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1、辽宁大连市届高三第一次模拟考试英语2014 年辽宁大连市高三第一次模拟考试 英语能力测试第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASince I started working part-time at a grocery store, I have learned that a customer is more than someone who buys things. To me, a customer is a person whose memory

2、 fails entirely once he or she starts to push a shopping cart(车). One of the first things customers forget is how to count. There is no other way to explain how so many people get in their express line, which is clearly marked 15 items(件) or less, with 20, 25 or even a cart load of items.Customers a

3、lso forget why they came to the store in the first place. Just as I finish ringing up an order, a customer will say, “ Oops, I forgot to pick up a fresh loaf of bread. I hope you dont mind waiting, while I go to get it.”Five minutes later, hes back with the bread, a bottle of milk, and three rolls o

4、f paper towels. What is stranger is that customers also seem to forget that they have to pay for their groceries. Instead of writing a check or looking for a credit card while I am ringing up the groceries, a customer will wait until I announce the total. Then, in surprise, she says , “ Oh no, what

5、did I do with my check book?” After 5 minutes of digging through her purse, she borrows my pen because she has forgotten hers. But I have to tolerate customers because they pay my salary, and thats something I cant afford to forget.21. What does the author say about his customers?A .They can not cou

6、nt numbers.B. They sometimes jump the queue.C. They dont know how to express themselves.D. They behave as if their memories had totally failed.22. According to the text, who are supposed to be in the express line?A Customers with nothing purchased.B. Customers with not more than 15 items.C. Customer

7、s with items between 15 and 2523. When customers arrive at the check-out counter,they_A. find their pens lostB. go back and get more itemsC. can not wait to pay for their groceries.D. prefer paying by check to paying with a credit card.24. We can infer from the text that _A. business in the grocery

8、store runs wellB. the author finds his present job full of funC. the authors part-time job calls for patienceD. customers go to grocery stores without planning.BFlappy Bird is flapping(拍打) its wings no more. The popular game for mobile equipment was removed from online stores on Sunday by its Vietna

9、mese creator. Who said its fame “destroys my simple life”Dong Nguyen, who created the game in just two to three days, was making as much as $50,000 a day from the games advertising income. In several Twitter posters, he said the games removal was not due to legal issues(问题) and that he may make a fo

10、llow-up.Mr. Nguyen, who describes himself as an “ enthusiastic independent game maker”, also said on the micro-blogging mobile game so far. Coming out in May 2013, the game was free to download and required players to tap the screen to keep the bird in flight.In spite of its simple graphs, Flappy Bi

11、rd was an extremely difficult game since many users could only keep the bird in the air for a new seconds before it hits an obstacle (障碍物) and falls.After Mr. Nguyen took the game down, many fans turned to social media to ask for its return. The game is no longer a available through online stores, b

12、ut it still works on phones that had previously downloads it. However, some fans expressed their relief that the game was gone. One user described Flappy Bird as “ an addictive game that everyone hates to love” while another said, “I think its for the best, and for the best of all the broken down ph

13、ones out there.25. Dong Nguyen took Flappy Bird down because_A. it was against the lawB. it was easily destroyedC. it disturbed his normal life.D it could break down phones.26.WhatcanwelearnaboutDongNguyenfromthetext?A.Heisaddictedtoplayinggames.B.Helikestomakegamesbyhimself.C.HeearnedalotbysellingF


15、rd-AMobileGameB.FlappyBird-AComputerGameC.DongNguyen-AGameCreatorD.DongNguyen-ATalentedPerson C TheSolutionforYourVacationinCostaRica ThisbeautifulbeachhousewasbuiltinanaturalenvironmentinsideaprivategatedcommunitynamedLagunaVista.ItisoverlookingtheshiningwatersofthePacificOcean.Here,CostaAfricasric


17、ormation. WelcometoOurSmallCottageStudioComplexWeareasmallcottagestudiocomplex,whichisverypopularduetoourlocation-fourblockstothebeach,threeblockstoStateStreetandtwoblockstothefarmersmarket.Anditisfurnishedwiththebasisandisequippedwithafullkitchen.ManyofthestudiosgetwirelessInternetasareward.Inthesu

18、mmer,youcanvisitourcottagestudiosasanaffordablealternativetoahotel.Ifyouareinterested,callusat547-193-1534. FeelComfortableinOurApartmentHomesMoonIslandisabrandnewfurnishedapartmentbuilding,closetotheSueRiverandPearPark.2minuteswalktothecitycentre.Houseforrenthereprovidesperfectfacilitieslikeoutdoor



21、etopaysomemoneytogoontheinternet31.Accordingtothetext,ifyouretiredofhotelsinthesummer,youcan_.AchooseacottageroomforachangeBbuildanapartmentinMoonIslandCbuyafurnishedhouseinCostaRicaDshareastudioclosetothecitycenter DMusiclessonsinearlychildhoodbringaboutchangesinthebrainthatcouldimproveitsperforman


23、life.Earlymusicaltrainingbenefitskidsmorethanjustmakingthemenjoymusic.Itchangesthebrain,whichcouldbringaboutcognitiveadvancesaswell,saidYunxinWangofBeijingNormalUniversity. “Our results suggest its better to start musical training before seven, which agrees with what most piano teachers recommend,”

24、she added. She hoped the results might help parents decide when was the best for their children to learn an instrument. The brains cortex(皮层) plays a leading role in ones abilities, from thought and language to memory and attention. The area matures rapidly in the early years of life, and its develo

25、pment could be affected more if a person starts musical training before it fully matures. Wang studied 48 Chinese students aged between 19 and 21 who had received formal music training for at least a year sometime between the ages of 3 and 15. Each had a scan to measure the thickness of the brains c

26、ortex. After considering sex and the number of years spent having music lessons, Wang found that musical training that started before seven appeared to thicken areas of the brain involved in language skills and executive function, which is a persons ability to plan and accomplish tasks.“Were not sur

27、e why these changes occur, but a reasonable explanation is that early starters might depend more on hearing clues(线索) when learning music, since it might be more difficult for younger children to read music,” Wang said.32. According to the researchers, musical training before the age of seven can _.

28、 A. contribute to future work. B. create a successful life C. develop all-round abilities D. deal with puzzling problem33. When conducting the research with the students, Wang _. A. tested their language abilities B. watched their musical performances C. focused on school behavior and achievements D

29、. measured the thickness of the brains cortex34. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _. A. it must be hard for kids to read music B. kids are more likely to learn music by hearing C. Wangs explanation has been the most reasonable D. Wang will research into the reasons for the brain chang

30、e35. For what purpose does the author write the text? A. To describe the development of brain. B. To challenge the previous discoveries. C. To present the findings of the research. D. To give advice on how to learn music.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)EBFGC根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。About 45% of the people surveyed say their workplace is the

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