflation.b. the emergence of a global economy and rapi

31、d technological change.c. increased global competition and decreasing tariffs.d. increased availability of capital and increased competition.8. Considering both GDP and the number of potential consumers, what is the worlds largest single market?a. Europeb. The United Statesc. Chinad. Japan9. The eco

32、nomic interdependence among countries as reflected in the free movement of goods, services, financial capital and knowledge across geographic borders is defined asa. hypercompetition.b. boundaryless retailing.c. strategic intensity.d. globalization.10. All of the following are characteristic of the global economy EXCEPTa. the increasing importance of developing countries as sources of revenue growth.b. the free movement of goods, services, people, skills, a

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