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1、指环王2双塔奇兵英文台词全The Two Towers Extended Edition(Many thanks to Venora for finishing the second half of this script)Please Note:You mayNOTduplicate this script on your own website. Readherefor more information.(Scene opens with the exterior of the Misty Mountains. Faintly, voices echowithin)Gandalf:(v.o

2、.) You cannot pass!Frodo:(v.o) Gandalf!Gandalf:(v.o) I am a servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Anor! Goback to the shadow. Dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun!(Zooms into Khazad-dum, Gandalf is confronting the Balrog)Gandalf:YOU SHALL NOT PASS!(Gandalf strikes his staff down

3、 and causes the bridge to crack. The Balrog falls, and ashe falls he snaps his whip which reaches up and grabs Gandalf by his ankle. Gandalf ispulled back, causing Glamdring and his staff to fall after the Balrog and he clings to theledge by his fingertips. Frodo starts to run to Gandalf, but Boromi

4、r grabs him and holdshim back.)Boromir:No! No!Frodo:Gandalf!(Gandalf is clinging desperately to the ledge, his fingers groping for a betterhold)Gandalf:Fly, you fools!Frodo:NO(Gandalf lets go of the ledge, and intercepts Glamdring, and attacks the Balrog astheyre falling. Gandalf jumps onto the Balr

5、ogs stomach, stabbing at him. As they fall,the Balrog turns, causing Gandalf to fall off. The Balrog grabs Gandalf and knocks himaround against the sides. Gandalf is able to grab the horns of the Balrog and flip ontothe back of the Balrogs head. He stabs the Balrog again in the back of the head. The

6、 lakeof Moria lights up in reflection of the Balrogs fire as he and Gandalf fall into thewater.)(Frodo wakes suddenly from a dream)Frodo:Gandalf!(Sam wakes up next to him and sits up quickly, concern on his face.)Sam:What is it, Mr. Frodo?Frodo:Nothing.(Frodo lays back down, his breathing relaxing)F

7、rodo:Just a dream.(Frodo and Sam climb down a giant rock in the Emyn Muil using Sams rope fromLothlorien. The bottem is shrouded in mist and fog.)Sam:Can you see the bottom?Frodo:No! Dont look down, Sam! Just keep going.(Sam slips and a box drops from his bag)Sam:Catch it. Grab it Mr Frodo!(Frodo ma

8、nages to grab the box and looses his footing while at it.)Frodo:Ahhhh!Sam:Mr Frodo?(Frodo lands safely on the ground and looks up.)Frodo:I think Ive found the bottom.(Sam climbs down quickly to Frodo. Frodo looks around at the surroundings.)Sam:Bogs and rope and goodness knows what. Its not natural.

9、 None of it.Frodo:(looking at the box) Whats in this?Sam:Nothing. Just a bit of seasoning. I thought maybe if we was having a roastchicken one night or something.Frodo:Roast chicken?!Sam:You never know.Frodo:(smiling) Sam, my dear Sam.Sam:Its very special, that. Its the best salt in all the Shire.Fr

10、odo:It is special. Its a little bit of home.(Frodo looks at Sams rope hanging down from the rock)Frodo:We cant leave this here for someone to follow us down.Sam:Whos gonna follow us down here, Mr Frodo? Its a shame really. Lady Galadrielgave me that. Real Elvish rope. Well theres nothing for it. Its

11、 one of my knots. Wontcome free in a hurry.(Sam yanks on the rope and all of a sudden it looses itself from its knot and drops tothe ground.)Frodo:(amused) Real Elvish rope.(The next day, as theyre climbing through the jagged rocks of Emyn Muil, they looktoward Mordor. Mordor is seen in the distance

12、, Mount Doom erupting in flame.)Sam:Mordor. The one place in Middle-Earth we dont want to see any closer is theone place were trying to get to, and just where we cant get.(Sam turns around and looks at Frodo, his face showing a hopeless look.)Sam:Lets face it, Mr. Frodo. Were lost. I dont think Gand

13、alf meant for us tocome this way.Frodo:(Looking hopeless as well)He didnt mean for a lot of things to happen,Sam. But they did.(Frodo stares at Mordor and suddenly is zoomed into the Eye. Frodo gives a pure look ofterror as it it cut to the Eye, looking fiery and great. Frodo gasps for breath andcol

14、lapses to the ground.)Sam:(Looking concerned turns to Frodo)Mr. Frodo? Its the ring, isntit?Frodo:Its getting heavier.(Frodo reaches up and clutches the ring to his chest, his breathing starting to relaxagain, and then takes a drink of water. Sam sits down as well, taking off his pack andstarts to r

15、ummage through it.)Frodo:(turning to Sam)What food have we got left?Sam:Well, let me see.(Sam pulls out some wafers wrapped in green leaves.)Sam:Oh, yes. Lovely. Lembas bread. And look! More lembas bread.(Sam breaks off a piece for Frodo and throws it to him and then a piece for himself.They start t

16、o eat it, their faces still looking gloomy.)Sam:I dont usually hold with foreign food, but this Elvish stuff,its notbad.Frodo:(smiling Sams way)Nothing ever dampens your spirits, does it,Sam?Sam:(sighs)Those rain clouds might.(Frodo and Sam sit huddled against a rock face while they are wrapped in t

