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考研英语二19 1.docx

1、考研英语二19 1考研英语(二)-19(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Section Use of English(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The celebration of the New Year is the oldest one of all holidays. It was first 1 in 2 Babylon about 4,000 years ago. New Years Day is an 3 national holiday, and banks and offices will be closed. Many families have New Y

2、ears Day 4 . Traditionally, it was thought that it could 5 the luck they would have 6 the coming year by 7 they did or ate on the first day of the year. For that reason, it has become common for 8 to celebrate the first few minutes of a 9 new year in the 10 with the family and friends. Parties often

3、 last into the middle of the night after the ringing of a new year. It was once believed that the first visitor on New Years Day would bring 11 good luck or bad luck to the rest of the year. It was particularly lucky if that visitor 12 to be a tall dark-haired man. Traditional New Years 13 are also

4、thought to bring luck. People in many parts of the US celebrate the New Year by 14 black-eyed peas and cabbage. Black-eyed peas have been considered good luck in many cultures. Cabbage leaves are considered a 15 of prosperity, being 16 of paper currency. Other traditions of the season include the ma

5、king of New Years resolutions. That tradition also 17 back to the early Babylonians. Popular modern resolutions might include the 18 to lose weight or quit smoking. The song, Auld Lang Syne, is sung at the 19 of midnight in almost every English-speaking country in the world to bring in the New Year.

6、 Auld Lang Syne literally 20 yearning for the old days.(分数:10.00)A.remarkedB.commentedC.observedD.viewed解析:解析 本题考查点是一词多义。本题重点测试的是动词“observe”的常用释义之一“(按传统习惯)纪念、庆祝(节日、生日等)”。动词“observe”的其他常用释义是“观察”、“评论”。A.prehistoricB.ancientC.pastD.old解析:解析 本题考查点是逆向推断。本题空白处后面的信息内容“Babylon about 4,000 years ago(大约4000年前

7、的巴比伦)”提示本题应该选用B(ancient古老的),因为该词使本题空白处前后的信息内容连贯一致。A.officialB.regionalC.privateD.financial解析:解析 本题考查点是逆向推断。本题空白处后面的信息内容“and banks and offices will be closed(银行和办公室将关门)”提示本题应该选用A(official官方的),因为只有在官方规定的假日里银行和办公室才会关门。A.expensesB.sacrificesC.get-togethersD.pursuits解析:解析 本题考查点是语境推断。本题空白处之前的信息内容“New Year

8、s Day(新年)”、“national holiday(全国性假日)”,尤其是“Many families(许多家庭)”均提示本题应该选用C(get-togethers聚会),因为新年是家庭团聚的时刻。A.recallB.affectC.compromiseD.enhance解析:解析 本题考查点是语境推断。本题空白处前后的信息内容,尤其是空白处后面的名词“luck(运气)”提示本题应该选用B(affect影响),此外本句末尾的信息内容“by what they did or ate(通过人们所做的事和所吃的东西)”也提示本题应该选用B(affect影响),因为介词“by”所表达的是“通过某

9、种方式或手段去达到某种影响和结果或取得某种目的”。A.throughoutB.duringC.throughD.within解析:解析 本题考查点是词语的固定使用。本题的测试重点是介词“throughout(贯穿;遍及)”的惯用方法。本题空白处后面的信息内容“the coming year(下一个年度)”提示本题应该选用A(throughout),因为在表示时间概念的名词前一般常用介词“throughout”。A.whichB.meansC.whenD.what解析:解析 本题考查点是名词性从句。本题的测试重点是“what”引导的名词性从句的用法。本题中的“what they did or a

10、te on the first day of the year(他们新年第一天所做的事和所吃的东西)”是一个what引导的名词性从句充当其前面介词“by”的宾语从句。A.folksB.adultsC.ghostsD.farmers解析:解析 本题考查点是语境推断。本题空白处前后的信息内容提示:本题测试重点是一个动词不定式结构,即“for sb. to do sth.(某人做某事)”,故本题应该选用A(folks人们),因为名词“folks(人们)”能够与其后的动词“celebrate(庆祝)”搭配使用,并且表达“大家共同庆祝新年这一个节日”的含义。A.logoB.trademarkC.cale

