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1、英语考试资料一、 选择题1. Fresh water is running short.2. Only a few pears remained fresh for several weeks.3. Ann felt at a loss in front of the locked door.4. Everyone fell silent when the new president entered.5. You should continue your education.6. Relations between the two countriescontinue to be straine

2、d(紧张的).7. The river grows wider.8. Toms wish has come true.9. The difficulty lay in the lack of time.10. You can sit on the bench that islying by the side of the pond.11. Ann laid the computer on the desk.12. The book is lying on the desk.13. The farmer raised the price of vegetables.14. Prices are

3、rising.15. If his temperature rises, call the doctor.16. No one expected the tide to rise so high.17. Some of the coins are missing.18. Some of the money was missing.19. Half of the money belongs to you.20. Half of the students in the classare from Asian countries.21. Two-thirds of the task has been

4、 finished.22. Two-thirds of these exercises have been finished.23. None of this money is mine.24. None of the candidates(候选人)have passed the interview.25. Most of the wine was destroyed.26. Most of the cars were damaged.27. Every person has his/her own idea of what a perfect vacation should be.28. I

5、f a man enjoys fishing, he can usually find a vacation spot quite near home.29. If one takes a plane, then he/she is dependent on hired cars or buses at his/her destination.30. The best way for a person to spendhis/her holiday is by car.31. One person will consider a visit to a foreign country, wher

6、ehe/she can study a foreign language.二、 翻译词组1. prepare for 为做准备2. because of 因为3. graduate from/in从(学校/系科)毕业4. as well 也5. go on a trip to/around/across去旅行/周游/跑遍6. work on 努力在方面改进7. on a basis 在的基础上,根据的原则8. but then 但另一方面,然而9. push into 硬逼,强行说服10. try ones best to do something接进所能做某事11. hand in 上交12

7、. be into something 美口对极有兴趣13. from rags to riches 从赤贫到巨富14. pay off 赢利;得到好结果;取得成果15. fail in 在失败16. action film 动作片17. career woman 职业妇女18. benefit from 从受益19. be in good shape 处于良好状态20. work out (体育)锻炼;训练21. take part in 参加22. junk food 垃圾食品23. on ones own 独立地;独自地24. compared to 与相比25. as of 到时为止2

8、6. divide into 把分为27. be used to (doing) 习惯于28. slow down 放慢速度;减速29. be aware of 知道;意识到30. in much the same way 以同样的方式31. push somebody to do 促使某人做32. encourage somebody to do 鼓励某人做33. a great deal 大量的34. make up 虚构,捏造35. be grateful for 对感激的36. instead of 代替;而不是37. set foot on/in 进入,踏上38. tennis co

9、urt 网球场39. set a record 创造纪录40. right away 立刻41. either of 或者或者42. be able to do 有能力做43. for the sake of 为了的缘故44. put pressure on对施加压力45. in ones case 至于;就来说46. on ones way 在途中;在接近(某状态);渐趋于47. earn a living 谋生48. no but 除了之外没有49. not until 直到才50. pass by 路过51. cant/couldnt help doing 忍不住52. put on 使

10、(球员)等上场53. become of 成为,变成54. believe in 信任55. dream of 做梦,梦到56. hand in 交上57. complain about 抱怨58. leave over 留下,剩下59. be pleased with 对满意60. speak highly of 高度赞扬61. around the corner 在拐角处62. give in 屈服63. give up 放弃三、 把括号里的动词以适当形式填充1. Please be quiet. I am trying to concentrate.2. Look! It is snow

11、ing outside.3. Why are you looking at me like that? Have I said something wrong?4. You are making a lot of noise. Can you be a bit quieter?5. (in the cinema ) Its a good film, isnt it?Are you enjoying it?6. Why are you wearing your coat today? Its very warm.7. I am not working this week. Im on holid

12、ay.8. I want to lose weight. I am not eating anything today.9. We are having a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?10. I am not going away for my holidays next month because I havent got enough money.Are you going away?11. The concert this evening starts at 7:30.12. George, is it true that y

13、ou are getting married next week?13. The art exhibition opens on 3 May and finishes on 15 July.14. Ann, We are going to the pub.Are you coming with us?15. Look! Theres smoke coming out of that house. Its on fire!Oh my god! I will call the fire-brigade immediately.16. I cant work out how to use this

14、camera.Its quite easy. I will show you.17. Has George decided on what to do when he leaves school?Oh yes. Everything is planned. He is going to have holiday for a few weeks and then heis going to start computer programming course.18. Did you post that letter for me?Oh, Im sorry. I completely forgot.