17、heir cloaks,in the rain. Gollum is heard breathing and his hand is seen grapping the rock. Frodolooks up nervously and scans their surroundings. Climbing over the rocky terrain, theycontinue to travel. Their surroundings are darker and mistier, making it hard to see wherethey are going.)Sam:(v.o.) T

18、his looks strangely familiar.Frodo:(stopping and looking around in frustration)Thats because weve beenhere before. Were going in circles.Sam:(v.o.) Ugh. What is that horrid stink?Sam:(turning towards Frodo)I wonder if theres a nasty bog nearby. Can yousmell it?Frodo:(v.o.)Yes,(coming up next to Sam)

19、I can smell it.(turning to Sam)Were not alone.(Frodo and Sam are asleep; Gollum is climbing slinkily down the cliff abovethem.)Gollum:Theyre thieves. Theyre thieves. The filthy little thieves. Where is it?Where is it? They stole it from us. My Precious. Curse them, we hates them! Its ours itis, and

20、we wants it.(his hand reaches down to grab Frodo)(Frodo and Sam jump up wide awake and each grab hold of one of Gollums outstretchedarms, and pull him down to the ground. He screams raspily and pushes them away from him,causing them to fall down. The Ring on the chain around Frodos neck becomes visi

21、ble asFrodo is knocked to the groud. Gollum, seeing the Ring that has come out of Frodos shirt,jumps on Frodo and starts to grapple with Frodo for it. Sam crawls over and grabs Gollumsleg, pulling him off Frodo. Gollum whirls around and slaps Sam causing him to fall. Gollumturns around again and goe

22、s back to Frodo, trying desperately to touch the ring. Frodo isusing all of his strength to keep Gollums hands away from the Ring. Sam gets up againgrabs Gollum around his torso and jerks him off Frodo. Gollum, still holding onto Frodo,flings him to the other side as well. Gollum gets loose from Sam

23、s grip and pushes offSams back onto the rocks. Gollum turns around and jumps back down onto Frodo. Sam grabsGollum again by the torso and lifts him off Frodo. Gollum wriggles free and turns in Samsgrip and slaps him. He then bites Sam on the neck. They tussle on the ground, Gollummanaging to get on

24、his back and get a good grip on Sams neck, until Frodo unsheathes Stingand points it at Gollums throat. Gollum immediatley relaxes his grip a little, raises onehand in slight surrender.)Frodo:This is Sting. Youve seen it before, havent you, Gollum? Release him, orIll cut your throat.(Gollum makes cr

25、ying noises, realesing Sam from his grip. His face crunching up in fearand sadness. The next morning they have Gollum tied with Sams Elvish rope, like a dog on aleash, Sam holding the other end of the rope. Gollum is flailing around and moaning like apathetic creature.)Gollum:(screaming and wailing)

26、It burns! It burns us! It freezes!(Sam pulls on Gollums rope causing him to lose his footing. Sam drags him through therocks. Gollum grabs hold of a rock jutting out of the ground and pulls on therope)Gollum:Nasty Elves twisted it!(looking pleadingly at Sam and Frodo)Take itoff us!Sam:Quiet you!Goll

27、um:(Gollum leans back and cries)Aaahhhh!Sam:(turning frustatingly to Frodo)Its hopeless! Every orc in Mordorsgonna hear this racket. Lets just tie him up and leave him.Gollum:No! That would kill us! Kill us!Sam:Its no more than you deserve!(Gollum rolls around on the ground, wailing, trying to rub t

28、he rope off.)Frodo:Maybe he does deserve to die. But now that I see him, I do pity him.(Gollum abruptly stops wailing. He gets up on his knees, his face looking at Frodopleadingly.)Gollum:We be nice to them, if they be nice to us. Take it off us! We swears to dowhat you wants. We swears!Frodo:There

29、is no promise you and make that I can trust.Gollum:We swears to serve the master of the Precious. We will swear onon thePrecious! *Gollum, Gollum*Frodo:The ring is treacherous. It will hold you to your word.Gollum:(Nods head and crawls up to Frodo)Yes on the Precious. On thePrecious.Sam:I dont belie

30、ve you!(Sam runs forward to shoo Gollum away. As Gollum runs away, he climbs a big rock.Yanking the rope, Sam pulls Gollum back to the ground.)Sam:Get down! I said, down!Frodo:(grapping hold of Sams shouldar)Sam!Sam:Hes trying to trick us! If we let him go, hell throttle us in our sleep!(Gollum gasp

31、s for air, clutching his throat. Frodo goes over to him and stands abovehim)Frodo:You know the way to Mordor?Gollum:Yes.Frodo:(kneels down besides Gollum)Youve been there before?Gollum:(nervously)Yes.(Frodo takes the rope off of Gollum. Gollum has a look of disbelief and surprise andSam looks on in disapproval.)Frodo:You will lead us to the Black Gate.(Gollum scampers off, moving effortlessly through the jagged rocks leaving the Hobbitsscrambling behind and trying to keep up.)Smeagol:To the gate, to th

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