11、ndarD.brand解析:解析 本题考查点是词语的固定使用。本题的测试重点是“崭新的”这一词语的英语表达法“brand new”。故本题应该选用D。A.firmB.companyC.corporationD.venture解析:解析 本题考查点是词语的固定使用。本题的测试重点是“和一起”这一介词短语的英语表达法“in the company with”。故本题应该选用B。A.neitherB.notC.eitherD.but解析:解析 本题考查点是词语的固定使用。本题空白处后面的信息内容“or”一词提示本题应该选用C,因为本题的测试重点是“either.or.”这一常用表达法。A.happe

12、nedB.occurredC.took placeD.broke out解析:解析 本题考查点是词语的固定使用。本题空白处后面的信息内容“to be.”提示本题应该选用A(happened碰巧),因为本题的测试重点是“happen to be.(碰巧)”这一常用固定表达形式。A.beverageB.feedbackC.banquetsD.foods解析:解析 本题考查点是语境推断。本题后面一句话中的信息内容“black-eyed peas and cabbage(黑眼豌豆和卷心菜)”提示本题应该选用D(foods食物),因为这样才能保持前后句的语意连贯。A.steamingB.pickingC

13、.consumingD.roasting解析:解析 本题考查点是一词多义。本句空白处前面的信息内容“New Years foods are also thought to bring luck”和本句空白处后面的信息内容“black-eyed peas and cabbage”提示本题应该选用C(consuming吃),因为这样才能表达谈论“食物(foods)”以及享用“食物”。A.symbolB.markC.hintD.sign解析:解析 本题考查点是词语的固定使用。本题的三个选项均有“记号;符号”之含义,但是在英语中表达“的标志”之含义时惯用名词“sign”。本题空白处后面的信息内容“of

14、 prosperity(繁荣的)”提示本题应该选用D,因为这样才能表达“繁荣的标志”之含义。A.geneticB.representativeC.gorgeousD.strict解析:解析 本题考查点是语境推断。本题空白处前面的信息内容“a sign of prosperity(繁荣的标志)”以及本题空白处前后的词语“being”和“of”提示本题应该选用B(representative代表的),因为本题的测试重点是“be representative of.(代表)”这一固定表达方式。A.emergesB.exemptsC.datesD.departs解析:解析 本题考查点是词语的固定用法。

15、本题的测试重点是“始于”的英语表达法“date back to.”。本题空白处后面的信息内容“back to.”提示本题应该选用C(dates始于),因为这样才能构成“date back to.(始于)”这一固定表达方式。A.pronunciationB.revengeC.reviewD.promise解析:解析 本题考查点是语境推断。本题全篇内容是讨论“新年”;本题空白处前后的词语“resolutions(决心)”和“to lose weight or quit smoking(减肥或者戒烟)”提示本题应该选用D(promise诺言;保证),因为这样才能保持本句语意上的通顺一致。A.stro

16、keB.statusC.stereotypeD.stride解析:解析 本题考查点是语境推断。本题全篇内容是讨论“新年”;本题空白处后面的信息内容是“of midnight(晚上12点钟,半夜)”。这些信息均提示本题应该选用A(stroke 敲钟),因为这样才能表达原文的“新年午夜敲钟之时”的含义。A.fusesB.meansC.coincidesD.generates解析:解析 本题考查点是语境推断。本题空白处前面的副词“literally(字面上;照字义)”提示本题应该选用B(means含义),因为只有这样才能表达原文中“字面上的含义”之大意。二、Section Reading Compr

17、ehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Despite increased airport security since September 11th, 2001, the technology to scan both passengers and baggage for weapons and bombs remains largely unchanged. Travellers walk through metal detectors and carry-on bags pass thro

18、ugh x-ray machines that superimpose colour-coded highlights, but do little else. Checked-in luggage is screened by computed tomography, which peers inside a suitcase rather like a CAT scan of a brain. These systems can alert an operator to something suspicious, but they cannot tell what it is. More

19、sophisticated screening technologies are emerging, albeit slowly. There are three main approaches: enhanced x-rays to spot hidden objects, sensor technology to sniff dangerous chemicals, and radio frequencies that can identify liquids and solids. A number of manufacturers are using reflective or bac