15、 Iwill do it now.19. We need some bread for lunch.Oh,do we? I will go to the shop andIm going to get/I will get some. I feel like a walk.20. George fell off the ladder while hewas painting the ceiling.21. Last night I was reading in bed when suddenly Iheared a scream.22. Were you watching television

16、 when I phoned you?23. Ann was waiting for me when Iarrived.24. I wasnt driving very fast when the accident happened.25. I broke a plate last night. Iwas doing the washing-up when it slipped out of my hand.26. Tom took a photograph of me while Iwasnt looking.27. We didnt go out because itwas raining

17、.28. What were you doing at this time yesterday?29. I saw Carol at the party. Shewas wearing a really beautiful dress.30. The Daily News says its going to rain.31. Every man and every woman is asked to help.32. I am not you, are the right person to carry out the plan.33. Each of the graduates was pr

18、esented with a certificate.34. None of sleep and rest is what the doctor advised.35. My brother or my sister is likely to be at home.36. There are a great number of parks in the city.37. Either the players or the coachis responsible for the defeat.四、 填正确的介词1. She is married to Mr Collins.2. They are

19、 preparing for a book fair.3. Lets go on with our work.4. Do you want to go on the school tripto France this year?5. The boy dreams of becoming a pilot.6. He graduated from Peking(Beijing) University.7. His dancing technique is good but he needs to workon his fitness.8. We need to learn from past mi

20、stakes.9. She fell in love with Jack as soon as she saw him.10. I have no way of finding out whether they are competent.11. He hurried away in the opposite direction.12. She was born in France in 1976.13. These factors are independent of each other.14. Youve got to move to the hotel with me.15. He h

21、ad some trouble in reading the letter.16. He went on the stage when he was a boy.17. It was in 1999 that I saw the Great Wallfor the first time.18. This road is quite busy comparedto that one.19. The boy finished his homework on his own.20. Early computers were the size of refrigerators.21. Please g

22、ive my books back to me.22. She quit her job last year to devote more timeto her family.23. Houses in this area are very expensive.24. Progress on his research is quite slow.25. The teacher divided the studentsinto two groups.26. They have made great progress in the field of science.27. He has becom

23、e used to college life.28. The whole class was divided into ten small groups.29. Youre put me in a very difficult position.30. He has realized the importanceof a healthy diet.31. He did everything in a strange manner.32. Food is necessary to/for life.33. You must learn to face up to your responsibil

24、ities.34. He failed in business although he tried his best.35. The success of the test flight dependson the weather.36. He knew when to give me adviceabout courses, tests and teaching staff.37. She counted on us for help.38. Ive learned everything from him.39. Im tired of answering my sons continuou

25、s questions.40. John spent all his savings on a new car.41. The Capriatis settled the childreninto new schools when they moved to Florida.42. Give me your reason for changing your plan.43. Its difficult to know what to doin this case.44. Dont forget to drop the mail on your way to school.45. The roa

26、d to professional tennis career needs careful planning.46. Dont set foot in this house again if you step out of this room!47. Have you handed in your history paper yet?48. He sometimes dreams of his home.49. The doctor decided to operate on her quickly.50. She complained to me about his bad manners.

27、51. Helen believes in saying what he thinks.52. We wont stay there for long.53. She was pleased with her new room.54. The problems left over by history will be solved.55. You can adjust this desk to the height of any child.56. The cookies were all in the form of stars.57. He disappeared into the cro

28、wd.58. I had great difficulty in doing the work.59. He was late as a result of the traffic jam.60. She was at a loss for an answer.61. Do you feel like taking a walk?62. It took a long time to find the solutionto the problem.(答案不对应)五、 翻译句子1. He is preparing for the postgraduate examination.他在准备研究生考试

29、。2. Nowadays many young people dream of studying abroad.现在很多年轻人梦想出国读书。3. He does running on a daily basis.他每天跑步。4. Going on learning helps you develop your own future work.继续学习会有利于发展你的未来。5. The long trip has shaped his life.这个漫长的旅行改变了他的生活。6. He failed in running the firm.他没有管理好这家公司。7. Success has be

30、en encouraging us to make greater efforts.成功不断地激励着我们作出更大的努力。8. The investment will pay off.这项投资会得益的。9. She gave her late husbands clothes to charity.她把已故丈夫的衣服捐给了慈善组织。10. Bringing up children often requires you to put their needs first.将孩子们抚养成人常常要求你将他们的需求放在首位。11. He looked at me with curiosity.他好奇地看着

31、我。12. Compared to many other women, she was indeed very lucky.和许多妇女相比,她的确非常幸运。13. There was hardly any money in the wallet.钱包里几乎没有钱。14. He was willing to help me with my personal things/matters.他愿意帮助我处理私事。15. I usually go on holiday with friends, but this year I have decided to go on my own.我通常和朋友一起去度假,但今年我决定一个人去。16. He not only had read the book, but also remembered what he had read.他不仅读过此书,而且还记得所读的内容。17. It took u

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