20、kscatter x-rays that can be calibrated to see objects through clothing. They can spot things that a metal detector may not, such as a ceramic knife or plastic explosives. But some people think they can reveal too much. In America, civil-liberties groups have stalled the introduction of such equipmen

21、t, arguing that it is too intrusive. To protect travellers modesty, filters have been created to blur genital areas. Machines that can detect minute traces of explosive are also being tested. Passengers walk through a machine that blows a burst of air, intended to dislodge molecules of substances on

22、 a persons body and clothes. The air is sucked into a filter, which instantaneously analyses it to see whether it includes any suspect substances. The process can work for baggage as well. It is a vast improvement on todays method, whereby carry-on items are occasionally swabbed and screened for tra

23、ces of explosives. Because this is a manual operation, only a small share of bags are examined this way. The most radical of the new approaches uses quadrupole resonance technology. This involves bombarding an object with radio waves. By reading the returning signals, the machines can identify the m

24、olecular structure of the materials it contains. Since every compoundsolid, liquid or gascreates a unique frequency, it can be read like a fingerprint. The system can be used to look for drugs as well as explosives. For these technologies to make the jump from development labs and small trials to fu

25、ll deployment at airports they must be available at a price that airports are prepared to pay. They must also be easy to use, take up little space and provide quick results, says Chris Yates, a security expert with Janes Airport Review . Norman Shanks, an airport security expert, says adding the new

26、 technologies costs around $100,000 per machine; he expects the systems to be rolled out commercially over the next 12 months. They might close off one route to destroying an airliner, but a cruel certainty is that terrorists will try to find others.(分数:10.00)(1).What is the relationship between the

27、 2nd paragraph and the 3rd, 4th and 5th paragraphs?(分数:2.00)A.A generalization is made in paragraph 2 and then elaborated in paragraph 3, 4 and 5.B.More sophisticated screening technologies are mentioned in paragraph 2 and 3 and then examples are provided in paragraph 4 and 5.C.Specific evidence is

28、provided in paragraph 1, 2 and 3 and then a conclusion is drawn in paragraph 4.D.Three main approaches are advanced in paragraph 2, 3 and then their functions are detailed in paragraph 4 and 5.解析:解析 本题属于中心主旨题型,测试考生对原文的整体把握和理解能力。原文的第二段是全文的中心主旨段落,指出更高级检测技术的三种主要方法。原文第三、四、五段分别对第二段所提到的三种方式进行了具体的阐述和说明。由此可

29、以推断本题的正确选项是A。考生在阅读时要注意对原文整体结构的把握,尤其要搞清楚段落之间的关系。(2).The delay of employment of x-ray equipment lies in its _.(分数:2.00)A.unreliable screeningB.full exposureC.inadequate efficiencyD.travellers modesty解析:解析 这是一道细节分析题,测试考生对原文细节的全面分析能力。本题答案的信息来源在第三段的倒数第二、三句,其大意是:“但是一些人认为X光探测技术显示的内容过多。在美国,民权组织阻碍了X光探测技术仪器的引

30、入和使用,他们认为这种仪器具有过度的侵扰性”。由此可以推断本题的正确选项应该是B。考生在阅读时要注意对原文细节的准确分析和理解。(3).Which of the followings is a determining factor in terms of the prospect of the screening technologies discussed in the text?(分数:2.00)A.Their efficiency.B.Their brand.C.Their output.D.Their component.解析:解析 本题是一道细节理解题,测试考生对原文细节的正确识别和

31、理解能力。本题答案信息来源在尾段的第一、二句,尤其是第二句。本题题干内容存在于尾段第一句,本题的答案信息来源在尾段第二句。尾段第二句的大意是:“这些技术一定要使用方便、占据空间面积小、还要能够迅速提供探测结果”。由此可以推断本题的正确选项是A。考生在阅读时对原文的词语要有准确的识别和理解能力。(4).It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _.(分数:2.00) methods to prevent terrorism on aero-planes are not a equipment will be mass-produced commercially over the next 12 methods are readily monitored by security staffs at the equipment can only detect

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